Earthy Superstar

Chapter 370: : Tutu is so cute

"Do you think you are first or seventh?"

This question is too tricky. No one will cheekily answer that he is the first. But again, I took seventh in the previous round, and I dare not take seventh in this round.

If you are an ordinary person, I'm afraid it will be difficult to answer, but Li Tiezhu is generally not a human being.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu said, "Are you stupid?"

Hong Bo: "Huh???"

Other singers and partners also looked at Li Tiezhu, what happened? Can't afford to lose? It’s just a show effect!

Li Tiezhu slowly said, "If I am seventh, will I be eliminated?"

Hong Bo: "Yes! So let you guess."

Li Tiezhu: "I will be eliminated at seventh, then everyone can turn off the TV directly, without watching the overall results of the next two rounds. With your lowly character, if I am seventh, you should play like this. We guess whether the first place is Li Tiezhu, the last place in the previous period, whether the second place is Li Tiezhu, and the third place is him...So, I'm sure I am the first place."

This has nothing to do with smartness or not. Li Tiezhu's current 95 intelligence point is a middle-lower, but he can't hold back his understanding of Hong Bo's baseness.

The other singers also woke up, Li Tiezhu's seventh words, it is impossible to get to the beginning.

Yan Bing also smiled wryly and applauded: "Excellent! Director Hong, your IQ is not good."

Hong Bo: "Ah...I didn't expect it either."

Li Tiezhu stood up and did a shoulder-shake dance: "Ahhh~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

This paragraph was auditioned in the system, it was too brainwashed, so Li Tiezhu remembered it.

Li Zijian couldn't help but: "Fuck! What song did you sing? New song?"

Li Tiezhu: ""Uneasy"!"

Li Zijian: "It should be renamed "Lise" to be more appropriate."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay, just listen to uncle."

The barrage is up again:

"Brother Serious Domineering! There are three issues, two first, and one last!"

"A serious person is never stubborn, either first or last."

"As expected of Ainpela Lee! Really strong."

"If the song "The Wind Rises" does not get good results, then there is a problem."

"It was just an oolong last issue, okay? I went to vote for Han Hong."

"It's true that I laughed to death last issue!"

"Where is the best tenor? Come out and take two steps."

"Don't black Sun Nan, okay? He is still very good, just an agent..."

"That agent is really hard to say."

"Li Tiezhu has something to do with this song."

"It's another divine comedy, which is outrageous. Did Li Tiezhu go to the toilet to write a song?"

"The Iron Head Baby is very pleased!"

"No one said it? "Lanting Preface", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "The Wind Is Rising" are the first classic rhythms again!"

"I suspect that Li Tiezhu is not here on the show, but is here to write a new album."

"Don't doubt, he is."

Han Honghan’s brain circuit ran for half a minute before he was pleasantly surprised: "In other words, Li Tiezhu's Phase One, Phase One, Phase Seven, is basically guaranteed not to be eliminated?"

Hong Bo couldn't help but grimace: "Yes. Li Tiezhu got the first vote this time, so he is safe, and Yan Bing is seventh in this game."

Now it was Sun Nan and Yan Bing's turn to panic. The last one, Li Tiezhu, suddenly ran first, and they both sat on the wax. Although Sun Nan is sixth, he does not necessarily get more votes than Yan Bing.

Yan Bing clasped his hands together: "Please, uncle audience, give me a chance. I will sing an original song to PK with Li Tiezhu in the next show! Give me a chance to fight him!"

Li Zijian said: "You sing original? Why didn't you say it before? After voting, the audience is gone."

Yan Bing: "I... I didn't expect it! I lost it!"

Li Zijian: "Then if you were eliminated this issue, you would be wronged."

Yan Bing: "I feel...a bit bad..."

Hong Bo had no choice but to conclude: "So, Li Tiezhu was out of the danger zone, and Han Hong, who was sixth in the current period, was the champion in the previous period, and there is no danger. Then, only Sun Nan who was sixth last period and Yan who was seventh in this period are left. The soldiers are in the elimination zone."

Sun Nan also became nervous, his face was dark and did not speak.

Yan Bing: "Brother Nan, we are now brothers and sisters."

Sun Nan smiled far-fetched: "It's all voted by the audience, it's okay, and it's not a professional judge."

Yan Bing was taken aback, what logic is this? Is the audience stronger than the professional judges? Parents, do the judges buy your album? Do you see your concert?

Hong Bo said: "Yan Bing was fourth in the previous period and seventh in this period. Sun Nan was sixth in the last period and fifth in this period. From the average ranking, both of them are 5.5 and tied. Moreover, what I can tell you is , The difference in the total number of votes between the two of them is only three votes."

