Earthy Superstar

Chapter 753: : Open the tank

Liu Yuan: "Report! His daughter-in-law is a god, and she never gets angry with him, she will only use others to vent her anger."


Good guys!

Guo Xiaoxi and Zhang Yifeng looked at Li Tiezhu one after another, their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Why is the gap between people so big?

Even the instructor is a little moved, Li Tiezhu is really strong!


"God can't beat me!"

"Do you want to start?"

"If you start, it might be half a catastrophe, right? Iron fist against iron head?"

"Isn't Tie Zhu vs Tie Tou?"


"Is this the car to Yueryuan? Stop!"

"No, my stomach hurts."

"Shochikuer is a magical woman..."

"Li Tiezhu is the essence of this show!"

"Which show he is on is the essence."


Next, when the soldiers took turns on stage to give questions to their teammates to answer, Liu Yuan went first and planted himself.

Then there was Li Tiezhu, who stepped forward.


The following three laughed.

Instructor: "Don't laugh! You must ensure the seriousness of your training, unless...can't help it."

The instructor's shoulders were also shaking, anyhow he held it back.

Li Tiezhu: "In the middle of the night..."

Then, after a long period of silence, Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes and thought hard. It shouldn't be! I can't! I have 99 points of intelligence, so it stands to reason that I should be smarter!

But thinking is not completely related to IQ, and there is also thinking inertia and training problems that Li Tiezhu completely does not possess.

After a while, Li Tiezhu said, "I bought three ice creams at 10:30 in the middle of the night and gave them to everyone... each of them divided four."

Guo Xiaoxi: "There are three in total, how can each of them be divided into four?"

The instructor asked Li Tiezhu to repeat it again.

Li Tiezhu stayed again, just what I said, ah... finally remembered: "I bought three ice creams at 10:30. How should I divide them among four people?"

Guo Xiaoxi translated quickly: "Two, two, three holes, I bought three ice creams, and how should I divide them among four people?"

Instructor: "Did he translate correctly?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...right!"

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu, how do you divide it?"

Li Tiezhu didn't hesitate this time: "Kill one first."

Instructor: "Puff~ Is he right?"

Zhang Yifeng: "Report, it's not right! He should say kill one."

Li Tiezhu was dumbfounded and could only do push-ups by himself.

Zhang Yifeng: "Report! Let's change to an instructor, otherwise we will learn more and go back."

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu, he said he wants to change you, are you convinced?"

Li Tiezhu: "Serve."

Instructor: "..."

Everyone smirked.

Instructor: "Do you take it? You take it? Don't challenge it?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'll take it! Don't challenge anymore."

I have to say that Li Tiezhu is still very compelling about his "strength", and he simply can't do things like this.

In short, Li Tiezhu made a lot of jokes after this day, and everyone is not surprised.

And Yuan Heng and Wu Litao are undoubtedly the worst, because they both almost collapsed after smashing the iron bar for a day, especially the weak Wu Litao.

The next day is a tank driving class and shooting professional class. This time all staff can participate in the training.

However, after all, it's a recording program, it can't be as well-trained as the soldiers.

On the third day it was time to choose a major, and Li Tiezhu was a little nervous.

The selection results are as follows:

Tank driving major: Guo Xiaoxi, Li Tiezhu

Tank Communication Major: Wu Litao, Yuan Heng

Tank shooting major: Liu Yuan, Zhang Yifeng

At the end of the assignment, some people were happy and some were worried. Yuan Heng failed to open the tank he wanted, and Wu Litao did not act as a shooter, but the other four were very satisfied.

Then, six artists were taken to various professional training grounds. Li Tiezhu and Guo Xiaoxi came to a tank training ground full of loess, and a Type 96 tank parked in front of them.

Next was pedaling training. Li Tiezhu's performance was perfect. Guo Xiaoxi was a little older, but he could still do it.

Instructor: "Li Tiezhu performed best in the previous driving simulation training and pedaling training. You are the first to board the car."

Li Tiezhu rushed into the car excitedly and got into the cab.

Yesterday’s simulated driving training was carried out on an indoor simulator. I didn’t feel much. I just felt that it was not much different from driving an excavator. But today, after I got into the tank driver’s seat, it was different.

Li Tiezhu smiled, touching this, stepping on that, muttering:

"Throttle, brake, gear lever..."

When I was interviewed later, Li Tiezhu couldn't help being excited: "I never dreamed that I would be able to drive a tank in my life. I was so excited. I was trembling at the time! I was rarely so excited. How good is the voice champion? It’s not irritating at all, okay, it’s exciting to drive the tank..."

Li Tiezhu really started the tank for the first time, and then the engine began to shake violently and it was about to stall.

Are you too nervous?

No, I was too excited, and the clutch was released when the fuel was not enough.

Li Tiezhu was startled. He stepped on the clutch subconsciously, and then slammed on the accelerator. The tank jumped forward, but somehow it started to drive.

Driving instructor: "Go, go up that slope! Don't be afraid!"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm not afraid."

With a kick of the accelerator, the tank rushed up the dirt slope.

Instructor: "Slow down, slow down."

Li Tiezhu: "It's okay, I'm fine."

It's another throttle.

The tank waded through the puddle and went uphill again, then turned...

