Earthy Superstar

Chapter 315: : Male No. 1

Latest website: Li Tiezhu looked at the left and right no one: "Me, me?"

Zhou Xingxing: "Yes! Anyway, take a break. Go and play for a while. It's a trial show. I'll see your style. The next movie can arrange roles for you."

This was discussed before, but the role has not been determined.

Li Tiezhu said: "Well, well... Well, I want to read the script, the character introduction, and then think about it for a few minutes."

"What do you think?"

"Think about this character, what he has experienced, what is his goal, the original motive and purpose of this scene... I am rather stupid, so I have to prepare more."

"Then who, give Li Tiezhu a script."

Liu Xiaohua is asking the other three protagonists what to drink.

Senior brother Lin: "How do you know the password of the phone of Master Xing? In the cup of Coke Smoothie."

Second brother Yang Wei: "Small glass of mango juice."

The third junior, the former men's basketball team had a stroke, Bart: "Original milk tea."

Liu Xiaohua: "Big cup and small cup?"

Bart: "Of course a big cup, a small cup is something? Putting me here is the same as oral liquid."

After ordering the milk tea and paying, Liu Xiaohua returned the phone to Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing looked at the payment record, and his expression hurt: "There is no mistake! You order more than 80 copies... the main character just drinks something, what the **** is the self-heating little hot pot?"

Liu Xiaohua: "I will help you spend more money and save points."

"What kind of **** points are you accumulating?"

"Accumulate points to plant a Haloxylon tree."

"What kind of **** Shuttle tree?"

"It's the tree planted to prevent desertification in the northwest. The green water and green mountains are the golden and silver mountains."

"Well, that... Although you are right, why did you suddenly invite everyone to drink milk tea? Are you afraid that others will think I have a bad temper? I'm not afraid! I've been used to it for so many years."

"I'm afraid that you will be upset. Drinking milk tea is a sweet thing that can make people happy. Every time I get beaten, I want to eat sweet."

Zhou Xingxing lowered his head, clicked on the phone, and muttered: "How can you spend money to open the forest? No matter how sweet the milk tea is, it can't open the forest. Now these actors are all stupid to death, and they are afraid of this. I'm afraid of that, hey, even if it's like our age, as long as you can eat red shit."

Liu Xiaohua: "My brother dare too!"

Li Tiezhu, who was reading the script, quickly raised his hand: "I dare not!"

Zhou Xingxing laughed, his face wrinkled.

After a while, the filming started again. It was a scene of other people, and Wu Yifan figured it out on the other side.

The shots of Long Tao were almost taken, and the milk tea was delivered.

Old Monster Xu stopped and asked everyone to take a break with milk tea. Only then did he come back to see the state of Zhou Xingxing. When he was drinking milk tea and Liu Xiaohua were talking and laughing, he was relieved a lot.

Zhou Xingxing asked Li Tiezhu: "Are you ready?"

Li Tiezhu: "Sure."

Zhou Xingxing called Wu Yifan over and said, "Let's see how Li Tiezhu plays first. Go ahead."

Old Monster Xu personally went off to play with Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu looked at Wu Yifan's nervous gaze, shrugged fearlessly, and walked off the court. He wouldn't take the role of Wu Yifan.

Li Tiezhu brewed for a while, and acted very smoothly.

To be fair, Li Tiezhu's intermediate acting skills are quite satisfactory, but he is better than a singer like Wu Yifan, and he can accurately grasp Tang Seng's embarrassment and embarrassment. Moreover, he ate the cabbage so fragrantly, he was swallowing his mouth water before he even started to eat it, and there was still a small piece of mud on the piece of cabbage. Coupled with Tie Han temperament, Zhou Xingxing liked the whole performance, and Old Monster Xu also gave a thumbs up.

The two old evildoers are well-informed. Of course, they do not recognize Li Tiezhu's acting skills, but rather recognize his feeling, the kind of style that is destined to be liked by the audience.

Zhou Xingxing said to Wu Yifan: "Have you seen it? This is the show! You can feel that the cabbage is so fragrant, crisp and delicious... You have to let go of yourself first, don't be burdened."

Wu Yifan felt the tremendous pressure. Li Tiezhu has become more popular than him recently. What if he replaces him?

He quickly said: "I'm sorry, I know. I'll do it again..."

Zhou Xingxing: "Take a break and start work again with a cup of milk tea."

Song Zhu'er, dressed in ghost and animal makeup, squeezed over and quietly said to Li Tiezhu: "I think you acted much better than him. You should be allowed to act."

Li Tiezhu: "People play Tang Seng, have you ever seen me such an ugly Tang Seng?"

Song Zhu'er said: "Is appearance so important? If I look like this, you will still like me, right?"

Li Tiezhu was lost in thought.

Song Zhuer: "Okay! At least you are honest."

"I didn't say anything!"

"The silence speaks."


"Okay! I don't mind." As he said, Song Zhu'er hugged Li Tiezhu's arm, "School will start in a few days, hello classmate Li Tiezhu!"

Li Tiezhu: "You are filming, what should I do when school starts?"

"I'm here to accompany Liu Xiaohua. It will take half a month for my part to be filmed. By the way, I'm just playing tricks. You don't know, those extras are always talented... Emma, ​​the master is in the folks."

"What are you going to do? Am I so versatile?"

"That's not true, but there is an aunt who can dance hip-hop, and a child who can call Mai, but she didn't cut me to death..."

