Earthy Superstar

Chapter 718: : Last elimination system

There is one thing to say, this group of recruits around the age of 20 are still very motivated and enthusiastic. In order to help Du Haibo lose weight and challenge himself, they have all gone out. They are not afraid of wasting physical strength. Young is energetic.

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"come on!"

"Du Haibo, you can!"

"Oli here!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

The military camp playground in the middle of the night was infected by this enthusiastic shout. Some recruits who were running slowly or even planned to be lazy were also shaken and started to accelerate.

Yes! We are here to serve!

There are very few recruits nowadays who are sixteen or seventeen in "Soldier Assault." Most of them are over eighteen years old, and most of them are college students. They came here entirely out of their own ideals, rather than passive participation in the army, they also had a good vision of life in the barracks once.

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"Du Haibo, come on!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

Du Haibo has collapsed all over, and his whole person seems to have fallen into the void, his legs swinging mechanically: Please abandon me! I'm dying...


Threw up, ran to throw up.

The mellow Comrade Du Haibo bowed his head and turned directly into a Splatter.

However, the two recruits who helped him challenge himself chanted slogans too deeply, and did not notice Du Haibo's tragic situation, they were still shouting:

"Don't give up, don't give up! Don't give up, don't give up!"


"Yeah! Boge vomited."

"Boge vomits here."

The two recruits were finally smoked, and helped Du Haibo to the drain on the side of the runway, made him vomit, and patted him on the back very friendly.

"Spit it out better, right?"

"Oh~ good, it's better."

"Boge is really strong."

"I can't do it anymore, I can't run anymore..."

"What did Boge say?"

"He said he was ashamed, and he couldn't stop running."

"Isn't it? I can't hear him clearly."

"Nonsense, how could Boge give up halfway?"

Du Haibo couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up with trembling legs and said angrily: "I said I don't want to..."

"It's time for us!"

"Bogo, cheer Ollie."

Two more recruits came over with a smile, couldn't help but set up Du Haibo, and the relay was completed.

Du Haibo was terrified: "What are you doing? Let go..."

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"Don't worry, Boge, we won't leave you alone."

After all, the two rushed out with Du Haibo. Although Boge was a bit heavy, it was nothing. In order to help him complete the five-kilometer run of his dream, it didn't matter if he was tired. Who made us a group?

Du Haibo felt that his leg had been broken, and his abdomen was surging: "I won't run... ugh... gurgle..."

The speed was too fast, facing the wind, Du Haibo didn't say anything, nor did he spit out, so he produced and sold himself.

His consciousness has begun to blur, and the scene in front of him is crazily twisted and rotated.

Li Tiezhu was the first to finish and was receiving a small punch from the instructor.

"Yes! Didn't you practice less, right?"

"At least ten kilometers a day, filming has never stopped."

"If you are a soldier, you might really become the king of soldiers."

"Thank you, am I here?"

"you this……"

The instructor didn't want to be too obvious, which was far from being a real soldier. Although he is stern, like all instructors, he always has a different attitude towards outstanding soldiers.

The instructor and Li Tiezhu looked at Du Haibo, who was still "galloping". The recruits in this session...have a team spirit!

The soldiers finished the line one after another, only two soldiers carried Du Haibo in the final half of the sprint.

"Come on! Victory is ahead!"

"Porge, you can."

Du Haibo was almost unconscious, his face was pale and his lips were black. Running five kilometers would not be so miserable. Unfortunately, these guys dragged him too fast and his body was completely overloaded.

Finally ran to the end.

Du Haibo swayed, venting out of breath: "Report... report..."

Instructor: "Enter."

Bang bang bang ......

All the recruits spontaneously applauded. Du Haibo's success also has their share of credit. I am happy to think about it.

Du Haibo was dying. Standing in the queue, his whole body was trembling. He wouldn't be able to stand unless Yuan Heng and Liu Yuan were supporting him.

The next day, during the interview.

Du Haibo resisted the urge to scold his mother, and said blankly: "The squad leader has been with me for the first two laps. Thank you, the squad leader. In the next three laps, the recruits of other squads ran with me, shouting not to abandon or give up, I... …Thank them. In short, I have never thought of being able to complete a five-kilometer race..."