Yan Bing: "There is suspense, there is suspense, take a drink, don't rush to say it."

Hong Bo, who was holding the water, was immediately embarrassed, put the water down again, and said, "The singer with the least votes, I personally admire his talent, he..."

Yan Bing raised his hand: "I see, I was eliminated! Talent, I am still slightly better than Nan Ge."

Sun Nan: "..."

Hong Bo was also stunned, what happened to Yan Bing? Why is Li Tiezhu turned?

"Uh...yes, in the two rounds of voting, Yan Bing got the least votes. Therefore, he is the singer who will leave this show."

Now, Sun Nan is no longer angry with Yan Bing, so I am so talented.

The suspense was finally revealed. On the live barrage, many fans of Yan Bing and neutral fans complained for him, but they couldn't change the ending.

The singers and partners also hugged Yan Bing and bid farewell to each other, and they seemed very disappointed.

Although this short five episodes of the show is thrilling, it also allows the singers to understand each other better. Yan Bing often runs to help others make arrangement and suggestions. Generally speaking, he is a very enthusiastic person.

Yan Bing finally hugged Li Tiezhu, and said, "You wait for me, don't be eliminated! Wait for my resurrection...It's a resurrection, ah? Breakout! Wait for my breakout match to come back with original songs! I'll talk to you then. A showdown."

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "Okay, brother, I'll be waiting for you."

"My new song is also a Chinese style, very powerful! You will know by then!"

Yan Bing just left, very cool.

Next, when it came time for the remaining six singers to extract keywords, the next stage was even more exciting than the knockout, and it was a kick-off match. If the kicking hall singer succeeds in kicking the hall, another one will be eliminated, just like Li Tiezhu came to squeeze out Zhang Liying.

The sixth keyword "you" picked by Han Hong.

The fifth Sun Nan keyword "suddenly".

The fourth key word Li Zijian got was "hand".

The third ancient foundation "time".

The second Huang Liangling "Hello".

The keyword that Li Tiezhu drew in the first place was particularly interesting. It was stunned for Li Tiezhu. It was-"Mom".

Hong Bo was dumbfounded: "You... have nothing to do with the program group. We did not target you. It was drawn by you yourself. I must declare that we have put 20 pieces of paper in this box, for each director. Write one and put it in. No one knows what others have written... So Tie Zhu! Sorry."

Li Tiezhu: "So, is this show called "I'm a Mother"? I've sang two songs about my mother in a row! There is no end to it? What about chaos and torture!"

This is so angry that dialects are coming out.

The other singers also snickered, and Li Tiezhu had no luck.

Han Hong said to Li Tiezhu: "Why don't we change it, you are indeed a bit too much... I just met my mother, it is a resumption of relationship, let me sing to her."

Li Tiezhu shook her head. She knew that Aunt Han Hong and her mother were not easy, and said, "Don't change. Don't worry, Auntie, I will write, I will write the happiest and funniest song to my mother."

Aside, Li Zijian said to partner Shen Meng: "Look! 3D printing is here again."

Shen Meng: "It's not so evil, right? Come on? The next song is definitely not better. "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" and "The Wind Rises" are both so strong, can it be better?"

Li Zijian: "3D printing is not about speed, but about stability, so it should still be as good."

Shen Meng: "Brother Jian, you won't be so shocked that you don't want to write songs, will you?"

Li Zijian sneered: "How is it possible? They have no sense of experience in writing songs like their geniuses. Biu came out in an instant, and there is no happiness at all. Unlike us, writing songs is like being pregnant in October, and we took pains to write a song. A nice song can be happy for half a year. What is the most important thing for people? To please yourself. To please yourself for a long time!"

Shen Meng didn't dare to speak. Li was the reason, but my brother Jia Tao didn't allow me to do my own work on my own.

When the audience saw Li Zijian's wonderful remarks, they all expressed their love. This product looks serious, but he didn't expect it to be a good way, HE~TUI!

Han Hong started to do things again: "Hey! Everyone will work harder in the next issue. Don't let the kick in the stadium succeed. We must keep it out of the door. It won't work for anyone."

Sun Nan: "Okay! No one can do it easily."

Huang Jingling asked cautiously: "What if it's sister Han Hong your child again?"

Han Hong: "That's impossible. Among my children, Li Tiezhu is the only one who sings."

Hong Bo said nonchalantly: "Are you sure you want to be consistent with the outside world?"

Han Hong: "Of course!"

