Earthy Superstar

Chapter 349: : The show has begun

Li Tiezhu has always been a person without compelling numbers, in short, he has no self-knowledge.

He didn't know that his appearance was a mudslide in the entertainment circle, and as he became more and more red, this mudslide that fell from the sky was getting stronger and stronger. An unstoppable "evil force" sweeping the Chinese entertainment circle.

The style of the entire entertainment industry is quietly changing.

From Li Tiezhu's debut to the present, in a year's time, this force has begun to show its strength.

The beauty of the once prosperous world has changed. Xiao Zhen's quality has changed. The once-inspired little cute Yue Yupeng has sublimated. The former milk tea girl working mad Yang Xiaoyue is boiling, and the former postpartum elder pig raiser Qin Tao has opened up, and the former university Zha Xiao transparent Liu Xiaohua broke out...

In addition, there are Luhani, Songzhuer, Lengba, Nie Yao, etc. who were imperceptibly influenced by Li Tiezhu.

All of this is a chain reaction brought by Li Tiezhu, and the instigator Li Tiezhu himself is unaware, even a little boring.

School life is very fulfilling, but how easy is it to get up at 6:30 every morning to practice morning exercises?

Not only did I practice, I also added half an hour to connect Mandarin to correct Trump's accent.

Eh! I'm not in a hurry to walk after practice. I run five kilometers first, then dunk ten baskets, and do three sets of pull-ups!

Needless to say in class, although Li Tiezhu is always the last student to understand, he can't hold back his systematic and diligent learning ability. The evening rehearsal class made countless students afraid of difficulties, but Li Tiezhu can always complete it easily, because he has intermediate acting skills and does not have the burden of idols.

In this way, Li Tiezhu can spare an hour and a half in the afternoon to run a few laps in the nearby parkour park.

Although many things can be learned in this school, after the initial freshness, the students still find it a bit boring.

If you are too bored, something will happen!

Recently, the other three in the 315 dormitory quietly made a bet. It is said that the bet is not small.

They bet that Xu Jiazhen would be beaten by Song Zhuer.

Because this sister who likes to tease Li Tiezhu is no longer satisfied with class teasing and WeChat teasing. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Song Zhu'er to take time off to shoot an advertisement, she developed breakfast to Li Tiezhu. After practicing morning exercises every day, Li Tiezhu practiced for half an hour every day, and she bought breakfast and sent it to the playground to give Li Tiezhu.

But now Shochikuer has finished filming and came back to class on Monday.

Wang Xiaokai bet that Xu Jiazhen was beaten violently that day, Wu Lei bet for two to three days, and Li Zhixuan bet Xu Jiazhen would not be beaten.

On Sunday, Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer both returned to school. He always felt that the atmosphere in the dormitory was weird. Those three would always look at him from behind. When Li Tiezhu looked over, they would quickly look away and pretend to be busy with something else. thing.

Li Tiezhu found Wu Lei lying on the bed peeping at him, and said, "Playing with big tongue, I heard that your aunt came to see you yesterday?"

Wu Lei turned his head away, then turned back: "Ah...Four shots have come! I need to keep a low profile."

Wang Xiaokai, who was playing computer games, smiled, and Li Zhixuan, who was listening to songs on the balcony, looked at Li Tiezhu meaningfully.

Li Tiezhu: "Are you hiding something from me?"

Wu Lei: "What are you doing to hide the matter between me and Aunt Qiao? If you want to hear it, I told you the day I was picked up by her after I drank too much, right? It's all about the details!"

"Fuck! I'm not talking about this. Just ask!"

"Just ask for it! Happy Lao Tzu, you can never imagine!"

Li Tiezhu raised his middle finger, no matter how happy you are, can I make Lao Tzu happy?

I have a magic zoo!

Then, Li Tiezhu picked up the soil-flavored lunch box he received from the military training and went to the cafeteria to eat, without calling the other three. Because those three can't eat the food in the canteen, they are the takeaways every day, especially Wang Xiaokai is even more excessive, either spicy or small hot pot, or else just whole crayfish.

As soon as Li Tiezhu went out, the dormitory became lively.

Wang Xiaokai: "Hey? Do you think Li Tiezhu wants two boats with one foot?"

Wu Lei: "I know a hammer. I only know that Xu Jiazhen will give him breakfast every day and give him milk. He hasn't refused, and it has lasted for a week. Hey... Anyway, those sisters have too obvious intentions, as long as Li Tiezhu speaks. , She definitely lay flat right away."

Wang Xiaokai: "What do you mean, Li Tiezhu is a magic weapon with open legs?"

Li Zhixuan said: "I think the boss despise Xu Jiazhen, although he is ugly."

After dinner, Li Tiezhu found Sun Xixi as usual, put the towel in the cabinet, and took out the tablet to continue studying the script.

Sun Xixi is already a frequent visitor of 315, and she gave Wu Lei the Guozhao photo album last week. It is said that she likes playing with big tongue, so she took it and tasted it with her old aunt.

Everyone greeted Sun Xixi one after another, and then put their towels into the cabinet.

Soon, Li Tiezhu and Sun Xixi quarreled again. Most of the time, they would have different opinions until one of them convinced the other. Although disputes, but tacit understanding, Li Tiezhu often has the upper hand in the plot, and Sun Xixi often wins in the use of scene props and shots.

