Earthy Superstar

Chapter 460: : Something wrong

A group of people looked at Zhang Xiaomeng as if they were stupid.

   Zhang Xiaomeng: "What...what happened?"

   Sun Xihe spit out: "Are you afraid that you are not a fake agent?"

   Zhang Xiaomeng: "What's the matter? I'll consider it for you, so I raised the question of the feasibility of this plan."

Li Zhixuan said: "Don't you know that variety shows are recorded and broadcast? Generally, the recording time is one month earlier than the broadcast time, and at least 20 days. We stepped on it one by one, and the time was over in a week. They couldn't even cut the first version. , Who can react?"

   Zhang Xiaomeng's face blushed: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Wu Lei has always been wretched, he licked his lips: "Hey, as long as we are fast enough, the news will not catch up with us. After we have finished recording three shows, they can't stop it, right? Besides, what's the big deal about winning or losing? of?"

  Wang Xiaokai is also a variety show person. It is more practical: "The biggest problem now is how can we ensure that the four of us go to the show together, I am afraid that they have already found someone in advance."

   Song Zhuer: "Infinite challenges are okay, we have someone. Lengba and Yue Ge are here."

   Everyone screamed and looked at Li Tiezhu.

   Li Tiezhu blushed slightly.

   Songzhuer said: "The mushroom house is no problem. Last year, it was agreed that I would go with Tie Zhu and bring you three, but the notice fee is estimated to be difficult to get."

   Wang Xiaokai: "Notice fee is a fart, we just want to form a team! Just go."

Wu Lei: "The only thing left is Brother Meng. It's up to you, some of our brokers will contact you, and you will help you negotiate, the price can be kept low, and then give them a gimmick, Nortel 315 brothers. Team vs. Fly, Brothers, it’s not bad too!"

   Zhang Xiaomeng nodded, he knew that with the current popularity of these people, the problem was not too big.

Li Tiezhu, Wang Xiaokai, and Wu Lei are all popular fried chicken, and Li Zhixuan suddenly became popular because of Wu Zhe's corner. Many people called him Xiao Hei Niu and Xiao Li Richen, and his acting skills are generally favored, and there are many movie appointments. He is too busy and is about to sign in to Penguin Culture.

   The group of people talked more and more vigorously, eating and drinking were particularly enjoyable.


   June 18th, the Dragon Boat Festival.

Li Tiezhu took his family back to his hometown. This time I went back to see the repaired elementary school. In fact, Li Tiezhu didn’t understand. He just paid out the money. The specific operations were performed by the team of Uncle Gu Dal. That's it.

Before    came back, he also contacted Gu Dalle.

   This time he went to a remote mountainous area to do a new variety show. After the show, he will donate two or three schools in the name of the show, and he will also ask the team of Gu Dale to do it. Gu Dale fully agreed to this.

   Li Fugui is very supportive of Li Tiezhu’s charity work. His thoughts are very simple. Anyway, with his ideas, Li Tiezhu’s money can’t be spent anyway, so why do you keep it?

   However, on the way home after visiting the school, Li Fugui was still a little depressed: "Why is it so easy to fix it? A waste of money, those on the basketball court are more wasteful, so students should study hard."

   Li Tiezhu said: "I don't know, anyway, I only pay for it. It is the guy from Xiangjiang star Gu Dal who studies the school, who is your favorite TV series and actor."

   Li Laohan suddenly changed his words: "He repaired it? I just said, I just want to get it. Xiangjiang stars are educated, and students need to develop morally, intellectually, physically, and artistically. Um, they also need to pay attention to hygiene."

   Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes and didn't plan to fight with him. The old man was famous for his double-label, and he was also double-labeled because he was reliable.

   After staying at home for two days, Li Tiezhu flew from Shudu to Paris, France.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yes, it’s France.

  He is not going to the film festival, but to the tennis match.

   In order to make him less disturbed, the agency had booked him first class and had to provide him with an interpreter. Li Tiezhu refused, and Song Zhuer was with him.

   Zheng Yanzi made the semi-finals of the French Open for the first time, and specially invited Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer to watch her match.

   After the plane took off, Li Tiezhu said, "I hope she can win the championship."

   Shochikuer said: "The championship is difficult, do you know why she made it to the quarterfinals this time?"


   "Huh! Because Serena retired due to injury."

   "You... also have some truth!"

   "It makes sense. Xiong Er is most afraid of power players. Serena is like male athletes. How to fight?"

   "But, I heard that this time there is only one top ten in the top four."

   "But the remaining two are power types."

   "Well, I don't understand..."

   The two chatted for a while, and Song Zhu'er fell asleep. Li Tiezhu asked the stewardess to sign for a blanket to cover Song Zhu'er.

   Song Zhuer made a special trip from Kyoto to fly to Paris with Li Tiezhu, which was very tiring.

   Holding Shochiku's hand, Li Tiezhu felt a little guilty.

   Viewed from the side, you can see the diamond-shaped metal safety charm hanging around the neck in the neckline of Zhuer, which is very peculiar in shape and pattern.

   Li Tiezhu bought this from the prop store. For Song Zhuer, what he hopes most is safety. After all, this product often fights.

   Another charm ring worth 88 intelligence is for Lengba. I haven't seen her yet.