The program cuts out the scenes of Du Haibo vomiting and yelling that he can't run away, leaving only a positive picture, so a Du Haibo who has tried his best to finish running appears.


"So moved!"

"This is a soldier!"

"The monitor is so warm."

"Those recruits are so warm too!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"I'm almost crying."

"A group of recruits helped Du Haibo finish the run, and they were really shocked."

"Li Tiezhu is too strong."

"This show is not right! Serious brother is not stupid?"

"Listening to you, I feel a lot..."

"Brother Serious is not serious."

"Don't worry, it will come."

After the instructor's lecture, each class took back to the dormitory to rest.

Du Haibo was almost dragged back, and the others were too tired, especially Zhang Yifeng and Guo Xiaoxi, two elderly people.

After returning to the dormitory, Du Haibo collapsed on the bed motionless.

Yuan Heng asked him: "Aren't you going to the guest house?"

Du Haibo: "I can't move."

Then, everyone went to bed and rested, only Li Tiezhu felt a little bit unsatisfied.

The next day, before the wake-up sign sounded, Du Haibo got up, called on the stairs, cried while beating, snotting and tearing.

After the wake-up call sounded, the squad leader took a squad of six people to train. This was the first time in two days that he went out for exercises with other recruits. The squad leader is going to supplement them with queue training, as well as the most basic subjects such as turning on the road.

At the request of Li Tiezhu, Liu Yuan, and the program team, the squad leader and instructors are gradually increasing the amount of training for the first squad, slowly moving towards real recruit training.

When walking in the queue, Li Tiezhu was possessed by Xu Sanduo, turning around, awkward, and falling twice while turning backward.

Except for Du Haibo, the other four artists all laughed crazy.

The squad leader was even more helpless, and could only take him out to practice alone.

The instructor took a look and said to Li Tiezhu: "I took back what I said last night."

Li Tiezhu: "Report! What are you talking about?"

Instructor: "I told you last night that if you were a soldier, you might really become the king of soldiers. Now I take it back."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Speaking of it, it is not the first time that Li Tiezhu has trained in queues. He takes a week of military training every year at the beginning of three years of high school, and he was trained by the fifth in his freshman year for more than half a month. Every time, he will be in trouble, but he will be corrected later, but after a while, he will walk in the queue and forget all about it.

In fact, in the plot of "Soldier Assault", when Xu Sanduo walked into the queue and had problems, everyone felt that the design was too exaggerated. Everyone shut their mouths because they acted too much, just like the real thing.

Because it's true.

Now, Li Tiezhu once again performed perfectly.

The squad leader continued to teach from the sky to the bright light, sweating all over his head: "Tie Zhu, so Xu Sanduo walked in the queue, is it actually not acting?"

Li Tiezhu smiled shyly: "Ah... yes."

"Puff ha ha ha..."

A few of them are really unbearable.

It stands to reason that Li Tiezhu's kung fu is so good, and all kinds of military actions are also look like this. How come it's just like that when he arrives in the queue? This kind of person shouldn't be uncoordinated!


"Killing me……"

"Tie Zhu don't cry, hug!"

"Li Tiezhu is laughing all over."

"It turns out that it was not played in the soldier's assault..."

"He grows on my laughing point."

"Distressed three more."

"Hahaha, many books!"

"Wu Liuyi looked at it and wanted to hit someone."

"San Duo, you are the king of soldiers!"

"It's so cute."

"I finally know why Li Tiezhu wrote the character Xu Sanduo!"

"Xu Sanduo is himself!"

"Think of me in military training."

"Li Tiezhu is so good in fighting, why is his coordination so bad?"

Later, when interviewed by the program group, Li Tiezhu was also helpless, with three points of shame:

"It's just... I just can't twist it. I do this every military training. Just a few more days. But I forget it after a while, I always forget..."

"I didn't expect this to happen. When I was filming "Soldiers Assault", my queue went well. I thought I would..."

"There must be something wrong."

When Yang Mi went to the show’s promotional highlights on Douyin, he was so happy, damn, this is too cute, isn’t it?

