Earthy Superstar

Chapter 790: : The whole big news

The commander couldn't breathe this breath. He backhandedly posted on Facebook to sell Douyin to the US company, including the core algorithm of Douyin, otherwise the Douyin app would be removed from the US.

Then, Facebook marked his account as unconfirmed news, and labelled the general leader's account as "frequently spreading false information".

The major platforms in the United States are working together to "block" the leader, and Twitter is also engaging in him.

Therefore, everyone is watching the general leader fighting with several major platforms, but no one cares about the general leader's criticism of Li Tiezhu, and it has not even attracted any attention.

It's also a joke in the country, except for Wu Litao.

He once again took the lead on Douyin, but the head was so frustrated that he couldn't look back at him, which made Wu Litao feel ignored and continued to stab him.

Li Tiezhu ignored these, and he had been preparing for the concert for the next few days.

Although there was no arrangement for him to dance, he still had to move, at least not to collide with the dancers, and to cooperate with elevators, fireworks, coercion, etc. It was quite hard to practice.

This concert was Li Tiezhu's second concert, and he finally got a lot of money.

The so-called lenient refers to the number of songs. At the first concert, more than a dozen songs were really scratching. Now Li Tiezhu’s songs have exceeded 30, which happens to be the number of songs in a concert. The total time is three or four hours.

This is definitely an individual task, but Li Tiezhu has good physical strength.

A few days later, I got the school transcript, passed all subjects, and Li Tiezhu was able to prepare for the concert with all his strength.

On July 24th, Li Tiezhu took the concert team to Toronto, Maple Leaf Country.

Including dancers, accompaniment bands, makeup artists, prop artists, photographers, lighting engineers, logistics and other personnel, all brought from China, there are more than 700 people in total, which can be described as a huge project.

This is not all the personnel. The security personnel are in charge of Heiwaer and they are all packaged. In addition, the leading troops arrive at the site one week in advance in accordance with the order of each station for arrangement.

In addition to personnel, there are also many equipment, especially band instruments.

For this concert, Li Tiezhu's studio has packaged three planes, all of which are the C818, a domestic long-distance large plane. The plane has two floors and can carry 300 people. In order to be safe, Zhang Xiaomeng once suggested to pack a Boeing 777, which can take four hundred people and has more space. Two planes are enough, but Li Tiezhu directly refused.

It’s not purely to support domestic production, but Li Tiezhu’s trust in American aircrafts is not the case. What if all three aircraft have "technical failures"?

After all, there are too many such things.

As soon as he arrived in Toronto and checked into the hotel, Li Tiezhu accepted an exclusive interview with Maple Leaf Country National Television. This is a long-awaited collaboration. Li Tiezhu’s concert in Toronto will be followed up by Maple Leaf Country’s National Television Station. The concert will also be broadcast live on TV. .

TV broadcast? sure! Afraid that no one will watch the concert later? Shit, it's true that no one buys a DVD, but it doesn't matter.

Most of the star concerts are not allowed to be broadcast live, just to sell DVDs.

This thing... it was packaged and sold directly to a U.S. film and television company. Whether it sells well or not, it’s a matter of Li Tiezhu's ass. Besides, I still watch DVDs in all ages.

Before the interview, Li Tiezhu asked the make-up artist to make-up, and he was used to it, and all of them were light makeup.

The translator Li Xiaofei came in and asked Li Tiezhu: "Brother Zhu, when interviewing later, should I translate it into Mandarin or Xichuan?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Of course it is in Xichuan dialect."

Li Xiaofei: "I know."

Li Xiaofei is a fresh graduate from Xichuan University of Foreign Studies, a slightly fat Xichuan girl. Because she is proficient in the five languages ​​of English, French, Italian, Japanese, and Bang, she was transferred as a translator for Li Tiezhu.

Mainly to save money, fresh graduates are cheaper.

After a while, Li Tiezhu and Li Xiaofei were taken to a hotel reception room by Zhang Xiaomeng, where the TV station staff had already been waiting here.

The reporter, or host, who interviewed Li Tiezhu was a white aunt in her forties with blond hair and blue eyes and freckles.

Everyone takes their seats one by one.

"Hello! Ainpela Lee, this is Lori Wilborn, you can call me Lori."

"If you want something, what do you want to eat at noon?"

Li Xiaofei translated into English: "Ok! Nice to meet you, Ms. Lori."

The interview has actually begun, and both the cameraman and the radio operator have started to work.

"Li, is this the first time you have come to the beautiful Maple Leaf Country?"

"When I come back, I can't reach Fang Dao (can't find the direction)."

"Why did you think of holding a concert in Toronto? Is it because you like this city, or what?"

"Um... my agent told me that people here are stupid and money... No, the fans of this place are very enthusiastic. A few months ago, tens of thousands of fans took to the streets and asked me to hold a concert here, so I came here NS."

"Oh, isn't it? I heard about that too, Emijin! It's hard to imagine that an Oriental can gain so many fans in Maple Leaf Country."

