Earthy Superstar

Chapter 402: : Musical Wizards

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Liu Xiaohua was sitting across from the lobby of the lounge with her and his brother Zhang Xiaomeng's manager. She didn't say a word. She was playing the mobile game "Dream Three Kingdoms" with her head down.

She heard Zhou Xingxing coming, but did not raise her head, and continued to play wild.

Damn, Huang Zhong on the opposite side is terrible. When she came up with her, she would just say "be careful of your head". She pierced through Yang Miao and lost Liu Xiaohua's residual blood in a hundred steps.

When she heard the line, the other party had already shot a fatal arrow, one third of the map away, and she was slow...

Starting 0-4, can this be tolerated?

Liu Xiaohua gritted his teeth, waited for Lao Tzu to develop to twelfth level, and stayed around you for five seconds. The clone skill plus the clone knife totaled five people, hacking you to death!

Seeing Zhou Xingxing came, Li Tiezhu also used a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He grabbed him and went to the studio to rehearse: "Master, you are finally here, go, rehearse..."

Zhou Xingxing broke free from Li Tiezhu, yet he was still very standing, unlike a fifty-year-old man.

Zhou Xingxing glanced at Li Tiezhu disgustingly: "Hurry up? I also bought the delicious duck neck and kelp knot."

Li Tiezhu was a little embarrassed: "Uncle, you come here and bring gifts. It's so polite. Thank you! Thank you, let me give you a taste!"

With that said, Li Tiezhu went to pick up Zhou Xingxing's plastic bag and saw it a long time ago.

Zhou Xingxing hid, very dexterously: "Not for you, bad boy!"

Li Tiezhu was even more embarrassed: "I know it's for everyone, I just pick it up for you, and don't steal it."

On the one hand, the more than twenty singers and partners are all a bit embarrassed. The interaction between these two is too weird, right? It was not easy for the two comedians to perform the most embarrassing experience. However, Zhou Xingxing is not as stingy as the legend, he even brought everyone to eat, although not much.

Zhou Xingxing hid further, grabbing the plastic pocket with both hands: "Is there something wrong with you? How can such a bit of braised pork be enough for everyone to share?"

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, why would I still like to ask you, can't you buy more?

Others were also very embarrassed and thought to themselves, Master Xing has been so obvious, don't you understand Li Tiezhu? Spicy stew! I went to Jiangxia to buy it! Not much! It turned out to be specially bought for Lie Tiezhu, you can eat it with the door closed!

What kind of evil Li Tiezhu did in his last life, no, what kind of virtue did he accumulate.

Han Hong couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Master Xing, it's not easy for you to work hard all the way. Let's go with Tie Zhu and rest. Tie Zhu, take your uncle to rest."

Li Tiezhu had no choice but to say: "Then... follow me."

Zhou Xingxing looked around and finally found Liu Xiaohua. He lifted Li Tiezhu's arm and said, "You go, and you will be rehearsing later to find me."

As he said, Zhou Xingxing hugged the duck neck and walked towards Liu Xiaohua below. The untimely old father's smile suddenly appeared on that cold face, and the group of singers were stunned.

What is he... doing?

Zhou Xingxing walked to Liu Xiaohua and said, "Xiaohua! The authentic duck neck and kelp knots! Which one should I eat first?"

Liu Xiaohua: "Shhh! Shut up! Didn't you see my jungler? Don't be heard by the other side! The other side will come to catch me soon, and our support will not make eyes. It's too dangerous."

Zhou Xingxing: "What eyes? Why don't they make eyes? Who is it? I burst his glasses!"

"How do you know who it is in the game? Do you understand?"

"Understand a little bit."

After that, Zhou Xingxing took out a toothpick and picked a kelp knot to feed Liu Xiaohua: "Try it, isn't it authentic?"

Liu Xiaohua nervously manipulated the phone: "Um! Almost, it's too sweet, but it's delicious. Jiang Xia is a bit sweeter, and the shop in my hometown is more spicy."

Zhou Xingxing was slightly proud: "It's yummy, just have a duck neck."


"Is it tasty?"

"Wow! Why are they all dead? I have to persuade."

"Huh? Not delicious?"

"Fuck! I'm going under the tower, under the tower... uh..."

The three big guys jumped out of the woods in an instant. Liu Xiaohua's Gan Ning didn't jump. Although she was a clone, she was still beaten up by a group of people. Then she heard the familiar "Be careful of the head", and she was uplifted again.

Zhou Xingxing curiously asked: "Huh? Why did the screen become black and white?"

Liu Xiaohua: "I blame you! I'm dead! Why bother me playing games? If you don't bother me, I can definitely kill the four of them. I am a clone of three people..."

Zhou Xingxing said: "Can't you win? I'll charge you up."

"It's not a question of recharging, brother! It's more technical and consciousness..."

"I give you awareness!"

In the distance, Li Tiezhu, Hanhan, Li Zijian, Zhao Liya, Yan Bing and others were stunned. This...isn't it amazing? Zhou Xingxing, a god-like figure, actually squatted beside Liu Xiaohua to watch her play games and feed her something?

There must be something wrong!

Therefore, Zhou Xingxing came to Li Tiezhu as a guest singer, it was not because of Li Tiezhu at all? But because of Liu Xiaohua?

After figuring out this section, many stars began to cover their faces and screamed silently.

