Earthy Superstar

Chapter 642: : Magic

  Chapter 636 Magic

  Li Tiezhu was very low-key throughout, and was hardly caught by the media or paparazzi, and never came out after arriving at the hotel.

  But the first Chinese singer to arrive at the 61st Grammy Awards, still made a huge wave on the domestic Internet, but his name is Yi Xing.

  Yes, Yi Xing became the only Chinese singer invited by Grammy this year to watch the ceremony.

   is just to observe the ceremony.

The nature of    is different from Li Tiezhu. Yi Xing is the guest of the ceremony, and Li Tiezhu is the nominated guest.

  Easy Star received an invitation letter from Grammys long ago, but at the same time Li Tiezhu also received an invitation letter and three nominations. Therefore, even if his team was too excited, they chose to keep a low profile, and there would be no harm if there is no comparison.

But now it’s different. The topic of Li Tiezhu’s participation in the Grammys has long been talked about. At this time, the news that Yi Xing was invited will give him a sense of identity similar to Li Tiezhu to some extent, which will help improve. Influence.

  Even though the relationship between Yixing and Li Tiezhu is okay, the operation still needs to be operated, but the Yixing team has chosen a very pleasing way.

  So, most of the news on the Internet is like this:

  "Following Li Tiezhu, Yi Xing became the second guest invited to attend the Grammy Awards this year and arrived in the United States."

  "Chinese singing is becoming more and more important in the world. Li Tiezhu and Yi Xing joined hands to participate in the Grammys."

   "Two months after receiving the invitation letter, Yi Xing went to the United States in a low-key manner. It has never announced that it has received a warm invitation from Grammys before."

  (The official website can't find it at the beginning, because the initial list is only the nomination list, and the list of guests will be announced later.)

  "New forces in the Chinese music scene are taking shape. Both Li Tiezhu and Yi Xing have been recognized by Grammys."

  "In an interview, Yi Xing said modestly: ‘I’m here to study and also to support Tie Zhu. I hope he can win the prize.’"

  "Being invited by Grammys is a kind of recognition in itself, and Yi Xing's humility will make him stronger."

  “There is more than one Li Tiezhu in Chinese music, and Yi Xing’s invitation is everyone’s victory.”

  In the beginning, it was natural that Yi Xing’s iron fan was crazy touted, such as this:

   "Yi Xing and Li Tiezhu are superstars of the same level."

   "I look forward to Yi Xing winning the Grammy Award!"

   "I hope that Li Tiezhu can't get a prize, then he will be the same as Yi Xing."

   "Crooked Nut nominated Li Tiezhu, just wanting the Chinese market. It is absolutely impossible for him to win the prize."

  Yixing’s team was prepared for a long time, and soon these crazy fans disappeared. There were a lot of talks about promoting Gao Yixing on the Internet, and more people focused on Yixing’s humble, low-key and hard work.

  At the same time, Yi Xing, who had just arrived in the United States, also sent a Weibo to public relations:

"I came to the Grammys this time to cheer for Tie Zhu. I hope he can win three awards! I am not jealous of the achievements of my good brother Tie Zhu. He is a real genius! And, Tie Zhu represents It's the entire Chinese music scene. His success is the victory of all our Chinese musicians. Come on! @李铁柱. Later I will go to Tie Zhu and help everyone be a paparazzi. See if he is nervous, haha!"

  I have to say that this is very pleasing. Many fans of Li Tiezhu came to Weibo to express their thanks. Fans of Yi Xing praised the idol for being humble and cute.

  This wave of operations has made a lot of traffic, and it has not aroused the disgust of Li Tiezhu’s fans. It is really clever.

  In the hotel, Song Zhuer was very upset after reading the news.

  "This Yi Xing is really awkward! You still wrote songs for him."

Li Tiezhu was making music on the tablet, and said, "I originally wrote songs for him as an exchange of interests! Everyone has no deep feelings. He is different from Luhani and Chen Yisen. Moreover, Yi Xing just borrowed my name. With one use, he raised the heat by himself and praised me by the way. It's good."

  Songzhuer: "But... still feel uncomfortable!"

  Li Tiezhu said: "I hope there are more singers like this. It's better than everyone belittles each other, swears, and compels each other? The Chinese music world is not united, so how can outsiders respect you?"

  Song Zhu'er tilted his head: "I want to come back! If you dare to provoke me, you will have to pay the price."

Li Tiezhu: "Yi Xing is indeed very hardworking. He is much harder than the King of Chinese Songs, and has a positive and sunny attitude. I really don’t mind if such an artist uses my name. His fans like his humility and hard work. Very good, much better than those strange hip-hop fans with negative energy."

  Song Zhuer stopped talking, holding his mobile phone in the group launched a "counterattack plan solicitation order", and @ 兔哒.

  Li Tiezhu: "It's getting dark, please order takeaway."

  Song Zhuer said: "What are you going to eat? How about we order Chinese food?"

  Li Tiezhu: "Can foreign Chinese food be delicious? Why not order a steak burger."

  At this time, the security team leader, who had been sitting in the corner of the room silent for several hours, spoke. The stubborn black uncle smiled: "Hey, Li! I know a qualified Chinese restaurant."

  He turned out to be Chinese, and he had a Xichuan accent, but he was struggling, but it was understandable.

  Li Tiezhu curiously asked: "You can speak Chinese?"

