Earthy Superstar

Chapter 805: : Sing for 5000 years

The audience in the audience felt sore. Li Tiezhu used a unique way of comparing ancient and modern to fully interpret the five thousand years of Chinese spiritual power. Every Chinese son and daughter will be proud of it.

Our today is the result of five thousand years of unremitting efforts, neither stealing nor looting.

When the two generations of Shennong were here, the atmosphere became more surging, and the applause and cheers continued.

Guo Gangde yelled to Yu Qian: "It's kind of interesting? Brother!"

The audience is too boring if you don't hear it loudly.

Yu Qian nodded: "Don't brag, Tie Zhu's level, he should go to direct the next Olympic Games."

"Such a dick? Did you see it too?"

"Hey! No one is a fool. This is just the beginning. There are dynasties and dynasties behind. This show... Tie Zhu has to understand it!"

"Well, let's take a look, there will be tens of thousands of people crying in the stands later, a snot bubble is brighter than a light stick."

"Jiao'er, how bad are you!"

Live barrage:

"It really is Shennong!"

"The two generations of Shennong are on the same stage, it's really blasted."

"Brother Seriousness finally got serious."

"This stuff has been here for ten years."

"It's really time to organize those traffic influencers to organize and watch it again."

"I also need to write about the afterthought, no less than 1,500 words."

"Is it damaged?"

"Hexia's dream of enjoying the cold will come true!"

The singing continued, Han Hong sang:

Sunrise sunset sunrise sunset

Song of the long years

A drop of bitter wine is a book of history

A drop of blood is a monument

You are calling

I am calling

Joy, anger, sorrow and joy are all songs

On the stage, floods swept away towns and villages, the land broke, and the people's corpses were everywhere.

Then, a person stood up and led everyone to dig canals and dikes to control the flood. After a long and arduous struggle, I finally surrendered the raging waves of thousands of miles, and the world regained its vitality.

Li Tiezhu:

Listen to people singing

Leaving only the grace of God

The legend of the **** The legend of the god

Leaving only the legend of the ethereal god

On the big screen, everyone is familiar with the "old news" picture of flood fighting and disaster relief 20 years ago.

In the face of the monstrous flood, a group of people struggled to meet the difficulties first. Seeing the collapsed dam, one young child after another jumped into the water and built the dam of life with flesh and blood.

In the picture, several soldiers were swept away by the flood and never returned. Some villagers begged these children to stop jumping into the water, but they were united and never retreated.

At the end of the picture, the flood receded, and all the muddy children collapsed on the tidal flat... fell asleep.

The audience was deeply shocked.

The first scene is still a distant legend, romantic and magnificent, but the latter scene is a history witnessed by most people, tragic and vivid.

This nation has never lacked heroes, because each of them has an indelible divinity engraved in their bones-man will conquer the sky!

When encountering a flood, we will not sit still, nor will we flee in a hurry.

Many people shed tears silently in the stands, probably a kind of happy tears, right?

Live barrage is densely packed:

"Long live!"

"Dayu's water management is engraved in our genes..."

"See this picture once and cry once."

"God bless China, I hope this situation will not happen again in the future."

"Really, apart from China, which other country's military would do this?"

"For the disaster relief troops without guns, this family has no semicolon."

"Mud is all over the trouser legs, sweat soaks through the back..."

"That flood was a war."

"This is the pride that only Chinese people understand."

"Li Tiezhu cried Lao Tzu again!"

"Thousands of years ago, when we encountered a flood, we chose to be tough, let alone now?"

"I heard that there was a man-made Noah's Ark running away, puff..."

The music of "The Legend of God" slowly fell, and the accompaniment of "China Never Stopping" was cleverly connected.

On the stage, someone engraved on the tortoise shell, an old man was fishing, and then someone put their arms around Miki and watched the lighted beacon fire.