Li Tiezhu also figured it out, and silently returned to his rest room, asking for it! If you invite an uncle, what can you expect?

Hong Bo followed Li Tiezhu back to the rest room, and he asked, "Why didn't you say earlier that you invited Master Star?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why did you say it earlier?"

"Don't you know who he is? Don't you know that he never goes to the mainland variety show? He is on our show, it is simply... auspicious from heaven!"

" still blocked him in the promotional video just now?"

"My! Huh? Yes, if you let the Star Master out..."

"If the audience knows that Master Star is coming to this show, your ratings will be soaring! What do you think?"

"Yeah! But I signed the contract and only had one promotion opportunity. Or, do you post a Tik Tok video?"

Li Tiezhu looked at Hong Bo: "Conditions."

Hong Bo: "Conditions? How about giving you a special bonus of 100,000? Quietly, don't shoot guns."

"Well, go and sign the contract with Brother Meng, I'll post it now."

Hong Bo left with satisfaction.

Li Tiezhu came to the railing outside the house and filmed a video of Zhou Xingxing feeding Liu Xiaohua eating kelp knots, and then making a vibrato with the text:

"How do you feel that my guest singer is not very professional???"

This video instantly detonated the entire Douyin.

Not only Douyin, but the entire network is lively, and netizens are exploding. Isn't this a joke? Happy! Zhou Xingxing on variety show? Be a guest singer for Li Tiezhu?

At this time, no one blames Hong Bo for being a dog who broke the chapter, because since it is the Star Master, the broken chapter is also excusable.

The emperor superstar!

The online tsunami was raging, but Li Tiezhu could no longer manage that much. After waiting a while, the band teachers also had a good rest, so he went to get rid of the stars: "Master! It's time to rehearse. What's so interesting about the game?"

Zhou Xingxing walked away and turned his head: "Do you know what a baa? Game puzzles and brains..."

Li Tiezhu was speechless: "Master, today this song is in Cantonese. I wrote it specifically for you. You will sing a little easier. However, you can help me guide where my pronunciation is inaccurate..."

Zhou Xingxing: "How many avatars are Ganning?"

Li Tiezhu was stunned: "Three, what's the matter?"

Zhou Xingxing: "Can all three lose the net?"

Li Tiezhu: "Only you can lose the net, what's the matter? I have composed music for this game and played it a little bit, so do you also play it?"

Zhou Xingxing squeezed his lips: "Can you buy it with money? It can be bought into the kind that all three clones can lose the net."

Li Tiezhu: "What the hell!"

"Your sister has been killed by Huang Zhong more than a dozen times. Are you in no hurry?"


"Uh what uh? Why are you a brother?"

"I'm wrong."

At the scene, Yan Bing was still rehearsing their song with Tao Jiji, and it was finished immediately. Li Tiezhu stood silently under the stage, very regretful for having invited such a guest to help sing, but he didn't come to me.

When Yan Bing and Tao Jiji finished rehearsing, Li Tiezhu couldn't help asking Zhou Xingxing: "Master, can you sing?"

Zhou Xingxing: "Yes! I sing very well! If I am not making a movie, I should be the king of singers by singing."

Li Tiezhu doubted: "Really? They all say you sing..."

Zhou Xingxing waved his hand: "Don't be partial to those rumors! I even sang "Li Xianglan", the original soundtrack of the movie, isn't it amazing?"

"Awesome! That's really amazing."

"That's why! It's just for recording songs, recording word by word, I'm the best at it."

"No, no, record the song word by word?"

"Otherwise? Isn't it all like this?"

"No! Uncle!"


"Also... Normal people record songs section by section, almost one by one, one by one. I haven't seen it before... I'm scared."

"Oh~ So you don't believe me? Let me give you a few words."

"hold head high!"

"Shaolin Kungfu is good. Really good! Shaolin Kungfu is great. Really great! I am Iron Head Kung Fu, invincible Iron Head Kung Fu. I am King Kong Kung Fu..."

Li Tiezhu gritted his teeth: "Okay! You are awesome! Tsk tsk... one word, absolutely!"

Zhou Xingxing: "Hey! Isn't I bragging? Lin Mengxi always said that I am a singer in the music world, but I gave up the music world for the sake of film dreams, and he regrets it for life. If I go to sing, there will be no Li Qinke. What's the matter with Liu Huade! If I sing, I will come back to your master Cheng Dalong and tell you that I will act at the box office very well. He will definitely laugh at me, but in fact, your master will always be trampled on by me at the box office. !"

Li Tiezhu was speechless, only tears a thousand lines!

Li Tiezhu: "So, uncle, you know music, right?"

Zhou Xingxing’s serious face: "It’s not about understanding but being proficient! If I didn’t have acne in my throat at the 19th District Song Contest, which round would I get Zhang Youxue to get ahead? I'll show you something again! Bad boy !Listen……"

Li Tiezhu subconsciously clamped his legs.

Zhou Xingxing started to lose heart, and sang affectionately: "You said the wrong way, I crossed the wrong way, this meal is"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Zhou Xingxing: "There is one more... roasted chicken wings, I like to eat..."

Li Tiezhu grabbed Zhou Xingxing a few times: "Okay! Stop singing. I already admire your musical literacy. Let's start the rehearsal. Uncle, you can curb your talents a bit, and be careful not to scare the band teachers. ."

Zhou Xingxing smiled reservedly: "This is natural, I have always been very humble."

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