Earthy Superstar

Chapter 372: : The King of Future Singer

Shochikuer finished selling Meng and continued to talk about the noodles. She likes the wide noodles in the hot pot most. It is soft, creamy and chewy.

Li Tiezhu took out the paper towel and wiped the oil on his chin.

Liang Tian was a little bit sour: "Oh... the live show is openly showing affection."

Zhao Liya was very calm: "Just get used to it. Who makes them both skinless and faceless?"


"Zhao Liya can see through!"

"It's not easy to be fed dog food at a young age."

"The action of Li Tiezhu wiping Song Zhu'er's mouth, I admit I was sore..."

"Aren't the music partners all the hosts of Mango Channel? How did Song Zhuer become a partner?"

"This is called the husband sings the women's accompaniment, and Li Tiezhu is responsible for singing."

"Zhao Liya supporting and following?"

"Fuck! You are so evil, Shochikuer is still around."

Liang Tian suddenly felt that she was a bit redundant in this room, and she didn't know why she felt that way, and it was very strong.

Zhao Liya felt a little unhappy: "Silly Zhu, do you know I'm here? You want to grab my hot pot."

Li Tiezhu: "Ha! I know your **** or urination as soon as your **** is curled."

Zhao Liya: "Bah!"

Song Zhu'er almost choked with laughter: "Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, the door was pushed open again, and a fat figure squeezed in through the narrow door with difficulty, and said, "Hey! You are lost in the sun. Give us a few rabbit heads. You can eat here by yourself. Hot pot? Ann? Do you still have a master in your eyes?"

Three fellows meet.

Zhao Liya quickly got up and helped Han Hong over and sit down: "Teacher sit down, I am not doing something suspenseful? I don't know if you all guessed it. There is no sense of accomplishment at all."

Han Hong swallowed a **** cow from Li Tiezhu's chopsticks and put it into his own mouth. He glared at Li Tiezhu and said, "Your grandfather called us and threatened us all the time. Do you want to be suspenseful? What international joke? "

This time it was Zhao Liya's turn to cover her face. She knew her grandpa's urination too well.

Han Hong said again: "I don't care, this self-heating little hot pot does not count. When the game is over, you have to invite us all to have a real hot pot."

Zhao Liya said: "No! I want to bet that if I fail to kick the stadium, I will treat me, and if I succeed, I will invite Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu: "What's the matter with me? Are your heads covered?"

Song Zhuer finished the fan, put his arms around Zhao Liya's neck as soon as he reached out, and said: "That's it! If my rabbit hits the restaurant successfully, Li Tiezhu, cook yourself and cook hot pot for everyone in the good sound lounge. eat."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Han Hong patted his thigh, and touched Song Zhu'er's head with joy: "Okay! It's my Zhuer Elf (smart), so I'll do it, and I will coordinate with the program team. Yaya, you have to sing well, don't you? It's going to fail."

Zhao Liya nodded.

Song Zhu'er smiled stupidly: "Auntie, Li Tiezhu just attacked me."

Han Hong backhanded and slapped Li Tiezhu: "What are you doing? I'm so ugly that I don't have any points to step forward? I finally met a good-looking girlfriend with a good personality, but I don't know how to cherish it? It’s not so good. I don’t have any shortcomings. I like Zhuer the most. Come on, Zhuer eats quack..."

I can't give live footage anymore. I originally wanted to film the biggest surprise of this issue. Who knew that these two people were so tired of being so young? After coming to an elder, I feel even more crooked...

For the physical and mental health of the large number of single dogs in front of the live broadcast screen, the program team resolutely cut the camera.

When the kick hall singer appears, it is natural to broadcast the encouragement from the kick hall singer friends to the kick hall singer.

Zhao Liya doesn't have many friends, because this rabbit is too black...

The first "friend" who was forced to open a business was Yi Xiaomao. In the camera, Mei Mao's chubby face was flushed, he held his glasses nervously, and said in embarrassment:

"Sister Liya is coming to participate in "I Am a Singer". Here, I wish her good grades and success in playing in the gym. I admire her music talent very much. I think she is a real genius, and she will definitely achieve Deserving results. Leah, come on!"

As everyone knows, this video stammered over and over again, recorded more than a dozen times, and sent it to Zhao Liya for review after each recording.

But Yi Xiaomao didn't dare to refute.

The second place is Lengba. She is eager for Zhao Liya to fail in kicking the stadium and get out of it. What qualifications do you have to compete with my pillar? However, the rabbit threatened her with the photo of the cat collar, and she had to be forced to open business:

"Sister Yaya, come on! You are the singer I brought out of the audition. You must succeed in playing in the gym! Don't shame me and Tie Zhu. He succeeded in playing in the gym in the first place, and you can't get the second place. Isn't it too much difference?"

Although it was forced to operate, it was still with guns and sticks.

Then came Justin and Chen Yisen, and finally, a super boss-Zhao Tianhua was blown up.

