Earthy Superstar

Chapter 367: : Eye-popping

This scene came too suddenly and directly stunned the audience in front of the live screen. What kind of show operation? Opening your mouth is a good song? The first rock? The second rap? The quality is still high, which is very magical.

The barrage took off immediately:

"Li Tiezhu is not a human being!"

"is God?"

"It's horrible, the donkeys of the production team dare not show up like this."

"This is probably Li Tiezhu's inventory."

"Maybe there are a lot of songs stored in private, just waiting for the show."

"Didn't you hear what Li Zijian said? The melody of genius jumps out."

"Dong Chou had a song that was improvised on the show and then written."

"Genius really has a rank."

"This is bronze?"

"In this issue, Li Tiezhu is afraid it's not going to win the championship again."

Singers are professionals after all, and they are far more shocked than ordinary audiences. The two most surprised are the two songwriters, Yan Bing and Li Zijian.

Yan Bing: "Tie Zhu, you scared me..."

Li Zijian said: "Have you written these songs? Sing and listen."

Li Tiezhu: "Uncle, this knowledge is just a little inspiration. I don't have time to write it yet. Who knows if I write it or not."

No intelligence worth buying!

Isn't it fragrant to buy one with one? Anyway, you can listen to three new songs every day...huh! Even ten seconds is enough.

Yan Bing said, "No, how did you make these melody? With words?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Isn't writing a song writing both words and music at the same time?"

Yan Bing: "...Farewell!"

Li Zijian comforted Yan Bing: "Don't compare with him, he is not an ordinary person, in fact, you are already very good."

Hearing them playing Li Tiezhu, Han Hong was relieved and smiled slightly reserved.

Sun Nan frowned unconsciously, and finally did not speak.

Gu Daji quietly said to Li Tiezhu: "It's OK, write me a song."

Li Tiezhu: "Don't worry, I will write when I have time."

The show continued, and the singers talked unscrupulously no matter how the camera was cut. Anyway, everyone was already familiar. Many singers are also familiar with the new Li Zijian.

After a while, Hong Bo walked in with the voting result.

The singers quieted down one after another. Although it was only the first round of the knockout round, everyone couldn't help being nervous.

According to international practice, Hong Bo took a sip from Chitose Mountain and said, "First of all, we welcome the new singer, Teacher Li Zijian!"

There was applause at the scene, the singers and partners applauded spontaneously, and Liang Xiaobo and the singers' real agents behind Hong Bo also applauded to express their welcome.

Liang Tian said suddenly: "Last issue, why didn't we welcome Li Tiezhu?"

Hong Bo: "This..."

Li Zijian said: "He played as a singer in the hall at the time. Before he succeeded in playing, he was too enthusiastic with him and would be regarded as a traitor. I can't, I can't afford to play, but I can only apply to join."

Liang Tian was speechless, and Li Zijian's hand was very shameless.

After cleverly resolved the embarrassment, Li Zijian counterattacked: "Why are beautiful girls defending Li Tiezhu like this? Lengba, Song Zhuer, Zhao Liya, Yang Mi, now there is one more you."

Liang Tian blushed suddenly, I don't think too much about him! What are you talking about?

She wanted to refute, but she was speechless and ashamed of her career as a host.

Li Tiezhu was very calm: "Uncle praised you for being beautiful, and didn't you say thank you?"

Liang Tian: "Ah! Thank you..."

Isn't this solved?

I learned it, I learned it, and those who can run wild in this circle are not fuel-efficient lamps. Li Zijian's slick and tricky, even Li Tiezhu's reaction is so strange? Liang Tian found out that she was almost thirty years old...

Yan Bing decisively gave Li Tiezhu a thumbs up. It seems that I still need to learn. Optics is not enough to speak bluntly. I also need to learn iron and iron talk, so that I can avoid poisoning. Life is really like a boat against the current, endless acupuncture points, I want to go every day... My **** thirst for knowledge.

After laughing for a while, Hong Bo said, "I have already obtained the voting results for this stage of the competition."

Except for Li Tiezhu and Li Zijian, the other five singers tacitly said:

"Wow, you are great."

This is still Li Tiezhu's stalk.

Hong Bo: "..."

After listening to Shen Meng's explanation, Li Zijian also followed up: "Director Hong, great~ I can even get the results of the competition."

Isn't this nonsense?

Hong Bo forcefully said: "This result surprised me. I never thought that such a ranking would appear."

Finally, he successfully aroused the curiosity of the singers and aroused the gossip of the live broadcast audience.

Han Hong: "What's wrong? I am seventh?"

Sun Nan: "That can't. You sing well in "Muni Mountain", you should be the champion. Maybe I am seventh."

Han Hong: "That can't, if you are seventh, Director Hong will not be surprised."

Sun Nan: "..."

Next, Sun Nan's agent couldn't help but sneered and helped his sunglasses.

Li Tiezhu asked stupidly: "Why? Is it because the old man's high pitch is not good today?"

Since he gained intermediate singing skills, Li Tiezhu's music appreciation level has also been high, so he asked subconsciously, but his mind was like that. Never thought that he was questioning the treble level of a tenor.

Han Hong was also taken aback, and said: "It's almost, it's almost today."

