Earthy Superstar

Chapter 788: : Daqi

There is no doubt that Shochikuer is a bandit.

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, I wouldn't come with her if I knew it, how good is it to play games at home?

Although "Dream Chaser" does not have an official accompaniment, the program group of "The Good Songs of China" has, and they are all CCTV programs.

It doesn't make much sense for him to come, that is, after the other party has finished the accompaniment, he listens to it, and even if they make comments, they may not necessarily listen.

To put it bluntly, it is to accompany Song Zhuer to play.

The zoo is big enough and can't be expanded. Li Tiezhu has a strong sense of guilt. Although this is happy, it is immoral.

So, he said to Song Zhu'er with heartfelt words: "Don't do anything, I just met her when we went to "Mushroom House". That is the last issue and has not been broadcast."

Shochikuer: "The look in her eyes was wrong when she saw you just now."

"What's wrong? You are suspicious all day long."

"A woman's instinct!"

"You have an instinct for wool."

"Lengba, Zhao Liya, Zheng Yanzi, Yang Mi, Xu Jiazhen, I didn't look away at any of them, hum! My eyes are golden!"

"What am I..."

"And that Zhang Zifeng, always sticking to you in the show, eh, hehe..."


"Yes, I'm just crazy."

Li Tiezhu ignored her, took out his mobile phone to play games, and teamed up.

Li Tiezhu was kicked seven or eight times in a row because of his poor record shortly after he played, and he was finally in the group.

The homeowner said with a mouthful of salt and pepper Trump: "Oh, this teammate's ID is a bit interesting, I am not Li Tiezhu, then I am not Liu Huade. If you are Li Tiezhu, I will kick you~"

Li Tiezhu: "Does Li Tiezhu offend you?"

The same salt and pepper Trump.

"Oh, it's still a piece of Xichuan people? The villager meets the villager, and they go to shoot together. The old man Li Tiezhu, who has watched TV, knows that it is a silly bag. His IQ is not to play games. Who dares to play with him? Fight."

"In fact, Li Tiezhu is still a witty man sometimes."

"Paws? Are you a fan of him? He was only a witty horse when he was stunned, and he was always a joke at the rest of the time."


Li Tiezhu was unable to refute, but he was still able to play the chicken game.

Song Zhu'er was not convinced: "You are just poking! Guwazi!"

take off.

Owner: "Ah! There is a female teacher next to my friend? It's a blessing to play games with beautiful women. Unlike me, a bad old man who is still divorced at the age of fifty, loneliness is intolerable, oh, loneliness is intolerable~"

In fact, the other three in the team are very quiet, and have been listening to these two people talking in batches, thinking they are together.

At this time, an old man said: "Are you that fifty-year-old Uncle Chen?"

"Do you know how to mumble?"

"I've watched your Douyin video, and I was very stunned."

Li Tiezhu murmured: "It's still an internet celebrity."

Uncle Chen: "Well, paws, envy, jealous, hateful? I still envy you for having a girlfriend. Picheng Picheng, go and shoot..."

Song Zhu'er is very good, and Li Tiezhu ignores her when playing games, she never gets angry, but watches from the side. If you play games at home, you will even cut fruits and peel melon seeds for Li Tiezhu. If you are tired, she will help Li Tiezhu squeeze his shoulders, which is extremely filial.

If she wins, she trumpets that Li Tiezhu's marksmanship is good, and if she loses, she scolds her teammates as stupid, and her stand is super firm.

At this time, Ou Nana came back with the milk tea, first divided it among other artists, and finally walked over and gave Song Zhuer a cup, and then handed it to Li Tiezhu, but Li Tiezhu was busy going to help the uncle Chen who had failed the gun.

Two of them have been hung up on one's side, and there are five people on the other side.

After supporting Uncle Chen, Li Tiezhu retreated into the house with him, and said, "Uncle, you are too stubborn, and there are many people on the other side."

Ou Nana: "Tie Zhu, I will plug the straw for you."

She was talking with Li Tiezhu at the same time, so the game teammates also heard it.

Uncle Chen: "I'm addicted to pretending Li Tiezhu? And I help you plug in a straw and play it for me? I play a game and be sprinkled with dog food. Is this female master called Song Zhuer?"

Li Tiezhu went upstairs with him and shot from the window: "She is Ou Nana, and Zhu'er is also here, do you believe it?"

Uncle Chen: "I believe in, I believe in a hammer, grenade, be careful of grenade, damn... I've suffered again, Tie Zhu come and help me."

"You can't do it, sir."

"Hammer, Lao Tzu is so violent, this time it's bad luck."

"Give me two bottles of medicinal whispers, I can't bear it. The gun on the opposite side is too accurate, is it open and hang~"

"You are a little bit nasty, just a hammer, find a chance to run away."

"If you want, this one doesn't even feel faint at all..."

Another comrade-in-arms also said: "Retreat, you can't beat it."

Ou Nana was a little upset. Li Tiezhu ignored her while playing games, inserted a straw and put the milk tea next to Li Tiezhu, playing with her mobile phone.

Song Zhuer picked up the milk tea and fed it to Li Tiezhu.

Ou Nana looks silly, so humble? Sister, you are the iron-headed baby who kicks the female reporter!

Li Tiezhu drank milk tea while playing games, Song Zhuer wiped his mouth with a tissue.

