Earthy Superstar

Chapter 388: : Rearing and Reverse Rearing

As the Li Tiezhu incident was resolved, the Magic Zoo group was also very lively today. Although everyone is different, the passion for chatting is still very lively.

After all, this is the first time that they have faced a major crisis together and have achieved great success.

Although they didn't do it personally, their collective wisdom was not wrong. Sure enough, letting Li Tiezhu steadily show up was the best way.

So, after Song Zhuer sent the message, everyone responded enthusiastically.

Cat: "He is so cute, did you just find out? I saw it at first sight, huh! The first is better."

Xiong Er: "Then I am earlier than you! Every time he is forced to buy me auntie's towel, that little face is blushing...tsk..."

Rabbit hit: "Disgusting."

Xiong Er: "Kill you!"

Two Ha: "Don't fight, everyone is a little animal who loves each other."

Xiong Er: "Don't get involved with me, it's okay for you three to be happy."

Rabbit hit: "I have no melons! I and he are just friends, you can be happy with a cat and a dog."

Cat: "But he has touched your chest."

Tuzha has already withdrawn from the group.

Erha: "What are you talking about? I'll tell you secretly, why did you say it? She asked me to chat, I will meet her!"

Xiong Er: "What's the situation? Curious +99"

Cat: "You are not a formal animal organization, how could I tell you? Zheng Yanzi, aren't you training? The Australian Open is about to start, right?"

Xiong Er: "Let’s get early. The race will not start until January next year. I am now preparing for the race in Australia. What's the situation with Zhao Liya and Li Tiezhu?"

Cat: "I heard Zhu'er say that once Tie Zhu fell asleep on the sofa, Zhu'er went to take a bath, and then he took Zhao Liya as Zhu'er and started directly..."

Xiong Er: "It can be seen that we still have to pay attention to physical exercise, otherwise we will not be able to struggle!"

Cat: "It sounds like you can get away with it. Why don't you find a chance to try?"

Xiong Er: "No, play."

Erha: "The latest news, Tuzha is really angry and threatens to retaliate against Li Tiezhu. What should I do? Wait online, I'm very anxious."

Xiong Er: "Hidden, I'm going to train."

Cat: "The rabbit is very evil, you must be careful. Pull her in, I apologize to her."

Two Ha: "She is dead and alive."

Cat: "Wait, I'll go chat with her alone."

After a while, Mao Zi invited Tucha to join the group chat.


"Hot pot is going to be eaten standing up" to join the group chat.

Rabbit: "Welcome new animals to the Magic Zoo!"

Cat: "Welcome new animals to the Magic Zoo!"

Xiong Er: "Welcome new animals to the Magic Zoo! Please change the remarks to rabbits."

Cat: "Didn't you go for training?"

Xiong Er: "Look again... training is not fun to visit the zoo."

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, but I am in this mountain!

Tuzha: "I have said it, it was just a misunderstanding! If you mention it again, I will withdraw forever."

Xiong Er: "Don't mention it."

Cat: "No one is allowed to mention her being touched on her breast."

Two Ha: "I don't even mention that she was touched by Li Tiezhu."

Rabbit hit: "..."

If it hadn't been for the strong revenge, she would have broken up with the three of them.

It was too shameful, but as a black-bellied rabbit, she was unwilling to withdraw so flat and without dignity, so she returned to the "organization" again under the "persuasion" of Erha and Maozi.

Ready to do things!

Tuzha said, "Don't you think Li Tiezhu is innocent and stupid? That's good, I tell you, you must protect him! Let him not be harmed by the evil forces outside, so that he can remain innocent forever. "

Cat: "Yes! I like his silly look, but it's fun."

Zhao Liya, who was in school, had a nausea and sent a message: "That's right! Cat Erha, you are too limited, he treats you as small animals, do you think it is fun, right? There is even more fun! It is called! -Reverse feeding."

Two Ha: "What is reverse feeding?"

Cat: "It sounds very exciting!"

Xiong Er: "Wow~"

In fact, once a group of beautiful girls is alone in a group, the scale of chatting cannot bear to look directly at it. This is an iron rule, but 99.9% of male compatriots don’t know it, thinking that girls are pure and shy. That's a big mistake.

Tuzha said: "You have to have a subjective mind, and raise Li Tiezhu into a well-behaved, clean, and innocent boy. Don't let him get a little bit of pollution. Understand? Only in this way can you be worthy of your animal attributes. You think that raising is a simple matter. In terms of it? No, it's a two-way street!"

Two Ha: "Come, come... You will be the director of the zoo!"

Rabbit hit: "Don't talk coldly, aren't you just perverted? Is there anything wrong with me helping you out? The better you protect him, the more innocent and well-behaved you are, the more interesting it is! Come on, everyone!"

Cat: "So funny! Just do it!"

Two Ha: "Yes, you can."

Xiong Er: "Oh yo yo..."

The blackness attribute of the rabbit's belly broke out in an all-round way, and the other three small animals began to instill the owner's key and main purpose.

But, on the other side, Erha and Maozi are chatting alone.

Iron Head Baby: "The rabbit wants to mess with us, wants to retaliate against us, we pretend to cater to it. Reverse breeding? Huh! Let's give her a reverse breeding! Let her indulge in the plan of directing us to raise the pillars, and then know it. Feel, the cute little animals that we raised directly into iron pillars!"

