Earthy Superstar

Chapter 343: : Invincible

Li Tiezhu glanced at Luhani: "Don't bring handles."

Lengbahahahahahahahahahahaha, hahaha this is called innate advantage!

Luhani was at a loss. How could this woman be so cute and stray? Scared me! What exactly is your variety show set? Have you remembered it? It's cute and cute!

Li Tiezhu said, "Don't laugh, should we find the resurrected Chen Chichi now?"

Luhani: "Why are you looking for him?"

Lengba: "He's a scumbag! The most important thing is that we protect ourselves."

Li Tiezhu said, "You can use him as a shield, right? He is so fat and wide..."

Luhani: "Huh? It makes sense!"

Lengba suddenly said: "But, didn't the program group let Baby Yang win?"

Luhani: "Ah? Hahaha...not necessarily!"

Can this be said, sister? Li Tiezhu is still here! This let the flying guests know, we lost! Moreover, she might not win the final round!

Lengba realized afterwards and stuck out her tongue.

Li Tiezhu’s IQ is now declining, and he doesn’t feel anything. He said, "Sister! How can you think about it this way? If all the variety shows follow the script of the director group, it would be boring! I tell you, whether it’s "Hahahaha" or " We all have scripts for "Infinite Challenge" or "Mushroom House", but we never follow the script! That's why the effect is so good. Look, how can such a great variety show "Flying" follow the script completely? You really look down on this show, it's unprofessional!"

Lengba was completely stunned, am I unprofessional? Does each issue follow the script strictly?

Who is like you, runaway wild dog!

Luhani can only laugh awkwardly. I have been in a lot of variety shows, and each variety show is different! You suddenly raised the gallop bar so high, I can't refute it!

The program group did not delete this paragraph, which is a good thing! It helps to increase the reputation of "Flying".

But then, it was time for the director team to sit on the wax.

How to control it?

"Brother Zhu! Brother Zhu! I'm here!"

Chen Chichi dashed towards Li Tiezhu's fat body and plunged his head into Li Tiezhu's arms. Luhani burst into laughter as Lengba responded.

Li Tiezhu didn't push away for a while, this item is really heavy!

Chen Chiequdao: "Brother Zhu, I have died once. The last time I died was because you couldn't save me. Then you have to protect me."

Luhani: "Now we are 4V4, and they still have super powers."

Chen Chiequdao: "Super powers are once every 20 minutes. Let's go sneak attack now, so that they won't be able to last the next 20 minutes. Understand? The more we go, the more passive we are!"

It had to be said that Fatty Chen was better at being cunning, so four people were killed under the leadership of Fatty Chen.

Arriving in an open area, Chen Chichi found Li Richen and Deng Chao on the second floor, and said:

"If you have the ability, come down and challenge yourself!"

Deng Chao said: "Why should we single out with you? We are a big name brand, and we have super powers, can we wait another 20 minutes to not fragrant?"

Chen Chichi turned his head to irritate Li Richen: "Da Hei Niu, you are too embarrassed to be so embarrassed, you have the ability to come down and challenge Li Tiezhu!"

Li Richen: "I've singled out, I lost, what's wrong with me? Hahaha!"

Chen Chichi scratched his head: "What to do? They are really persuaded! They persuaded me as soon as they saw me, really...the prestige!"

Lengba: "Brother Chichi, how about you go up and challenge them all."

Chen Chichi: "No, no, no! I don't like bullying the weak, so let Xiaolu and Tie Zhu go, and I will protect you."

Lengba: "I'll forget it with them, and with you, sooner or later, I will be annihilated."

With that said, Lengba, Li Tiezhu and Luhani rushed up the stairs in an instant. Chen Chi smiled cheaply. I like to take advantage of the fisherman's profit. Go ahead!

After a while, there was a scream of chicken flying upstairs, and Chen Chi sips a bottle of yogurt wryly and laughed.

Then, Li Richen rushed downstairs and tore Chen Chi to the ground.

Chen Chichi almost choked: "I just resurrected and I haven't finished a bottle of yogurt. You...immoral!"

Li Richen: "Yes, right, right, what you said is very Li Tiezhu, go to the lounge."

Chen Chichi: "Hello? I suspect you are humiliating me!"

Li Richen: "Don't doubt, I'm just humiliating you!"

drop! Chen Chi Chi OUT!

drop! Deng Chao OUT!

drop! Wang Gil OUT!

Li Richen was stunned: "What's the matter? Didn't they run first?"

Baby Yang, who was following Li Richen, was even more at a loss: "How do I know? I have been following Brother Chen..."

Li Richen: "It must be Li Tiezhu again!"

In fact, it was Li Richen who showed his love, or feared Li Tiezhu's core power too much, so that he had an illusion.

Screen playback.

When Li Richen and Yang Baobao rushed to Chen Chichi downstairs, Luhani decisively shouted: "One for two! One for two!"

Li Tiezhu was stunned before reacting. He chased Deng Chao who was escaping to the left. Luhani ran after the rookie Wang Jier, one left and one right. Leng Ba decided to follow Li Tiezhu, after all, he was his master!

When Lengba ran out of breath, Li Tiezhu had already controlled Deng Chao's hands. That's right, Li Tiezhu pinched Deng Chao's two hands with one hand and raised his head high, and the name tag on his back was completely exposed.

And Li Tiezhu's other hand was picking his nose.

