Earthy Superstar

Chapter 417: : Book of Divine Comedy

Song Zhu'er tilted his head and thought, why is the uncle suddenly polite? Take the initiative to treat? Didn't he always like to eat rice before? After eating the hot pot, I packed it and ordered two fruits or something. In short, I disturb Li Tiezhu and her two-person world every week.


"My God! This hehe is the essence."

"You ruin my heaven and I ruin your entire music scene."

"Is this the teacher who sings the invisible propeller?"

"That's right! There are also masterpieces such as the rolling shutter door (rolling bead curtain) and an old shrew (Xiaofang) in the village."


"Fighting into a horse!"

"So what does "Mankind" become?"

"Maybe it's "Blind A Few Kinds", "Itch" will sing "Hemorrhoids"?"

"There are only things you can't think of, nothing he dare not sing."

"I still have a little look forward to it."

"I'm relieved to see Li Tiezhu's guest sore."

"Serious brother, sorrow."

Li Tiezhu suddenly Alexander, forget it, just give up, anyway, the system rewards are not much. Make "Soldier Assault" and still earn! This time, I'm really here to write the album.

Peace of mind is very important.

Then Mao Min, Lin Jiangnan, Cui Ji'an and Deng Shiyin also came and sat down beside their respective singers.

Hong Bo said again: "Now only Zhao Liya's guests are left. What do you think when you see other people's guests?"

Zhao Liya: "I'm still a little scared, their guests are so amazing."

Hong Bo: "Then guess who your guest will be."

"Who can guess this?"

"Who do you want to be?"

"Me? I hope it's Zhang Youxue or Li Riyue."

Li Zijian: "Yah, you dare to think about it."

Han Hong: "The four heavenly kings come just as they say? How can the show crew have such a big face?"

Zhao Liya: "But, the stars came last week."

Yan Bing: "That's because of Li Tiezhu."

The guests showed weird expressions.

Mao Min: "Yaya is still a bit reliable, not bad."

Lin Jiangnan: "Just a little bit!"

Zhao Liya was shocked herself: "Is the king really here?"

Hong Bo: "Yes! The last guest, please!"

Then, the old handsome old man walked in. Although he was in his 50s, he was well maintained and he was still so handsome.

Zhao Liya was so excited that she covered her face, how can He De? Good luck too, right? It doesn't matter whether you win or not. It's already a dream to be able to perform with Liu Tianwang.

Li Tiezhu curled his lips: "Why doesn't Uncle Liu get me?"

Andy Lau raised his palm: "Actually, I want to smoke you too!"

Li Tiezhu: "Huh?"

Slap in the face?

Everyone laughed at Li Tiezhu mercilessly.

Tengger: "Uncle Teng loves you."

Li Tiezhu: "Why don't you go and sing "The Mang Kind" with Zhao Liya, the original singer."

Zhao Liya: "No! I refuse."

Liu Huade greeted the other singers and came to sit down next to Zhao Liya.

Zhao Liya: "Uncle Hua, what do we sing?"

Andy Lau: "Will "The Destiny of the Afterlife"?"

Of course Zhao Liya nodded.

Yes, Andy Lau changed the song, mainly because the staff of the program team reminded him that he chose that song inappropriately.

Liu Tianwang also followed kindness and changed this song "The Destiny of the Afterlife".

All the guests arrived, and only 20 minutes of training time were left.

Li Tiezhu looked at Liu Huade with a grimace: "Uncle Liu!"

Liu Huade patted Li Tiezhu's head encouragingly: "Come on! Although I also know it's difficult..."

Uncle Teng took Li Tiezhu's arm and dragged upstairs with a gratified expression: "Walk around and practice singing. Uncle Teng has a lot of sorrow ideas. Go up and uncle will show you a hand..."

Li Tiezhu didn't have any illusions. After all, the coffin boards have been nailed to death.

Next, the ten-minute short film that began to be recorded and broadcast is the situation when the six guests were invited by the program group and their reasons for coming to the program.

After the ten-minute short film was played, the scenes were given to each group's preparatory chorus singing.

The other guests were full of fun and talked very happily, but Li Tiezhu looked unlovable, because the uncle wanted to sing "Itch" into rock and roll.

It's not itchy, it's skin cancer! Late!

Soon, singers, guests, and music partners appeared in the lounge again.

In the second round of the competition, the order of appearance is drawn, and the guests will be drawn.

Uncle Teng was lucky, so he drew a 6 and was the last one to come out. He jumped back and forced a high five with the expressionless Li Tiezhu. He had to say that this was indeed a good sign.

Under the auspices of Wang Hai'an, the second round of guest starring contest began.

The first one to appear was Lin Jiangnan and Chen Jingyi sang "The Dream of Pursuing the Heart", which is not very friendly to female singers.

