Earthy Superstar

Chapter 356: : Real actors

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On Sunday afternoon, Li Tiezhu continued to create in the small study room upstairs, and Song Zhuer planted grapes in the small garden downstairs. The two grape seedlings looked like they were dry. She took the manual and looked at it carefully, and then began to dig the pit with the shovel.

Sung Zhuer thought that if he grows alive, two or three years later, he will build a huge grape rack in the yard. He doesn't expect the grapes to be eaten. He just wants to make two swings under the grape rack, one for Li Tiezhu and one for her. .

There won't be a third swing, neither will Lengba.

She still missed the two small swings in the mushroom house, but it was not her strong point to do work. After a while, her face was covered with mud, and the pit was only digging ten centimeters.

so tired! Take a break.

In the past two days, Li Tiezhu got up in the morning and went to bed at night.

Song Zhu'er didn't feel disappointed, on the contrary, she was very fulfilling. She taught takeaways every day, watched American TV shows, and drove out for a ride when she had time. Anyway, her combat effectiveness was very weak, and Li Tiezhu just gave him two shots.

She doesn't dislike Li Tiezhu for not being too tired of talking to her. Who is serious about that stuff? The communication with real guns and live ammunition is the most tangible, and everything else is imaginary.

This is called seeing the essence through the phenomenon!

After finally digging a hole, Shochikuer put the grape seedlings in. Before filling the soil, the phone rang.

Lengba sent a video call.


"Zhu'er, are you with the pillar?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Have you finished your military training? It should be over?"

"I came back the day before yesterday. If you have a fart, let it go!"

"Ah... I mean he didn't contact me, and he ignored me when I sent messages. Didn't I provoke him?"

"That's it! Don't worry, he just forgot to have a cat like you."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that your host is busy creating recently, and he didn't say a few words to me. Don't bother him, let him create well."

"What are you creating? A new album is about to be released again?"

"No! It's creating a new play."

"Really? Then tell him, leave me a role."

Song Zhu'er sneered: "I want to be beautiful! I can't even get the role, but I will pay you back? Let me die! Are you busy? Yang smelly feet gave you a holiday?"

Lengba: "I'm recording "Flying", it's more leisurely than filming. Tie Zhu is ready to make a movie by himself?"

This season, Lengba finally won the position of the resident female guest of this season because of the absence of the baby of the pig. Although she has many male fans and a good sense of variety, she has no resources, and she will abdicate in the next season.

"It's not a movie, it's a TV series. Let me tell you this, I'm crying after watching the second chapter."

"Huh? Sadomasochism story?"

"Vulgar! You are no longer worthy to talk to me! I have sublimated, and my consciousness is as high as two or three stories."

"You are crazy! You are all a comrade in bed, can you speak well?"

"can not!"

Then, the two women quarreled, but Leng Ba still got the news that Li Tiezhu was writing a military-themed TV series. While blindly worshiping, she also sighed. It's okay to have a military wife role. I will play it for free.

In reality, you can't be the main palace, nor can it be in TV dramas.

Shochikuer saw through with a glance, and said: "If there is a heroine, I will also play it. Which round will I get you?"

This makes Lengba very hurt, and the cat has no human rights.

In the end, Lengba said one thing: "Remember Luo Feiyan? She was recently whitewashed through the Red Societies, and started to enter the film and television industry with capital. I was worried that she would target Zhuzi. This was what Ms. Mi told me. , You also pay attention, the pillar is not smart, we have to do a good job of defensive work for him."

Song Zhu'er snorted coldly: "Don't worry, see her fight once."

In general, the relationship between Song Zhuer and Lengba is unexpectedly harmonious. Maybe it's because neither of them is normal, or it's because of three people.

Song Zhu'er threatened Lengba not to disturb Li Tiezhu, so she hung up the phone and continued to grow grapes.

There is no compelling idea in my heart, people who can feed the cactus to death, but also grow grapes, but eating grapes is getting more and more powerful?

Soon, Li Tiezhu, who had a dizzy head, walked down. In the past two days, he was immersed in the work of copying TV dramas. Coupled with his emotional resonance with the characters in the drama, Li Tiezhu's not-so-bright little brain became even more chaotic.

Looking stupidly at the pine and bamboo planting grapes for a while, Li Tiezhu couldn't help but said, "Spicy claws, let's rest for a while."

Song Zhuer realized that Li Tiezhu was coming: "Look! I planted two grapes, and we will have grapes to eat next year or the next year."

After the grapes were planted, the two drove Xiaojiu together, and drove the small sports car to school. The school officially began tomorrow. The students must arrive at school early and check their bedtime at night.

After arriving at the dormitory, Li Tiezhu continued to code. Now he has watched the TV series, sorted out the outline, and started copying against the novel, occasionally changing a little detail.

In fact, Li Tiezhu was going to make a big change, change the age, and change it to be close to the current national defense level. Later, when I thought about it, let's forget about his IQ.

That special era is also very good!

Ever since, Li Tiezhu chose to copy the novel, and occasionally changed it into a TV series version that was not the same.

