Earthy Superstar

Chapter 771: : Special training

Other artists are also looking at the head target, frowning, a hundred meters away is enough to hit the target, but also one hundred and fifty meters to hit the head target? Do you really regard Li Tiezhu as a sharpshooter?

Wu Litao said, "Come on, Master, don't embarrass me."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

I really want to kill this guy, he is obviously embarrassing Lao Tzu, so I am embarrassed to say this!

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu, I believe you."

The soldier took the rifle with two bullets to the instructor.

The instructor asked Li Tiezhu: "Are you sure?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "No, I am blind."

"Are you confident?"

"No. The marksmanship is fed by bullets. The total amount of live ammunition I have shot has not exceeded a hundred rounds. The distance is too far, the target is too small... it's not easy to be blinded."

The instructor handed the gun to Li Tiezhu and said, "Then be serious about it."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes."

After speaking, he picked up the gun, standing and rejecting the gun, aiming, and pulling the trigger.


The action was done in one go.

Everyone looked towards the target, only to see a small cloud of smoke and dust on the small soil **** behind the target, not knowing if they were on the target.

Li Tiezhu had no distractions, and continued to aim, preparing to fire a second shot.

The instructor suddenly said: "Listen to my order and shoot again."

Li Tiezhu kept his aiming posture: "Yes."

The instructor stared at Li Tiezhu, but did not issue instructions. The artists were also curious, what is this for? A minute later, the instructor nodded: "Shoot."


The instructor took the gun back and told Li Tiezhu to return to the team and said, "Do you know why Li Tiezhu is accurate? Because he has a steady hand, holding the gun almost motionless for a minute, and after firing the gun, the muzzle jump is extremely small. , As long as you are not blind, you can make a rough shot."

The artists nodded one after another, especially Liu Yuan and Yuan Heng, they are typical can not hold down the gun.

Wu Litao is different. He has a non-standard gun.

The instructor said to Li Tiezhu: "You did a good job. No matter how you played just now, it's not easy. I read your training schedule. It was very short and hurried. You just said something pretty good. It was fed with bullets, so..."

"Report! Target inspection is complete."

The soldiers report.

Instructor: "Is there a target?"

Soldier: "Head on target...two shots."

Instructor: "..."

All in? !

I was still under the steps of Li Tiezhu just now, so I wanted to stimulate them by the way and let them know that there is a sky outside...

Fortunately, those words were not said.

At a distance of one hundred and fifty meters, the head and target are hit by two shots. It is not uncommon in the reconnaissance company, but this is a special force, which is rare among other units.

He looked at Li Tiezhu who was smirking. This was probably a talent. God closed a door for him and always opened a window.

Others congratulated Li Tiezhu.

Liu Yuan: "Brother Zhu, that's amazing, you can hit it all."

Wu Litao: "Master, you really didn't disappoint me."

Yuan Heng: "Li Tiezhu, how did you get caught? Come down and teach us."


"Xu Sanduo is amazing."

"Seventeen hits in a row, can this be called Meng?"

"The instructor is a little bit jealous."

"Is Brother Zheng Jing the legendary Spear King?"

"Have the potential to be a sniper."

"Forget it, he is blind, and accidentally wiped out the friendly army."


Next, the entertainers and the soldiers boarded military trucks and some on sidecars.

Li Tiezhu chose a sidecar motorcycle, which was his childhood feelings.

"Huh? Is this car available for sale?"

"What's the fuel consumption?"

"Jialing brand? I have ridden Jialing 125! How much horsepower is this?"

"When we were young, we used baskets to make sidecars, and then two groups of people were fighting with wooden guns..."

Li Tiezhu turned on the tuberculosis mode, generally only when he encountered his favorite things, such as tanks, such as sidecars. To be fair, Li Tiezhu still likes to drive, driving all kinds of cars, from tractors to supercars, from electric cars to tanks.

At first, the soldier who drove was very shy. Later, I heard Li Tiezhu talk about a lot of things in the countryside, especially after the second uncle Li Tiezhu drove the tractor into the cesspit. The soldier was much more cheerful. He also came from the countryside.

The warrior said: "I also like sidecars, so I applied to be a rider. Later I found out that I didn't expect to pull the wind, and there was dust all the way."

Li Tiezhu said, "I can feel it. I can pick up a huge pile of booger when I go back tonight."

"Hahaha... are your stars also so disgusting? Can you tell me about the recording?"

"Most celebrities are more disgusting than me. I am a model student in the circle. If it is inappropriate, the show crew can be reduced."

"Then I don't worry, I drove the sidecar on the first day of the long distance, and the eggs were worn out."

"Really? So delicate?"

"You... how can I prove it to you? It's just that the road is too bumpy."

"Yes, the first time I rode a horse, my thigh was worn out."

What they were talking about was not suitable for broadcasting, so the program group was naturally cut out.

The whole team came to a small forest near the lake and set up camp.

It is a small tent, two people. Moreover, it only takes ten minutes to set up a tent.

Wu Litao shamelessly chose to go with Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu watched the group of soldiers set up a tent next to study, and he started to set up a tent. He was extremely capable of doing his job and barely completed the task, while the other two groups had not yet started to set up.

