Earthy Superstar

Chapter 593: : Guguaguaguaguagua

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Li Zhixuan said: "Why don't we also support the nasty criticism on the Internet? It is too miserable for him to fight alone now."

Playing with big tongue: "Yes! I wanted to scold those idiots a long time ago."

Wang Xiaokai aimed at a lone red ball for a long time without hitting it. Finally, he put away his cue and said: "Someone forced the three of us to speak out against Li Tiezhu. There have been several waves of people, including my boss, those two A little shaken, only I refused. I'm afraid I won't be able to last long!"

After that, Wang Xiaokai looked at Li Tiezhu.

The other two stopped talking, neither of them were singers, so naturally they didn't know the interest entanglement inside.

But Wang Xiaokai knew very well that it stands to reason that the three of them had just grown up, and with their strong powder-absorbing ability in the previous few years, they should now be so talented, but they didn't.

Because of the resources in the music world, most of the good ones were eaten by Li Tiezhu, including variety shows, endorsements, movies, and so on.

The only gap they can drill is still some small resources such as hosts and TV series, and they have to grab their heads.

Li Tiezhu didn't know what to say. He had a good relationship with Wang Xiaokai, but he really moved his cake.

Wang Xiaokai said: "Honestly, your taste is too ugly. There are 40 or 50 variety shows every year, seven or eight endorsements, and two or three movies, which are really hateful!"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm all passive, they asked me, and the price is considerable."

Wang Xiaokai nodded: "Yes, nasty criticism. They would rather spend more money to invite you than to spend less money to find us. This is what you hate! Remember "Super Youth League"? In the beginning, I was planning to find you. Later, because I really couldn't get that much money, I found a few of us. They still scorned me and asked me to take you to a guest appearance."

Wu Lei: "That's right! The Golden Dragon Film Festival last year, the best newcomer award, do you know how many people scolded you behind your back? Our actors don't have a good impression of you, you think, this year's hottest "Soldier" "Assault", then "Kung Fu" and then "People on the Road", you are trying to kill the actors of your generation."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while: " can't do it yourself and blame me for being too cruel?"

Wu Lei: "Ha! It's not too high. You must either give up some resources to block others' mouths, or be a bit more aggressive, and completely crush those jealous."

Wang Xiaokai said: "Actually, when the box office of "Kung Fu" and "People on the Road" come out, they will almost be able to squash. By that time, Li Tiezhu's box office will exceed 10 billion, and the group will have no chance at all. Therefore, they I can only start messing with you now."

Wu Lei: "The same is true for "Super Good Songs". If you still put out a god-like original in each issue of this show, everyone will be crazy! If the third album is sold at home and abroad, the people in the music industry will also It becomes cannon fodder."

Li Tiezhu thought for a while, but didn't think too much.

Li Zhixuan said: "It's quite simple! If you don't engage you, you will be invincible, and if you risk destroying you, they will make a lot of money. Do you think they will seek stability or take risks? Capitalists are all greedy. That group of people It's dirty, you better be prepared."

Li Tiezhu nodded, it was indeed dirty, he had already realized it.

Wang Xiaokai finally hit the white ball and put the red ball into the pocket. He said, "So... now Han Hong, Cheng Dalong, and Zhou Xingxing have not come forward to speak. They are actually accumulating energy? You won them to help. You take it to the next level, and they help you if you lose."

Wu Lei: "In short, this time things have just begun, so please take a good fight."

After playing billiards and having a meal, the four of them went to the rehearsal room to rehearse the final program with the rest of the class.

If not for a good relationship, Wang Xiaokai and Wu Lei were also among those people at this time.

As always, Xu Jiazhen greeted Li Tiezhu, and she was more intimate than Song Zhuer's true girlfriend. In this regard, the whole class, including the counselor Lu Bo, had long been accustomed to thinking that it was common to be weird.

At the beginning, everyone wondered if Xu Jiazhen had any misconceptions about Li Tiezhu. Later, it was discovered that Song Zhuer also took care of Xu Jiazhen, which made the matter even more bewildered.

Later, after Xu Jiazhen signed Li Tiezhu's studio and gained more and more resources, some people despised and others envied it. But from the beginning to the end, apart from being discredited, Xu Jiazhen and Li Tiezhu really didn't happen to be too intimate, and everyone was too lazy. Guessed, I don't even have the thought of making jokes about them.

During the rehearsal, Xu Jiazhen warmed up milk for Li Tiezhu, prepared a warm baby for Li Tiezhu, ordered a supper for Li Tiezhu, and marked Li Tiezhu with the accent of the script.

Li Tiezhu didn't say thank you either. He, who made a lot of film and television dramas, still couldn't keep up with other classmates because of his weak academic background.

After the rehearsal was completed, Song Zhu'er waved with Li Tiezhu and ran away. She never got tired of falling in love and hugged her.

That's the case for mother-in-law, I'm a true man with iron and blood!

Xu Jiazhen walked with Li Tiezhu around the campus.

Li Tiezhu said, "My recent incident hasn't affected your reception, right?"

Xu Jiazhen shook her head: "Yes, but it doesn't matter."

Li Tiezhu: "That's OK, go back and rest."

"I haven't reported yet."

"Send WeChat."

"Today, I will report to you in person."

Xu Jiazhen looked up at Li Tiezhu, then quickly lowered her head, looking a little shy.

Back then, Xu Jiazhen never blushed, but after being bluntly spoken by the other party for so long, and still reluctant to do so, it is indeed not a face-to-face thing.

