Earthy Superstar

Chapter 768: : Intimate wake-up service

My sister and Onana also got up and watched the two dogs playing ball in the living room.

Zhang Zifeng said: "Sister Nana, didn't you say you left last night? Why didn't you leave?"

Ou Nana: "The event over there has been postponed, so I don't rush to leave."

She didn't lie, the business performance was indeed postponed, but she originally decided to leave last night, but then Li Tiezhu came. It was the first time to meet the hottest Chinese-speaking star in the world, and she decided to stay one night and spend more time to get acquainted.

I can't speak of power, but Ou Nana is indeed more pragmatic.

For example, yesterday she familiarly recognized Huang Sanshi as her master and became the younger sister of Yi Xing and Peng Yuchang.

This surprised Zhang Zifeng who was introverted, and she was embarrassed to be apprentice to the person she met for the first time.

In the kitchen, Huang Sanshi said to Li Tiezhu: "Brother Zhu, don't mess with breakfast. Let's just cook one meal, the last one."

Eat from ten to twelve o'clock!

Li Tiezhu understood the mushroom house tradition, so he was not in a hurry. He took a shower first, and his whole body was sweaty after running.

After coming out of the shower, Li Tiezhu didn't blow his hair, so he went to get the cake to eat.

It's okay for others not to eat breakfast, but he can't.

Zhang Zifeng opened a bottle of milk to Li Tiezhu: "Brother! Here you are."


Li Tiezhu was in the living room, and the two dogs dared not play ball anymore and slipped away quietly.

Onana said, "Brother, you are in good shape! Do you exercise every day?"

Zhang Zifeng heard Ou Nana's name is Brother Li Tiezhu following her, and curled her lips insignificantly, and then took Ou Nana's arm: "Sister Nana, do you have see-through eyes?"


Li Tiezhu lowered his head and looked at him. He put on his clothes.

Ou Nana is blunt: "I went to watch my brother's video collection, eight pack abs! And the footage of playing that wrestler in the United States, it is so cool. Can you teach me martial arts?"

Li Tiezhu said, "I'm not good at teaching people. If you really want to learn, I suggest you go and learn from my brother Fan Xiaohuang. I was also taught by him."

The teachings of the brothers fist to the flesh, which are deep in my memory.

Ou Nana: "I just want to learn from you."

Zhang Zifeng clenched his teeth secretly, but smiled on his face.

Li Tiezhu said, "You are not suitable for martial arts training. A girl like yours in the city can't stand the suffering! You should play music well. It is most suitable for people like you who don't work hard."

After speaking, Li Tiezhu took the milk and walked out.

Zhang Zifeng looked at Ou Nana, the sisters were assaulted again, will they be angry?

Ou Nana smiled, "So I think my skin is good too!"

"But, he said you don't work all fours."

"He really has the foresight. Like us, people who make music really don't work very much, and don't have to work."

" are awesome."

"I think it's quite easy to talk to him. Anyway, I have added WeChat, so I can keep in touch in the future and talk about music together when I have time."

"My brother never talks about music with people."


"He said he didn't understand music."

"This... is too modest! As expected of Li Tiezhu."

Li Tiezhu went out for a stroll, and said goodbye to Su Su by the way. Su Su was a little emotional, jumping in the bullpen, probably too reluctant to Li Tiezhu.

The mood of the lantern was even greater, and he fluttered away when he saw Li Tiezhu coming, and he dared not say goodbye to Li Tiezhu in person.

Huang Sanshi smiled and said, "Tie Zhu, what are you doing to scare them two after the last issue? They must be very scared, thinking that they will not survive the next season."

Li Tiezhu said that he walked into the kitchen to start a fire: "Why do they think this way?"

Huang Sanshi: "Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Li Tiezhu said, "I think I have a good relationship with Susu and Lantern. I also teach Lantern to make konjac roast duck."

Liu Mei on the side couldn't listen anymore: "Oh! Don't tell me anymore, I'll just watch the two dogs trembling in front of you, and I know how ruthless you are!"

Li Tiezhu: "This is your misunderstanding of me."

Just then H sneaked into the kitchen to eat, and Li Tiezhu asked, "H, are you afraid of me?"


H ran away with his tail clamped.

Liu Mei: "Look! Dogs don't believe me."

Huang Sanshi laughed and said, "That's why we call him Brother Zhu. In the mushroom house, he can manage the animals that I can't control, and he can cook the dishes that I can't cook."

Li Tiezhu said to put the casserole on top to make the porridge: "You are so good to these animals, you can't bear to eat it."

Liu Mei: "Puff! They are partners!"

Huang Sanshi said: "In Li Tiezhu's eyes, any animal is a dish. However, cooking here can only use this kind of stove, which is a bit limited."

The mushroom house is a ground stove and two stoves.

Li Tiezhu said: "Who told you? There was a big stove at Haha Farm two days ago, the kind of wood stove we used to have."

It is said that the two places are separated by more than ten miles, and there is no such big difference. The only reason is the deliberate features of the program group.

Huang Sanshi picked up the knife: "Damn Wang Jiafang, deceive me again!"


"Brother Zhu is indeed the demon of the mushroom house."

"Dogs don't believe me, hahaha..."

"Ms. Huang is really tired of cooking. Let him be an assistant next season."

"What kind of assistant do you want? Can you just call Li Tiezhu back?"

"Although I also like serious brother, but he is afraid that he will not come back to permanent residence."

"The primitive man is so successful, how can he come back?"

"Damn Wang Jia!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Unknowingly, the twelfth issue is over!"