The second one to appear is Liu Huade and Zhao Liya's "The Fate of the Afterlife".

The third is "A Piece of Red Cloth" by Cui Ji'an and Yan Bing.

The fourth is "Foam" by Deng Shiyin and Li Zijian.

The fifth is "Mother in the Candlelight" jointly sung by Mao Min and Han Hong.

This game is like a confrontation. There is no known song in advance, no rehearsal time... but everyone is a master and performed very well, especially "Bubbles", "Mother in the Candlelight" and "A Piece of Red Cloth" , All sang very very well.

Wang Hai'an: "Thank you for the "Mother in Candlelight" brought by Ms. Mao Min and Ms. Han Hong. Next, is the last group of guests of this round of competition, and the group that everyone is most looking forward to?"

The audience saw the arrival of the guests during the break on the big screen, so they laughed unconsciously:


"Uncle Teng Ollie here!"

"Serious brother, come on."

Wang Hai'an also laughed, knowing that Teacher Tengol sang very well, but this old artist loves to challenge the limit too much. He said: "Next, let us applaud the "Mangkin" and "Itch" brought by Teacher Tengger and Li Tiezhu. Thank you..."

Audience: "Thank Li Tiezhu!"

Li Tiezhu smiled awkwardly, and walked onto the stage with Tengger, whose mouth was about to split to the back of his head, with a guitar hanging in front of him, and Tengger holding a matouqin.

Lao Teng danced twice again and said: "Oh! I am very happy to be on this stage, I am the rookie singer Tengger!"

The audience laughed and applauded.

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes: "I am Li Tiezhu."

The arrangement and accompaniment methods have been simply communicated with the band. It is very simple. "Mangkin" is accompanied by the band, "Itch" is done by Li Tiezhu and Tengger themselves, and the band is responsible for drumming.

There is no way to make it complicated, after all, there is no time.

Tengger sang directly, stunned everyone:

When I think of you, I'll be okay~

Empty hate, don't dream for a long time, oh, oh, oh, oh~

Burn the paper ash and bury the smoke willow

Li Tiezhu thinks, the uncle sings really well, but the taste is a bit wrong!

The audience was dumbfounded and almost forgot to applaud.


"Teacher Teng is really amazing!"

"Lin Daiyu pulls down the willows!"

"I didn't expect it?"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"Sing out the feeling of Zhang Fei holding Li Kui's hand and running on the prairie."

"There is a picture..."

"There is something inside!"

"Uncle or your uncle series!"

"I want to see Zhao Liya's expression."

The director seemed to have a heart with the audience, and immediately cut a close-up of Zhao Liya. She smiled awkwardly and politely, but with a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

Other singers were surprised, some applauded, and others were laughing, such as...Song Zhuer.

Shochikuer: "Wow! This song is really exciting, I said the uncle can fly my pillars! It is second only to my song "Song of Neurosis"!"

Li Tiezhu also began to sing. After discussing it, he was in charge of the girls' section and sang like a chorus of men and women:

Yu Xianhuo Zhiya

Flawless under the withering

Is the price of reaping the answer


The afterglow is stained with the far traveler's hair

He shed his hands

Under the bridge

Late in the previous life~

Li Tiezhu: passing by

Tengol: Carved on the palm~

Li Tiezhu: Remember in the next life

Tengger: A drop of ink drips from the smoke in your eyes.

Li Tiezhu: No worries

Tengol: Let go of persistence~

Li Tiezhu: Phaseless and Colorless

Tengol: How can I go along without being surprised?

Li Tiezhu: Haha~ itchy!

Tengger started the prelude to "Itch": How can I be calm

Drum up!

Li Tiezhu: She is, she is...

Tengol: Go with it~

Li Tiezhu: She is a swaying sun

Tengger flickered: Oh, oh, oh~

Li Tiezhu's ditch is clamped: think more and think about who knows how to appreciate

Tengol: Oh, oh, oh, oh~

Li Tiezhu: He has a blue cloud window

Tengol: Just wait for someone to share it with him~


At this moment, the audience was full of sentient beings, some were astonished, some were scared, some were strange, some were cheerful, and some had constipation-like melancholy on their faces.


Both of them sang nicely, but...

I always feel something is wrong.

Shochikuer: "Well, this passage is better than "Song of Neurosis"! You deserve to be an uncle!"

Everyone's eyes looking at Song Zhu'er were all wrong.

Li Tiezhu: Come on~ be happy~

Tengol: Anyway, there is a lot of time.

Li Tiezhu's eyes are bulging: Come on~ Love~

Tengol: There are a lot of foolishness anyway~


Li Tiezhu: Anyway, there is a lot of beauty~

Tengol: Ah~ itchy, oh, oh, oh, oh~

Li Tiezhu: I just think of you

Tengol: Oh, oh, oh, oh~

God is back again!