Li Tiezhu also had a hot face. He looked at Xu Jiazhen's oval face and said, "Then you can talk about it."

Xu Jiazhen bit her lower lip in shame: "Shochu's forced me! So what... I get up in the morning or get up in the morning class and buy breakfast for you, eat with you, and then go to class. At noon, Shochu's forced me to face to face. Report to you, she humiliated me..."

"She...should be good for you too."

"No, she said... Forget it. There is nothing to say in class in the afternoon. The main thing is that in the afternoon, a woman who I knew before filming contacted me and said that she could help me win hostess resources, even though it was a web drama. That's it. The woman has capital behind her, and she has bullied me before, but I still chatted with her for a while because I thought she had a problem. Later, she asked me to eat with investors and help me get rid of the control of your company. If you can give me a lot of money, I think something is going on. I didn't refuse her, and told Shochikuer about it, and she forced me to report it to you face to face."

"Ah, someone has messed with me recently. Don't mix up."

"I want to try."

"try what?"

"Go to dinner and see what conditions they offer, so that they can give you some information."

"No need, your IQ will be played to death. Look at me and know that you are stupid, so you hide, so as not to let people seize the opportunity."


"Okay! I have received the report, you can go back."

"Tie Zhu!"

"Are you stupid? Songzhuerpi, what about you, what are you doing so conscientiously?"

"People know..."

Xu Jiazhen looked at Li Tiezhu bitterly.

Li Tiezhu's cheeks were hot, and he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it. After all, he was still going bad.

That night, a large number of naval forces attacking Li Tiezhu suddenly appeared on the Internet, with many tricks and sharp tactics, like a goddess's offensive.

Some people say that Li Tiezhu pretended to be stupid, but in fact he had a black belly, which proved that he suppressed Hua Tianyu. Some people say that Li Tiezhu is a scumbag, and has an unfair relationship with Leng Ba and Zheng Yanzi. Some people say that Li Tiezhu is a perverted man, and he openly pied a beautiful female classmate named Xu Jiazhen in school. Others say that Li Tiezhu is a moral traitor who has received support from many organizations in the U.S., and that's why he has such good resources at home and abroad.

But these are all catch-ups, and another incident is even more terrifying.

In the middle of the night, Yang Mi posted: "Li Tiezhu deceived everyone. He is definitely not as pure as you think. On the contrary, he is a master of manipulating people's hearts!"

The melon-eating people immediately began to gossip and appealed to Sister Mi to break the news.

Who knows, a few minutes later, Lengba posted a counter-attack on Weibo: "The cleanest person in the entertainment industry is always splashed with dirty water, because everyone wants him to be as dirty as they are! Advise a certain actress, not to be sensational and rhythmical. ."


Good guys.

Everyone can see that the sisters, Yang Mi and Leng Ba, broke openly because of Li Tiezhu's affairs?

What kind of melon is this?

Is this the plastic friendship of the entertainment industry?

However, isn't Yang Mi Lengba's Bole and boss? How dare she? And why? For Li Tiezhu and Yang Mi to tear their faces? What is her relationship with Li Tiezhu?

Could it be that……

Some curious people who eat melons are so excited that they can't even sleep.

Then, Xu Jiazhen’s scarf also came. She took some selfie photos of delivering Li Tiezhu’s breakfast, peeling eggs and handing milk. The caption said: “Tie Zhu’s filming is so hard, but no one cares about him. I really don’t know the use of finding a girlfriend. !"

After Xu Jiazhen, who was on the cusp of the storm, sent out this scarf, netizens exploded, saying that Li Tiezhu and Xu Jiazhen had a leg.

Soon after, Song Zhuer's Douyin reply came, and she appeared in person and stood under the lights in the school dormitory corridor: "Why is it so troublesome? If he feels unhappy to change girlfriends. If you want to compete for jobs, come here to line up."

The people who eat melon are completely deceived, what kind of show operation is this? Li Tiezhu's backyard is on fire? How many beautiful women are there in his backyard? Li Tiezhu really is abnormal?

It was Xu Jiazhen who made the video of Song Zhuer, who was dragged out of the bed by Song Zhuer in the middle of the night.

Xu Jiazhen frightened: "What are you doing? What is Hei Tiezhu doing?"

Song Zhu'er smiled: "What? Are you distressed?"

Xu Jiazhen opened her mouth, and finally gave a hum.

Song Zhuer embraced Xu Jiazhen with her mobile phone and walked back: "Don't think too much, you can't understand it with your little head! Even I can't get enough of it. This is the instructions of Military That's it. Go back to sleep!"

Although Xu Jiazhen felt that this technique wanted to self-harm, she did not dare to ask.

Early the next morning, while peeling eggs for Li Tiezhu, Xu Jiazhen apologized to Li Tiezhu, her eyes were red, for fear that Li Tiezhu would not believe it.

Li Tiezhu ate an egg in one bite: "I know, you just obediently and they will deal with it."

Xu Jiazhen suddenly felt that Li Tiezhu was terrible, or the women behind Li Tiezhu were terrible. Because, once she wanted to make green tea, she found that she couldn't guess what the women were playing. If she were in it, she would be swallowed up.

On the Internet, all kinds of Li Tiezhu’s melons and melons popped up overnight, and even Song Zhuer, Yang Mi and Leng Ba all ended, which was even more confusing.

But in the areas that weren't noticed, things suddenly reversed.

(For details, please see "Writer's Words")

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