Earthy Superstar

Chapter 411: : Hatchling

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Li Tiezhu turned around and threatened Liu Xiaohua with a fist. Zhou Xingxing said, "What do you look at? Blow your glasses!"

Good Gil is fierce!

Li Tiezhu persuaded, and Luhani suddenly jumped out and kicked, stumbled and climbed onto the stage, making the stars laugh.

I have to say that Li Tiezhu's popularity in the movie circle is really good. Some time ago, there even appeared the black Li Tiezhu in the mainland music circle, but the people in the movie circle stood up for Li Tiezhu's strange scene of rumors.

After taking the stage, Li Tiezhu respectfully stood next to Meng Wuda: "Hello, two masters!"

Meng Wuda asked, "How do you feel? If I remember correctly, this is your second time in a movie. The first time you only have a few shots, you will play an important supporting role directly this time. Are you excited?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm not very excited, in fact, I am not interested in awards."

Maybe it was because of being poisoned by Ma Jack last time, Li Tiezhu's words were a little erratic.

Chen Qianxiang: "Then what are you interested in?"

Li Tiezhu wanted to talk about the box office, but he couldn't say so: "I'm more interested in moving bricks."

The two big guys on the stage laughed, and Cheng Dalong scolded him ashamed. The apprentice took it wrong, while Hong Dabao smiled and slapped his thigh. This nephew was funny.

Li Tiezhu and Fan Xiaohuang are the kind of people whose master does not love their uncle.

Meng Wuda gave Li Tiezhu a certificate, and Chen Qianxiang gave Li Tiezhu a small golden dragon trophy.

Most of the trophies at the Golden Dragon Film Festival are dragon-shaped. Among the individual awards, the highest gold content is the best director, the best actor and actress, and the best newcomer award. Yes, the best newcomer is more fragrant than the best supporting actor. Therefore, the trophy of the Best Newcomer Award is a chubby little dragon, which is also called the Wyrmling Award, and the Golden Dragon trophy for the best director is called the Golden Dragon Award.

After receiving the award, Li Tiezhu respectfully invited the two old gentlemen to step down first, and even went to help Meng Wuda who was not in good health.

Guo Gangde said, "Li Tiezhu, wait a minute, did you forget something?"

Li Tiezhu: "Uncle, what else is there?"

Lan Yu smiled: "You forgot to say your testimonials!"

Li Tiezhu sent the two old gentlemen off the stage and returned with a serious statement: "Thanks to the organizing committee for giving me this award, and thanks to the fans for their voting support, thank you! Can I take this trophy? I'm afraid I will chase it again next year. Back, I am too lazy to send the courier."

The celebrities in the audience are crazy about it, this guy can really say it!

What Li Tiezhu was talking about was the cancellation of Li Tiezhu's award last year at the Chinese Music Festival. However, the film festival has never been a music festival.

Guo Gangde said: "Child, you can't be angry. People will encounter all kinds of setbacks in their lives. It's about recovering the trophy... By the way, how old are you this year?"

Li Tiezhu: "Nineteen years old."

Guo Gangde: "Should I encounter this at the age of nineteen, can this be tolerated? I have beaten them one by one!"

The audience was quite relieved. The reason why Guo Gangde said this was because the officials supported Li Tiezhu and rejected the rumors. The Chinese Music Festival has not admitted the mistake, which is very condemning.

Li Tiezhu said, "That's not enough."

Guo Gangde: "My child, you are a good boy and don't hold grudges. That's good."

Li Tiezhu grinned and he was particularly cheerful: "I never hold grudges. I only take revenge on the spot. Why do you hold grudges! I have a bad memory."

is not that right?

Yehnala, Wang Feng, Luo Feiyan, Chinese Music Festival, which one is not to report the grudge on the spot? Never holding grudges is just that!

Guo Gangde: "Good fellow! I have grudges on the spot, I like it, come on, the last link, thank Li Tiezhu!"

Li Tiezhu: "Huh?"

What am I thanking myself for?

Guo Gangde: "What nonsense? I thank Li Tiezhu. You can still run? The man is a cross talk prince, and he is making trouble? It's awkward."

Li Tiezhu couldn't turn his mind: "Oh! Thank you Li Tiezhu."

Guo Gangde: "Okay. The rules of today's film festival! Afterwards, everyone who accepts the award, thank anyone, but don't forget to thank Li Tiezhu!"

In the audience, the laughter was awkward, and Mr. Guo was too bad.

Lan Yu was already laughing with chest pains, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Guo, why do you have to thank Li Tiezhu?"

Guo Gangde is serious: "Just because he gave me your beautiful hostess, is this reason enough?"

The celebrities in the audience did not think it was too big a matter, and collectively shouted: "Enough!"

Lan Yu is also helpless, this product is too yellow, although it is not stated clearly, but what can be done?

Li Tiezhu finally stepped down and heaved a sigh of relief.