The script has now reached the third episode, and Xu Sanduo has been assigned to the wasteland to guard the oil pipeline...

It was not until the lights were turned off at night and the two stayed up for a while before they separated.

Early the next morning.

As usual, the performance class woke up early and worked in the morning. The weather in early autumn in Kyoto was a little bit colder, and it was even colder in the morning. Everyone was wrapped in slightly thicker autumn clothes.

"Heyha, heyha, heyhaha..."

"Phoenix painted on pink wall, Phoenix painted on pink wall, Phoenix painted on pink wall. Red phoenix, pink phoenix..."

"In this shout-full of thirst for the storm! In this shout, the dark cloud heard the power of anger, the flame of enthusiasm, and the confidence of victory."

Various sounds echoed in the foggy playground.

After nearly a month of adaptation, every freshman has become accustomed to this way of practicing morning exercises.

On the small playground, the five performance classes worked tirelessly in each corner. Each session had two performance classes, one undergraduate class and one junior class. The seniors in the undergraduate class and the junior in the junior college will also let the students go to the crew for internships, and there is no requirement for morning exercises.

Even so, there are many seniors and seniors who do not have internships who practice together in twos and threes.

The performance department has extremely high requirements for the skills of lines.

After an hour of practice, the sky was bright, and the students in the performance class dispersed after receiving the guidance of their teachers.

As usual, Lu Bo commented on Li Tiezhu as the last one: "Li Tiezhu! Your breathing rhythm is very problematic! I just corrected your accent before, because you have the worst basic foundation, so you should proceed step by step. Now the accent is better, and the next one is breathing rhythm. According to the words, As a singer, your vocal talents are among the best in the class, but your performance is terrible! Even now in the hot film "The God of Medicine", your lines are also very problematic. Question! On the contrary, your acting skills have surprised me, so your biggest shortcoming right now is the rhythm of the lines! There are many kinds of breathing rhythms, and actors must master all breathing rhythms, joy, anger, sadness, joy, joy, madness..."

Li Tiezhu was glad to be taught: "Good teacher."

After Lu Bo finished training Li Tiezhu, he also gave a demonstration, using different breathing rhythms to express different feelings in the same line.

One is a sick person, one is a minister in the court, and the other is a knight in the wild.

Li Tiezhu and the whole class were deeply shocked. He not only performed the characteristics of each character to the fullest, but what was even more frightening was that his voice could reflect the environment. When acting as a patient, you would know that it was a small room. In the bedroom, when acting as a minister, I can hear that it is a spacious hall, while when acting as a knight, I can clearly feel that it is the sound of the wild.

"Ms. Lu is so amazing!"

"I get goose bumps..."

"The teacher is awesome!"

Lu Bo: "Don't flatter, it's all gone."

When everyone left, Li Tiezhu began to practice, five kilometers running at a variable speed, singing and recitation while running, singing a song, recite a section of prose, and so on.

Songzhuier practiced a martial arts set next to the horizontal bar, because she and Li Tiezhu official declared, there were many invited, but because often people, there were some martial arts and Xian Xia to find her.

Surprisingly, Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei and Li Zhixuan did not leave immediately today, but shrank under the basketball stand to practice.

Wang Xiaokai: "Great! Song Zhu'er didn't leave either. It seems that she should have told the girl about Xu Jiazhen's food delivery."

Wu Lei: "Wow!"

Li Zhixuan: "Absolutely can't fight! If you want to be beaten, I beat him last night with the temper of Song Zhuer."

Wang Xiaokai: "Fuck! You say this, I feel my 30,000 yuan can't be kept!"

Over there, Li Tiezhu sprinted, and his breath became a little unstable: "Wind! Roar! Roar! Roar as best as you can! In this dark day..."

After a few minutes, Li Tiezhu finished five kilometers and walked slowly to rest.

Xu Jiazhen showed up on time, enchantingly carrying a bag of breakfast, and stopped in front of Li Tiezhu.

"It's finished?"

Li Tiezhu gave a hum, took the mineral water from the other party, and took a big sip.

Xu Jiazhen took out a tissue, wiped the sweat from Li Tiezhu's face, and said, "Look at you are sweating again. So is Lu Bo, you played so well in "The God of Medicine", The box office exploded directly, and he was picking bones..."

Li Tiezhu said: "Ms. Lu is right, I still have a lot to learn."

Wu Lei, Wang Xiaokai, and Li Zhixuan were talking tongue twisters while pretending to leaned over inadvertently, because Song Zhu'er had already walked towards Li Tiezhu, and the show was about to begin.

Xu Jiazhen put on exquisite makeup and pouted her lips. She was kind of cute: "Huh! I feel sorry for you. I think your acting is very good! Here, I brought you a bun."

Li Tiezhu took the bag: "Thank you."

Xu Jiazhen: "What are you polite to me? Really, hateful."

Song Zhu'er came over with his face facing the sky, and directly took a bun and gnawed: "Yes, Tie Zhu. Everyone is a classmate. You are so polite when someone brings you a breakfast. Right? Jia Zhen."

Xu Jiazhen was taken aback: "Ah... yes!"

That's the bun I gave Tie Zhu!

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