Earthy Superstar

Chapter 694: : Breaking the head

The most outrageous is Li Chengxu. At first, this old man was full of anger, with his hands grinding his teeth to allow blood, as if he couldn't help but want to go crazy. But as soon as I heard Dong Dapeng's words, I suddenly became happy, happy... it seemed quite cheerful.

Barrage when the show is broadcast:

"Fuck... This is six operations!"

"Brother Seriously is stupid."

"Little Si was also stunned. I didn't expect the show crew to shame him so much, hahaha..."

"Look, Teacher Li Cheng needs to be so happy."

"The actors backstage are so uncomfortable!"

"This is going to do something."

"Break your head!"

"The program group wants Li Tiezhu and Xiao Si to break their heads!"

"Do you fight this way for ratings?"

"Guo Siwei is best at sophistry. Serious brother is afraid that he can't be stunned."

"Do you have any misunderstandings about Li Tiezhu?"

"Brother Zhengjing currently has zero losses at home and abroad."

"There is a good show!"

"Guo Siwei is a mentor, and Li Tiezhu is just an assisting guest this time, I'm afraid..."

"You know, this is a penguin show!"

"Serious brother Penguin!"

"Let's see if Xiao Si dares to take the move."

Dong Dapeng's words are worth it. Guo Siwei can't even accept the move. He is very angry and angry. Why didn't the angry show team give him face, let him be scorned by a mentor, and cut into the feature film.

But what can he do?

This program is what he asked to be on himself, and being able to give pointers to famous directors on the same stage will help his personal marketing.

Penguin is daddy.

However, Dad is not terrible, what is terrible is Dad’s stupid son...

After a brief period of consternation and anger, Guo Xiaosi adjusted his mood and said: "It is Li Tiezhu's words, I really want to hear what he questioned me. After all, I have walked the way of director as a newcomer like him. I miss me Can give him some guidance!"

This is agreed, but the attitude is superior.

There is no way to disagree. Obviously, it is Penguin’s father who forced him to agree, because this is not his home court. This is especially Li Tiezhu’s home court, even if he is just an assistant guest.

Dong Dapeng nodded: "Okay! Could the director please play Li Tiezhu's remarks in the background just now on the big screen."

The big screen lights up, exactly what Li Tiezhu complained about before:

"I really admire Director Guo, his eyes are blind and he still insists on the job."

"You made a few MVs to sell as movies. Where does the sense of accomplishment come from?"

"You are pouring water on the seeds!"

"Do you call this sensational? Is this pretending to be aggressive?"

It was the first time for the audience to hear Li Tiezhu's complaints, it was too sharp, everyone instantly laughed awkwardly, and some people were applauding and shouting.

Li Cheng needs an expression of amazement, is this too powerful? Much more powerful than he thought.

Zhao Yanzi half-turned and stuck her tongue out to the camera lens. Damn, this is too awesome, isn't it?

Er Xiaobao lowered his head and smiled bitterly, triumphantly with a smile on his face.

Dong Dapeng himself was stunned. He just received a message from the director team, but he really didn't know that Li Tiezhu was so stupid! Isn't the program group making a big deal?

He Xichang, who had been issued an S card, looked embarrassed to the extreme. Of course, he could hear the ridicule and ridicule of Li Tiezhu's words.

The "rival of love" Zhang Linlin was also at a loss. Is this the powerful Li Tiezhu? Even the instructor of the program group dared to scold him, and the program group even cut it out for him. Is this strength? No wonder he dared to **** Lengba unscrupulously... my heart hurts... well... so amazing!

Guo Siwei also froze for a long time. He could think of the show crew doing things, but he absolutely never thought that Li Tiezhu could spit out so mercilessly, he was simply cursing his mother.

As for? Everyone is a director...

The big screen at the scene directly showed Li Tiezhu, who was equally bewildered.

Guo Siwei was very angry, his face was blue, his eyes had become extraordinarily cold, but he did not speak immediately, but thought for a while, then said:

"Li Tiezhu, I personally think you are like this..."

Li Tiezhu also came back to his senses: "Ah! I thought I wouldn't be able to cut it out, Director Guo. I'm sorry! I'm relatively straight."

Dong Dapeng also wanted to calm down the situation: "Yes, Li Tiezhu's mouth is open, everyone knows, don't care about Guo Guo too much..."

Guo Siwei couldn't swallow this breath and said, "Li Tiezhu, is it appropriate for you to speak ill of others behind your back? Haven't your parents taught you the basic ethics of life?"

Li Tiezhu and Guo Siwei are now in a live connection state, and they can see and hear each other.

The other actors in the backstage have moved away from Li Tiezhu. Although they laughed happily just now, who can compare with Li Tiezhu? Therefore, at this time, only his sister Liu Xiaohua was next to Li Tiezhu, and Liu Xiaohua was...knitting a sweater.

That's right, she was knitting a sweater for Song Wangcai, the dog of Song Zhu'er's parents' house, in exchange for Song Zhu'er to take her to acting, so as not to go home after the show and continue to break the head with the bamboo strips.

At this time, Liu Xiaohua said, "My brother didn't speak ill of you behind his back! He said it in front of all of us, and he also asked the program group to edit a copy and send it to you, hoping to give you some help. Now It's the same if you broadcast it directly to you!"

Guo Siwei: "This is between me and Li Tiezhu. As a player, you are not qualified to speak."

