Earthy Superstar

Chapter 76: : Did you bring medicine?

   training camp is to learn professional knowledge assault, after all, many players are not professional. In Li Tiezhu's opinion, class will definitely be very tiring, he has always been a scumbag.

   With the unique anxiety of learning scum, Li Tiezhu ushered in a new day.

   "Hey hey hey hey... Tie Zhu? Pillar! Ha Mapi, wait! Wait a moment, I..."

   Qin Tao was panting like a cow and boarded the small yellow car, and leaned forward.

   Li Tiezhu parked his car at the intersection, looking down at his phone.

  Mao sent him some materials, saying that it was a top-secret tutorial for training newcomers in Mi Jie's studio, so that he could learn and learn, so as not to get embarrassed in the finals.

   In the words of a cat: You are a star now, pay attention to your image and give the cat a long face.

  The densely packed words make my brain hurt, so I cross it off.

   Do celebrities still have templates?

   Luyu: I don’t believe it!

   Li Tiezhu didn't believe it, and he didn't even want to be a star.

   It is 9:40 in the morning. Li Tiezhu and Qin Tao ate a bowl of Chaos on the roadside, and drove to the training base by bike.

   "Assemble at ten o'clock, why are you in a hurry? It's not far away. Ouch, I'm exhausted."

   "Without you, I will pedal in ten minutes, and it will take you half an hour."

   "Which one do you look down on? Wait for me to rest for five minutes, hello, hello... Mom sells batches..."

   Li Tiezhu ignored the little fat man and walked away with his car.


   A familiar Rolls-Royce stopped in front of Li Tiezhu, and the flute cut off Li Tiezhu's path.

   The window was rolled down, and Xiao Zhang waved his hand beamingly, with great enthusiasm: "Brother Tie Zhu! I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence! Come, get in the car."

   Qin Tao stood in front of Li Tiezhu for the first time: "Xiao Zang? What are you doing? It's so good to have a car? Guapi!"

   Xiao Zhuang: "Are you... the postpartum brother?"

   Qin Tao blushed, and said angrily: "Sit down and don't change your surname. Don't change your name. My name is Chan, not Qin..."

   Xiao Zhang ignored Qin Tao, got out of the car and greeted Li Tiezhu diligently, with a little bit of complaint:

"Brother, come and sit in the car. Let's go on the same road. Let's go to the training camp? Look at you. Last night you sent a message asking where you live and you won't return to me. The godfather lent me a big place to live. Come together. As for riding a bike to the training camp? Donghai is my host. You... didn't you slap me in the face?"

   Li Tiezhu said: "It’s good to exercise by bike. It’s not bad to take a luxury car in a race, right?"

Xiao Zhang's face paled: "Yes, yes, yes! Brother is right, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I will be scolded again! Why don't I have a long memory! So who, you guys drive the car back, brother Tiezhu and I Riding a bike to the training camp, you don’t have to follow. What to see? Brother Tie Zhu and I are together, who dares to bully me? Walk around..."

   Li Tiezhu's inner OS: I dare!

   Inside the car, the driver trembled a little. Last time he was beaten by Li Tiezhu too hard. There was a psychological shadow. He looked at his agent Wu Yongqiang. Wu Yongqiang smashed his mouth and said nothing. With a wave of his hand, the driver drove away.

   Serious brother can't afford to offend!

   Then, the three people boarded the car and headed to the training camp, a small famous music base refitted.

   Li Tiezhu hurried all the way in front, and Xiao Zhuang and Qin Tao behind were tired dogs.

   Qin Tao: "Heh! Tired? The dog said that he was just an animal, and he has never been seen as tired, he belongs to a donkey!"

   Xiao Zhuang: "Guan Te (shut up)! Don't scold my brother!"

   Qin Tao: "Hajier one!"


   "Ah! I finally returned to the center of Donghae! It's great..."

   A Bentley and a nanny car parked in front of the Good Voice Training Base. A jeweled and enchanting woman kicked the hate sky high, and with the help of her assistant, she gracefully got off the Bentley.

   She carried the latest Chanel, took off her sunglasses, threw them to the female assistant, and stepped through the door.

   The female assistant followed closely with iced coffee, followed by seven or eight assistants who were busy carrying large and small boxes. Not far away were the staff in charge of filming by the program team.

"I'll tell you how, I don't want to go to the countryside like Suzhou and Hangzhou for the second time in my life. I feel chest tightness, shortness of breath and shortness of breath when I leave the center of the East China Sea. Even the air is cheap! Suzhou and Hangzhou are even more expensive. It's dirty, broken, and low in price. You should put paper towels on the floor when you walk. If it weren't for the endorsement recommended by Huatai, I wouldn't go. Hey! Who made me dedicated?"

   The woman pouted her lips and talked to the assistant.

   The female assistant blamed herself: "It was my negligence. Next time I will wear a tissue to pave the way for you."

   The woman smiled and said, "No! I just said that, it's not that I can't bear hardship."

   Female assistant: "Miss Luo is naturally the most dedicated artist..."

   Nearby, several videographers have a bad stomach expression.

   And director Wang Zegang, who was in the room not far away, kicked his chair down with anger. How could he be on the show because of this silly dialogue? Still not scolded to death?

   This is it, or the first in the Southern Division?

   It turned out that Wang Zegang, the director of the Western Division, was promoted by the general director Hong Bo because of the best ratings, and served as the executive director of the good sound derivative program "Super Training Camp".

Every Wednesday to Friday, students participate in training camps and prepare for the Saturday competition. A 45-minute "Super Training Camp" is broadcasted on Wednesday and Friday. The content of the program is mostly students’ daily life~www.readwn. com~ The smug Wang Zegang didn't expect that the first player to come today would give him a stab at him.

   "Delete her lines! Cut off the back group of people who move things, this contestant...take more shots and try to choose some usable pictures."

  Wang Zegang said to his assistant, there is no way, this Luo Feiyan...he can't afford it.

   Then, the second player arrived, no luxury cars, no assistant army.

   is still a reliable player in the Western Division!

  Wang Zegang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the visitor, and laughed hardly: "This should be the most simple player today, right? No, Li Tiezhu hasn't come yet. That guy can't run, right?"

   It was Zhao Liya. She carried a small backpack and ponytails. She got out of the taxi talking and laughing with her assistant Wen, and bowed politely to the staff when she walked into the base.

Look! The famous piano princess of Vela has no airs, you are so rich...

  Wang Zegang sneered.

   Then, Wang Zegang was dumbfounded, and another one came, no, two.

what's the situation?

   I saw that Li Tiezhu drove the small yellow car into the gate of the base. The most weird thing is that there are still a bunch of people sitting in the basket in front of his small yellow car, which violates traffic rules!

   If you read it right, the one in the basket is the champion of the Northern Division and the one who sang "Sorrow"——Yi Xiaomao.

   Also, Yi Xiaomao's eyes were blurred, and he was covered with a big man, no, sweating heavily, with an unnatural blush on his face, and he groaned in his mouth.

   Is this guy drinking again?

  Wang Zegang covered his face and couldn't laugh or cry. This time, I've got the ratings... stable again!

   Li Tiezhu came to the front of Zhao Liya. The car was not stable yet, so he asked, "Have you taken medicine? This cargo has a heat stroke."

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