Earthy Superstar

Chapter 493: :with full force

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Oting patted his dark buttocks twice, and blinked at Li Tiezhu, an expression that you are coming soon, I am ready.

Li Tiezhu...silly!

Qin Tao was terrified, Zheng Yanzi was not as shy, and she pushed Li Tiezhu to sign for him.

Fortunately, the security responded quickly and took the exhibitionist away. Even if he was taken away, the old **** named Odin was still yelling:

"Lee! Hey! I like your show, you are the only light in our hearts! Brothers! Say hello to our "Doomsday Light"!"

As a result, dozens of humanoids with different shapes in the crowd shouted in unison:

"Believe in the light! Ainpela Lee will lead us through the darkness to a brilliant tomorrow! Hula--"

This is absolutely not a serious group.

Not only was the Chinese program team stupid, but the reporters were also stupid. They switched their cameras to shoot, and the hundreds of people who greeted Li Tiezhu and his party were also stupid. They looked at the dozens of mavericks with **** eyes. Guy...

There seems to be something weird mixed in among us fans!

In fact, the flight schedule of Li Tiezhu and others has not been announced to the public. The outside world only knows that it is this day. Therefore, the hundreds of people at the scene are no small thing. They probably have been waiting here since early in the morning.

Even in China, Li Tiezhu has never received such a grand treatment, because he never pays to hire someone to pick up the plane.

While the reporter was filming and picking up fans, Zheng Yanzi secretly smiled and translated the meaning of the signs that those people were holding to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu was embarrassed with embarrassment.

"Eastern Mike?"

"Your single eyelid and squinted eyes are extremely sexy! I really want to have a shot with you."

"Your song makes me intoxicated!"

"The best composer alive in the world."

"Music wizard from the Far East!"

"The chosen son of fashion."

"Welcome to Roshan Rooster, my prince!"

"Hey, Com! The soul of the red child chasing dreams! (Welcome, chasing dreams with a heart

"I can't help but want to dig out Mike and sing with you..."

Li Tiezhu quietly said, "These people are mentally retarded? No wonder there are not too many people in China who like me, but overseas are overwhelming. For many years... I have no IQ generation gap with them. They think I am cordial. so."

Zheng Yanzi said: "I agree!"

Qin Tao said: "Huh? Is there anyone who welcomes me?"

Zheng Yanzi said: "Yes! There are three signs, one is'Welcome sow care master', one is a painted pig's head, and the other is'Lang! I want to hear you talk about talk show.' How does it feel? "

Qin Tao: "Hammer Lei talk show, Lao Tzu is called cross talk, high-level language art!"

After that, the airport expressed the hope that Li Tiezhu would sign the fans first and persuade the fans to leave. Li Tiezhu also agreed. After all, there are too many people and too messy, and it is easy to cause safety accidents.

The three of Li Tiezhu signed autographs to a small group of fans. When they signed a white kid, the kid said, "Li! Do you really eat cat meat?"

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Li Tiezhu was very calm and asked Zheng Yanzi to translate for him, saying: "We don't eat cat meat. No one in China eats cat meat. This is a rumor. No matter who told you this, you can no longer believe him. !Why do you like me?"

The child said: "My sister likes your songs, but I like everything you do in the wild, it's so cool!"

Li Tiezhu said: "Does it include killing pigs?"

Child: "Of course! I was very excited about it, you are omnipotent."

Li Tiezhu: "Pigs don’t think so! Pigs are also life, why should they be eaten? You Americans also eat pork. Have you ever considered how pigs feel?"

Child: "Pigs should be eaten!"

Li Tiezhu: "What about cows? In China, beef has been banned for thousands of years, because cows are a member of the family, but why are you so cruel to eat beef?"

Child: "Edonte..."

Li Tiezhu: "Dogs are so cute, but we eat dogs. I have eaten them many times. Are you scared? Did you know that you Westerners eat foie gras? Deliberately raise geese into fatty liver, a severe disease, and then eat them. Lost their liver. And caviar, snails... Orientals feel very disgusting. Baby, I won’t just talk to you just because you are my fan. You need to establish good values, you don’t What you understand does not mean wrong, and what you are used to may not be right."

The child was already speechless. The child’s sister smiled apologetically and said, “Sorry, Tony didn’t offend you on purpose. He is still young.”

Li Tiezhu also signed her and said, “It’s because he is still young that he told him this. When he grows up, it’s unnecessary. For example, if I tell you that the Chinese love peace now, you must think I am I just want to find an excuse to soak you, right?"

The child's sister looked dull, what's the situation?

Li Tiezhu left and continued to sign his fans. He was never clever, it's just that the passive skills in the system ran away once again.

After a simple signing, Li Tiezhu’s persuasion and security drove the fans to disperse gradually, but...the media gathered around again, and after experiencing the incident that Li Tiezhu "scare" the children just now, the reporters asked more questions. Sharp.