Liu Xiaohua: "You need to take care of me if I don't speak? Beat me, idiot!"

The arrogant Liu Xiaohua continued to knit a sweater with her head down, not very skilled.

Guo Siwei was so angry that he couldn't speak, and quickly organized words in his head to prepare to fight back.

Li Tiezhu spoke: "Xiaohua, how do you talk to uncle? Apologies."

That's right, Liu Xiaohua is only seventeen and Guo Siwei is thirty-seven. There is a gap in seniority.

Liu Xiaohua didn't raise her head: "Sao Rui."

Li Tiezhu smiled at the camera and said, "Sorry! What about my little flower... When signing the contract, the director didn't tell her that actors are not qualified to speak, so it is allowed by the rules. Okay! Let’s talk about our business, I just have Feeling sentimental, Director Guo must not think that I am slandering you."

Guo Siwei was very clever, and immediately changed his attacking tactics, saying: "Li Tiezhu, first of all, you said that I was blind and still in the post of instructor. This is suspected of personal assault..."

Li Tiezhu: "This is called a metaphor! A rhetorical technique, do you understand? You should understand what you wrote."

Guo Siwei: "Don't interrupt me, wait until I finish talking."

Li Tiezhu: "Why did you say it first?"

Guo Siwei: " can talk about it first!"

Li Tiezhu: "Why did I say it first?"

Guo Siwei: "If you don't say it, let me say it. Don't interrupt when I say it. This is the most basic respect..."

Li Tiezhu: "I like what you say and what I say, so I feel cordial."

Guo Siwei: "..."


The scene, including the instructor and the audience, laughed, and the reason is absolutely perfect! kind?

Dong Dapeng was also laughing, babbling.

Zhang Linlin felt extremely shocked. Is this the confidence of a top-rated superstar? So hanging?

Zhao Yanzi started to round the game: "Tie Zhu, we all understand your different opinions. But I think he chose the one he wants. This is good, because everyone's standards are different... Yes, it's good."

Li Tiezhu: "No! He is not for choice, but to show his strength. This is to push a newcomer like He Xichang into the fire pit."

Zhao Yanzi had nothing to say, of course she knew that Li Tiezhu was right.

Er Xiaobao said: "I hope He Xichang can cooperate with Guo Siwei!"

Li Tiezhu: "No, Director Guo didn't want to."

Er Xiaobao: "Ha..."

Triumph: "I just said, he doesn't know what this S means. It's a surprise to me! I respect Director Guo's choice, but I just want to say that this is amazing!"

Guo Siwei took a deep breath: "He Xichang, you must use your efforts to remove the meaning of fright and keep the surprise side. Give Director Triumph and Director Tie Zhu more growth!"

He Xichang: "I will work hard."

Triumph smiled and nodded, with a look of disdain, you can tell at a glance whether it is acting.

Li Tiezhu: "You say hard work is useless!"

He Xichang suddenly felt wronged.

Guo Siwei: "Tie Zhu, you can't deny a hardworking person, no one can succeed casually..."

Li Tiezhu: "Because he doesn't work hard at all! During the rehearsal, the screenwriter and the instructor of the program group were present. It is impossible for them to act like this. He thinks of his idol temperament and image, and does not accept other people's guidance. He I didn't study and figure out acting at all, and I didn't think about working hard. Moreover, my growth was not something he could promote."

Guo Siwei: "You are very confident! But you are also very arrogant. You can look down on my movie, but you can't deny a newcomer. Even if he is nothing now, it does not mean that he will not be able to become strong in the future."

Li Tiezhu: "If he can't accept that his performance just now is rubbish, but believes that your S card affirms that he is a genius, then he will achieve nothing in the future. Only by recognizing himself can he grow and progress, it is excessive. Testimonials are a kind of murder."

Bang bang ......


The audience began to applaud and cheer, and everyone was not blind. Although Li Tiezhu's words were too hot, why not good medicine? If this Ho Xichang really took himself seriously, it would really be ruined.

Everyone knows that Xiaosi gave this S card, but he was arguing with Li Cheng in the first two games and needed real "strength", so he was maverick.

He used whatever he wanted to show his strength, but unfortunately, he met Li Tiezhu.

Guo Siwei: "S-Card is my right as a mentor. It should be respected and cannot be questioned casually."

Li Tiezhu: "This is your right, and we didn't say to let you take back the S card! You sent yours. You can't question it and it's wrong. Such poor acting skills, such a visionary Such an irrational reason for issuing a card, if I don’t complain about it, it will make me feel like a thorn in my throat, like a thorn on my back, like sitting on pins and needles!"

"When you were directing, there were actors you liked, and so did I. Why do you think you are right? I am wrong? Why?"

"Just because you didn't give the S card to help him, you are just showing off your abilities. It proves that you can turn your hands for the cloud and cover your hands for the rain!"

"Li Tiezhu, please remember your identity, you are just an assistant guest, you are not qualified to judge."

"But the director didn't stop me from speaking. Obviously I can speak."

Guo Siwei: "You...your complaint can only be incompetence and rage, I'm sure about this S card!"

Li Tiezhu: "I didn't complain, I just said that you are not worthy to be a mentor. You are misleading people. He Xichang must not be misled by this S card. If you want to be an actor, you must remember you tonight. A performance that is so bad that it is almost ashamed! Only when you know your shame can you be brave!"

Guo Siwei was also speechless, really bad acting! Terrible!

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