Earthy Superstar

Chapter 465: : Master

  Chapter 462 Master

  After everyone had finished the dance, several people entered the restaurant of a villa one after another. There was a table of sumptuous meals in the restaurant with a small boiling hot pot in the middle.

  Neither the director nor the planner was there. There were only a few cameramen. The guests sat down to eat and toasted with watermelon juice.

  Luo Xiaoxiang said: “It’s rare to have such a luxurious meal in Infinite Challenge.”

  Xiao Yueyue: "Is it bad to eat?"

  Wang Su: "Before, the funding for the program group was relatively tight."

  Lengba said: "Aren't you nervous this issue? Is it because the most expensive ones haven't come? So save money?"

  Lei Yin: "What do you look in? Sun Lei and Fang Bo are indeed expensive, and these ones are not cheap today. Li Tiezhu, Wang Xiaokai, Wu Lei, are they cheap?"

  Li Zhixuan: "It's cheap for me. I don't have any notice fee. I'm here to check the show."

  At this time, Li Tiezhu clamped a piece of beef from the hot pot: "Hmm! It's delicious."

  Lengba: "Is it delicious? I want to eat too."

  Li Tiezhu gave her a piece of beef, then stood up and walked to the door, and locked the door at will. Two more chairs were brought to block the door, and he turned to greet Wang Xiaokai: "Chrysanthemum! The window locks."

  Wang Xiaokai gnawed his chicken feet and locked the windows. He was very experienced.

  Wu Lei went to the bathroom next to him and glanced back and said, “I closed the small window of the bathroom. The director can’t come in unless he gets out of the toilet.”

  Li Zhixuan: "Why don't I go and have a dip? Block the last way for the director to come in!"

  Lengba was eating beef and said in disgust: "Do you feel sick with hammer? Do you eat?"

   Yue Yue: "Why are you closing the door?"

  Wang Su clapped his hands: "Awesome! Awesome! As expected of the old five people, Tie Zhu is amazing."

  Luo Xiaoxiang also reacted: "Yeah! Why am I careless? How could the program group be so good? There must be a problem! Tie Zhu is indeed our infinite challenge non-staff."

  The cameraman reminded: "You can’t record the show like this."

  Li Tiezhu: "It's okay. If you dare to open the door, you will be tied up."

  The cameraman is afraid to speak.

  Wang Su: "Look! There really is a problem."

  Immediately afterwards, the director really knocked on the door with planning and production. The people inside couldn't open the door, they continued to eat, and they were full of joy.

  Lei Yin was stunned: "Ah... So it turns out that the director group can really be sanctioned?"

   Luo Xiaoxiang: "Otherwise? This is an infinite challenge. There are no rules."

  Lei Yin: "I just made up for the first season of the show yesterday, and the second season started to charge, I didn't watch it."

  Wang Su: "You are too picky, what did you learn in the first season?"

  Lei Yin: "I thought it was the script of the show crew, and I thought that this script really dared to write..."

  Wang Su smiled and said: "Return the script! Huang Sanshi, Sun Lei, Fang Bo, which one is the rule?"

  The barrage is calling the good guys. Since Fang Bo, Huang Sanshi and Sun Lei have left, they have never seen such a cruel character again. This issue of "Infinite Challenge" turned out to be the original taste:

  "Not the original recipe, but the original taste."

   "How did Tie Zhu become smarter?"

  "This is experience, it has nothing to do with IQ."

   "The previous five items were sanctions against newcomers, but now it’s the other way around."

  "The four newcomers in this issue are not easy to provoke."

   "There are only three newcomers, not Li Tiezhu."

  "Unlimited brothers and sisters are newcomers."

   "Wu Zhe said that he took a dip and made Lao Tzu laugh miserably..."

   "Tie Zhu, Ju Chang, Da Tong Wan, Tie Zhu, what are their names?"

   "Look at Leiyin's silly look!"

  "This kind of person can't live for ten minutes in the previous five articles."

  Lei Yin took a sip of the soup, and said dumbfounded: "If there are no rules, you don’t follow the rules? What about the tasks given by the program group?"

  Li Zhixuan: "Brother! The mission must be completed, but you don’t need to play cards according to the routine. You have such a big head, why do you think about the problem?"

  Lei Yin: "No, there are no rules but there are tasks, right?"

  Li Zhixuan: "Yes! You can only win by completing the task, brother, have you been this big since you were young?"

  Lei Yin: "Why do you say I have a big head?"

  Li Zhixuan: "Straight-hearted."

  Lei Yin: "..."

  Li Zhixuan, who has completed two missions, is no longer in a hurry. Although he will complete the mission once again, he just doesn’t say anything, hey, just play!

  Wu Lei is very good, their tasks are all easy to complete, he is not good at this, tying his shoes three times!

   is too obvious.

  Now Wu Lei and Li Zhixuan have not completed the task.

  The director knocked on the door again: "Li Tiezhu opens the door! I am here to release a new mission. I will leave when I finish speaking. I will not cheat you or delay your meal."

  Li Tiezhu said: "Come less, let you in after eating."

  Other guests also turned on the mocking mode, and the director was still playing innocent there.

  Wang Xiaokai: "The cameraman told us, you still want to lie to us? Are you stupid?"

  Director: "Zhang Dequan, your uncle! Didn't you shut the door on your lips?"

  Cameraman: "I didn't say! He cheated you, stupid!"

  Director: "Uh..."

   "Hahahahaha... good Xiaokai!"

  "Chrysanthemum long cowhide!"