After all, not all the media who came for the interview were pro-Li Tiezhu media. Most of them wanted to see him embarrassed, or came to think of ways to make him embarrassed.

"Li, is your program aimed at spreading Chinese culture to the world? Carrying out a cultural invasion of other countries?"

"You are a newspaper? I really can't imagine a newspaper reporter asking such a brain-dead question. Yes, you can report my words without changing a word. If there is no Chinese culture, your newspaper would not exist. You still What reporters are you doing? Is your news printed on leaves or on parchment scrolls? Please remember that paper is an invention of China, as well as movable type printing."

"Ain Pera, do you have any different feelings after you came to the United States? I mean within this airport."

"I have a lot of emotion. Why is your international airport so shabby? Why are your food and drink so hard to swallow? Why are your flight attendants so ugly, even if your service attitude is so bad? Why don't you reporters give money? Can you stop interviewing me?"

"Aha! The humorous oriental humor... By the way, why in China, you can be popular with male stars like you?"

"It's really reliable to be a master, why can't I be a star?"

"Oh, Virgin Mary! I like the way you speak. You are not Chinese at all. You are as frank as the Americans."

"That's your prejudice, the Chinese have always been so straightforward."

"Really? Can you tell me who the American star you hate the most is?"


"Wow! Bro Fickert! Why do you hate Mr. Tonkatsu."

"His hairstyle... is indescribable, just like a pile of shit."

"Mistral Lee, I would like to ask, do you like American girls? I mean blonde and white beauties, they are **** and hot..."

"I don't like women with body odor."

"There is perfume..."

"The body hair is still very long, and the face is freckled. After the age of 30, he will become a bucket waist..."

"You offend many American girls like this!"

"Don’t you like my frankness? I think girls who are not hypocritical would not mind me telling the truth? After all, the girls in Rice are independent and strong, and will not be You media are brainwashing."

"The last question, Li, do you think there is anything in the U.S. that you don't have in China? You can say a few more."

"You can say anything?"


"Okay! First of all, homeless people, we have not seen them in China for many years. Secondly, we don’t have guns. After all, Free Milliken shoots every day. Finally, there is no racial discrimination in our country. We are a minority in my country. The clan is always the object of preferential treatment, not the other way around. Because there is a Chinese saying that “things are rare and precious,” and this minority clan includes crooked nuts."

Li Tiezhu's firepower was fully fired, and his output was fierce.

Finally, with Zhang Xiaomeng’s intervention, the interview was terminated because he felt that Li Tiezhu’s words were too exaggerated and might stimulate the emotions of the American people.

After leaving the airport, Zhang Xiaomeng took everyone to the five-star hotel where he was staying, and then said to Li Tiezhu heartily:

"Tie Zhu! Uncle Li! I'm begging you, I'm going to be a little foolish in the country, forget it, this is the United States, please pay attention to it, okay?"

Li Tiezhu was at a loss: "I'm not afraid in China. I'm still afraid when I come to the country of the U.S. countryman?"

Zhang Xiaomeng was speechless in an instant.

Li Tiezhu said again: "Should I follow the banana guys and say that when I get off the plane, I find that the air in the United States is sweeter than the domestic air? It is full of sweet blood?"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "That's not what I meant, I just said there is no need to jump up the dispute..."

Li Tiezhu: "Then you are wrong, you just want to get involved! How else can I get hot? Have you forgotten how I became popular? I eat popsicles in the audition, tie a makeup artist in the competition, and sing the royal engine in the national competition. Never afraid to cause controversy, this is a good thing, brother Meng!"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Uh..."

Li Tiezhu said: " When we go abroad, we represent our own country, can we just bow our heads and admit it? Fuck it! If you like me, please like me, and if you don’t like me, get out of Nima! Lao Tzu Do not care."

Zheng Yanzi said in help: "Yeah! I'm afraid of their farts. Even if we are cautious, the U.S. media will still add fuel and jealousy. Are you professional or professional? My Miwang is hacked by the media every year. Don't you know, every year? Some people say that I'm taking drugs. Fuck! Why do I even say that Serena is a transgender person!"

Qin Tao said: "That's not what I said, I'm afraid that extreme Americans will shoot us with guns."

Zhang Xiaomeng said: "Yes!"

Li Tiezhu is very stiff: "Right with the hammer! Do you know how low the accuracy of ordinary people's shooting? Let me tell you this, Lao Tzu is a kind of practicer who can only find good terrain and can kill three or four. I learned from Wu Jing , I am practicing shooting recently..."

Qin Tao said angrily: "What if...what if a hundred more people come and take off their pants and expose their buttocks to you?"

Li Tiezhu suddenly panicked: "This, this..."

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