As they said, the two of them hugged tighter, and they couldn't help themselves.

"Huh! Spicy eyes."

Lin wearing monkey makeup came over with a Coke smoothie and said with a look of disgust.

Song Zhu'er hugged Li Tiezhu tighter: "Can I control you? Smelly monkey!"

Lin: "Very arrogant! Spider spirit!"

Li Tiezhu raised the milk tea in his hand: "Lin, can you walk away tomorrow? I think you are filming your scene."

Lin: "I have taken leave of absence from Master Xing and the director a long time ago. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Also, don't yell with Wang Dashao. My name is three characters, Lin XX."

Li Tiezhu: "Useless Lin, no one remembers your name. Let's go together tonight?"

Lin Mou: "Yes, do you have a car?"

"Am I like someone with a car?"

"Then... let's carpool, AA."


Song Zhuer: "Are you leaving tonight? Where are you going? Can't you leave tomorrow morning?"

Lin chuckled, "Uh...Sister Zhu'er, your conversation made me a little embarrassed, can you say no in private?"

Song Zhu'er: "I haven't slept together for a month and a half, can you not be in a hurry?"

Lin Mou: "Wow..."

Li Tiezhu was embarrassed: "I and Lin will go to Suzhou and Hangzhou tomorrow to participate in the third quarter of "Infinite Challenge". After that, we will go to the East China Sea to pack up the day after tomorrow and go to Kyoto on the 30th. This is a long-arranged schedule. "

Song Zhuer's mood was slightly depressed, and she thought she could talk about poetry, poetry, and philosophy of life together tonight.

Lin: "Hello? Your girl is really cowhide! Quiet! Your performance is enough to slap your face, haha."

Li Tiezhu: "What? You have hatred with that one?"

Lin: "That's not the case. It's just that I simply don't like people who look better than me. You see, I like to play with you."

After drinking the milk tea, the filming continued.

Song Zhu'er and Lin returned to their respective "jobs." Li Tiezhu continued to follow the old monster Xu to steal the teacher and learn art. When he saw the manuscript of the sub-shots in his hand, the whole person was not good. You are afraid that you are not painting Comics! This is too strong, right?

At lunch, Master Xing, like the staff, squatted beside Li Tiezhu with a box of lunch. There was no shelf at all.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xiaohua who "played a big deal". He ate two dishes and one soup, plus a small self-heating hot pot. If he couldn't finish it, he asked Song Zhuer to share. Because, someone said she was too young, how could she eat box lunch when she was sixteen and still growing up? Ordered her takeaway out of pocket.

Although other actors are envious, Zhou Xingxing is eating box lunch, who dares to be special? So, squatted in a row in the studio.

"You will spoil her like this."

Li Tiezhu couldn't help but complain.

Zhou Xingxing: "Hey...I'm not used to her, I don't ask her to eat delicious food, and she will order it herself with my phone. If I order, at least I can spend a little less money."

Li Tiezhu didn't point out either: "Anyway, thank you."

Zhou Xingxing took a bite of rice: "She is so cute, why does her mother always beat her?"

"Because she asked for it, why can't she be the number one."

"Really?'s kind of fun."

"She often angered her mother. Once the school organized a picnic, she stole the chickens from other farmers' uncles' houses and roasted them. Who would be beaten if you said she wouldn't be beaten?"

"Hehehe... Did she kill the chicken herself?"

"I didn't kill it very seriously. I learned how to make chicken from the Xiangjiang movie. I baked it when it was wrapped in mud. I didn't get it cooked. I still had a stomachache for two days when I came back."

"She has a talent for comedy. If she plays well, although she can't be the protagonist, she will be very good."

"I can see it! And she is very popular."

"Yes! Of course you are better. Your talent and talent are much higher than Xiaohua. If you are serious about acting, the box office will be great. This is how the movie is, the audience will buy tickets only when they like it."

"Thanks to the award, Mr. Xu Shanzheng also told me the same, I will work hard."

"My next movie is "Mermaid 2" and I am going to ask you to play the leading actor."

"Huh? Huh?"

"Ah for what?"

"Aren't you kidding me? I'm like this, can you play the leading role?"

Li Tiezhu almost spewed out of his meal.

Zhou Xingxing said flatly: "Nowadays, in domestic movies, Meteor looks ugly as the male number one! Moreover, I saw your performance just now, and I feel more confident, don't worry."

Li Tiezhu was already a little incoherent, he only knew to thank: "Thank you...that...thank you..."

He thought that Master Xing was looking for him to be a Didn’t expect to be the number one male? Li Tiezhu never thought that he could be the number one male, let alone the male number one of the Star Master movie.

Isn't this a dream? Are you so lucky?

Zhou Xingxing calmly ate the box lunch, thinking, he is so popular and acting well, he can make people laugh if he doesn't move. So many advantages are all in one, what is not the leading actor? You are like a firefly in the dark...Of course, it's mainly cheap.

Isn't it a dream? Just this pay?

In the afternoon, Li Tiezhu continued to watch the filming, but his footsteps were a bit erratic. The happiness came too suddenly and he needed to slow down.

But in fact, this is the reason why Li Tiezhu didn't know enough about himself, because he suddenly became popular this year, and many crews are already looking for him to play the lead role.

(If you are late, add a change, the condition is very bad today, the eye circles are all dark. I will not update tomorrow morning, I will add it later)

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