"I don't know what these old men are thinking about (translation: I feel very honored, it's beyond my imagination)."

"I heard that your concert tickets have been sold out. There are 20,000 tickets."


"The Emperor Bless you, but I think you may encounter some difficulties, because our people are very free and may scare you."

"for example?"

"For example, when you are naked at a concert, would you be scared? A little boy with black eyes!"

"Uh, are you talking about a man or a woman?"

"Both, but I guess there are more women, if they listen to the song and listen to it."

"This is immoral."

"No, no, it's very ethical! You are too conservative."

Lori shrugged.

Li Tiezhu's expression became weird. Which woman would do such a thing in public? Is it neurotic? It must scare people. These Western media have always been like this.

He said: "Of course I respect your customs, but I hope that female fans will not do this."

Without a word, Lori took off her white shirt, very fast.

Lori wore black underwear and said, "You know, in our country, we can do anything if we want. And you, obviously, are not ready yet, little boy."

Because Ainpela Lee is very famous in Beimi, Lori worked hard to get this interview opportunity.

This time, she was going to make a big news.

Li Tiezhu forcefully calmed down and said, "Madam, how about going on TV, will you cut this paragraph out?"

Lori snapped, unbuttoned her underwear, threw it aside, and looked at Li Tiezhu with a smile: "No, it won't be reduced, but it will be mosaic."

Li Tiezhu was dumbfounded, and the translator Li Xiaofei was also confused. Zhang Xiaomeng was angry, and he didn't write anything in the interview.

On the contrary, the staff of the TV station is very calm, obviously it is a well-designed link.

This is too awesome, right?

Li Tiezhu’s lack of knowledge can only be blamed. This Lori made her famous. She interviewed the mayor only six years ago, and then became famous in a single battle.

Obviously, this time she was going to borrow Li Tiezhu's name.

Li Tiezhu felt a bit disgusting, because this was the ugliest female body he had ever seen in his life, after all, the small animals were all very good.

Li Xiaofei covered her eyes, and this scene was also filmed by the cameraman.

The program team probably wants to use this interview as a gimmick to increase popularity and ratings.

Lori continued the interview: "In fact, I hope you from the East can better understand our culture. Here, everyone has the right to reveal their own body, and there is no restriction. We have another one. The festival is called'Tops Red Fruit Festival'. Ainpela Lee, what do you think about this?"

Li Tiezhu thought for a while and said, "This show, no, festival, it's pretty good, I support you."

"Thank you! You are braver than I thought. I heard that you have invited some Maple Leaf Country stars. Can you tell me their names?"

"I'll tell you a shovel. (Translation: Sorry! This is a secret.

"Your songs are all Chinese songs, will you worry that fans will not understand it, which will affect the performance of the concert?"

"Yes, I hope these fans learn some Chinese."

As the interview continued, Luo Li had not put on any clothes, and Li Tiezhu was even a little nauseous.

This interview lasted for half an hour, and Rory asked a lot.

Moreover, it was broadcast on Maple Leaf Country National TV in the afternoon, with only a thin mosaic on Lori's chest.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately swept Beimi and became the headline of Beimi's news.

Soon, the video was uploaded to Oil Tank and Douyin, which sparked discussions.

Some people think that Lori did a good job and let the closed and conservative Orientals see the charm of freedom. Some people think that Lori’s behavior is offensive and very uncultivated. Most Asians feel that this is really right. Discrimination among Asians.

The most amazing thing is that a group of female boxers from the Maple Leaf Country rushed in secret, began to scan tickets in an organized way, preparing for the whole work at Li Tiezhu's concert.

The video was sent back to the country, and the hot search headlines were airborne immediately, and Wang Feng, who was about to celebrate his wedding anniversary, became temperless.

Domestic netizens regard this as a joke, and Maple Leaf Country is indeed a group of mentally retarded people.

Li Tiezhu didn't pay much attention, his eyes hurt.

He was busy with the rehearsal Things fermented to the next day, and Zhang Xiaomeng told him that he had been robbed of tickets for Li Tiezhu's concert online, and the ticket price had tripled.

Although Li Tiezhu couldn't make the money, his influence has increased, and the ticket price of the scalpers who took the next few stops has increased.

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, why do I have to thank the old aunt with spicy eyes?

The heat and gimmicks just rise from the ground so steeply.

On the evening of July 26, at 6:30 local time, the concert began, and the whole process was broadcast live on Maple Leaf Country National Television.

Justin first went up to the warm-up, singing and dancing combined to bring a "uncommon characters".

Then, Li Tiezhu appeared on the stage, preparing to start with a rock "Broad Sea and Sky" to make everyone irritated. As a result, the prelude sounded and the scene irritated.

On the left side of the stand, hundreds of white girls were all stripped and trembling over there, and the audience burst into excitement!

Li Tiezhu was stunned: This is the rhythm of the whole big news again!

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