After the meal, some instructors led the artists to do camouflage lurking training, that is, wearing auspicious clothes with grass on their bodies to facilitate camouflage.

First of all, Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu lay down for latent training, asking them not to move unless they were found.

After only ten minutes, Wu Litao couldn't stand it anymore: "Master, help me see if there is a bug on my face."

Instructor: "You can't move if there are bugs! Even if a poisonous snake bites you, you can't move."

Wu Litao: "Where is there a snake? Who can keep still when I see a snake?"

Instructor: "Then I will find you a snake?"

Wu Litao: "Where are the snakes so easy to find."

After a while, the instructor walked back again, took his hand out from behind, and it was a black long snake, still vomiting a letter.


Wu Litao was so scared that he rolled and ran for several meters, and his helmet ran crookedly.

The entertainers were also taken aback.

Liu Yuan: "It's really a snake!"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Where did they find it?"

Li Tiezhu remained motionless.

The instructor said: "Wu Litao! You will be discovered as soon as you move, and discovery means death."

Wu Litao said: "Then I will kill the snake first!"

The instructor smiled, with contempt: "Here! Here you are, kill it!"

Wu Litao said: "I was wrong! No, instructor, this is horrible."

The instructor shook his head, and then took the snake to shake next to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu remained motionless. Finally, the instructor stuck the snake on Li Tiezhu's face, and the snake body wriggled on his dark face.

Guo Xiaoxi, Yuan Heng, and Liu Yuan saw their scalp numb and their hairs stand upright.

Zhang Yifeng is fairly calm.

Li Tiezhu didn't move and even wanted to laugh a little. This snake...looks delicious, it's fat. It should be raised for training soldiers.

Since ancient times, there have been talents:

"Wow, Azhen, are you serious?"

"I dare to bite the snake head off with my mouth!"

"Bringing you the best."

"The King of Mouth Cannon."

"I'm also most afraid of snakes. It's too scary."

"The scouts are famous for being ruthless, what is a snake?"

"I have seen special forces kill crocodiles."

"What a cute little snake!"

"Li Tiezhu's saliva is almost flowing out, look at his small eyes."

"Fuck, it's really..."

"What is a snake? Even if you are on fire, you can't move, salute!"

The instructor called Li Tiezhu up: "You did a good job. You are one of the most outstanding recruits I have taught. Are you not afraid of snakes?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Don't be afraid, I like snakes."


"Because... it's delicious, and the skin can also be used as an erhu."

"Um... Wu Litao, you come and get on the ground for training. Li Tiezhu rests."

The instructor couldn't catch Li Tiezhu's words and began to torment Wu Litao. He took the snake and slowly approached Wu Litao.

Wu Litao began to tremble.

The instructor continued to drew closer: "What are you afraid of? Look at me holding it now, am I afraid?"

The snake was still half a meter away from Wu Litao. Wu Litao collapsed and crawled back: "Report! I give up, I really can't do it."

The instructor is also helpless. If it is a real recruit, he must be forced to train until he is not afraid of snakes, but these are not real recruits, who want to be on TV. If forced, it will not have a good effect.

Li Tiezhu walked over and said, "Instructor, let me try."

With that said, Li Tiezhu took the snake in the instructor's hand, opened the snake's mouth and took a look, then turned to Wu Litao and said, "Don't be afraid, the teeth are not long, and the round-headed snake is not poisonous."

Wu Litao: "..."

Li Tiezhu said to the instructor: "You are so fat!"

The instructor said: "We don't raise them by our special forces."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Wu lie down."


Wu Litao lay down in despair.

Li Tiezhu said: "Look for a sense of substitution, close your eyes, and imagine that there is an enemy headquarters in front of you. There are enemies everywhere, and there are hidden whistle invisible. As long as you expose it, you will undoubtedly die..."

Wu Litao forced himself to close his eyes and fantasize, but still couldn't: "Master, no, no..."

His face was icy, still moving.

Wu Litao understood in an instant, and was fooled by the master.

He wanted to run, but Li Tiezhu held the back of his neck with one hand and couldn't move. Li Tiezhu was too strong, so he watched the snake twist on his face, shaking his upper and lower teeth in a fight.

Li Tiezhu: "Sing a song, unite."

Wu Litao sang with crying and trembling: "Unity is strength..."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you still afraid?"

Wu Litao: "I'm not too scared."

"stand up."


"Hold it."


Wu Litao was dumbfounded.

Li Tiezhu stuffed the snake and asked Wu Litao to pinch the snake's seven inches: "Don't let go, it will bite people. Don't use too much force, you will lose money if you pinch it to death."

Wu Litao could only tremble and pinch the snake, feeling the cold touch of it entwining his wrist and back of his hand, his expression desperate:

"Master, you kill me..."


"I'm Fuck!"

"If I can scare you to pee."

"Li Tiezhu is really an improper person!"

"Wulitao is about to cry."

"Also let people sing..."

"Too cruel!"

"Cruel? They are the quiet years of some people."

"Also let someone hold it?"

"You want to lose money if you squeeze it to death?"

"You can feel Wu Litao's despair across the screen."

"Brother Serious is outstanding!"

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