Earthy Superstar

Chapter 360: : Another good song

At the beginning, many people commented that the wound of this P picture was salted, heated, and crazy.

After seeing Li Tiezhu's comments, the fans finally became sane.

In all fairness, Li Tiezhu should be particularly relieved to see such a photo? Will you feel happy? God knows he wants a picture of his mother's old age. I thought it was unavailable, but this friend helped him achieve his wish.

After replying, Li Tiezhu did not speak up on the matter.

No one knows what he thinks, and no one knows how much this photo touched him. Many people expressed their opinions in the comment section, trying to figure out Li Tiezhu's thoughts with their own eyes.

However, most of them still encourage cheering messages, and thank the P picture person as a fan of Li Tiezhu.

【Ding! The song is purchased successfully and consumes 5 intelligence points. 】

Because of this photo, Li Tiezhu decided to buy this song. Although there were only four lyrics to the trial, he firmly believed that this was the song she wanted to hear.

Li Tiezhu bought this song when he was running five kilometers in the playground on Tuesday morning.

Song Zhu'er has been practicing boxing recently, and after that, she ran with Li Tiezhu for a while, not too many, only three laps, but it was a full sprint running method, and once again she ran into retching.

The reason is simple. For several days in the morning after being kicked and kicked by the big legs, Shochiku was angry.

Just now, she got another kick.

Guan Shuangshuang ran halfway, then turned around and stuck out his tongue at her mockingly: "Slightly..."

She started to practice running. As long as she could catch up with Guan Shuangshuang, with her current strength, she could beat out Na Ni'er's aunt.

After the two finished running, they walked slowly side by side.

Shochikuer panted: "Your "Birthday Song" is so good! When will it be recorded? I listen to the singles in a loop, and when my parents celebrate their birthday, I will sing them to them."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you sure?"

Song Zhuer said: "Yes! I know it's a funeral tune, but it's fun, my parents are so big, they won't mind."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: "Okay! Since you like it, then I will fill it up and record it for you. What about "Lanting Preface"?"

"It sounds good! But I don't like it, and you know that my hobby is more unique."

"That's true."

"Hey, the day before yesterday I asked Doglegs to buy you a set with an extra-large size. She almost drooled."

"What are you doing? People didn't provoke you, why are you always bullying Xu Jiazhen?"

"She likes to be bullied by me!"

"How can it be."

"Huh! You don't understand that. You can raise cats, bears, rabbits, and Erha, but Erha can't raise more legs?"

"The reason is good, but I always feel that there is a problem."

"My lord, you don't need to worry about these things. You can write a good song and script. We will help you open the zoo! We promise to be booming!"

"No, what's your picture?"

"The picture is fun!"

Li Tiezhu couldn't understand this kind of perverted thought, so let's be a pure person, IQ location, simple mind, at best, it is dragged by two little ones to do something bad. If you are too smart, this muddy circle will swallow Li Tiezhu sooner or later, and there will be no bones left.

Stupid people actually have a clear understanding and ideas.

Smart people are tired.

Besides, it's good to be simple and happy. After all, Zhang Xiaomeng, Song Zhuer, and Leng Ba are all very smart, and Li Tiezhu doesn't have to worry about losing or being bullied.

Based on such considerations, Li Tiezhu was stunned to put 109 intelligence points on the upper limit, and did not increase it, but just enough to increase it to 95 intelligence points.

I have to say that this actually requires a lot of self-control.

Not everyone can withstand the temptation.

After walking for half a circle, Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer came to the stone pier and sat down.

On the other side, Xu Jiazhen was squatting in front of a stone pier peeling tea eggs. Seeing Li Tiezhu coming, he quickly handed a peeled one.

"Try it, I cooked it in the dormitory rice cooker myself, I think it tastes good."

Xu Jiazhen smiled, with some expressions of praise in her eyes.

Li Tiezhu didn't know what to say, he took a bite of the tea egg and nodded, "Yeah, it tastes good!"

Xu Jiazhen smiled more brilliantly, immediately peeled off another one, and handed it to Song Zhuer: "Try Zhuer for the first time. I don't know if it suits your appetite."

Shochikuer also took a bite: "The salt will taste lighter."

Xu Jiazhen: "Okay! I'll pay attention next time."

Li Tiezhu couldn't help but said, "Isn't it banned to use rice cookers in the dormitory?"

Xu Jiazhen lowered her voice and said, "Use it quietly."

Li Tiezhu feels a little uncomfortable. They are all classmates, so how come Sung Zhuer made it into this? Unfriendly!

The breakfast prepared by classmate Xu Jiazhen included tea and eggs as well as steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk and milk. All in all, it was very rich.

After peeling the tea eggs, Xu Jiazhen watched the two eating for a while, especially watching Li Tiezhu eat. After making some unrealistic associations with his dark and tall profile face, Xu Jiazhen reluctantly left.

"Zhu'er, I'll open the water for you. You can go directly to the classroom later, and I will help you get the book."

Xu Jiazhen is very courteous.

