Earthy Superstar

Chapter 320: : Punish good and evil iron 3 angles

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Sun Lei's screams made Lin feel very pleasing, so he turned and walked briskly to find the charging station.

Here, Sun Lei really couldn't get past Li Tiezhu, so he had to find a dozen or so female crowds to stand in front of him, although he didn't know what Li Tiezhu was going to do to him. But there is still the fear from the heart, this kind of thing is a lesson.

Seeing that Sun Lei was not running away, Li Tiezhu stopped and said, "How about a deal?"

Sun Lei: "I won't trade with you! You go."

Li Tiezhu: "You hurt my feelings too much. I finally came to participate in your show. Brother, you didn't welcome me."

Sun Lei: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome! Okay, let's go, please."

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "You don't think these audiences can protect you, do you?"

Sun Lei: "Could it be that you dare to tie the audience?"

The audience laughed, and the scene of Sun Lei and Fang Bo being **** by the fledgling Li Tiezhu last season is still vivid and vivid.

Li Tiezhu shrugged: "Sisters, those who like me stand on my side, and those who like him stand on his side."


There was a lot of torrents, and all came behind Li Tiezhu, leaving Sun Leasese trembling alone.

Sun Lei: "No... Didn't you just say that you are all my fans?"

An aunt said: "Look at someone to compare, I am Tie Zhu's mother fan!"

Another young lady is more honest: "The main reason is to see you get tied up."

Sun Lei: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "Who has the rope?"

Sun Lei said and stepped back: "Who took that stuff to the street?"

Everyone said no.

Just when Li Tiezhu expressed regret, a staff member said: "The program team has it, I will get it for you."

Sun Lei's eyes almost jumped out: "What do you mean? Is this show fair? You are eating inside and out! Hey? Why did Song Zhu'er come here?"

Li Tiezhu looked back, isn't she filming?

Is it a surprise for the Qixi Festival?

No, I just chatted with her on WeChat on the mobile phone. She got the phone number of Li Tiezhu's program from Liu Xiaohua.

It was not until the sisters reminded him that Sun Lei had run away, that Li Tiezhu woke up and was deceived again.

It's okay, the staff brought the rope.

Li Tiezhu took the rope and rushed out to compare the speed with me?

Half a minute later, the little green man was tied to a trash can, and received a large crowd of spectators filming and mocking, as well as Li Tiezhu's live interview.

"Brother Sun Lei, the wind is particularly noisy today! Are you following the noise too?"

"You have the ability to tie me for a whole period."

"Everyone heard it. He asked for it on his own initiative. I've never heard such an outrageous request before. What kind of habit..."

"Ohhhhh...Don't go? I promise you, you can tell me what to do."

"Why do you say you? Everyone is a friend, you have to let me do it."

"I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

Sun Lei has really taken it, and this product has won the spotlight! If you don't use your head, you get messed up, and you don't get better than me, just... immature and irrational. There is no need to be knowledgeable with children, let him.

After Li Tiezhu untied the rope for him, Sun Lei asked what was the order. Li Tiezhu would not say it in the live broadcast room, and quietly said a few words to Sun Lei.

Sun Lei slapped his mouth: "You said it earlier, I still wondered why, I knew it was so simple, I wouldn't be too..."

Li Tiezhu: "I want to say, didn't you run away."

Sun Lei: "Bite me? Forget it, just wait. I'll post it to you on WeChat later."

Li Tiezhu let Sun Lei go.

When the show was broadcast, the barrage paid tribute to:

"Salute to the classics!"

"Being **** again, how could I say it again?"

"Isn't it the Infinite Overlord? Why is it so miserable?"

"In front of Li Tiezhu, Sun Lei really can't do it."

"The fake bandit met the real bandit."

Soon, Sun Lei found Lin who was charging and forced to help him.

At this time, Lin had been locked in the iron cage of the charging station, in an embarrassing situation, but he was still stubborn: "I don't need your help."

Sun Lei: "Li Tiezhu asked me to help you. He tied me up just now and asked me to follow you in this issue."

Lin sneered: "Impossible!"

Sun Lei: "He really tied me! He tied it to a trash can."

Lin said, "I believe this, but he will never draw you closer to our two-dog combination."

"Now it's three dogs, I... Bull Terrier!"

"That's not right! I ask you, do you match the code?"

"Also... there is a secret signal? Can you talk about it?"

"Odd to even, unchanged!"


"Oh, want to lie to me? How can it be so easy?"

"I'm not a group, I'm his shit, he just asked me to help you."

Lin no longer pays attention to Sun Lei: "Charge for forty minutes, I am safe here!"

The young lady from the staff said: "Not necessarily, they can come and scan your QR code."

Sun Lei jumped up instantly: "I see! Scan the code and you will be eliminated, okay, don't quibble! Demo!"

After speaking, Sun Lei ran away, and he met Fang Bo and Xiaozhu shortly after they ran. The two were taken aback by the shape of a supernatural tortoise.

Fang Bo: "What is your look?"

Sun Lei said: "Just leave me alone, Lin is in the charging station, are you going to scan his code?"

Fang Bo: "How did you know?"

Sun Lei said nonchalantly: "What the director told me, let me help anyone, and I can replace it if I get rid of it."