Ou Nana couldn't bear it anymore: "Sister Zhu'er, he doesn't care about people playing games, why are you still petting him?"

Song Zhuer: "This is called serving your own man! Have you realized it?"

Ou Nana: "Hello~"

She thought in her heart: Neurosis, have you taken the wrong medicine? So good to men, how can others dig into walls?

At this time, the staff came to call them and they were going to rehearsal. It was the first time that the two sang a song together. They must rehearse a few more times. However, this show is recorded and broadcast. You can also fix the sound.

"Pillar, I'm going to rehearse."


Li Tiezhu did not lift his head and continued to play the game.

Not far away, Ou Nana said to Song Zhu'er: "Sister Zhu'er, I'm really worthless for you, you are so beautiful and gentle, he actually ignores you."

Song Zhuer: "You like him."

Ou Nana people are crazy, what's the situation? She suddenly panicked, but pretended to be calm and said: "Huh? I wouldn't be so dishonest."

Song Zhuer: "Understood."

Ou Nana: "..."

You know a hammer, why did you know?

Sitting in the last row of the auditorium in the studio, Li Tiezhu can see the artists rehearsing, and playing games will not disturb them.

At this moment, an actress after the rehearsal held milk tea and walked towards Li Tiezhu, saying hello: "Hello Li Tiezhu, I sing your song too, okay?"

Li Tiezhu raised his head and glanced, was a little dizzy, lowered his head and continued the game: "Ah...I didn't listen. Are you?"

The actress was dumbfounded: "I am your senior sister Meng Zuoyi. I have recorded two shows with you. Can you forget this?"

Li Tiezhu took another look, but still didn't recognize it, his face was blind: "Oh~ hello."

It may be that her chest is too dazzling and difficult to identify.

Meng Zuoyi sat next to him: "Do you like playing games, too?"

Li Tiezhu: "Uncle Chen, there is someone in front."

Uncle Chen: "Get in the car, drive to shake them, I will drive."

Meng Zuoyi: "Tie Zhu, when did you and Ou Nana meet?"

Li Tiezhu: "I met when we first met."

"Um... are you hungry? I'm over with the rehearsal, shall we go buy something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, as long as I'm full, I won't be hungry."

" are so dark, have you ever thought about whitening? Or plastic surgery? I know a very good doctor..."

"I am dark mainly because of my dark skin. If my skin is white, I wouldn't be so dark."

"It makes sense... Are Zhu'er's family satisfied with you?"

"Her parents are very good to me. Her parents are a father and a mother."

"Huh? Otherwise?"

Meng Zuoy felt that Li Tiezhu was talking nonsense.

Because Li Tiezhu didn't want to talk to her, and the battle was fierce, how could I get the experience of chatting with this elder sister?

Song Zhuer and Ou Nana were rehearsing on stage. When the director group communicated with the band, they rested on the sidelines.

Ou Nana: "Look, that woman is seduce Li Tiezhu. It's all over and she doesn't wear a jacket yet."

Song Zhuer: "Meng Zoe! We have known each other a long time ago, haha."

"Aren't you angry?"

"She's pretty good-looking, and she has a good body. Why should I be angry?"

"No, she wants to grab your boyfriend."

"You can't take it away."

"Then what if she has something to do with Tie Zhu."

"That is her blessing."

"Huh? What do you think of the problem?"

"Anyway, my Tie Zhu is a man, and he doesn't suffer."


Ou Nana can only sigh like that, she now finally understands why Li Tiezhu can have such a thrilling play, and it was Shochiku's pampering it. Li Tiezhu’s situation is more common in Daiwan and Xiangjiang, but there are not many mainland entertainment circles.

This Shochiku is very angry!

Ou Nana was born in Duwan. The elders in the family are all top stars. They are well informed and have strong relationships with thieves. This is also the reason why she became popular.

She said: "My aunt has a seaside villa in Jinmen, which is not big, but has a private beach. Let's have a party tomorrow."

Song Zhu'er likes the bustle the most, she must go to the party and the wine bureau, and said: "Okay! I'll steal two bottles of Maotai."


At this moment, Li Tiezhu lost the game and looked at Meng Zuoy with a strange expression: "What are you doing?"

Meng Zuoyi licked his lips: "Drink milk tea."

Li Tiezhu lowered his head.

Meng Zui's hand was in gear, and the gear lever was swayed to fly.

Because the front row is used as a backrest to block I am not afraid of being seen by the people in front.

Li Tiezhu: "Sister, please respect yourself!"

Meng Zuoyi said: "Tie Zhu is indeed a great weapon! Go play your game, and I'll just stay away."

Li Tiezhu avoided and continued to play a game, which was really... strange.

When he and Meng Zuoyi were in "Taohuawu", although nothing happened, it was equivalent to something happened. What Li Tiezhu couldn't figure out was that she was clearly humiliated by Song Zhuer, so why did she always come to me? Shameless?

Meng Zuoyi looked at Song Zhuer on the stage, smiled, and said that my old lady couldn't take you if he didn't believe me!

Then, she leaned in and said, "Shoot! Why don't you shoot at the person in front of you?"

Li Tiezhu: "That's a teammate, hiss~ You let me go!"

Meng Zuoyi let go, she just teased Li Tiezhu.


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