Earthy Superstar

Chapter 331: : The self-cultivation of straight men

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The most outrageous was Li Zhixuan, who had to single-handedly challenge Xiao Zhou's instructor, was beaten all over looking for teeth, and was very happy: "Wow! Someone finally dared to hit me, my **** hurts, it hurts... so cool!"

From this, Li Tiezhu came to a conclusion that these trainers Zhenni Ma are unusual!

Earn it!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the training of all phalanxes was over. They gathered into small squares and sat on the lawn to start the singing session.

The first voice that appeared was:

"Li Tiezhu! Sing one! Li Tiezhu! Sing one!"

Regardless of whether it is the Department of Supervision or other departments, the most heard name this year is Li Tiezhu, even surpassing Wang Xiaokai and Wu Lei. What's more, the young instructors in the army especially liked Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu could only stand up, howling heartbreakingly, "Chasing Dreams and My Heart".

Most of the freshmen at the scene were admiring it, but the instructors sang along, blushing with a thick neck. Obviously, their understanding of the song was unusual. It was for this reason that the instructors, including Lao Wu Xiaozhou, actually took a look at Li Tiezhu, and it was inevitable that they would treat them differently.

Because when they were in the army, they were organized to watch "Those Things That Hare That Year".

Next, when it was Wang Xiaokai's turn to sing, he didn't dare to sing in slow motion with his left hand and right hand. If the instructor gave him a quick left and right hand, it would be miserable, so he sang "My Motherland and Me", which was quite satisfactory.

I have to say that Wang Xiaokai is eager to leverage and is very adaptable.

On the other hand, Guo Zifan was different. This guy was covered in mud, and only felt that he was humiliated by the instructor, his idol image was trampled on, and his personality was insulted.

He couldn't be beaten, but he was still thinking about how to get back in revenge with a sullen face.

Later, every phalanx sang in chorus, including red songs, military songs, and pop songs. Among them, Li Tiezhu's songs were sung more.

After singing, it’s eating. It’s very rough. The leader and deputy squad leader of each class is responsible for cooking, and everyone cooks and eats on the school grounds. In fact, it should have been grabbing food, but because it was the first day of military training, none of this group of heavenly patriots were hungry and did not enter the state.

Squad leader Li Tiezhu and class deputy Li Zhixuan each took a large porcelain pot, one pot for rice and one pot for vegetables, two sturdy pots.

Then, everyone shared their own lunch boxes.

Guo Zifan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said loudly, "Fuck! Is this to feed the pigs? I won't eat it."

Li Tiezhu: "Roll if you don't eat, don't beep."

Guo Zifan wanted to talk back, and remembered that Li Tiezhu had been able to fight back and forth with the instructor Xiao Zhou several times before.

Wang Xiaokai: "Just let him go?"

Wu Lei: "Why don't you pull it back to give him a few bites? It's best to mix it with sand."

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Let's do it! The instructor told him for granted. We are bullying classmates by playing him. The nature is different."

Li Zhixuan followed and shook his head: "I don't know how to cherish such a good opportunity to remember bitterness and sweetness! I can't figure it out at all!"

In fact, these few are not good enough to eat. To be honest, the rice is a bit sloppy. The vegetables are also boiled Chinese cabbage and green vegetables. There are not a few pieces of meat at all. It is really unpalatable.

Only Li Tiezhu had to go down and add a meal.

Li Zhixuan ate for a while, but couldn't hold it anymore. He had never eaten something so unpalatable in his life.

After the meal, there is half an hour of free time.

Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, and Li Zhixuan immediately ran towards the canteen. At this time, the canopy was already crowded with people, and everyone's needs were particularly consistent-instant noodles and ham.

Guo Zifan, who had already eaten instant noodles, sneered when he saw the three people in line and said in his heart, what a hypocrisy! Don't you accompany that idiot Li Tiezhu to eat pig food? What are you doing here?

Wang Xiaokai took Wu Lei's shoulders: "That guy laughs at us, what do you say?"

Wu Lei: "Hey! Come tonight, I have a way."

Li Zhixuan: "Count me."

On the other side, Li Tiezhu washed the lunch box and was about to return to the temporary dormitory when he was stopped by a long-legged beauty.

"Tie Zhu, give you water. You looked so handsome just now in a fight with the instructor, you really deserve to be Jackie Chan's disciple."

The girl handed Li Tiezhu a bottle of wheat.

Li Tiezhu took it politely: "Thank you! Are you?"

The girl said: "A classmate of our class, I only introduced myself yesterday, did you forget?"

Li Tiezhu said, "My face is blind."

Speaking of it, Li Tiezhu's facial blindness has improved a lot with the improvement of IQ, but it can't stand the girl's appearance is not characteristic, good-looking is good-looking, but it is hard to remember.

"My name is Xu Jiazhen."

"Oh! Come to think of it, thank you for your water."

"If you like to drink, I can buy it for you every day. Who makes you my idol?"

"Ah? Really? No need."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do after dinner. Let's walk together? I want to consult you about some things about the showbiz."

"I'm going to buy instant noodles."

"I am coming too."

Li Tiezhu and Xu Jiazhen walked to the canteen. The girl asked about Li Tiezhu all the way, as if she was really a **** little girl.

Wang Xiaokai saw Li Tiezhu, the big man: "Hanpan! I'm almost there, what are you going to buy?"