The audience friends are all stunned, this operation is going to confuse me!

The arranger Yan Bing directly began to doubt life. What the **** is this Nima? Isn't this a spoof?

That's right, this is the singing method that Tengol insisted on. Li Tiezhu made a lot of opinions and was rejected by him, so it was like this.


"Fuck! I sang all the shit."

"Kneel to Uncle Teng."

"Zhang Fei made Li Kui scratch it."

"Zhang Fei used the weeping willow that Lin Daiyu pulled out to tickle Li Kui..."

"This Nima is tickling? This is bone scraping!"

"The Divine Comedy is scheduled!"

"No run."

"This song will definitely be popular."

"An epoch-making light rock..."Blind Itch"?"

""Cecal Itch"!"


"The name of this song is cheating..."

Li Tiezhu: The new Cuitu left Huaying in the middle of the game~

Tengger: Acacia is useless to laugh at the old league

Li Tiezhu: Woo~ What do I want?

Tengger: Da Da Da Da... Da Da Da Da... What do I want


"Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da da, da da da da da, da da da da da da, da da da da da da, da da da da da da, da come out of the Maxim machine gun feel."

Finally, finally... it's over.

For the first time, Li Tiezhu couldn't wait to sing a song so impatiently.

Tenger: "Thank you! Does it sound good?"

The audience was really crazy: "It sounds good! It sounds good!"

Li Tiezhu smiled hard and said nothing.

Tenger said: "So...who should vote for?"



"Master vote!"

"Uncle race high!!"

In the second round, the voting is for the guest performers, and their votes determine the singer's ranking.

Tengol: "Vote for me? Have a discernment! Tie Zhu, thank you audience."

Li Tiezhu: "Thanks to the audience for voting for the uncle, thanks to the uncle Tengol, and thanks to Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu is like a little daughter-in-law who is at the mercy of others, she has given up struggling. There is a kind of numbness all over his body. You can keep doing it. I'll finish it early so I can wear pants and leave.

It doesn't matter if you lose, but Li Tiezhu can't bear the grueling old fairy Teng Uncle.

Then Li Tiezhu and Tengger stepped down, and Tengger greeted the crazy fans all the way like a general who had returned to court after victory. Li Tiezhu Qiang smiled, Liang Tian was already aggrieved, what's all this? How about playing with Li Tiezhu?

Wang Hai’an began to take over the stage and organized the audience for the second round of voting.

Live barrage:

"Li Tiezhu is over."

"At any rate, the battle has reached the final stage, it's okay."

"Do you still want Li Tiezhu to be the king of singers?"

"To be honest, Li Tiezhu did his best in this issue."

"bad luck."

"The loss of "Left Finger Moon" to "Hong Yan" is outrageous."

"Another such a weird guest..."

"Actually, if I were there, I would vote for "Cecal Itch"."

"Me too, Uncle Teng is so fun."

"Wait and see, maybe there is a miracle?"

"Stop fantasizing..."

Li Tiezhu had already given up, and started eating fruit when he arrived in the lounge. He was hungry.

Tengger was braggingly explaining to other guests his fusion of these two songs, what kind of artistic considerations and thoughts he expressed.

Song Zhu'er peeled an orange to Li Tiezhu: "Tie Zhu is great, that song just now was super awesome! Thank you, Uncle Teng."


"Song Zhu'er is a sound nerd, right?"

"She is just purely neurotic."

Li Tiezhu smiled: "It's good if you are happy."

Zhao Liya comforted: "Don't be afraid of the fool, there may be miracles, after all, this song is too magical..."

Li Tiezhu: "It's okay, I didn't want to win either."

One minute later, Wang Haian got the voting result and directly connected with the singers in the rest room on the big screen.

"Uh... a good news and a bad news."

Wang Hai'an quickly organized the language and threw out suspense in advance, instead of chirping like Hong Bo.

"The good news is that some singers in the elimination zone have succeeded in counterattack. That is to say, among the three of Chen Jingyi, Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya, some of the guests ranked first."

At this time, the interests of singers and guests have been tuned up. Can anyone make a comeback?


Han Hong: "Then what's the bad news?"

Li Zijian: "Of course the bad news is that we have to eliminate one of the three champions!"

Yan Bing nodded!

Wang Hai’an: “Ah, one is to be eliminated, but the bad news I’m talking about is not this, it’s about director Hong Bo.”

Everyone wondered, what bad news could he have?

Is it... Uncle Tengger sang Hong Bo about myocardial infarction?

So happy?

Wang Hai'an: "Director Hong is brave enough to come and announce the results of the voting."

The singers were stunned, and collectively protested:


"If he comes, I will retire Han Hong."

"Let him drink water."

"Every day I can't figure out my role..."

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