   "Wang Tieju, you can do it!"

  "Play with big tongue, don't call Laozi Tieju."


   "I'll go! Wang Xiaokai is so beautiful!"

  "The guests in this issue are the strongest group in history, right?"

   "Li Tiezhu can make the original five pieces all by himself. Now he brings his little brother, who can control it?"

  "Little brother? My Xiaokai is the eldest brother!"

   "Hey! Don't make trouble, you are all young men in front of serious brother."

   "What a miserable director..."

   "So that's how Chrysanthemum came here?"

   "Wang Tieju is okay?"

  "Li Tiezhu, Li Tiehui, and Wang Tieju are known, what is Wu Tie?"

   "Wu Tiewan! Dashewan."

   "This is how the 315 four irons came..."

  While laughing and laughing, everyone is gradually getting full, Lengba poked a lion's head with chopsticks and chewed.

Yue Yupeng next to    said: "Lengba, you eat from start to finish, aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

   Lengba: "I'm already fat! Still pretty."

  Yue Yupeng: "But..."

   Lengba: "No but! Good-looking people look good when they get fat, and it’s not good to look at people who are not good because they are fat."

  Yue Yupeng looked down at his stomach: "Forget my ID number!"

  Lengba covered her mouth: "I didn't mean you alone, but also other people. I mean, some people are skinny but still not good-looking, right Squirrel brother?"

  Wang Su: "You..."

   Lengba blinked innocently: "What? Did I say something wrong? Tie Zhu is even uglier than you, what are you afraid of?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Have you finished eating? I opened the door to let the director."

  Everyone nodded, they were all hiccups.

  Li Tiezhu opened the door and waved to the sulking director not far away.

  The director came in angrily and said: "There was a link in the meal just now, now I will make up..."

  Li Tiezhu grabbed the stack of cards in the director's hand with his backhand and threw it to Wu Lei not far away.

  Li Zhixuan followed in an instant, and Li Tiezhu framed the director from left to right.

  Director: "What are you doing? Let me go!"

   Er Li pressed the director on the chair.

  Li Tiezhu: "Didn't you eat? I left you with a lion head, uh... I was eaten by Lengba, and there is half a dish. Have something to eat?"

  Li Zhixuan: "Enough soup tube."

  Director: "……"

Over there, Wu Lei held a card: "Answer link? A wrong answer increases the number of tasks. Everyone must give an answer. For the first question, how many slices of beef are there in the hot pot? The correct answer is 11 slices. Second Question, how many braised chicken feet are there? Nine correct answers. Question three, there are several kinds of mushrooms in the soup, four. Question four, how many pumpkin pie is not fried? Both...what are these questions? Ah? Are you perverted?"

The   Infinite Brothers and Sisters were shocked, and they laughed so hard that the guests in this issue were too fierce, right? Do you even grab the director's title?

  Wu Lei put down the card and asked, "Director! May I ask the hammer, ah, what color cap is Li Zhixuan wearing when he came today? You get a wrong answer and have a bowl of soup! Please answer."

  Li Zhixuan poured a bowl of chicken soup and handed it to the director: "Director, we came in a car. You will not forget, right?"

  Wang Su and Luo Xiaoxiang were both stunned, and they exchanged eyes with each other, and found that they needed to be strengthened. This is the correct way to open "Infinite Challenge"!

  Lengba took another rice cake and gnawed: "Director, answer quickly!"

  Yue Yupeng: "Hahaha, the director must have forgotten, do you look down on Zhixuan? You don't think people are popular, you don't pay attention to them?"

  Lei Yin pulled his head: "Oh... So that's how the Infinite Challenge is played."

  Director: "Black?"

  Wu Lei: "Wrong! Do it, director."

  The director picked up the bowl in confusion and drank it in one gulp. Fortunately, the bowl was small.

  Wu Lei: "Give you another chance."

  Director: "Red?"


   "Uh... gurgle gurgle..."

  After a while, the director even drank four bowls of soup. He angered: "What color is it?"

  Wu Lei: "You drank the Fifth Wantang, I will tell you the answer."


  "The correct answer is that he is not wearing a hat."



"Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose……"


  "Good fellow! These four animals are so daring to do it!"

  "Isn't this better than the previous issue?"

   "Thanks to these four."

  "Why did Li Zhixuan wear a hat? Did I remember it wrong?"

   "This director is so stupid, he actually started to answer questions..."

   "The key is that he really drinks soup."

   "Lengba is still eating, and Tie Zhu doesn't care?"

   "Sure enough, I didn't wear a hat!"


  "Little Pig is laughing again!"

  "This is a master..."

  Four Irons finally let go of the The director belched: "Hey...what, let's carry out the second phase of the mission, everyone...what are you doing? When I am stupid?"

  Li Tiezhu was about to try his old tricks to grab the card, but the director found out that he was holding the card tightly.

  Li Tiezhu touched his head: "You go on."

  Director: "Stay away from me, and stay away. Okay! In the second phase of the mission, everyone will get a baggage and hide in this villa. If someone else finds it, even if they lose. Who will go first?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Me."

  Said that he and the director left, what he got was a red wine glass.

  Director: "Hide it! Call the next one."

   Then, Li Tiezhu returned to the restaurant: "Which one of you is going to be the second?"

  Everyone is discussing who should go first.

  Li Tiezhu took out the red wine glass from his pocket and hung it on the cup holder in the corner of the restaurant. There were a few bottles of red wine and some glasses.

   Then Li Tiezhu walked out of the house.

  (End of this chapter)

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