On stage, Guo Gangde continued to sell cheap. This is a traditional skill of the Yunde Society. From Guo Gangde to Yue Yupeng to Qin Tao, whoever is cheap is hot.

The Best Low Cost Film Award, Best Supporting Actress Award, and Best Documentary Award were announced. Under Guo Gangde’s warm reminder, each winner thanked Li Tiezhu.

Then, ushered in a high-profile award-Best Supporting Actor Award.

Lan Yu: "Nominations for Best Supporting Actor at the 37th Golden Dragon Film Festival are: Yu Weihe, Zhang Yi, Wang Yuanqian, Zhu Guanwen, Li Tiezhu."

Guo Gangde: "Good guys, there is Li Tiezhu, but unlike the newcomer award, this time the opponent is stronger. What is the final result, let us have the best supporting actor awards guest—"

Lanyu: "Zhao Mushan, Zhou Xun."

In the skit, Zhao Mushan, the king, and Zhou Xun, the actress, came to the stage together.

Zhou Xun said, "Uncle, what do you think of the nomination of these actors this time?"

Zhao Mushan smiled and said, "They are all good! But I personally like Wang Yuanqian and Zhang Yi the most, especially Wang Yuanqian. I especially like it because he is also a shoehorn face."

Zhou Xun: "This is self-substitution, uncle! And I prefer Yu Weihe's performance. His acting style is unique and very flavorful."

Zhao Mushan said: "Leaving us in the northeast, he will be beaten like this, too irritable!"

In the audience, Yu Weihe couldn't afford to laugh.

Zhou Xun said again: "Then what do you think of Li Tiezhu?"

Zhao Mushan: "He! My evaluation of him is the same as the master he did not worship... The future master, how far a person can go, can be seen from the beginning, I am optimistic about Li Tiezhu, he is a singer. But I think in the film industry, he can achieve higher achievements than music festivals."

Zhou Xun is not very optimistic about Li Tiezhu: "Why? His songs are composed of lyrics and music by himself. Movies will work?"

Zhao Mushan: "Isn't "Those Things That Rabbit That Year"? He is too tender. You will know that after a few years. Don't look at him as stupid. In fact, he is not stupid at all. The screenwriter is first-rate. I can see and cry, can he be worse? Only this year, I am not very optimistic about him, because I think he is close to the whole drama of "The God of Medicine", he is acting in a comedy, but "The God of Medicine" is not. Of course, His last few performances were also very sad. In short, it was pretty good."

Li Tiezhu didn't imagine that he could win the prize. He was very satisfied with the newcomer prize, so he bowed and thanked him, and the program group gave him a shot specially.

Zhou Xun opened the envelope and glanced at it first: "I think it's better for you to name the winner! The one who won the best supporting actor..."

Zhao Mushan stunned and looked at the card: "...Li Tiezhu?! Why did he take all the good things?"

Zhou Xun: "Perhaps because you said you didn't like him well, so he won the prize."

Zhao Mushan: "What do you mean? My crow's mouth is chanting?"

Zhou Xun: "No! This is called a reverse milk bite."

Zhao Mushan can't understand, I'm flat breasted, where can I milk him? Give back a bite of milk.

Li Tiezhu came up to accept the award, and then sent the two teachers off the stage. He began to say: "Uh... First of all, thank Li Tiezhu. Then, thank the organizing committee and the audience for their recognition. I will try my best to perform every future. A character, thank you."

Guo Gangde stopped Li Tiezhu again: "Wait a minute! You won two awards today. Do you know that this is a special treatment? So, you have to sing a song to cheer everyone up."

Li Tiezhu was silly: "Is it required by the program group?"

Guo Gangde: "Otherwise."

Li Tiezhu said again: "How much is a song?"

Guo Gangde: "No money."

"What do you have no money to sing? My agent said, I have 300,000 yuan per song, otherwise it would break industry standards and be unfair to other singers."

Super Versailles.

Guo Gangde: "Then you go down, walk well, watch the steps!"

Li Tiezhu really went down.

Lan Yu couldn't help it: "Teacher Guo, why did you mess with him?"

Guo Gangde: "Ah! I just got tired of my life all of a sudden, can I just want to die? As everyone knows, Li Tiezhu only has one brain cell, so I don't care about him anymore!"

Lan Yu: "Isn't he your prince of cross talk?"

Guo Gangde smiled: "Hi! Princes are usually simple, one brain cell is enough. There are more simple ones, do you know?"

Lan Yu: "Who is it? Simpler than Li Tiezhu?"

Guo Gangde was very angry: "Men's football! Eleven of them share one brain cell!"

Lan Yu was so frightened that he didn't dare to answer the conversation.

The audience was quite jubilant. Didn't the national football team just lose again?

And guess what?

Yue Yupeng apologized! Because the gods predicted that the national football team would lose to Syria in this situation, they really lost. Therefore, Yue Yupeng apologized! After all, how can the national football be blamed?

Isn't this, the master is here for revenge? Not overnight!