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you Juchang, hot and sour noodles!"

Xu Jiazhen twisted her hands holding the yogurt and twisted: "Wow! Your dormitory has a good relationship. It's still a boy. Unlike our girls, a dormitory is like a palace fight scene."

Li Tiezhu: "A simple girl can't feel other people's palace fights, right? Just like my bamboo."

Xu Jiazhen laughed dryly: "Ha! Yeah, I didn't know it at first. The girl in the same dormitory told me that I suddenly realized that I was still too naive."

"you are too humble."

"Uh... Isn't the relationship between you and Xu Shan, Fang Bo particularly good? They take you every time they make a movie?"

"It's not good, because I'm cheap."

"You are humble! I'm cheap too, why don't they find me? Would you like to have a chance to introduce me?"

"That's impossible, isn't this digging my own corner?"

"Ahhhhh... I'm just kidding."

"It can be seen that you are not good at joking."


Isn't this too straight? Do you have to go up and down? How can such a person have a girlfriend?

Xu Jiazhen was a little bit unable to come to Taiwan, her expression was a bit awkward, but she was not reconciled, and finally found a chance to be alone with Li Tiezhu. She must bring her relationship closer, and then try to figure it out slowly.

Among other things, the resources of this product are really rich and rich. Every circle of film and television has top big guys to support him. In contrast, Wu Lei and Wang Xiaokai are much worse.

Xu Jiazhen adjusted his emotions and said: "Before, when you and the instructor were fighting, I heard Song Zhuer cheering on the instructor, haha... Although it is a joke, I always feel crazy."

Li Tiezhu: "How can my girlfriend be normal? Like you? Huh!"

"I seem to hear someone speak badly behind their backs."

A girl bought snacks and squeezed it out and looked at Xu Jiazhen with a smile.

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "Zhao Rui, you are misunderstanding, we are just talking nonsense. Everyone is classmates, this Xu...uh...student Xu, how could he deliberately ask me to tell the truth? Zhu'er is so cute, you girls are sure I won't hate her."

Xu Jiazhen is half to death, do you remember the name? Also, don't you know that our girls hate Shochiku the most?

Zhao Rui took out her mobile phone: "Then I misunderstood, I'm sorry. Tie Zhu, add me on WeChat, take me if you have a show, and dance with the concert, whatever you can make money."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay."

Then, Zhao Rui took the phone and left, very proud.

Xu Jiazhen: "Why do you know her? Aren't you blind?"

Li Tiezhu retracted the phone: "She looks unique and has a nice voice. Wouldn't you want me to take you in filming? Oh, you are so innocent, definitely not."

Xu Jiazhen took a bit of blood stuck in her throat: "I...Of course I won't! I just want to make friends with you."

Soon, Wang Xiaokai bought instant noodles and handed a box of hot and sour noodles to Li Tiezhu: "Ten yuan!"

Li Tiezhu: "Sell so expensive?"

Wang Xiaokai turned around and left, and went to the instant noodles: "The canteen sells for eight yuan, and I sell you for ten yuan. This is called the middleman to make the difference."

Li Tiezhu honestly paid for WeChat and went to let go of the blister powder.

Xu Jiazhen: "Wow! This powder smells so good, I really want to have a bite."

Li Tiezhu: "Scent, right? Want to eat it?"


"Go buy it."


"This...I lose weight and don't eat it anymore. Just sigh with emotion."

"Then you want to stop smelling it?"

"No, no."

Xu Jiazhen rolled her eyes directly, what does it mean to smell again?

Then, Song Zhuer hopped over, sweating on his face, and made a special trip to eat hot and sour noodles.

Li Tiezhu blew intimately, for fear that the pine and bamboo would be hot.

Xu Jiazhen can gnash his teeth. Isn't this too double standard?

Next to him, Wang Xiaokai, who was eating instant noodles, said to Xu Jiazhen: "Student Xu, this instant noodles are also very fragrant. If you don't believe it, you can smell it."

Xu Jiazhen laughed awkwardly: "No, I lose weight."

Wang Xiaokai hugged the instant noodles to catch up: "It's so fragrant, smell it! I won't eat it for you, and it won't delay your weight loss."

Another straight man.

Song Zhu'er took a sip of the powder and said with emotion: "It's delicious! Xu Jiazhen, it's really delicious! Come in a box, anyway, your waist is so thick, and weight loss will not be accomplished in a short while."

Xu Jiazhen: "Is my waist thick?"

Li Tiezhu, Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei and Li Zhixuan said in unison: "Rough."

Xu Jiazhen turned around and left: "You eat, I went for a run."

Song Zhu'er wondered: "She doesn't think running can lose weight, right? The calf will be thick! Besides Isn't the fat type the best? She is that kind, don't you guys like it. Plant it?"

Wang Xiaokai: "I know it after touching it."

Wu Lei: "It depends mainly on technology."

Li Zhixuan: "It's the same when the lights are turned off anyway, but I like to turn on the lights..."

Li Tiezhu took a tissue and wiped the sweat on Song Zhu'er: "What did you do just now? You are sweating profusely."

Song Zhu'er took a sip of the soup: "Fight, I'll pick three, and beat those three so horribly, hum!"

The four boys suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

Song Zhu'er calmly said: "When the hot water was received. The three girls from the Art Department jumped in and cursed others, and first beat Wang Ruoxi, I flew up..."

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