"Teacher Huang is holding the knife again, Wang Jiafang, run!"

Liu Mei was surprised: "What are you doing, are you going to chop Wang Jia's side?"

Huang Sanshi took out three sausages and cut them up: "I want to chop him, but..."

Li Tiezhu: "The director bought insurance."

Liu Mei: "Huh?"

Huang Sanshi: "Never let him get rich overnight, so I decided not to chop him."

The camera was given to the program team, and all the members had a sign of indifference, except Wang Jia’s face—lost.

"Eh? Am I not five sausages? Why are there only three?"

Huang Sanshi cut and cut, and found something was wrong.

Li Tiezhu said: "Wang Fang heard that we have sausages here, so I gave them two quarters to taste them."

Huang Sanshi: "Traitor!"

Zhang Zifeng and Onana came, and laughed.

Huang Sanshi: "Sister, will you go back to Kyoto or go directly to Hengdian?"

Zhang Zifeng: "Go directly to Hengdian."

Liu Mei: "These kids are really not easy now. They are more tired than we were back then. They have to be filming and go to school. Yes, Tie Zhu has to go to the army."

He Ling and Peng Yuchang also woke up and went to the kitchen to help. He Ling helped to make milk tea, and Peng Yuchang sat on the throne of burning fire.

Li Tiezhu began to bake meatloaf: "Are you all awake?"

He Ling: "Tuba gets up, and the other one will definitely sleep until dinner. It's useless to call anyone."

Li Tiezhu put the pot aside: "Hey! Teacher He, I'm not happy when you say that. When Chen Chichi and I were recording the show, he was never lazy."

He Ling: "Why?"

Li Tiezhu: "Because Luhani and I will wake him up."

"Just get up when you tell him?"

"hold head high!"

"Is it so amazing? I don't believe it."

"Teacher Lu Yu, I can only say that you have never seen the world."

Huang Sanshi took the pot and continued his pancake business: "Brother Zhu, go try it, Peng Peng and Mrs. He, you go and study."

He Ling was also mean and said, "Good! Get up."

Therefore, under the leadership of Li Tiezhu, He Ling and Peng Yuchang assisted, Zhang Zifeng and Ou Nana followed to watch the battle.

Li Tiezhu found Chen Chichi's towel and washbasin in the box, with toothpaste and toothbrush. And the fat and round Teacher Chen was lying on the bed, H biting his pillow beside him.


H found that Li Tiezhu was coming, turned around and ran.

Li Tiezhu spread out the towel soaked in cold water, went up and called on Chen Chichi's face, then rubbed it violently.

Chen Chichi struggled in despair: "Ahaha...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not to mention..."

He Ling and Peng Yuchang laughed vaguely, and Zhang Zifeng and Ou Nana were not much better.

After washing his face, Li Tiezhu sat up with Chen Chichi in one hand, poured water in, and patted his back again: "Spit!"


"Open your mouth and brush your teeth!"

"Ah, uh...I'll do it myself, Brother Zhu, I just need to do it myself."

"are you awake?"

Li Tiezhu asked.

Chen Chichi brushed his teeth, and an unlovable smile bloomed on his fat face: "I won't wake up forever if I don't wake up again! I thank you for your wake-up service!"

Li Tiezhu: "You're welcome, everyone is friends. If you are still sleepy, there are ice cubes in the refrigerator."

"No! What a waste of ice."

"Isn't it? Anyway, it's the ice cube in the mushroom house, you and I are not at a loss."

"Ha...spit!" Chen Chichi brushed his teeth and wiped his mouth, "This is not good, it seems that we are... impolite."

Li Tiezhu said, "Brother, you are so polite."

Chen Chichi: "That is, how can my family say that it is also the first in the scholarly family..."

As soon as the two sang and talked to and talked about irrelevant to the actual situation, they finished washing up.

Chen Chichi put away the washbasin, and smiled at several people watching the show: "Morning, everyone, it's another day full of vitality, hahaha..."

Afterwards, everyone returned to the kitchen, like Liu Mei and Huang Sanshi telling Li Tiezhu's wake-up service.

Huang Sanshi praised Li Tiezhu's attentive service.

Chen Chichi wiped his face and smiled bitterly: "This is still a simplified version! The original version was to throw ice cubes directly into my clothes. He rubbed it for me. Rouhani scratched my feet with feathers. Deng Chao sang in my ears. The sound fills my ears. If I still don’t wake up, Li Tiezhu will hit my head with my shoes. Didn’t you see that my head has become bigger in the past two years? So, be careful when making friends, friends!"

Li Tiezhu: "It sounds like you are my friend."

Chen Chichi: "..."

Ou Nana was very interested: "He really hit your head?"

Chen Chiequdao: "What's more! Bangbang's smashing, after the smashing, I was dizzy for a while on the Tianlu program, it was like a concussion, do you know?"

Onana: "Wow! This is too cool, right?"

Chen Chichi: "What's so cool about this?"

He Ling: "Do you know what's cooler? We opened Chen Chichi's box and found that he hadn't opened it since he came. He didn't take a shower, brush his teeth or wash his face last night..."

Everyone burst into laughter again, this product is truly extinct.

Peng Yuchang: "What's more, Zhu Ge knows Chen Chichi's box code."

Huang Sanshi: "Oh?"

Chen Chichi said: "How did you guess?"

Li Tiezhu looked innocent, spread his hands and said, "Ordinary lazy people are either six six or six zero. Are you someone who can remember passwords?"

Chen Chichi: "..."

(Thanks to the big guy in the sea once again for a reward of 100000 points, and I will continue to add more to you on the next day...)

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