Then the best directorial debut was announced. Makino, the director of "Medicine God" won the prize. From the current point of view, "Medicine God" is already the biggest winner.

Theatrical performances and awards were interspersed with relaxation and relaxation.

The best science and education film, the best children's film and the best action film "War Dragon 2" were selected successively.

Then, the director Miyazaki Totoro from the country of Japan announced the winner of the best animated feature-"Those Things That Hare That Year".

At this time, Li Tiezhu was playing with Tao Hong on the seat, picking up the red string, and was called by his name inexplicably, holding the red string with both hands, with a dazed expression on his face.

Isn’t the rabbit last year’s movie?

Why didn't I know that it was nominated? Still winning?

What is this situation?

Because last year there were excellent animation films such as "Kun", "White Snake" and "Your Name" by the Kingdom of Japan, so Li Tiezhu never thought he would win an award. The crew members who were improvised at the time have already gone their separate ways. They haven't gotten together this year. They don't even have a crew name, let alone go on the red carpet together.

In fact, this movie deserves the award, not to mention the highest box office, and its social significance is also extremely important.

Li Tiezhu stood up naively, a little at a loss, what should I do?

This is not a personal award. The Best Animation Award is a collective award. The director, screenwriter, producer, screenwriter and editor need to come on stage to receive the award.

Tao Hong pulled off the red rope in Li Tiezhu's hand, and then pushed Xu Shanzheng out, who was one of the producers.

Xu Shanzheng took Li Tiezhu to the stage and called on the producer Liu Huade and Old Monster Xu. The four took the stage together to receive the award. After all, the really powerful director and screenwriter Jiao Keli is currently dying. "He didn't come to the scene.

The audience immediately applauded. In fact, most of the celebrities have not seen "Those Things That Hare That Year", but they have all seen the tidbits and learned about its power from the mouths of the staff.

This movie is like a weather vane, indicating the direction of the movie. The main theme is no longer inferior to others, but superior to others.

After taking the stage, Miyazaki Totoro gave the award and stepped down. He personally loves that rabbit very much, otherwise he would not be able to accept the award task. No one wants the U.S. to lose more than the Japanese people. They want the U.S. to retreat at all levels, except for the discharge of nuclear sewage.

Yang Mi and Lengba sit in more conspicuous positions, both of whom are in good positions, but the movie is more hip.

Of course, the two of them are not here to win the prize. After all, they didn't even mention the nomination, they just came to join in the fun. In Yang Mi's words, this is called expanding influence and improving coffee position, in Lengba's words, it is called rubbing the red carpet.

At this time, Yang Mi lay on Lengba's shoulder and said: "You are a fierce man! What kind of dragon? One film festival wins three awards, it is like flying dragons in the sky!"

Lengba suddenly remembered a certain evil combination action, blushing and said: "Don't talk nonsense! He relies on strength."

Yang Mi: "I really envy you. If I am ten years younger, I will definitely join the zoo, hey!"

Lengba: "How did you know the zoo?"

"I took a peek at your phone! When you fell asleep in the car in the afternoon, hey... terrible!"

"Yeah! You are disgusting..."

On the stage, the three bigwigs gave their speeches in turn.

Andy Lau: "Thank you Li Tiezhu for participating in the production of "The Rabbit That Year". Really, this has nothing to do with Guo Gangde's ridicule! We have achieved the revival of the whole nation, but we have not caught up with the country in the movie. In the footsteps, the rabbit came at the right time! Come on, China!"

Old Monster Xu: "In fact, I just made a name in this movie. Andy Lau and Xu Shan competed for more participation than me. The most difficult thing was Dumpling Keli. He didn't come. What I want to say is that China will always stand proudly in the east of the world. …Oh, yes, thank you Li Tiezhu."

Xu Shanzheng: "Thank Li Tiezhu! This animated film is deeper than all of my films. When my children grow up, I can proudly tell them that I am a filmmaker without worrying about them asking me what movies I have made. NS."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...Thank you Uncle Lau Huade, UU reading Uncle Xu and Xu Tu...Uncle, the most thankful is Uncle Dumpling Keli! Well, this movie is actually quite difficult, and I don't understand anything. , I wrote a story and a song. The original intention for making this movie is very simple, because I believe that the Dandan Empress is more patriotic than the 70s, 80s, and 90s! They also gave me what I wanted. Answer!"

This is the young dragon of China! Whelplings behind a group of eggs!

In the audience, Liu Xiaohua pouted her lips: "Speaking better than singing!"

Zhou Xingxing sternly criticized Liu Xiaohua: "You Hong Kong (speaking) ah? It is because there are people like you that make foreigners despised! Without Chinese men, you are the object of humiliation! Find out! China must be strong, Otherwise, the world will be settled!"

Liu Xiaohua was terrified and did not dare to speak. In fact, she was not unpatriotic, but felt a little too formalistic. After all, most of the men who can understand this extreme patriotism are men.

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