Earthy Superstar

Chapter 398: : A superstar in a family grows up

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Tiezhu figured it out. It turned out that when he had a small hot pot celebration last night, he and Zhao Liya were given a lot of wine by Song Zhuer. Li Tiezhu was drunk anyway.

In the end, it seemed that the three of them fell asleep on the bed without taking off their clothes. At least, they didn't do anything strange.

After a while, Songzhuer bought breakfast thiefly, and said: "Get up? Why don't you sleep more? Where is the rabbit?"

Li Tiezhu ignored her and ate buns on his own.

Song Zhu'er went in and took a look, and found that Zhao Liya was still asleep, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After Song Zhuer left, Zhao Liya's long eyelashes flickered, and she cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! You are fooled, you are fooled... it's dangerous!"

Fortunately, the silly post is stupid enough.

In the future, we must stay away from Songzhuer, it's terrible!

Li Tiezhu didn't think too much, let alone doubt that Song Zhuer had any ulterior motives.

In his eyes, Shochikuer is cute and innocent, except for bad temper, love to fight, swear, love to make fun of people, selfish and short-term, not very good character, like to play big names, flammable and explosive... No shortcomings!

It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the lover, and Song Zhuer also thinks that Li Tiezhu is perfect, and he is the most dazzling star.

Song Zhuer, who has been acting since childhood, generally doesn't chase stars, except for Li Tiezhu.

Although he didn't understand music, and even the neurotic she sometimes couldn't tell whether the song was good or not, it didn't prevent her from liking Li Tiezhu's songs.

Tuzha is right, reverse feeding is an addictive thing.

Watching Li Tiezhu grow day by day, watching him step by step from the initial little singer to the youngest Mr. 5 billion, and the most creative new king in the music world... That kind of full harvest makes people want to stop.

The clever and cunning rabbit took a bun and slipped away. Song Zhu'er is not discouraged. If the landscape meets, you won't be so lucky next time!

She and Li Tiezhu returned to Kyoto, and then Li Tiezhu devoted himself to the establishment of the studio.

Because Li Tiezhu will study at Nortel in the next few years, after careful consideration, Penguin decided to open Li Tiezhu's personal studio in Kyoto to make it more convenient for Li Tiezhu to work.

Although this studio is not solely owned by Penguin, and even Li Tiezhu occupies 30% of the shares, the biggest backer is Penguin.

The studio is only responsible for Li Tiezhu's affairs, including but not limited to music, variety shows, film and television, endorsements and other businesses.

In the next few days, the matter of Nan Ge's withdrawal from the competition was made into a hot topic by sand sculpture netizens.

Sun Nan himself has been made into the hottest emoji package nowadays.

for example:

Sun Nan was bruised and raised his hands: "I retire, please don't fight!"

Sun Nan wears rabbit ears: "Do you think I am cute? Are you embarrassed to eliminate me?"

Sun Nan sang, his expression was slightly constipated: "As long as I retire, no one can eliminate me...except Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu showed the card to Sun Nan: "Congratulations, old man, you have been eliminated!"

Sun Nan's agent wears sunglasses: "You are a rookie, dare you say that Sun Nan's retiring performance is not good?"

In addition to this, Li Tiezhu also likes to mention that there is a resounding bandit name-a sanctioner in the entertainment industry!

On December 5th, "Li Tiezhu Studio" was officially established in Kyoto.

On the same day, the studio announced that the TV series "Soldier Assault" will start filming in February of the following year. It will be broadcast simultaneously on Donghai, Mango, and CCTV by means of filming and broadcasting, and will be postponed for 12 hours on platforms such as Penguin. Broadcast.

The next day, "Hahahaha" director Wang Zhengyu contacted Li Tiezhu. Because of the schedule issue between Luhani and Deng Chao, Siha in the second season was delayed until next spring.

It just so happened that Li Tiezhu's schedule was also very tight, so he naturally agreed.

On December 7, the ninth "I Am a Singer" kick-off competition, Li Tiezhu still challenged with original songs. After experiencing the "Inverted Column Disturbance" half a month ago and the "Half-Hour Twenty-Four Songs" last week, Li Tiezhu's reputation and status have risen again.

At least, this circle has accepted Li Tiezhu's sudden emergence.

Just when everyone was wondering what kind of song Li Tiezhu would sing about "Family Country", Li Tiezhu brought a song called "Chi Ling", a song that he sang two sentences on live on Douyin.

Play a fold up and down sleeves

Singing joys and sorrows

Fan open and close the gongs and drums sound and silent

A cup of tea outside Jinghu is still warm

Used to hide happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness

How to sing and sing through the old words

Duckweed in troubled times bear with watching beacon fire burning mountains and rivers

I am humble and dare not forget about my country, even if no one knows me

The people in the audience pass by and see the old colors

The people on the stage sang a heartbreak parting song

Love words are hard to sing, she must sing with blood

Who is the guest when the curtain starts?

The audience applauded, because it sounds good, but at the same time they are also puzzled. What does this song about actors have to do with "home country"? Will you digress?

Li Zijian, who appeared behind Li Tiezhu, couldn't hear clearly. He only felt that the phrase "I am humble and dare not forget about the country" makes people sigh.