Deng Chao smiled awkwardly: "Zhu Zi! Brother Zhu! You are too much. You control me and pick your nose. I have never been humiliated so much. Let me tell you that I am a tens of billions of movie stars... "

Li Tiezhu: "Xing Ye's lower part of the movie asked me to be the male lead. He said, am I going to be too soon?"

Deng Chao: "Then it can't be like this. The relationship between you and me is brother! Moreover, we are a team, right? Good brothers, can't kill each other..."

He can't directly say Siha here, he can only ask each other euphemistically.

Li Tiezhu said, "You have a certain truth, but..."

Deng Chao: "But what?"


Li Tiezhu: "But Sister Lengba hasn't torn off a famous brand yet, can you take care of it as the captain?"

Deng Chao has been torn up: "Can I still refuse now?"

Lengba hugged Deng Chao's famous brand and said, "Hahahaha...I have torn the famous brand, Oye!"

Li Tiezhu said to Deng Chao: "I really don't blame me, I want to talk to you again, but girls are easy to get nervous, do you understand?"

Deng Chao roared: "So, blame me? I was caught and it was so exciting to Lengba! Am I sorry?"

Li Tiezhu and Leng Ba waved to Deng Chao who was taken away by the man in black:

"Sayan Nara..."

On the other hand, Luhani, who was extremely fast, chased Wang Jier directly, and he ripped off his famous brand that hadn't grown bigger. It can be said that the past two years of experience have made the deer round and stronger. .

The picture returns to Li Richen and Yang Baobab again.

Baby Yang said: "Let's go and outflank them! First kill a Luhani or Lengba."

Li Richen resolutely refused: "Let’s retreat, find a place to hide, and wait for the next superpower. Let me tell you this, I can't do Li Tiezhu singles, and you can't do Lengba singles, don't be sophistical, Lengba is so fierce. Horse! Not to mention, there is a cunning deer."

In the end, the two chose to hide.

Daily barrage:

"The iron column will not grow beyond a single inch of grass!"

"It is said that Luhani and Lengba fry CP. Why do I think Li Tiezhu and Lengba match better?"

"With a look!"


(Because of this barrage, Li Tiezhu went home and forced Song Zhu'er to ask Song Zhu'er. After a heavy sentence, Zhu'er did not confess, and finally found out that it was a good thing the rabbit did. Fortunately, it didn't attract attention.)

"Tie Zhu! Annihilate them!"

"Only this fool? Is he worthy?"

"Ask the Infinite Challenge Man to see if I am worthy of Tie Zhu!"

"Don't say anything else, infinite challenge and brainstorming, I won't lose Tie Zhu."

"It depends on the director..."

"Lengba is the most beautiful!"

"The big baby is so beautiful!"

There is one sentence that is right, the director of the gallop is really too much to intervene, because if you don't intervene, you can't play. Unlike Infinite Challenge, Fly Bar must follow the established script.

But the director and producer of Infinite Challenge is too playable, you can play as you like, and I can take you back with a "skill".

It's not that who is good and who is not good, they are all national-level variety shows, naturally each has its own strengths.

Moreover, they are all kinds of variety shows born out of Bangzi Country. The resident guests are all top variety shows in China, but one thing I have to admit is that the director of Infinite Challenge is cheaper.

Soon, another twenty-minute node arrived.

drop! Baby Yang gains a second superpower-the ability to resurrect, which can resurrect a member of his side.

This is too much.

The last time the super power was when both parties resurrected one person, now the second one is that one's own resurrected the other and not the other. Wouldn't it be that one's own resurrected two people next time?

Therefore, the competition itself is unfair.

But how can there be absolute fairness in this world? There are high and low distinctions in this stadium.

Lengba pouted: "Resurrected again..."

Luhani: "Normal, don't be afraid! We have iron pillars."

Li Tiezhu said: "This time, I can tear them off, and it's not terrible to resurrect a person. That is, I am worried that the director of the program group will not allow us to find them again..."

That's right, in the past ten minutes or so, Li Tiezhu and others were hanging out, watching the aquarium, eating ice cream, but didn't look for people seriously, because the director of the program group stipulated that they should not find people and fight for the length of the show.

Obviously, Li Tiezhu's truth will be cut off, but he doesn't care, and continues: "But, Lengba! I don't believe in evil anymore. I have to win this issue for you!"

Lengba's eyes were full of stars.

Luhani said: "You two are careful when I tell Songzhuer."

Li Tiezhu: "In this round, let Xiaolu seduce, and we both lie in wait. They will either resurrect Deng Chao or resurrect Zhen Kai. Who do you think it is?"

Luhani: "Why should I lure the enemy?"

Lengba: "It must be Brother Chao. He is a big man. Baby Yang and Li Richen will definitely give him face."

Li Tiezhu said, "That's easy, Deng Chao is third-class disabled, and it's easy to tear."

Lengba: "Roar to you~"

Then, when they saw Deng Chao running out, Li Richen and Yang Baobao hurried to greet them.

Luhani suddenly said: "Looking at this posture, the next superpower will be to eliminate people from our side. It may be Tie Zhu! We are too weak. So... Brother Zhu, we have to give them before we are eliminated. Kill two."

On the other side, Deng Chao saw Li Richen's first sentence: "In this show, Li Tiezhu is invincible. We have to find a way to kill him first."

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