It's not much different from driving an excavator, except that the tank's brakes, accelerator, and clutch all need to be slammed on, but Li Tiezhu lacks everything but does not lack strength, so the driving speed is not slow.

Had it not been for the instructor for not allowing him to change gears, he could still drive faster.

After a lap, Li Tiezhu stopped the tank, still feeling unfinished.

After the driving instructor glanced at where Li Tiezhu had parked his tank, he nodded to the chief instructor. He felt that Li Tiezhu was a natural tank driver. Although he was a little excited, he was calm and reasonable in dealing with emergencies. He drove very violently, but he was very stable when climbing and wading through curves, and the final stop position was no different from when he started.


"so cool!"

"I want to get a tank license!"

"So the tank also has a clutch and a gear lever?"

"It's so handsome to drive a tank!"

"The ultimate romance for men!"

"Apart from driving J20, 96 is the most handsome."

"Tie Zhu is so excited!"

When interviewing Li Tiezhu in the program group, he said: "I just feel that all the previous training and all the pain are worth it! This program made me realize the dream of a soldier! Tank is a dream in a dream, my favorite. Still drive the tank. I am here for this!"

Indeed, when Li Tiezhu was found in the program group at the beginning, he did not immediately agree to the program group because he was busy.

Until the program team said that the tank could be opened, Song Zhuer immediately agreed to help him. She knew Li Tiezhu too well.

In the evening, the comrades-in-arms got together to chat together as usual.

Zhang Yifeng leaned against the wall over there, doing push-ups upside down, that's a strong one! Young people like Liu Yuan, Wu Litao, and Yuan Heng were embarrassed.

Yuan Heng tried, and it was difficult to stand upside down, let alone push-ups.

A few more fighters went to the challenge, winning and losing.

Everyone turned their attention to Li Tiezhu again. Speaking of which, Li Tiezhu's size and muscles are really not as good as Zhang Yifeng, at least on the outside.

"I, I'll try it."

Li Tiezhu took off his shirt, still looking slightly thin, almost like Yuan Heng. But as soon as he exerted force, exaggerated bat muscles swelled out.



"Why is it a bit like Bruce Lee's muscles?"

"Looks thin, but vigorous."

"one comes!"

Li Tiezhu didn't push away. Taking advantage of the excitement of driving the tank today, he stood upside down instead of leaning against the wall. Then he easily finished ten push-ups without falling down.

Zhang Yifeng couldn't help but said: "You can have a good balance! The muscles are too, they look thin, really powerful. How about a comparison?"

How to compare?

Of course it's the wrist.

Li Tiezhu killed Zhang Yifeng in a second, and there was nothing to say. They were all grandfathers, and they had to take this physical condition.

Other fighters also came to challenge Li Tiezhu, and most of them couldn't beat him.

At this time, the chief secretary came knocking on the door.

Li Tiezhu was startled, thinking that breaking his wrist is not a gathering of people to gamble, right?

The Chief Secretary said: "I'm here to give everyone a subsidy for heatstroke prevention and cooling, and give cash to everyone."

Li Tiezhu's eyes lit up immediately, and he muttered, "I don't know if we have subsidies."

Yuan Heng was equally excited: "There should be."

Several other veterans were sent first, and then it was the turn of the artists.

"Zhang Yifeng is two hundred yuan."


"Li Tiezhu two hundred yuan."

"Hey, hey."

Li Tiezhu was so happy, can he be unhappy if he has money?

"Wu Li Tao is one hundred and fifty yuan."


"Why does he only have one hundred and fifty yuan?"

"Because he has been in the army for a shorter period of time."

Wu Litao himself is quite happy, it has nothing to do with more money and less money. This is one of the results of hard work during this period of time.

In an interview, Wu Litao said: "Before, the troops were not allowed to bring money, eh! I didn't expect the troops to give us money. Oh yes! My master also blackmailed me fifty yuan, he said it was a teacher's fee. . I am one hundred, he is two hundred and five."

Because it is a heatstroke prevention subsidy rather than a subsidy, the money is not much, but it can't hide everyone's happy mood.

The platoon leader said: "Do you want to save it or use it now?"

Everyone: "Of course you can use it now!"

"Okay! Release Mazar!"

More than a dozen individuals put Mazha, collectively dispatched...The local tyrants are going to consume!

Everyone came to the barracks supermarket to buy food, it was called a yupi.

Li Tiezhu suddenly asked Liu Yuan, "What's the date today?"

Liu Yuan: "May 24th."

Li Tiezhu: "Wow..."

Liu Yuan's inspiration suddenly flashed: "Did you forget to call Zhu'er yesterday? She had her birthday yesterday! I all sent red envelopes. UU Reading www.uukā"

Li Tiezhu did not deny: "Then why don't you remind me?"

Liu Yuan: "Your girlfriend is celebrating her birthday, let me remind you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Forget it, just buy her any birthday gift and send it back, eh, I think this tank model is very good! She will definitely like it."

Liu Yuan: "Are you sure?"

Li Tiezhu: "No one knows hot claws better than me! Three hundred and eighty? If you don't have enough money, you lend me one hundred and three."

Liu Yuan: "Okay! I'll just watch how you kneel on the washboard after this episode is broadcast."

So Li Tiezhu bought a tank model and sent it to Shochikuer to Kyoto overnight. The postage was still Wulitao's money.

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