Fang Bo was dubious.

Sun Lei said again: "Have you forgotten our agreement? What is this issue for?"

Fang Bo just slapped his head: "Little Pig, go there and wait for me. I'll talk to him for a while."

Huang Sanshi, who was coming with Wang Su, also saw it and leaned in quietly.

Sun Lei: "We are the Alliance, the Iron Triangle! Forgot?"

Fang Bo: "This episode of the program group let us kill each other, how can this make Li Tiezhu?"

Huang Sanshi said: "What does the program team do? Who are we? The Iron Triangle punishes good and evil. As long as Li Tiezhu is capable, there are no rules!"

Fang Bo smiled slyly: "Isn't it punishing evil and promoting good?"

Sun Lei: "It's all the same, as long as you snipe Li Tiezhu, it's the right thing to take care of him. I was **** by him just now and tied to the trash can."

Fang Bo and Huang Sanshi suddenly laughed madly. Sun Lei, the most savage and unreasonable person, was **** twice and loved to hear about it.

Sun Lei became angry: "Why are you laughing? Do you want to take revenge?"

Huang Sanshi: "Vengeance is for revenge, but you have been **** by him once. How do we know if you have rebelled?"

Fang Bo: "Unless you tell what he told you to do."

Sun Lei said silently, "I didn't intend to hide it from you. It seems that his head suddenly became better. He asked me to take a photo of the QR code behind each of you and send it to him on WeChat. I just took a photo of Lin's and it has been posted. It's over, look at it for yourself..."

Huang Sanshi frowned: "It's unscientific, why did Tie Zhu get the hang of it?"

With that said, Sun Lei took out his cell phone and called up the chat history to show them to the two of them. At the same time, he looked around for fear of being hit by Li Tiezhu.

The fourth head came out: "How dare you betray me Li Tiezhu!"

Sun Lei jumped up with fright, only to realize that it was a piglet sneaking over and overhearing. Sun Lei rolled his eyes.

Little pig: "You really want to join forces to do Li Tiezhu?"

Huang Sanshi: "Yes, do you want to join?"

The little pig took a step back decisively: "Ha ha ha... I don't, sooner or later I will be betrayed with you, you are all pregnant with ghosts."

Huang Sanshi looked at Sun Lei, then at Fang Bo, the three of them looked at each other and laughed. It is true that everyone has their own ghosts, but it does not prevent them from having a common goal.

Huang Sanshi said: "We joined forces to get Li Tiezhu first, okay? He doesn't know that our alliance is anymore."

Little pig: "Are you stupid? How about an old fox, do you think he doesn't know?"

Huang Sanshi slapped his head: "It's careless! Forgot that we are all on the live broadcast, there must be fans who have reported, but that's okay! Let's play with the cards! Li Tiezhu, listen carefully, we are ready to organize a group to get you!"

Fang Bo: "It can only be this way."

Sun Lei was a little fictitious: "So, did Li Tiezhu know what I had reported?"


The phone rang, it was Sun Lei, and picked it up:

"Hello? Who?"

"I, Li Tiezhu, Brother Lei, are you not authentic?"

"You have the ability to get me! We are the iron triangle of punishing good and evil!"

"Wait a minute, I'll come over after I finish my steak."

"Where did you get the money? Still eating steak?"

"Well, it smells so good."

After hanging up the phone, Sun Lei was puzzled: "The program group is too eccentric, I don't have a dime."

Huang Sanshi said: "Each of us has a hundred yuan for charging. One hundred yuan can eat a steak? It's cheaper."

However, the steak that Li Tiezhu ate was not cheap at all.

Song Zhuer is rich, weChat transfer.

He was inviting a female fan to eat a steak, and the other was very excited, and he didn't eat it, so he took a selfie.

I have to thank this young lady, who ran back and forth in the park several times before aligning the QR codes on the backs of the other five people, including Lin.

Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket.

Li Tiezhu has already swept through.

Li Tiezhu himself is a blueberry, he swept to pursue the target, and changed one if one was wrong, it was Fang Botomato. I swept the next target piggy mango, followed by Wangsu Litchi, Lin Mou Banana, and Huang Sanshi Guava.

That's it!

Mission destroyed!

Yan Min is picking his head in the command car, is this Nima killed? Why didn't you expect that there was a BUG?

Get a patch now.

Therefore, the audience announced that only scanning the QR code in real time will be effective. Pay special attention to the fact that taking photos and scanning is invalid.

After hearing the patch announcement from the staff around him, Li Tiezhu curled his lips.

The young lady on the opposite side stopped doing it: "You are too watery, right? My family Tie Zhu won! Are you all gone for a word?"

Li Tiezhu persuaded: "It's okay. UU reading can't make enough time to win the show now! So, it doesn't matter, at least I now know everyone's fruits and know who is restraining who."

Li Tiezhu finished the steak in twos and then video with Song Zhuer: "I didn't win, saying that taking photos doesn't count, but I know everyone's information. So, how do you play next?"

"You are like this... You will never lose!"

After hanging up the video, Li Tiezhu said with emotion that my Zhuer is smart.

That's right, in this scene, Li Tiezhu didn't even enter the park to consume them, relying solely on Song Zhuer's remote command to take the lead.

What punishes the evil iron triangle?

But so!

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