Earthy Superstar

Chapter 442: : Shuai is done

In fact, Xu Jiazhen is very contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes to win Li Tiezhu, and on the other hand, he does not want to deceive Li Tiezhu. It is not that he is kind-hearted and can't bear it. The main reason is...

The consequences of cheating Li Tiezhu will be very serious, because she knows well-Songzhu'er is very fierce!

If she fixes Li Tiezhu, Song Zhuer will kill her.


However, she had to be manipulated by the fat man and the people behind him. For some reason, she had no choice.

After all, she is just a pawn. If she succeeds in tempting Li Tiezhu this time, she can get a lot of money and some very good resources, but what then? Not for the future.

This is the sorrow of many young artists.

Therefore, when Li Tiezhu said that she had come prepared, Xu Jiazhen felt relieved, because she could not decide the result. Those people could not blame her and would not retaliate against her.

Xu Jiazhen continued to hold Li Tiezhu's neck and tried to kiss him, acting well.

Li Tiezhu resisted and whispered, "How can I help you?"

Xu Jiazhen continued to rush forward, acting in a full set, but fortunately, they could only see the video, but could not hear the sound.

She said: "Slap me on the face, then slam the door and leave."

"Is this bad? I'll take you away."


"When is it all? Still not beating women?"

"I hit women! When do I stop hitting women? It's just that I want to bully you. Is there any other way?"

"Then you sleep with me."

"This... don't be kidding."

"Push me away, just leave."


Li Tiezhu was very decisive, and pushed Xu Jiazhen, who had been entangled again, onto the bed, then took the phone, turned and left.

Xu Jiazhen lay on the bed with disheveled hair and smiled bitterly. Maybe this is the best result!

In fact, she had warned Li Tiezhu a long time ago, and she had hinted at breakfast in the morning that if she really wanted Li Tiezhu, she would not say those things in advance.

Although Li Tiezhu's IQ might be incomprehensible, he has Songzhuer.

Sure enough, Song Zhu'er should have seen it through, but Li Tiezhu didn't believe her, so he came, with precautions.


"JC rounds! Open the door!"

Li Tiezhu was stunned as soon as he walked to the door. What a coincidence?

Xu Jiazhen on the bed does it arrogantly, it's over! I didn't expect these people to be so cruel, and there are other players? She didn't know at all, because she didn't deserve to know all the plans.

Li Tiezhu still opened the door.

Three JCs broke in and pushed Li Tiezhu in: "Stand against the wall and show your credentials. We received a report that there is illegal behavior in selling silver!"

Li Tiezhu's clothes were a little scattered by Xu Jiazhen, and Xu Jiazhen's clothes were disheveled and her hair was messy. The two people were in the same room.

Both Li Tiezhu and Xu Jiazhen showed their credentials.

Because the light in the room was dim, a JC checked Li Tiezhu's ID before he recognized him: "Are you Li Tiezhu?"

Li Tiezhu smiled bitterly: "Yes! That Li Tiezhu from Xu Sanduo, this is my classmate Xu Jiazhen at Nortel."

JC checked Xu Jiazhen's ID card and student ID again, nodded, and said, "So you are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Li Tiezhu: "No."

"Then what are you guys? Isn't your girlfriend Shochikuer? Oh! You don't need to answer this question, we understand!"

"You know a hammer!"

"Hey? Li Tiezhu! Pay attention to civilized language when speaking, we...withdrew."

"Good! Goodbye Officer J."


The door closed again.

Even if Li Tiezhu was not smart, he came back to his senses at this time. These three JCs are real, and they have nothing to do with those people, they are just being used, but... those people will definitely be able to get JC law enforcement. In the first-view video, JCs wear cameras on their chests to record law enforcement.

Xu Jiazhen: "I was deceived! They didn't really believe me from the beginning, and it was just a pretense to let me seduce you..."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Clean up! Come with me."

Xu Jiazhen shook her head: "I..."

"They knew you were'rebellious', did they stay and wait for death?"

"Huh? Oh! Good, good."

The clever Xu Jiazhen was lucky, and he was not as quick as Li Tiezhu, who was in the wind and waves. If they didn't doubt Xu Jiazhen, they wouldn't have to find someone to report to the fake police in advance. They even said that there is no microphone installed in this room is a fake.

Li Tiezhu looked around the room and said, "Can you hear me? Come out and gather? At the door of the room."

After speaking, Li Tiezhu walked out of the room.

There is no one in the empty aisle, the hotel is relatively old, and the lights are very dim.

After a while, a fat man walked out of the hotel leaning across the door, and threw a piece of Zhonghua to Li Tiezhu, and then threw a lighter of pure gold.

Li Tiezhu lighted a cigarette and took a sip. He has learned to smoke following Wang Xiaokai, but he doesn't usually smoke. In the words of Juchang, it will be useful for acting in the future. Who wouldn't play a smoking role?

Then Li Tiezhu threw the lighter back, and looked up and down the fat man. It was ugly and wretched.

If it was Li Tiezhu before, the fat man was already foaming at the mouth while lying on the ground.

The fat man himself lit a cigarette, but he nodded and bowed at Li Tiezhu, squeezing out a smile, very humble, not at all the viciousness when he bullied Xu Jiazhen just now.