Hong Bo: "Very well, I feel relieved to see your attitude."

Li Tiezhu: "Auntie, there is a fraud!"

Li Zijian said, "Just call your godmother. Auntie sounds awkward."

Han Hong immediately refused: "No! It's better to call Auntie, it will change if you call Godmother."

The show is coming to an end, and Hong Bo has already started speaking to thank the sponsors.

The capital of Shu.

Zhao Muye, who was squatting by the coffee table and washing his socks, looked upset: "Bah! Fatty Han, you are too much! Why are you targeting my girl? She is also a student you brought out, so how can you favor each other? Ah, let's not go anymore, you Look at that group of people, it's clear that they are aimed at you."

Liu Wanyun said angrily: "Why did you target it? When my Tie Zhu kicked the gym, wasn't it also rejected? What's the matter? It's just a variety show. You are a big man with such a small belly and despise you!"

Then Zhao Muye argued with Liu Wanyun, and Liu Wanyun rejected the theory and scolded it. She gave Zhao Liya a punch before she felt relieved. After three punches, Zhao Muye was convinced.

Zhao Liya endured the pain and drank the yogurt, with a weird smile on her face.

Hey, it's really interesting. She suddenly remembered the first experience of moving a cat. The more provocative the enemy, the happier she was.

After this one, the scolding battle between Song Zhuer and Wulin finally ended hastily, because Wulin was scolded by Song Zhuer to the point of death and couldn't bear it anymore.

Song Zhuer said: "Compared with my iron column? Do you have eighteen centimeters? Grasshopper!"

The fans suddenly went crazy, and the entire Douyin went crazy.

Because Shochiku is crazy.

Then, Song Zhuer was sealed.

The short video was blocked, and the account was blocked for 30 days, during which no video could be posted.

Even so, crazy fans still flocked to Sung Zhuer's previous videos to comment, call, and even ask her to share her experience. Among them, most of them are female fans. Most of the male fans just praise Song Zhuer, who dare to think and say, but female fans are different, they want to resonate...

In any case, this farce finally ended in a bigger farce. Sun Nan and his agent did not make any comments about Li Tiezhu. Perhaps it was measured with a ruler?

Because of this, Li Tiezhu was so furious that Song Zhuer was punished to kneel, wearing all kinds of weird clothes.

Lengba also called the hotline, angrily reprimanding Song Zhuer for exposing our strategic resources, and recruiting her to look at the enemy hidden in the dark, which is too irrational. To be honest, you can't talk nonsense everywhere!

Even the rabbit hit Zhao Liya on WeChat and asked if Song Zhuer was exaggerating.

Although Tuzha was young, he was extraordinarily evil. Song Zhuer kept extremely vigilant against him, and replied, "Should I take a picture for you to see?" Tuzha did not dare to reply.

A week later, November 18.

When Li Tiezhu came to the Mango Building wrapped in a down jacket, he shuddered suddenly, as if something bad was about to happen.

In fact, Li Tiezhu is not superstitious, but his sixth sense is more developed, and stupid people can only rely on the sixth sense.

This is probably evolution!

After the last dress rehearsal, we enter the interview session.

Director: "Li Tiezhu, what do you think of the kicking hall singer who is here today?"

Li Tiezhu: "I don't even know who it is."

"Don't worry about who it is, do you want TA to succeed in playing the stadium?"

"Um... succeed. After all, I'm also a singer in the pavilion."

"Then who do you think is most likely to be eliminated?"

"I think it's me."


"Because I will be scolded for speaking other people's words. Who do you want me to say?"


In short, the person interviewing Li Tiezhu will not end well.

After the interview, Li Tiezhu and Liang Tian returned to their rest room, and as soon as they walked in, they smelled a strange fragrance.

Liang Tian: "Wow! It smells so good."

Li Tiezhu nodded, it was indeed very fragrant. Under the impact of sister Liang Tian's pungent perfume and **** smell, it can stimulate the nasal cavity. This fragrance is particularly overbearing.

Liang Tian saw a bag on the table, opened it, and saw a bag of food and a card.

"I wish Sha Zhu won the seventh place in this competition! A certain kick hall singer stayed."

Liang Tian read the words on the card.

Li Tiezhu knew who came to kick the pavilion in an instant. He sat down and put on his gloves and started eating.

Liang Tian: "Huh? What is this? I haven't seen it before."

Li Tiezhu ate with relish: "Mom rabbit head!"

Liang Tian was taken aback: "Hey...Tutu is so cute, how can you eat Tutu?"

Li Tiezhu: "Tutu is so cute, of course it's delicious!"

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