Remorse seriously

Looking back are all illusions

Who is the opposite

Li Zijian heard this section of Kunqu White at the entrance of the passage, and suddenly realized: "Li Xiangjun! Pei Yanzhi."

Shen Meng: "Who?"

Li Zijian said indifferently: "Li Xiangjun is one of the eight beauties of Qinhuai in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, and Pei Yanzhi is a famous character in the early Republic of China."

Shen Meng was even more confused, and there were many people who were as confused as him.


I'll be on stage after you sing

Don't laugh at the wind and moon

I also asked Qinghuang to sing the rise and fall

How to think about the ruthless Tao and the sentiment

The Tao is ruthless, and the Tao is sentimental.

Looking at Yanyun to dream of Bianliang

After Li Tiezhu finished singing, he said, "Thank you! A "Red Actress" is dedicated to everyone. This is my "Home Country" in my heart. The next singer..."

The barrage is mostly at a loss:

"I said this song was super nice last time on Douyin live broadcast!"

"Compared with those written by Douyin..."

"Don't compare with Li Tiezhu, right?"

"Just, what does this have to do with'home country'?"

"Obviously singing is a sing opera."

"Nine streams?"

"The humble person dare not forget the worry about the country! Isn't such an actor worth singing?"


"Pei Yanzhi of the Republic of China, please Baidu yourself."

"Great God, can you hear this all?"

"As long as you know the history, this song is very straightforward."

Backstage, Song Zhu'er and Zhao Liya were also shocked. They were also listening to this song for the first time. Although neither of them knew much about that period of history, they were inexplicably moved by empathy.

Maybe because everyone is an actor?

Seeing Li Tiezhu's performance, both of them showed an old mother-like satisfaction. Li Tiezhu was already standing at the gate to the superstar.

Li Tiezhu did not explain, and continued to host: "The key word the singer picked up in the last issue was "Fate". Let us ask him to bring you an old song "Dust Fate"."

The audience applauded, Li Tiezhu exited and Li Zijian took the stage.

The band teachers looked at Li Zijian one after another, waiting for his ready signal, and the audience was also looking forward to it.

Li Zijian gestured to the band for a while and said, "I have something to say, can I say it? Director?"

Hong Bo was startled, and the chrysanthemums were tight.

Li Zijian quickly said: "Don't worry, I won't retire."

The audience couldn't help but laugh, and then, with thunderous applause, Brother Jian was too funny.

Hong Bo nodded.

Li Zijian only took two steps forward, as elegant as always: "Tie Zhu just heard this song, I heard it very distressed. It has nothing to do with the song, and it has nothing to do with Li Tiezhu. Originally, I was most moved by that sentence. I dared not forget about the country’, but after watching the reaction of the audience, especially the young audience, I realized the next tragic sentence... "Even if no one knows me." Yes, this song may be written It is out of Mr. Pei Yanzhi's righteousness, but he also wrote his foresight. Few people in later generations will know that he remembers him."

When saying this, Li Zijian was particularly serious, even with a little anger.

The audience was quiet, after all, almost everyone could not hear the story behind the song.

Li Zijian said: "That year the Japanese army captured Anyuan County and asked the famous actor Pei Yanzhi to give them a performance of condolences. Pei Yanzhi did not refuse, and turned to the dressing table to trace his eyebrows. The performance began naturally. Man sang "Peach Blossom Fan", and the Japanese soldiers were intoxicated. Suddenly, Li Xiangjun, played by Pei Yanzhi, yelled "Ignite!" When the Japanese army reacted, the fire had already spread. The Japanese army wanted to escape but found that the door was closed. Was sealed. The theater collapsed, but the play was not over. In the raging fire, the stage was still singing "Peach Blossom Fan", because the old gentleman once said that once the play started, it must be finished."

The audience applauded even more. It turns out that there is such a tragic story behind this song, which lives up to the name of "home country".

Many live audiences even got red eyes.

Li Zijian also said: "The words in "Peach Blossom Fan": Dadao knows that it is, sincere and regretful, looking back, it is all illusion, who is the opposite. Right? Tie Zhu!"

Li Tiezhu had already stood up and nodded: "Yes."

He didn't know this history, but the information about this song is He went to learn more about it, and then realized that this is not an ordinary pop song, so he decided to sing it in this issue. .

Some songs should not be buried. Even if you are a actor, you can't "copy songs" just for yourself.

He always thought that he was a "passer".

Li Zijian said: "To tell the truth, I don't think this song is the best written by Li Tiezhu, nor is it necessarily the best sung. The reason why I help him explain it specifically is because he is stupid. He wrote a good song and sang it, but everyone didn't understand it, which is a pity. He himself never canvassed or explained for himself, such a child...he is the future superstar! Talent and character are all superstar potentials! ."

The audience applauded.

Li Tiezhu smirked modestly: "Uncle, you are too rewarding."

Li Zijian: "Audience friends, he is not humble, he is stupid, he doesn't understand how his talents shock the audience! But this kind of him is what we like, right? I hope he We will always keep this innocence and bring more such heavy and positive songs. In fact, our singers are also actors, and we dare not forget about our country! My words are over."

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