"Give me a business card?"

Li Tiezhu watched the fat man calmly.

"Don't dare, I'm afraid you will retaliate against me."

The fat man said with a guilty conscience.

Li Tiezhu: "But you should know that I only need a few minutes to get all your information."

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, Pickup Soso took out a business card from his wallet, handed it to Li Tiezhu with a little trembling, and then hurried back, afraid of being beaten.

Li Tiezhu didn't look at it, put his business card in his trouser pocket, and took another puff of cigarette: "What does he want?"

This him refers to the person behind the fat man. Obviously, that person is not here, or, here, but doesn't want to show up.

Fatty: "He said you know."

Li Tiezhu smiled: "I don't know."

Fatty: "You must know."

At this time, Xu Jiazhen tidyed up her clothes and hair, and walked out, her expression very complicated.

Li Tiezhu looked at the fat man, then looked at Xu Jiazhen, and flicked the cigarette **** at the fat man, and the fat man swiftly avoided.

Li Tiezhu: "She is my friend, so don't bother her anymore, okay?"

The fat man smiled: "It's been cleared after this time."

Li Tiezhu laughed out Yao Riyue's emoticon: "What a fuck! It's pretty particular."

"It's not about being particular, I'm not a good person, but you have to save face. This matter, I can't help but, after that, it's your and his business, I'm a little one, I can't get along..."

"Go back and tell that person that a shit-eater can never ride on a **** head!"


"What kind of dog a person pulls to eat, he can't help it if he does it thinly, he is picky eaters and doesn't live long."


The fat man was speechless, is there really something wrong with this brain? You can't protect yourself, but who are you threatening?

Li Tiezhu didn't explain, and took Xu Jiazhen away.

When passing by the fat man, Li Tiezhu said to Xu Jiazhen: "He will come to you again and tell me I will punch his **** out."

Fatty: "If you are unsure, you can beat me now."

Li Tiezhu didn't turn his head back: "I'm not in the mood today."

A beating can calm this one's anger. Fatty is very smart. He knew that even if Li Tiezhu was rectified this time, he would still be able to do a good job, not an order of magnitude.

After leaving the hotel, Li Tiezhu unlocked the car by the side of the shared car parked on the side of the road.

Xu Jiazhen: "Why are you... why are you here? You should listen to Songzhuer."

Li Tiezhu: "Shut up! I drank while driving."

Xu Jiazhen took the key handed over by Li Tiezhu and watched him get into the co-driver before she gritted her teeth and got into the car.

The small car passed through the night, neon flickering.

"Where to go? It's too late, the school is closed."

"My studio."


Then, there was a long silence in the car.

Arriving downstairs in Li Tiezhu’s studio, Xu Jiazhen finally plucked up the courage: "I was born in a small county, and I have always been the backbone of art in the class. Later, a school leader asked me to accompany a boss and said that he could help me contact Kyoto. Art test training class, and then... I am no longer myself, like a marionette. Fatty Zhou doesn't expect me to make money, let alone give me great resources. He just wants to drag me in his hands. However, when I got the notification from Nortel, I was not reconciled and went everywhere to ask for help. Later, I got to know you..."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Do you have a place to go?"

Xu Jiazhen shook her head and said, "Except for the first time, I have not been persecuted. I chose the road myself."

"Do you want to be popular, or do you want to act?"

"In the beginning, I took the art test road. I liked acting. Later I wanted to be popular. Now... I'm afraid it's impossible to act."

She knew very well that unless Li Tiezhu gave up, the video of her and Li Tiezhu would be exposed. Li Tiezhu will not necessarily hurt her muscles, but she is likely to be overwhelmed.

Li Tiezhu suddenly said, "Before I came out, I was eating hot pot, and the hot pot has not been finished."

Xu Jiazhen was surprised and wondered what Li Tiezhu said about it.

Li Tiezhu said, "Order a takeaway! Can you eat spicy food?"

Xu Jiazhen shook her head blankly.

Li Tiezhu curled his lips in disgust: "That's a mandarin duck pot..."

ten minutes later.

In the huge and empty working room, Li Tiezhu and Xu Jiazhen were sitting at the conference table. On the table was a big pot of hot pot and full of dishes.

Li Tiezhu could not wait to scald the duck Xu Jiazhen couldn't help asking: "Aren't you worried?"

Li Tiezhu: "Huh! No matter who he is, I will kill him! I'm the most annoyed of this kind of yin-playing bastard. Eat!"

Xu Jiazhen is a little dazzled, Tie Zhu is so handsome at this moment!

Ugly handsome! Ugly handsome!

The hot duck intestines were rolled half a circle in the dipping saucer full of garlic puree, thrown into his mouth, Li Tiezhu picked up the phone and called Zhang Xiaomeng:

"Brother Meng! Inform the Legal Department, kill them! I'm talking about killing them, not just killing them! Me? I'm eating hot pot in the studio, don't ask, I will tell you later. In addition, inform Red Star Rabbit, three Within the sky, I want all the black material of Li Tianmu. Hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu continued to scald the duck intestines: "What are you doing in a daze?"

Xu Jiazhen has been looking at Li Tiezhu with an idiot: "It's over if you are handsome! I'm not afraid anymore, the big deal is going home to sell yam."

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