Li Tiezhu, who devoted himself to creation, made Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, and Li Zhixuan very uncomfortable. The serious brother was passing by, and when he was in a state of forgetting sleep and food, the whole person stayed a bit, which was not fun.

The next morning, half past six.

Instructor Lu Bo took the whole class to practice morning exercises in the playground. Li Tiezhu received the harshest criticism. He was the worst performer in the class.

Song Zhuer argued that "Tie Zhu has not enough creative energy recently", and was scolded **** by Lu Bo.

The so-called morning exercise is to practice recitations, circumvention commands, etc., but in the final analysis, it is to train the actors' line performance ability, which is very demanding. It is not only a standard set from film performance, but a drama.

The drama requires that when the actors perform on stage, everyone on the stage can hear the pronunciation of every word of yours. This is still the case without a microphone.

Dramas with microphones are only recent years, and they are not yet recognized by the mainstream.

At the beginning, Song Zhu'er was not convinced. Lu Bo ignored him. After training many people including Guo Zifan and Wang Xiaokai, he said: "Your basic skills are too weak, let alone anything else, this semester , No one is allowed to miss class! No time off to act or perform business."

Wu Lei, who was not criticized, was anxious: "Why? I still have a movie next month, teacher!"

Lu Bo said: "Let me tell you this, the ancient palace of the Shang Dynasty, the empty ancient battlefield, the closed small room, three scenes, each say one line, can you show the difference?"

A group of people are dumbfounded, what's the difference? Don’t you just say a line and adjust the sound effect later?

Wu Lei Leng said: "What lines do you say?"

Lu Bo: "Just one sentence... The minister is willing to swear to the death and protect China forever!"

Wu Lei immediately learned a sentence, circumflexed and frustrated, with a decent appearance.

The other students applauded. Wu Lei's lines are really powerful. Not only does he speak clearly, but more rarely, he has both form and spirit.

After Lu Bo heard this, he shook his head: "Too bad! It's terrible!"

Wu Lei was so anxious that his face was red and his ears were red, why did he rot? The directors who have worked with me praised my lines! The old aunt is even worse than me.

The students also whispered, obviously dissatisfied with Lu Bo.

Lu Bo said, "I don't want to explain anything to you. I will perform it for you first. The first one is in the hall of Shang Dynasty. It is empty but closed. The voice should be full but full of breath..."

"Chen! I wish to protect China to the death... forever... forever!"

Sentences are second. The most terrifying thing is that after Lu Bo finished this line on the empty playground, the surrounding small buildings reflected bursts of echoes, which seemed to be full of passion.

The classmates were a little dumbfounded, but Mr. Lu Bo, who looked so thin, was so full of anger? The most important thing is that the momentum of his lines actually suppressed the students present.

Lu Bo was very casual: "This is simple, this is a large room interior, with lingering reverberations surrounding the beams. Below, is the empty ancient battlefield..."

"The minister is willing to swear to death... to protect China, eternal... forever... to survive..."

Twenty-eight students only felt that they were getting goose bumps all over. This was clearly the last words of a dying general before he fell. Sad, but hideous, but also a bit unwilling...

At this moment, many people in the class have understood what Lu Bo said at the beginning. In front of him, the so-called stars in the class are all rubbish.

After that, Lu Bo performed it again and said the same line in the closed room. The depression and hoarseness of the secret room made people shudder, as if everyone knew that he was gone.

This is the real actor. Compared with him, Song Zhu'er, Wu Lei, and Li Tiezhu are all scum!

Acting, I always thought it was simple before it was lifted. The threshold is very low, and both cats and dogs can come in. But once I get started, I find it difficult...

The threshold of the actor's line is inside the door.

After watching Lu Bo's performance, Wu Lei was finally convinced and apologized and asked Lu Bo to guide him.

Even the best performer Wu Lei was convinced, and the others did not dare to make a second. Especially Wang Xiaokai, although he was very upset to get up and practice morning exercises every day, he didn't dare to show it, so he could only practice boringly.

Li Tiezhu was also practicing, but his eyes were empty, and he had already memorized a lot of wrong words and sentences in "Haiyan" and he didn't know.

He has only one mind now, Teacher Lu Bo, so suitable for Wu Liuyi's role!

For the next two weeks, Li Tiezhu, like every other student in the class, came to the playground at 6:30 every morning to receive Lu Bo’s morning exercise guidance. Everyone has their own direction of progress. See you at Lu Tiezhu's current initial goal is to speak standard Mandarin first.

It's shameful enough.

Work early in the morning, go to class during the day, and write novels at night.

In two weeks, Li Tiezhu finally finished writing the novel "Soldier Assault", and took the time to carefully modify one side, and then sent it to his agent Zhang Xiaomeng. Ask him to apply for copyright patents and contact TV drama shooting and other matters.

For this drama, Li Tiezhu's expectations are high.

However, the main thing he faces now participate in the road show of "The God of Medicine", because in two days, the God of Medicine will be shown nationwide on National Day.

It was not until then that Li Tiezhu discovered that he was one of the leading actors in "The God of Medicine" instead of being a dragon.

This Nima is a loss!

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