Earthy Superstar

Chapter 334: : 1 Dynasty back before liberation

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Lu Bo's expression was a little sad, and couldn't help it: "Why can't you think so much?"

Wu Lei: "Didn't you let us vote?"

Lu Bo: "I...well, what do you think about voting for Songzhuer?"

Wu Lei: "I just wanted to sand sculpture. I thought no one would vote for her like me."

Wang Xiaokai: "I think I play with her and follow the trend."

Li Zhixuan: "I copied the long chrysanthemum."

Wang Ruoxi said: "She helped me fight, and all of our dorms voted for her."

Song Zhuer, who has no friends in the entertainment industry, has unexpectedly gained friendship in college. At the beginning, the three people in the dormitory didn't like Shochikuer very much. She had a bad temper and swearing, and she was so lucky that she became popular early, so she was very angry! It wasn't until Song Zhuer helped Wang Ruoxi to fight, and finally won the approval of the three.

Lu Bo had a headache and waved his hand: "Song Zhuer, you are now officially the squad leader. I don't care about the selection of the party secretary and deputy squad leader."

Song Zhu'er stepped onto the podium: "There is no need for the position of deputy squad leader, right? Do you look down on my ability to work? Let's start directly from the league secretary, um, support Wang Xiaokai's raise of hands. Very good!"

Wang Xiaokai: "I'm wrong!"

Song Zhuer: "Shut up, do you look down on our party? Do you want to subvert the people? The country and the people have nurtured you, and you are not forgotten to dig wells..."

Wang Xiaokai: "I'm so foolish!"

Song Zhuer: "Support Zhao Rui as a member of the study committee?"

Zhao Rui: "I don't like learning the least, don't choose me."

Song Zhu'er: "Everyone has heard that she said she doesn't like learning. We should have the mentality of treating illness and saving others and let her fall in love with learning! Well, very good, more than half of it, set it down!"

Zhao Rui: "Song Zhuer, are you crazy? I said I was wrong!"

Song Zhuer: "Improper, you are the enemy of the whole class, standing on the opposite of history, you are going to be judged by history and morality..."

Zhao Rui begged for mercy: "Please stop talking!"

Song Zhu'er nodded with satisfaction: "If you get lost, you are still a good comrade. Next, the Disciplinary Committee..."

Lu Bo was stunned, can this be the case? Forced appointment? Why doesn't it work if I force my appointment? How can Songzhuer convince the public? There must be something wrong.

All of them were selected surprisingly smoothly.

"Guo Zifan, the health committee member, raised his hand in agreement."

Guo Zifan is obsessed with cleanliness, and immediately refused: "I will not do it! Let's change to a separate one."

Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, and Li Zhixuan stood up at the same time, and Wang Xiaokai rolled up his sleeves: "We will tell you the truth, each job has a different division of labor, no distinction between high and low..."

Guo Zifan: "I am."

The three of Wang Xiaokai sat down still unfulfilled.

Soon, the list of class committee members was confirmed, and Song Zhuer said to Lu Bo: "Teacher, all right."

Lu Bo: "Ah... go down."

After Song Zhuer stepped down, Lu Bo said: "I don't go around the corner. This is the first time I have taken a student. You may think that I am just a counselor, a senior who has nothing to do with me... ...It doesn't matter, whatever you think, but there is one thing I need to tell you! When it comes to acting, you are all **** in front of me!"

The students who were just messing around suddenly all quieted down. Of course, most of them were not convinced.

After all, before entering school, who knew who Lu Bo was?

Lu Bo continued: “Don’t think you’re going to be red. Almost all of you didn’t get started, including Song Zhuer. Wu Lei is a little better. Li Tiezhu, Wang Xiaokai and Guo Zifan are even more fighters in the trash. Don’t I thought that your professional scores were ranked well, but in fact your level was lower than the average level of the class. Everyone knows how to get in the exam..."

Li Tiezhu's face was red and his ears were red. Fortunately, his skin was dark enough to be hard to see, but he was still very ashamed. It's just that the intermediate acting skills given by the system are still not in the eyes of the law?

Wang Xiaokai looks like he bows his head and is being trained, but in fact he secretly shakes his legs. I don't need to fight for acting skills now. I have the flow. Teacher, are you out of breath?

Lu Bo said again: "From tomorrow, every morning at 6:30, everyone will gather on the playground to practice morning exercises. What are you yelling?"

The students in the audience began to complain, but were suppressed by Lu Bo.

Although I don’t give students direct lessons as a counselor, I need to be responsible for leading the students to do morning exercises, rehearse programs, and participate in practical tasks. It can be said that it is much harder than the teacher in charge.

Lu Bo looked around and said, "The Acting Department is the most shining department of Nortel Halo, and at the same time, it is also the most difficult department. Don't think that you are a star when you enter. Wrong! There are no stars here, only actors. One minute on stage and off stage for ten years, I will never allow even one of my students to say one, two, three, four, five, six and seven when filming!"

In fact, Lu Bo's acting skills are very good, and he has acted in a lot of plays, but he is not very popular.

The whole class was silent, and some of the trainees were okay. They were used to even morning work, but most of them still didn't understand what morning work was. They just felt that they got up earlier than military training and it was too hard.

After Li Wei, Lu Bo said: "Today's class meeting will end here, remember that tomorrow morning at 6:30."

Song Zhu'er raised his hand.

Lu Bo: "As a squad leader, what do you have to say?"

Song Zhuer: "Teacher Lu, tomorrow Saturday, take a break!"

Lu Bo: "..."

There was a low laugh from the students, don't look at you just being handsome, Shochikuer is not used to anyone.

Today is September 15th, Friday.