Back to the dormitory, Li Tiezhu was still practicing, and then fell with a thud.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The comrades laughed.

Yuan Heng said: "Tie Zhu, I think I've gone bad enough. I can't bear your move, hahaha..."

Said this, came a white crane with wings.

Li Tiezhu laughed himself: "Hehehe...I, I am indeed, it is very strange, what I learned before, and again, I forgot."

Yuan Heng: "Forget it, let me practice with you, just don't laugh me to death."

Li Tiezhu: "Then I can't guarantee."

Yuan Heng: "Ha ha ha..."

Since Li Tiezhu accompanied him to the doctor yesterday, Yuan Heng's relationship with Li Tiezhu has improved, and he also saw Du Haibo's Tibetan shoes last night, so he stayed away from that guy.

In fact, it is estimated that it is not only Li Tiezhu and Yuan Heng who know Du Haibo's shoes, but they may also be like Yuan Heng, just pretending not to know.

This is the third day of coming to the army. Today’s training mission is -

Target shooting with live ammunition.

Yesterday they had learned the gun posture and shooting movements. After breakfast, under the leadership of the squad leader, all of them put on helmets, got their guns, and drove to the shooting range.

On the way to the shooting range, Du Haibo looked at Li Tiezhu with a guilty conscience.

Li Tiezhu asked, "Are the shoes still fit?"

Du Haibo: "..."

This is to be clear, I know you want to cheat me.

Du Haibo shivered with fright.

Before shooting, the instructors asked one by one: "Liu Yuan, how do you feel when you hear the gunfire?"

Liu Yuan: "I was taken aback, but I feel so handsome!"

"How many rings do you think you can make?"

"Not necessarily on the target."

"Where is Du Haibo?"

"I, I... dare not fight."

"Li Tiezhu."

"Five bullets, I can hit forty rings."


"Because I am the king of soldiers."

Li Tiezhu opened his eyes solemnly and said nonsense.

A group of ridicules aroused, many recruits also saw Li Tiezhu's ghostly appearance in the queue, and the idol in his heart suddenly collapsed.

Instructor: "Fuck! Hell! If you can pass the 30th ring, I will burn a lot of incense."

Everyone understands that Xu Sanduo, the so-called soldier king, is really not good. He has only one strong point-he can run.

Instructor: "Before shooting, what doubts do you have?"

Li Tiezhu: "Report! What is the ambulance next to you for?"

Instructor: "What do you think is used for?"

Li Tiezhu: "I thought your condition got worse again. Is it to give you some drips?"

Instructor: "..."

Then, the shooting began.

After all, Li Tiezhu was someone who had touched a gun many times. Although his shooting level was average, he was relatively proficient and quickly finished shooting.

Du Haibo was lying on the ground with a gun and trembling. He was really frightened by the gunshots around him.

Finally plucked up the courage and fired the first shot. The muzzle jumped up to twenty centimeters from the net, which shocked the security guards behind, because Du Haibo did not hold the gun at all, maybe the gun would jump out due to recoil.

Therefore, the security officer approached Du Haibo subconsciously, and stepped on him to **** the firearm if there was a problem.

Du Haibo's voice was trembling: "I can't see... Why is this gun jumping... Shoulder hurt..."

Second shot, third shot...

Five minutes later, Du Haibo finally finished playing.

He panted to get the small red flag next to him, and he had to plug it in after he was done hitting it, but his hands were so trembling that he couldn't plug it in.

Once, twice, three times...

Yuan Heng and Liu Yuan next to them looked anxious and looked impatient.

The squad leader twisted the beginning in shame, and the instructor stared at Du Haibo speechlessly and planted the flag.


"Du Haibo, you can have a snack."

"Hands are shaking so badly."

"Some people are here to be funny."

"Li Tiezhu is really funny, Du Haibo is really funny."

"Don't waste bullets, okay?"

"Invisible, haha."

"You really close your eyes and aim, you can see ghosts."

"This show is really good, but some people..."

"I don't see it!"