The old man had to be forced to open business for his granddaughter. He sat right in front of the camera with a tight smile and said with a smile:

"Yaya has liked music since she was a child. It can be said that my old Zhao family belongs to her with the strongest musical talents. His father is a semi-finished product. Since she was a child, Yaya wants to be a singer. Now although she is half of her success, she still has a lot of It’s a long way to go, but grandpa believes you, you can definitely do it! Li Tiezhu, if you dare to bully my girl, I’ll knock you to death with a cane! Humph~"

The old man is also cute, dare to threaten Li Tiezhu?

Aren't you afraid of Song Zhuer thousands of miles to send a hammer to your lungs? Erha is notoriously ignorant of martial ethics-he rides the old man and kicks the young girl.

Barrage turned over:

"Zhao Liya is a real dog! Even grandpa moved out, dog head."

"Yaya is really a super music family, and the number one old man in the music world is her grandfather, who dares to bully her?"

"Li Tiezhu is so good to Yaya, how could he bully her?"

"Mei Mao's face is red, and are there tons of liquor?"

"How fake Lengba thinks, it's obvious that she and Yaya are plastic sisters."

"Tit for tat!"

"I don't know whose song Yaya sings in this issue."

"I really like Zhao Liya and Li Tiezhu singing "You Look So Funny"."

The picture turned again, and the six singers used the method of losing dice to determine the order of appearance:

Han Hong, Gu Daki, Li Zijian, Sun Nan, Yan Bing (returning performance), Li Tiezhu, Huang Liangling, Kick Hall singer Zhao Liya.

Then, Gu Daji took the microphone onto the stage.

"...First of all, we welcome the first competitive singer to bring us "You Are Such a Person"."

Han Hong debuted and sang very well, winning applause from the audience.

It was followed by "The Year in a Hurry" by Gu Daji.

Li Zijian, "Let's Watch with Folding Hands."

Sun Nan "Suddenly Love You".

Then came the return performance "Wink" brought by Yan Bing.

The first few have shown their own housekeeping skills. After all, the eliminated Chen Jingyi, Zhang Liying and Yan Bing are role models. These three can be said to be very strong, but they are still inevitably eliminated.

Therefore, on the stage of singers, the comparison is not who has the best singing skills and who has the most beautiful timbre, but... who makes the mistake first.

The reason why Li Tiezhu has been able to stand until now, in addition to his excellent originality and voice talent, more importantly, is that he is stable and stable as a dead dog.

Although he doesn't have many dazzling skills, he just doesn't make mistakes.

While waiting for the show, Liang Tian couldn't help asking Li Tiezhu: "Which singer is your favorite singing so far?"

Li Tiezhu adjusted his ears and replied: "Gu Daji's "The Year in a Hurry" is very nice, I like it very much anyway."

On the stage, Gu Daji was also blowing up Li Tiezhu. It is reasonable that the entire Xiangjiang entertainment circle likes Li Tiezhu very much, and he doesn't know why. The most typical representative is Gu Daji:

"Next, this singer is a singer I really like and even admire. In the words of Treasure Island Jay Chou, oh~ awesome! In the words of our Xiangjiang Ethan, the future singer is from Monkey Gill. Hey! The comments of these two people also represent my heart. He... has sung the original song about'Mom' for two consecutive issues, and the key word he picked in this issue is'Mom'..."

Having said this, Gu Daji himself laughed.

The audience in the audience laughed even more, and they didn't know whether Li Tiezhu's luck was good or bad.

In the lounge, the singers who had finished singing also shook their heads.

Han Hong: "This kid is really unlucky...I blame Hong Bo!"

Li Zijian: "Who knows how to draw lots? It all depends on luck, but... Hong Bo is all to blame!"

Sun Nan: "Nor can you say that, he smokes it himself, and the biggest responsibility lies with him."

On the other side, Kick Hall singer’s lounge.

Zhao Liya asked: "Hello? Tell me, how about his new song today?"

Song Zhuer: "Heh! Did my Tie Zhu write any bad songs?"

Zhao Liya is just a thumbs up: "I would like to call you the Dean of the College of Women's Ethics!"

Song Zhu'er: "That is! Lao Tzu, but..."

Before the words were finished, the live footage was cut directly, because she was afraid that she would say something inappropriate. For this, the program team had already made a plan.

Then why let her be the music partner?

It's the same reason-Hong Bo signed a gambling agreement. If this season's ratings are not up to standard, he will not be able to really control the show. Just like a good voice, he can't do anything about it.

On the stage, Gu Daji said: "This week, he created a new song for his mother, called "Listen to Mother's Words". Let us invite the sixth singer to compete..."

The audience shouted in unison: "Li Tiezhu——"

Applause rises and The lights are on and off.

Li Tiezhu dressed plainly and stepped onto the stage: "This song is for all the children. I hope you can listen to your mother."

The audience applauded.

Li Tiezhu smiled slightly, stepping on the rhythm of the prelude, his heart is full of thoughts, if my mother is still alive, I will listen to him, this song is a kind of imagination, but it is also a kind of demanding:

Kid, do you have a lot of question marks

Why are others reading comics there

I'm learning to draw and talk to the piano

Others are playing games

I leaned against the wall and carried my ABC

(Today's million changes are over!)

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