Song Zhu'er gave an OK gesture: "Thank you! Sister Jiazhen, you are so kind. Mua~"

Li Tiezhu shuddered, the woman was terrible!

No matter how many Songzhuer are, when Xu Jiazhen walked away, he said, "Is it okay? You see that the **** is upright, tut..."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Song Zhu'er said again: "Are you interested? I'll help you! I have included her directly."

Li Tiezhu shook his head quickly: "Everyone is a classmate, you are... impolite! Don't mess around! I feel guilty for both of you."

Song Zhuer said in a big way: "Guilt is a good thing, then it would be better for us. However, your zoo probably won't open if you want to, as far as I know, anyway, ha ha ha..."

"What do you know?"

"I won't tell you."

"Anyway, we will get the certificate after graduation."

"Okay, okay! Then I will rest for a few years and give birth to a few fat babies! One by one, one by one, one by one."

"Are you afraid to delay your acting career?"

"What are you afraid of? You are so popular, you can still starve us to death? Besides, acting is just fun, and acting is annoying every day. I prefer to be on variety shows now, how I want to play and how to play."

"Spicy claws."


"I like you."

"I love you, say it again."

"These three words are so nauseous..."

"I think too. Ha! Come on, elder sister, come on, ha!"

Li Tiezhu wiped his face and thought of the song he had just bought, so he said to Song Zhuer, "I have finished writing a new song for my next game. I will sing it for you? Give me some advice."

Song Zhuer immediately became interested.

Li Tiezhu sang in a cappella softly, sang only half of the time, making Song Zhu'er bewildered. It was not until Li Tiezhu explained that Song Zhu'er suddenly realized, and then backhanded Li Tiezhu a big praise.

My guy is cowhide!

Another good song.


That afternoon, Li Tiezhu found the counselor, Mr. Lu Bo, and said with difficulty:

"Teacher, I accidentally kicked the gym and succeeded..."

Lu Bo was also scratching his head: "I watched! I watched the live broadcast. You said you, Han Hong and Hong Bo forced you to go, so you can relax a little! How can you use your full strength? It's a taboo to sing a song like this! , Even more so in acting!"

Li Tiezhu said heartily, the system doesn't allow it. It's a real dog, more real than Songzhuer.

Lu Bo helplessly said: "The leader greeted me, let me let you go anyway, and let me encourage you to achieve good grades. This is to win honor for the school! Especially the teacher Huang Sanshi, the least reliable... just because His daughter likes to watch you sing."

Li Tiezhu: "Hey, hey..."

Lu Bo said bitterly: "In this case, you only have three days of class time a week. You have to work harder! Moreover, I heard that you are still working on a TV drama script. You have to work hard! Don't get caught up in "The God of Medicine". His performance is blindfolded, and his acting skills need to be tempered..."

Li Tiezhu: "Definitely, I will definitely work hard. Don't worry!"

Lu Bo: "I also know that you are the hardest one in the class. Go! Come on."

Li Tiezhu said again: "The TV script I wrote contains a character that is very suitable for you, called Wu Liuyi, I don't know you..."

Lu Bo: "The money is in place."

Li Tiezhu: "Thank you!"

Lu Bo: "Go away."

Li Tiezhu left with joy. In fact, he now knows Teacher Lu Bo very well. This is not a person who is moved by money, he is a real idiot. In many cases, I would rather go to play dramas than TV dramas, live by Nortel’s salary, and not polish myself with arrogance or rashness.

I am very impressed.

But Li Tiezhu couldn't become him after all, so he could only give him the respect he deserved. He will never desecrate or despise the elders because of red.

On Wednesday afternoon, Li Tiezhu packed his luggage again and prepared to start.

Not a kicking singer, just go there on Thursday.

But Li Tiezhu couldn't. He was going to Xiangjiang. Master Cheng Dalong called him to go.

In fact, Li Tiezhu rarely contacted Master Cheng Dalong on weekdays. He only called for a visit during the holidays. Cheng Dalong usually ignored him. He had already said that he would not teach him kung fu. Will not support him.

However, this time it was Big Brother who wanted to see the new apprentices his Big Brother had accepted. Cheng Dalong had to nod his head to agree, and could not tolerate the slightest hesitation. In the Hong Kong movie world, Cheng Dalong is a well-deserved elder brother, but there is another elder brother above him-Hong Dabao.

Cheng Dalong could not buy anyone's account, but he dared not say a word in front of Hong Dabao, because that was a big brother.

At 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening, Jackie Chan was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and roared with the phone: "Isn’t there yet? Are you a maggot? It’s been a long time and haven’t arrived yet? If you don’t know the way, you won’t. Ask? Can't understand the traditional characters? You...I'll kill you! Push the street! Give you ten minutes, if you don't get it, I'll kill you!"

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Dalong panted with anger, knowing he would not accept this evildoer!

That's right, Li Tiezhu was lost because he couldn't understand the Cantonese of the taxi driver, and the driver couldn't understand his Mandarin. Now the two of them are running around in the streets of Kowloon.

(Don’t guess what the new song is, you will never guess it!)

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