When picking up the target, Du Haibo smiled happily, because he had three nine-rings and two eight-rings on his target, laughing wildly all the way to show off:

"I played three nine-rings, two eight-rings, hahaha..."

Yuan Heng was shocked and said to Li Tiezhu in disbelief: "This is too strong, right? A fifty-meter target, so small..."

Li Tiezhu: "His muzzle jumps like Super Mario. It's hard to hit the target."

Yuan Heng: "But he is on the target..."

Li Tiezhu: "Other people's bullets."

Sure enough, when reading the grades, the instructor: "Du Haibo, duck eggs."

The fat face of Du Haibo's laughter froze immediately.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Du Haibo: "Report! Why was there three nine rings and two eight rings when I went there?"

Instructor: "You hit five rounds in the first group. When you hit the second group, the bullet holes were intact, or five bullet holes, do you understand?"

Du Haibo lowered his head in embarrassment. It was so embarrassing that he was all photographed.

Li Tiezhu made the first forty-seventh with five rounds.

Next, the new recruits in the first squad conducted shooting training. The squad leader personally explained the shooting essentials, and then re-examined it again. Li Tiezhu made a forty-nine ring, which was still the first, the same as the squad leader.

There is no way to talk about this kind of thing, I can only say that Li Tiezhu is lucky.

Du Haibo was the second to last. He said that it was because he ran too hard last night and his hands kept trembling, but no one cared about him.

Back to the dormitory, everyone had a lively chat.

The monitor said: "I want to send you away."

Everyone was dumb, only Du Haibo lowered his head silently.

In fact, this was planned in advance by the program team. Everyone only had three days of training time in the recruit company, so it was in a hurry. Next, we have to go to the real combat troops. Only in this way can we let everyone participate in more subjects in the shortest possible time.

The squad leader said: "Your recruit training is over, the next step is to grant ranks and assign to combat troops. But..."

With that said, Jin Wu glanced at Du Haibo and said, "However, not every recruit can be assigned to combat troops. Those who perform not very well will be assigned to other troops. One of you will be assigned to a different unit. place."

Everyone understands, this is the last elimination system. If you are assigned to other places, you should quit the show, right?

Everyone's expressions were a little weird, and they all looked at Du Haibo, he was the worst performer. But he is a direct descendant of Shonan TV, how could he be eliminated? Moreover, before coming to this show, I had never heard of people being eliminated.

Could it be... the new rules?

Du Haibo watched his nose, his nose, and his heart, and remained silent. This is the rule he forced his father and Teacher He to help him pressure the show crew to change. He didn't want to record any more. Because he knew that Li Tiezhu knew about stealing the shoes, and he would suffer from the next 11 issues, so he decisively chose to quit.

Next, the award ceremony began. In addition to Du Haibo, the other five were assigned to combat troops.

Du Haibo... went to guard the training ground.

This plot design made Li Tiezhu couldn't help being a little bit crooked. How dare you say that it wasn't stealing my creativity? He is also worthy to compare with Xu Sanduo?

However, in the end it was just recording the show, and Li Tiezhu didn't care about it.


"Didn't you say you can lose weight?"

"A day trip?"

"What's this... just left?"

"It's good to go!"

"Nima, this product looks like a national army or a puppet army, so it shouldn't come!"

"He can't stand this kind of training at all, it's okay to quit."

"Finally no one is holding back this show."

"It is good to be eliminated, otherwise the bad will always be so bad."

"Is it happy that I am alone?"

"I hope Du Haibo can kill him back."

"Do you think he is really Xu Sanduo? Guarding the training ground is just an excuse to withdraw."

"Reluctant to be the monitor."

"I hope Luhani will come to this show!"

"Peng Yuchang is also good."

"Come on Yi Xing!"

"The real man is worthy of the name."

When we parted, the squad leader wept. He said to Li Tiezhu: "When I first came to the army, I knew nothing, had little courage, and did not have confidence. After I was assigned to the army, I watched you play "Soldier Assault." Progressive, Xu Sanduo really changed me..."

Li Tiezhu was flattered, and exchanged contact information again, saying that he would sing for him when he got married.

After the six recruits got on the minibus and left the barracks, the recording of the program temporarily came to an end.