These two naive people are too divorced.

Li Zijian was more sleek, and said, "That must be because the sound of your TV is not good. I listened to it well."

Master, this is a master.

Hanhan also came back to his senses: "Yes, I think so, the show crew is too picky."

In the audience, Sun Nan's agent, Wulin, had already sat upright.

Zhang Xiaomeng is very happy, my celebrity is really two, hahaha, it's really interesting, can this kind of two people not become popular?

Hong Bo said, “Neither Han Hong nor Sun Nan are the last ones. However, the results of this issue of voting will surely surprise everyone. Let’s evaluate each singer first? Let’s evaluate it internally. First of all, yes. Li Tiezhu, the number one in the previous issue, what do you think of his performance in this issue?"

Li Tiezhu immediately sat down, listening attentively like a primary school student.

Han Hong was the first to speak: "Aside from the original song itself, his singing performance in this episode is very good, and it is the best I have ever heard him sing. Very good!"

Huang Jingling said: "I think "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is very nice! It's so natural, I like it very much."

Sun Nan: "The song is well written, but there is no boost in the high pitch, it feels a little bit close, but it doesn't feel like singing."

Li Zijian: "This song should not be sung, it should be sung like Tie Zhu, relaxed and sunny. I personally think that if you sing this song too hard, the feelings will become false and there will be no resonance. So, I like Li Tiezhu’s singing today, I think... the top three."

The pros and cons, although there is no smell of gunpowder, but Li Zijian's musical literacy still dominates Sun Nan, there is still a difference between a pure singer and a composer.

Yan Bing said: "Li Tiezhu's song is very simple, very simple, but very perfect. Maybe this is the simplest way of the road!"

In the end, it was Gu Daji’s turn: "I was there at the time, and I heard more real than friends with bad TV stereos. I told the truth and my eyes were red. Li Tiezhu, today is great!"

Hong Bo asked again: "Li Tiezhu, what do you think?"

Li Tiezhu: "I think I sing well."

Hong Bo: "Which number do you think you are?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Where do I know this? Anyway, it won't be higher than the previous one."

First in the previous game, of course it can't be higher.

The singers and partners laughed.

Hong Bo also smiled: "Li Tiezhu ranked seventh in this competition."


the last place? Li Tiezhu? How can it be!

At least, this song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" is impossible!

The singers showed their expressions of astonishment, which is not a pretense, because Li Tiezhu's singing skills in this issue are much better than the previous issue of "Lanting Preface".

How could this be seventh?


Han Hong: "Is it wrong? How could it be seventh? He sings very well. He has never sung so well. He hasn't even recorded songs so well."

She is really angry. There is a problem with this show, right?

Sun Nan said: "Sister Hong, don't be serious. They were all voted by the audience. Maybe you think Li Tiezhu didn't sing the high notes seriously."

Han Hong stood up and stopped talking, but finally sat back down bored.

Below, Zhang Xiaomeng stood up, but he couldn't speak, so he could only do it in a hurry.

Wulin stared at Zhang Xiaomeng wearing sunglasses, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Liang Tian: "Why? I cried when I heard this song..."

Li Tiezhu is very calm. This is the demeanor from the **** battlefield of "Super Sound". After all, he has been eliminated in Good Sound. What is the seventh in a single game?

Li Tiezhu said, "Acceptable. After all, I am the one with the lowest qualifications and the weakest in singing skills. It doesn't matter, I will work harder!"

Han Hong: "You shouldn't write a song to me, what are you doing without that jin? Just singing that song I love you, China is definitely not such an achievement."

Li Tiezhu smiled without talking.

Hong Bo said: "There is no mistake, Li Tiezhu got the least votes in this issue, seventh place. Now let's come according to the seats, and everyone can comment on Mr. Han Hong's singing."

Singers began to praise one after another, commercial talk is the basic operation.

Only Li Tiezhu can't boast: "It sounds good!"

Hong Bo: "Han Hong is first and tied for first. Next, let's comment on the performance of Sun Nan."

Several singers blow to each other every day.

Han Hong said: "The treble did not sing well. This is his old fault. Li Tiezhu said rightly that it was very unstable when his treble started and when he switched from true to false. Sun, after so many years, what are you doing? Didn't improve it?"

The second is to dare to tell the truth.

There is another second Li Tiezhu: "Uncle, your high pitch is too strong. The high pitch... is emotion. If the emotion is not forced to be high... uncomfortable."

Sun Nan said: "I have reservations about the treble question you raised! Seek common ground while reserving differences!"

Hong Bo: "Ms. Sun Nan ranked sixth in this competition, one more vote than Li Tiezhu."

Sun Nan: "..."

Wulin stood up directly: "Is the voting statistics wrong?"

Hong Bo glanced back directly, and Wulin sat down angrily.

However, this scene has been captured by live footage and spread in all directions.

(Ask for leave: Because there are some family affairs that have to be dealt with these days, so I won’t add changes in the next few days. I will continue to add changes after the processing is completed. The only thing I can do is to keep three shifts as much as possible and strive for every day as much as possible. One chapter with a 4000-word chapter. It may take a week or so, forgive me! But I promise that the 10 chapters that are owed and the additions to the V group administrators will be honored. Thank you!)

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