Earthy Superstar

Chapter 783: :Romantic Swordsman

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The show ends here, and Li Tiezhu’s choice will be played back. Is the left stairway or the right stairway?

He chose... instant noodles beside the stairs on the left.

When Wu Jing dropped the rope upstairs, Li Tiezhu was making noodles skillfully, and he murmured:

"It would be better if there was a microwave. The microwave is better than the soaked one."

In the surveillance car, everyone including the director stayed. What the **** is this Nima?

They all knew that Li Tiezhu did not leave because they could see what Li Tiezhu did. They saw that Li Tiezhu wanted to choose the stairs on the left, but they saw the box of instant noodles in the corner and the water heater, so they started to soak. Face up.

Wu Litao covered his face: "Master is really embarrassing! Fortunately, Brother Jing is not ready, otherwise he will just be abrupt."

Yuan Heng: "Good guy, instant noodles at the moment of life and death?"

Guo Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Tie Zhu can't be judged by common sense."

Zhang Yifeng: "The key is that he still reacted quickly, but instead beat Wu Jing back."

Liu Yuan: "Blindly guess that Brother Zhu will win, I believe him."

At this time, the company commander also came to the surveillance vehicle. He was discouraged by the program crew from deploying reserve forces, so he came to see the progress of the battle.

To be honest, he was unconvinced, but the opponent did have better individual quality and had a weird fighting style. His soldiers also carried a few oil bottles, so they didn't lose unjustly.

His only hope now is that Li Tiezhu helps the reconnaissance company to fight for it. He has heard that Wu Jing had been specially trained in that mysterious unit.

Of course, these are scenes that the audience cannot see.

The audience also thought they were dazzled, the barrage:

"This Nima numbs my scalp from the show!"

"Serious brother's brain cramps again."

"Basic operation..."

"As long as Li Tiezhu's old fans are not surprised."

"This issue of Li Tiezhu is too normal."

"Seeing him go instant noodles at the moment of life and death, I feel relieved."

"Pickled pepper beef flavor instant noodles are delicious."

"He's still that stupid."

"Still a familiar taste..."

"Is it the only one that noticed? That idiot instant noodles didn't include the seasoning packet."

"Laughing to death..."

"My dad sees here swearing swearing next to him."

"Sure enough, what kind of show Li Tiezhu is on? What kind of show is a food show."

"Leng Feng: I was ridiculed."

Now the situation in the small building has become very subtle. Li Tiezhu is hiding in the corner, Wu Jing is hiding outside the gate, and there is a bowl of steaming instant noodles in the middle.

But everyone knows that the final battle is about to come.

Wu Jing: "I am a special force. This is called tactics. What is insidious and not insidious?"

Li Tiezhu: "I'm also a special force, I...I'm also a tactical instant noodles. Look, are you fooled? Are you angry?"

"Are you shameless?"



"Brother Jing, can you wait until I have eaten instant noodles before making it?"

"Are you really hungry?"

"So hungry!"

"Then you can eat first, will the five-minute ceasefire be enough?"


"Eat, I went to the toilet and suffocated me to death."

"Thank you Jing brother."

Da Da Da, there was the sound of walking away.

Li Tiezhu also knocked on the ground with his knuckles, making a sound, then quietly pointed out the gun and aimed at him, and suddenly saw Wu Jing also aiming at him.

what! Sure enough, the goods didn't leave at all.

Bang bang bang...

There was a burst of gunfire, and the two of them drew back and hid. Gou just one word, and when they were the last person on both sides, they were meticulous.

Li Tiezhu: "Brother Jing, you liar!"

Wu Jing: "The same is true for you, what right do you have to say about me? Don't you just want to attack me while I'm in the bathroom?"

"Why don't we lose the gun than fists?"

"Yes! Do you dare to throw your gun?"

"Dare to throw one, two and three together."

"Okay, one."




Li Tiezhu and Wu Jing lost their guns at the same time. They looked out their heads and saw the guns thrown by each other, and then...

With a splash, each took out a rifle and fired at each other.

Bang bang bang...

There are still no casualties. In the state of close to actual combat, everyone has bunkers and there is not enough time to aim. It is not easy to hit the enemy, and sometimes it takes a certain amount of luck.



"Two dogs!"

"Tie Zhu has become smarter, I am very relieved."

"Wu Jing is cunning."

"What a great deal, this wave of confrontation made Lao Tzu smile."

Wu Jing’s magazine was empty, so he went back to change the magazine: "Li Tiezhu, you don’t care about the rules!"

"You are ashamed to say me? It was you who took the gun first!"

"That's me faster than you."


Li Tiezhu also retracted to change the magazine. If he doesn't change, the opponent will have more bullets in the next round, and he will suffer.

Wu Jing changed her magazine and said, "Your face is going to be lumpy."

Li Tiezhu: "You don't understand, it will taste better when it is softened."

"You didn't put the seasoning bag."

"First soak it in boiling water, pour out the boiling water, put the seasoning in and mix well, dry noodles are more delicious."

"Such a heavy taste?"


"You have been surrounded by me, put down your weapons and surrender as soon as possible. Your shooting skills are not as good as mine."

Wu Jing hung the gun at the door, revealing the barrel, trying to lure Li Tiezhu into thinking that he was still here, but when he retorted, he ran towards the cat waist next to the window. He drew out the pistol to go around Li Tiezhu's back. .