The entertainers will rest in the guest house outside the barracks for a day, waiting for new comrades to join, and then go to the combat troops to report, which of course is not visible to the audience.

Du Haibo quickly took his assistant and left without saying hello to anyone.

Everyone didn't feel any disappointment, they found the director and producer one after another, and asked everyone's doubts:

"He is eliminated, will there be a newcomer? Who is it?"

The director said: "A new person will come, but it's confidential."

Everyone can't ask anything, they can only give up.

The director team didn't ask Li Tiezhu to help him, so he couldn't mention it, so he could only wait.


In the afternoon of the next day, the five people who took a break boarded the CMB here, and drove to the combat unit with the program team to prepare for the next stage of program recording.

This company is the first hero company in our country, and the soldiers who can come here are all tempered.

After entering the company, five artists, including Li Tiezhu, became obviously nervous, because they all knew that with their level and quality, they were not qualified to join such an excellent company.

Of course, the one who pulls the average score and quality the most has already withdrawn. This is the only relief.

The barrage is very impressive:

"I miss the first day of squad leader Jin Wu."

"Ahhh, why is Jinwu gone?"

"This squad leader is also very handsome."

"It's so evil to laugh."

"Please! Watch the show seriously, sisters!"

"Don't pay attention to these big masters on the barrage, let's continue..."

"Like Brother Jin Wu."

"This squad leader is not Jin Wushuai."

"This squad leader laughed a little evilly and wildly!"

"Close the barrage! I can't stand you anymore, sisters."

The new squad leader brought five artists to the dormitory and asked the first sentence: "When I come to the company of heroes, what is the first thing I want to do?"

Yuan Heng: "Eat."

Guo Xiaoxi: "Sleep."

Liu Yuan: "Shoot."

Li Tiezhu: "I don't know."

The old comrade is still reliable, Zhang Yifeng said: "I want to learn about the heroic deeds of the hero Lian Yang!"

The new monitor nodded with a smile.

Li Tiezhu: "Should we first introduce the new comrades in arms? Who are we to fill?"

New monitor: "..."

After all, I will talk about the heroic deeds of Captain Yang first, and then invite a new supplementary guest, a thin and tall young man who wears military uniform like everyone else, but his hairstyle is a little too It looks uncoordinated.

Among the five people, Liu Yuan, Yuan Heng, and Guo Xiaoxi had slightly longer hairs, but they were only slightly longer, and they were normal. Li Tiezhu and Zhang Yifeng were all standard-inches, no different from your soldiers.

But the newcomer is a bit outrageous, not only has his hair very long, it is dyed linen, and he even wears smoky makeup on his face.

The squad leader led the recruits in and left, asking everyone to find their own beds and put things in.

The newcomer greeted everyone with a shy smile: "Hello everyone! You know everyone!"

Yuan Heng asked Li Tiezhu: "What is his name?"

Li Tiezhu: "He didn't call."

Yuan Heng: "What am I... I asked him what his name was, do you know?"

Li Tiezhu: "How do I know? He also... didn't call it."


The newcomer called because his head hit the steel frame of the upper bunk when he was putting things.

Li Tiezhu said to Yuan Heng, "Can you still pinch it?"

Yuan Heng: "Huh?"

Li Tiezhu walked up to the newcomer and said, "My friend, Brother Yuan, what is your name?"

The newcomer was holding his head: "My name is Wu Litao, you can call me Taotao."

Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes: "Brother Yuan is asking why you are called. What kind of comprehension ability!"

Wu Litao: "Because of the pain."

Li Tiezhu walked back and said to Yuan Heng, "Because it hurts."

Yuan Heng: "..."

Guo Xiaoxi came over and said to Wu Litao, "It hurts, no, Taotao, how did you come? Have you been trained? We are all tempered."

Wu Litao smiled: "Me? Do I still need to practice?"

Liu Yuan: "They allow you to put on makeup?"

Wu Litao: "Su Yan!"

Liu Yuan: "I thought it was smokey makeup, your eye circles..."

Wu Litao: "Natural, handsome, right?"

Liu Yuan: "..."

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