   While thinking about things, Li Tiezhu suddenly heard a crooked fruit woman humming on his left hand. He was irritable. Does he have any quality? Didn't you see my girlfriend sleeping?

   When I listened carefully, Li Tiezhu was stunned.

   "The dirty girl also wears silver, and my heart feels like an ancient sound, and I move my waist and my waist, and there are bags on the building..."

   This pronunciation is also no one!

   Li Tiezhu picked his head and looked at that person carefully. How could a real ghost girl sing this song?

   I can't help it, it's my own fan, just bear it.

   At least he sings very quietly, and it is probably not embarrassing to sing loudly, which is embarrassing.

   After a while, the singing was changed to: "My friends, please listen to the truth, listen to my sing of thirteen relatives, and every sentence is a big joy, my buddy..."

   Li Tiezhu covered his face, dare to feel that this is a black fan?

   The flight to Paris took nineteen hours. Li Tiezhu was bored first, so he took out his mobile phone to play stand-alone games, and he heard crying from next door.

   He looked for her reputation, and saw that the ghost girl was crying at the phone screen, all her makeup was spent.

   Li Tiezhu looked at the screen again, good fellow! Li Tiezhu was assigned to the fifth shift.

   "Hello? Hello? Howl yelling? Ah yuck?"

   I couldn't help it anymore, Li Tiezhu wanted to ask her if she had a mental problem, but he couldn't speak English that was too complicated.

  The ghost girl raised her head blankly and rubbed her eyes: "Haha? What's wrong!"

   It's a good shareholder of Peking University.

   This is easier.

   Li Tiezhu said, "Excuse me, please be quiet, my girlfriend is sleeping."

Sister Guilao frowned, turned her head, and then suddenly gave herself an ear, then turned her head back: "Ah! It's alive! Ainpela Lee! Emma, ​​I finally saw alive today, and said Nothing works, Tie Zhu, I must sign my name and take a group photo."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Li Tiezhu’s accent was instantly deviated: "No, old girl, how about you Gaha? Chinese silver?"

  Gui Lao sister: "Sister, I'm Medinmi imperialism, so what, it's that I came to the Northeast Province to go snow skating, so I like you, you say it's not... fate!"

   Li Tiezhu: "Skiing? What about you?"

"Snow, go to school. Let me, go to Paris to see my aunt, she said she fell into the coringger, she is old and serious, I guess it's not just revealing the skin, it's not tender enough to be amputated. But direct flights to the northeast these days There is a sister in the province, Mo Ji too, so how to fix it? No, did you come to Shudu for a transfer? My sister thought! There is such a good thing that I can meet you on the plane, can’t we take a photo?"

   "Photo! Photo..."

  Gui Lao sister is so enthusiastic, there is really no way to refuse.

   took a group photo, after signing, the Guilao sister thought about it again, Li Tiezhu took a bite, but Li Tiezhu forcibly pushed her away.

  Gui Lao sister is so sorry, she wiped her mouth: "Oh my god! The sneak attack was unsuccessful! Oops! Good luck, thanks to my aunt's amputation!"

   Li Tiezhu was speechless: "Don't talk nonsense, aunt doesn't have to be amputated."

   "Yes yes yes. My crow's mouth!"

   "You speak the Northeastern dialect, how long have you been here?"

   "Isn't it? I have been here for less than a year, and they all said that I have a talent for languages, and I still acted in sketches at school, hey! That guy, the battle, the drums, drums and firecrackers..."

  Gui Lao sister can be talkative, Li Tiezhu is embarrassed to terminate the topic. He thought to himself, your northeastern dialect is so slippery, why did you sing the pronunciation just now? right! Tohoku pronunciation!

   Li Tiezhu said again: "Why come to China?"

Guilao sister: "Because of you! You don't say wow, since the summer of last year, you called a fire in the rice imperialism, the gongs and drums are noisy...No. It's half the rubber shoes Cropped trousers, serious singer Li Tiezhu, popular with thousands of young girls, for a time, the streets and alleys are imitating!"

   Li Tiezhu was embarrassed. He had known that he had gone abroad, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce.

  Gui Lao Mei said again: "Moreover, your national style songs have refreshed the decadent youths of Mi imperialism! It's like ah, my mother! So, I made up my mind to come to China. Many of my friends are here!"

   Li Tiezhu: "Ah! Very good, very good! Study hard and strive to be a useful person to society."

  Gui Lao Mei: "That is, when I graduate, I will contribute my strength to the new journey of building a modern society!"

   "Don't go back to the U.S.?"

   "Don't go back, wait until the time is right, go back and defeat imperialism!"


   Li Tiezhu was speechless, this kind of person is deep in the ice!

   However, the conversation between the two attracted the attention of other travelers. Many people came to take pictures with Li Tiezhu and chattered endlessly. Gui Lao Mei acted as an interpreter on the side.

   What surprised Li Tiezhu was that most of the people present knew him, heard his songs, and others watched his movies.

   But also, this is a plane taking off from China, and it is not surprising that foreign tourists know him.

  Unexpectedly, Li Tiezhu got off the plane and was recognized by many foreigners before leaving the airport. They greeted him one after another:

   "Impera Lee."

  , on the contrary, was the pine and bamboo of the little bird beside Li Tiezhu, no one knew him.

   Li Tiezhu couldn't help but think that there is something wrong with this world!

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