Cat in captivity: "Beautiful! That's it, why didn't I expect it? We must take her down! Now that we know our secrets, none of them can escape..."

Tietouwa: "Right, right. At this stage, let Zheng Yanzi watch the show. For her, we have an anti-reverse feeding plan. Let her watch our plan to deal with Zhao Liya, and then find an opportunity to pull her into the water."

Cat in captivity: "Tie Zhu is so happy!"

Tietouwa: "I didn't say anything in this room, why are you still complaining?"

"No, what did I say to you?"

"Status! If there are not a few critters that can afford the appearance, how can I upgrade my Tie Zhu to a high-level player?"

"Yes, it just feels sour."

"Your level is too low! Be like me!"

"You don't mind, then I have nothing to say, Zhao Liya and Zheng Yanzi are pretty good anyway."

"Not only is it good! Which one is worse than you and me?"

"But Tie Zhu is naive, does this plan work?"

"Heh! Shanren has a clever plan, just wait..."

After all, only the four of them knew about the things in the group. Therefore, after Sung Zhuer had determined the anti-reverse breeding and anti-reverse breeding plans, she put down her mobile phone and looked at Xu Jiazhen not far away with uncertain eyes.

Xu Jiazhen has a guilty conscience, and the female fourth role who has just won from Song Zhuer will not be lost, right?

Song Zhuer smiled suddenly: "Xu Jiazhen, the filming will start in two weeks. Have you read the script?"

Xu Jiazhen hurriedly said: "I took a look..."

Song Zhu'er nodded comfortably, and said in his heart, it's just a dogleg, what kind of loyalty is needed? Just run errands.

Originally thought, since this one likes to haunt my Tie Zhu so much, he will reserve a place for you at the zoo, now... forget it!

You do not deserve!

Xu Jiazhen squinted. This Songzhuer is really stupid. I almost rebelled. She returned the role to me. She was so stupid! Since she is so stupid and Li Tiezhu is not clever, then my corner digging strategy can definitely be successful.

She didn't know, she missed Li Tiezhu's hundreds of millions!

Forever missed!

Since then, she has no chance to enter the zoo.

That afternoon, Li Tiezhu’s studio announced the success of its establishment. The high-level people of the studio such as Zhang Xiaomeng accounted for 10% of the shares, the capital of Ali Daddy and Huayou Films as the main shareholders accounted for 20%, and Li Tiezhu himself owns 30% of the shares. %, Penguin holds 40% of the shares.

In fact, the two Mr. Ma have foresight. The reason why he gave so much profit to Li Tiezhu is that he foresaw the turmoil and the reaction above.

Therefore, on the surface, they do not hold too much shares, but in fact they have succeeded in putting their positions right, which is more important than anything else.

Of course, Li Tiezhu didn't understand this, and only felt ashamed. Why can I take so many shares?

The first thing after the establishment of the studio was... to fight a lawsuit.

As the spokesperson of Li Tiezhu's studio, Zhang Xiaomeng immediately launched a legal recovery against Yehenala, Luo Feiyan, Fang Cuozi and other artists and big Vs who emerged in the turmoil of the previous two days, including those malicious More than a hundred people, including the little artist who slandered Li Tiezhu, were sent to justice by the studio.

In short, all those who have vilified Li Tiezhu shall be investigated by law and accompanied by financial compensation.

Among them, the reputation compensation for Yehnala and Luofeiyan reached a staggering 10 million.

Although the legal process has not yet begun, Li Tiezhu's studio's firm attitude and fierce methods can already be seen.

These days, Li Tiezhu is actually relatively leisurely, just chatting with the shooter about the filming and shooting techniques of "Soldiers Assault". He has no idea that he has already stepped through the sword.

With the official intervention, the smearing farce against Li Tiezhu quickly ended, and the majority of netizens were finally proud. Only some naval forces who are not afraid of death are still singing the opposite. It is conceivable that they will also die miserably.

In a blink of an eye came the eighth issue of "I Am a Singer" on December 2.

Uncharacteristically, Li Tiezhu did not come to the rehearsal on Thursday, but delayed until Friday, because he had to deal with many studio affairs and coordinate the preparations for "Soldiers Assault" Zhuer, Leng Ba Du helped Li Tiezhu all the way, but whenever there was something a little bit more complicated, it was Li Tiezhu who gave advice, and the two of them tried to find a relationship to complete.

The innocent and lovely Li Tiezhu must not be involved in the complicated and dirty specific affairs, this is a defilement to him.

After all, this is the so-called reverse feeding!

Hey hey...

Li Tiezhu, who had only rehearsed for one day, was still full of confidence and played seventh, but the songs brought by this game would definitely win.

It's so naive.

And Zhao Liya and Song Zhuer were also confident. Zhao Liya thought she had fooled the entire zoo, but Song Zhuer led the entire "reverse feeding" plan, targeting Zhao Liya, the cunning rabbit!

Therefore, when they came to the "I Am a Singer" competition, both women had their chests straight.

On the contrary, Sun Nan was a little bit arrogant, and his agent was even more arrogant.

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