Lu Bo looked at his phone with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face: "Then next Monday, no one will be late. In addition, Song Zhuer came to my office, took a picture of the course schedule, and sent it to the class group."

After the class meeting, the students dispersed in a rush.

Li Tiezhu also went back to the dormitory to pack his luggage, and then waited for Song Zhuer.

【Ding! "Soldier Assault" is successfully purchased and consumes 30 intelligence points]

Current intelligence value: 85 points

Remaining intelligence value: 0 points

Well, once back to the feeling before liberation.

Li Tiezhu's face slowly showed a simple and honest smile, his head was empty, and his previous state was back.

After packing his luggage, Li Tiezhu walked outside the school with his suitcase. When he reached the door, Song Zhuer sent a message asking him where he was. Li Tiezhu just recovered, ah, yes, I have a girlfriend here, and I have to wait for her.

Then, Li Tiezhu went downstairs to the girls' dormitory and found Song Zhuer: "Spicy Claw! How are you."

Song Zhu'er rushed forward and kissed.

Li Tiezhu lowered his head shyly.

Of course, they didn't go to open the house. After all, they had bought the house long ago, and they drove back to the small villa together. Then, the assistant who took care of Xiao Jiu and took care of the sanitation left work.

Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer bought vegetables together, cooked a big meal at home, and prepared to receive guests. There were two guests, Li Tiezhu's agent Zhang Xiaomeng and Song Zhuer's agent Zhuang.

Song Zhu'er helped in the kitchen, actually eating sunflower seeds to watch Li Tiezhu cooking, leaving Sister Zhuang and Zhang Xiaomeng to drink tea in the living room.

Zhang Xiaomeng is particularly enthusiastic: "Good Sister Zhuang! I have been admiring a great name for a long time, drinking tea, drinking tea."

Sister Zhuang's face was very ugly: "I originally didn't agree with them being together. They are too young to focus on career. Moreover, our Zhuer is so beautiful..."

Zhang Xiaomeng said: "Our Tie Zhu is also a talented person, cough cough... at least not ugly."

Sister Zhuang rolled her eyes: "Hey..."

What else can you do except sigh? Song Zhu'er is stunned by herself, what can she do as an agent? Now that the raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice, it is too late to say anything.

After a while, the feast was on the table.

While eating, they were discussing Li Tiezhu and Song Zhu'er. In fact, it was mainly the two brokers who were talking.

It's not about dowry gifts, but about work. Today, the main thing to be determined is that now that they are officially announced, how the brokerage company should maintain the image of the two, and how to locate the new persona, etc.

This has something to do with the development of the two artists, especially Song Zhu'er. Although the premature official-announcement relationship did not lose followers, the original image of a pure girl cannot be maintained anymore. Several intentional dramas gave up calling Song Zhu. Son.

This is a very serious matter.

Song Zhuer didn't care about it herself: "It's okay! Anyway, I'm busy in college, so I can take a little less drama."

Sister Zhuang said: "You can not pick you up, but you can't be invited by no one, understand? With your image and acting skills, you could have become the hottest little flower right away. How come you are in love? You don't want to be in love with Guan Shuangshuang. You know? After her official announcement, the image of the TV series changed immediately. She used to act as a girl, what is it all about now?"

Song Zhu'er frowned: "Yes! Guan Shuangshuang! I said that I beat her back from military training, so I forgot it!"

Sister Zhuang covered her face: "Forget it! What do you love, you starve to death."

Li Tiezhu: "That can't. I have to move bricks to support my daughter-in-law."

After chatting for a while, it's almost the same. Anyway, Songzhuer's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Sister Zhuang said that no matter how much it is, it makes no sense, so let's do it! In the image of Li Tiezhu's girlfriend and Tietouwa, let's go mix up more in variety shows. If you are acting, you can have less.

Zhang Xiaomeng asked Li Tiezhu: "Did you really decide to make a TV series?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yeah."

Song Zhu'er said: "I'm covering you! Hey, that's not right, no one has asked me to make a film recently, so I can't cover it."

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Song Zhu'er: "Don't you know? Tie Zhu is not as simple as acting in a TV series. He said on the phone that he wanted to be a director and that he wanted to write a script..."

Shochikuer: "It's okay. He wrote and directed the rabbit."

In fact, the rabbit Li Tiezhu only provided a story, and the director and screenwriter have Diao Keli and others to help.

Li Tiezhu said: "The story is the inspiration for military training, the military theme. In short, when I write the story first, I can't write the script, I will write it in the format of a novel, then you will ask the professionals to read it. "

Zhang Xiaomeng had no choice but to say: "Yes. I just don't understand. There are a lot of directors who have crossed borders these days. I have no idea that you want to be a director. Penguin culture is not bad for money or resources. But why not make movies? Make TV shows. ?"

Buying movies to earn intellectual value!

Li Tiezhu couldn't tell the real reason, so he could only say perfunctorily: "This story is not suitable for movies. I will make a movie next time."

Sister Zhuang slammed: "You made a guest appearance in two or three and you want to be a director? You have to eat one bite at a time."

Song Zhu'er was unhappy: "My family Tie Zhu is a genius! Tie Zhu, I will play a role at zero pay when the time comes. I support you! You are the best."

Li Tiezhu: "There is no heroine in this play, nor is there a second or third woman in this drama. There are only male roles, not even a sister or sister."

Song Zhu'er: "Then this play is set!"

Sister Zhuang: "Heh!"

Zhang Xiaomeng said: "No... now that most of the TV shows are girls, how can you do it like this? There is no love triangle or dog blood sadomasochism, at least there should be serious emotional dramas, right?"

Li Tiezhu: "No! But I believe this will be a good TV series."

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