Li Tiezhu was also very ghostly, and ran back with the gun in his hand. He also wanted to go around Wu Jing's back.


Two people bumped their heads together at the window.

Both of them ran with a cat on their waists, invisible to each other, and they jumped at the same time, which was too coincidental.

"I go!"

"Brother Jing is you?"

Bang bang bang!

Wu Jing did not show his head and stretched out his gun, shooting randomly.

However, Li Tiezhu had already crawled back and hid under the stairs, because the space in the building was small and it was easier to be hit.

After Wu Jing finished the fight, he also called. It was useless. The other party didn't show up at all.


"This Nima is also a coincidence?"

"If it's a second, it's fine."

"Is this deliberate by the show crew?"

"I heard that there is no script this time, it's pure truth."

"Believe it is true."

"It's a panoramic shot. It's difficult to act like this, and time is too difficult to handle."

"Both of these people go too far."

Wu Jing: "Tie Zhu, it's boring like this. It's going to be dark."

Li Tiezhu: "What do you say?"

Wu Jing: "After all, it's not a real war. Let's go head-to-head, right? How about a sword fight? Throw the guns away."

"You just said that."

"You said it just now."

"All right."

"Raise your hands up, hold the gun in your hand and close the insurance, and we will all come out."


"one two Three……"

This time, neither of them played tricks, they both held a dagger in one hand and a gun in the other, with the muzzle facing up, and the insurance was closed.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and when they met their opponents, they both lost their guns.

Wu Jing lay down at the window and said, "Come out."

Li Tiezhu: "You come in."

Wu Jing rolled his eyes: "It's spacious outside."

Li Tiezhu: "I want to look at my face."

Wu Jing: "..."

No way, Wu Jing had to jump and jump in from the window.

Li Tiezhu held a dagger in his right hand and put on a posture: "Brother Jing, when were you born?"

Wu Jing walked with his hands down very relaxed, especially confident: "Forty-five years old, why? Think I'm old?"

Li Tiezhu: "No, I just think you are a little short, and the nutrition of your generation has not kept up."

Wu Jing: "..."

Let me tell you a hammer!

Wu Jing rushed for two steps, it was a stab, Li Tiezhu dodged and made a gorgeous diagonal pull, Wu Jing turned over and avoided it.

Knife fight is different from pure fighting. It has strong anti-strike ability and can hold it for a few more times. This thing does not have the ability to resist slashing and slashing. If it is stabbed in the torso and head, it will smoke. Therefore, both sides are sharp and cautious.

This is a small corridor below the stairs, and the space is very small.

There is hardly much room to move around.


"Happy to hear!"

"Have you finally started hand-to-hand combat?"


"Loved, loved..."

"What should I do if both are so handsome?"

"This action is so cool, Tie Zhu didn't even fall into the wind."

"I think of the street fighting in "Slaying the Wolf"."

"At the time, Jing Brother also used a knife."

"Li Tiezhu's movements are also very practical."

After the fight started, Li Tiezhu and Wu Jing each showed their magical powers and used all tactics, but they didn't fight personally, and both sides deliberately kept their distance.

Wu Jing was worried that Li Tiezhu's strength was so strong that he could easily fall down behind him.

Li Tiezhu was afraid that Wu Jing's sword skills would be too superb.

Everyone fought to be the last one, and it was inevitable to be overly cautious.

Even so, their fights were even more attractive, with a big opening and closing, a fierce offensive, and a fierce counterattack.

Playing for a full minute or so, no one can do anything.

Li Tiezhu has unlimited physical strength and Wu Jing has rich experience.

Wu Jing tilted his head and creaked, "Yes, Tie Zhu."

Li Tiezhu squeezed the dagger tightly and squeaked: "You are starting to pant, uncle."

"Ha, uncle?!"

Wu Jing's face suddenly became fierce, and he rushed up to provoke him.

Li Tiezhu stepped back to avoid it, and then went straight forward.

Wu Jing grabbed Li Tiezhu's wrist with his left hand and kicked with his right foot. Li Tiezhu's knife was kicked off.

Li Tiezhu also reacted extremely quickly. He immediately stepped forward and wrapped Wu Jing's right hand holding the knife. He did not give him a chance to attack. He grabbed his wrist with one hand and palm-shaped one against his elbow. He can't exert force.

I have to find a way to get his knife off, Li Tiezhu thought.

Then, I saw Wu Jing who was close at hand with a weird smile.

Wu Jing's free left hand leaned behind him, drew a pistol, and lifted his left foot-the sole of the shoe was loaded.


This action is so cool!

Wu Jing's pistol was pointed at Li Tiezhu's head.

Li Tiezhu’s eyes popped up, uncle doesn’t speak martial ethics!

Still have a gun?


Did not hit the target! !

Speaking of late, it will be Li Tiezhu tilted his head almost conditioned, and unexpectedly came up with an somersault, head down, supporting the ground with one hand, and kicking Wu Jing's gun with his feet up.

Wu Jing's gun was kicked away from the target, but he was stronger than Li Tiezhu, and the gun did not fall.

Therefore, he immediately aimed his gun at Li Tiezhu again, and he was determined to win!


Wu Jing was stunned.

Because he found smoke on his head.

what's the situation?

After a second, Wu Jing remembered. When Li Tiezhu turned and kicked the gun, he picked up the dagger he had fallen with one hand and threw it at him, hitting his chest.

This is also OK?

What are you... Xiao Li Fei Dao?

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