Uncle Hei proudly said: "Of course! I'm one of the deputy chiefs of Ainpela. I am in charge of security and food. To be a leader in the organization is to take the Nishikawa dialect. In addition, I can also make bacon, sausages, stinky tofu, and silkworm potatoes. I want to recommend Di to you. It is the restaurant we organize, called Ain Pera. You should know Xi. The Chinese dishes we make are listed on the table. Toot (Bashi) is very good, or tell (try) haha."

  Song Zhuer's eyes fluttered: "Deng Duo??"

  Li Tiezhu smiled: "You guys learn Xichuan dialect?"

  Of course, Li Tiezhu has the impression of this teaching and restaurant. The Wolong and Phoenix young couple will email him almost every week, reporting some work, but also

Uncle Hei: "I mainly watched the storytelling of "Master Ha'er" and Uncle Li. Hey, Ha'er sold cow **** and made me laugh. Sometimes we also watch "The Dragon Gate of Xishu". In addition, we also invited one. The Chinese chef from Hosokawa taught us the Nishikawa dialect. Laiwa’s cooking was unpalatable, but his words were standard. Don’t think I’m so black and black, my linguistic talent is quite broad. Send me here. I lead the team because I speak Xichuan dialect well."

  Li Tiezhu knew that Sleeping Dragon and Feng Baobao had formed this unscrupulous organization for only half a year. He had always regarded this as a farce, but he didn't expect that the scale was not small, and even the language training was very impressive.


   But, being able to speak Nishikawa dialect to this level in half a year is already considered a gift, right?

  In short, this thing is so magical.

  Song and Zhu'er were blinded, and Li Tiezhu also felt incredible.

  Li Tiezhu said: "No... our company is looking for a professional security team, why did you put you in? Don't be angry, I don't mean to look down on you."

Uncle Hei: "We are very professional! Grandpa Mao said that there are **** in the barrel of the gun. Brother Long has long determined the importance of force in the end times. Therefore, after our restaurant made money, we immediately acquired a professional security company. For half a year Because of our business ability, we can still make good food. The customer group has a good reputation for us. If it is not to say, if it is to say, the customers we have protected are on average three kilograms fat."

  Li Tiezhu covered his face: "I understand... No wonder Brother Meng was very curious at the beginning. You have all the qualifications, your resume and business history are very good, but the price is only half of the other teams... Are you looking at me?"

Uncle Hei: "That's right! Are you moved? Brother Pao doesn't say that, you are our spiritual totem now, and we protect you and we protect ourselves. You know, U.S. turtles have a bag in their brains, just in case that shrimp Do something stupid, and you won't be comfortable."

  Li Tiezhu looked at Song Zhu'er, who had a weird expression. It seems that the hazards of Tie Zhu that Crooked Guo Ren said is also reasonable.

  Uncle Hei: "Hey, I'm already talking about my saliva. Would you like to sue us for our craftsmanship? Mapo tofu boiled fish in water, the meal is very good."

  Li Tiezhu hesitated and said, "You treat me as a totem. Wouldn't you make me a specimen and put me in your house?"

  Uncle Black was taken aback, and then suddenly fell into thought.

  Li Tiezhu panicked: "Don't think about it, don't think about it, I'm a little scared."

  These people have legally carried guns. There are six people in total, all of whom are retired rice soldiers, which is indeed a bit scary.

Uncle Hei figured it out, and said: "Impera is smart! We can't think of such a clever method. But don't be afraid, we are a peaceful and loving organization, and often help grandma to cross the road or something, we must not do it. This kind of thing. Just treat us as your own. Brother Long will give orders when you come. All actions are under your command."

  Li Tiezhu: "Uncle, what's your name?"

  Uncle Hei took out his cell phone and said, "My name is Heiwaer, and you call me Lao Hei also generous. That's it. I'll order for you. There are four dishes and one soup and steamed pork with rice noodles.

  Half an hour later, the food was delivered. The Latino boy who delivered the food was excited to take a photo with Li Tiezhu and sign his autograph, but he still didn't want to leave.

  Heiwaer: "Personally, your baby can’t even make tofu if the dog is I am embarrassed to sign? Lose Ainpela’s face!"

  The Latino dog left dingy, with an expression of shame on his face.

  Then, a white security guard opened the door cautiously and said, “Blake Norere (Brother Black), there is an Oriental who claims to be a friend of Ainpela Lee’s and wants to come in.”

  He speaks English, Hei Waer translated it to Li Tiezhu, who knew that it was Yi Xing, so he asked him to come in.

Yi Xing walked in and laughed: "Wow, haha... Brother Zhu, your face is so terrible. The security is full of guns and live ammunition. Are you coming to the U.S. or going to Ahanfu? Huh? And Sichuan food? You cook the cook Brought horses too?"

  Heiwaer: "Your baby knows what I want! Freedom Milecan, every day of the gun battle, have you ever heard of it? This is called preparedness! So naive, if your baby is super-social, I am afraid that you will be beaten by Hey Doha!"

  This voice directly smothered Yi Xing, wow! Does this black man still speak Xichuan dialect? Is it an illusion?

   Yi Xingzhu forced: "Who are you?"

  Heiwaer: "Hey! You are still a bit lenient, and you don’t want to criticize things when you are free. Are you not going to drain the Pacific Ocean?"

  (End of this chapter)

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