Li Tiezhu walked on the stage, passing between them:

When is the tyrant

The smoke passed away in the dunes

Qin Dao extolled those immortal laws

What's the difference between slave princes

The Great Wall collapsed

The hero's end brings a new life to the world

Chen Yisen is still singing on the small stage on the right:

Who is back with white hair alone

Camel bell floats to Rome

Vertical and horizontal Shuo Mo, Han Hai, drinking horses as home


On the stage, various scenes were staged in turn. Some people were holding He's Bi and hitting a pillar, some were cracked at the gate of the city by a car, some led their disciples to travel around, and some rode a buffalo west out of Hangu Pass...

When the two of them finished singing this passage, the horns blew, and a sense of desolation came over their faces.

This is the prelude to "Rolling Yangtze River East".

Tengol's singing sounded:

The Yangtze River is rolling eastward

The waves scoured the heroes

Right and wrong

Green hills are still there

Sunset red

As expected to be Teacher Tengger, a tragic and sad song, I was surprised to be sung heroically and domineeringly by him, and there is a wild sense of sweeping Liuhe, very... suitable!

On the stage at this time, King Qin stood on the huge map of Kyushu, letting the nine golden men guard Kyushu. Behind them, among the rolling mountains, a majestic Great Wall was quickly built, like a giant dragon lying across the north of Kyushu.


"I almost laughed..."

"Uncle Tengger sang "Rolling Yangtze River Flood", right?"

"Cangjie making characters, Jiang Taigong fishing, Muye's battle, returning to Zhao after the end, Shang Yang's reform was cracked by a car, Confucius studying abroad, Laozi leaving Hanguguan..."

"The front is awesome!"

"Next is the Qin and Han dynasties!"

"The first emperor is still awesome, and established the great unification of China."

"Great Wall……"

Li Tiezhu also changed his singing style and moved closer to Uncle Chaoteng. After all, this period of history should be bold and domineering:

Baifa Yuqiao Jiangzhushang

Used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze

Reunion with a pot of dirty wine

How many things in ancient and modern times

Are all laughing and talking

The big screen lights up again, this time with videos and photos of the frontier troops.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains in Xinzang, the young soldiers were full of cracks and frostbite, but stood like pine in the wind and snow. On the plateau of Xijiang, soldiers led horses to patrol the side, and it took half a month to return from a patrol. On the ice field in the Northland, the soldiers stood guard in the dark, with a dark night sky and brilliant aurora above their heads.

But in southern Xinjiang, the islands took root and sprouted like seeds... grew up, and built barracks, airports, ports, and... vegetable gardens on them.

This is the Great Wall of China in the new era...The Shield of China.

There was thunderous applause off the court.

Then, two cavalry (of course fake) appeared on the stage, one wearing yellow armor and the other wearing red armor, and they went to the northwest on the map of Kyushu left by King Qin.

Huang Jia is from the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Red Jia from the Western Han Dynasty. Of course, there may not be many audiences who can understand it.


"The new Great Wall is awesome!"

"I thought the Great Wall contrasted with the first island chain..."

"The Great Wall of Flesh is too shocking!"

"What's the situation with the two cavalry? Is there anyone to talk about?"

"In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Tude and yellow. After the invasion of Wang Mang and usurping the Han, gold was born in the new dynasty. After Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, was restored to Han Dynasty, he used fire to suppress gold.

"Although I don't understand, but it feels so awesome."

"To put it simply, the yellow cavalry was Huo Qubing of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the red cavalry was Dou Xianle Shi Yanran of the Western Han Dynasty."

"Damn! Li Tiezhu still knows this?"

"Don't you really think that Li Tiezhu is a fool, do you?"


Baifa Yuqiao Jiangzhushang

Used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze

Reunion with a pot of dirty wine

How many things in ancient and modern times

Are all laughing and talking

The stage was dim, and videos of Chinese peacekeeping forces and the fight against Somali pirates were shown on the big screen.

In fact, the comparison in this paragraph is not very appropriate. Who makes us love peace? Hey!

But the audience still love to watch this, applause can explain the problem.

After singing "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water", Li Tiezhu and Chen Yisen continued "China Never Stops". It was obvious that Li Tiezhu was going to use this song to connect the entire Chinese history and interpret them all.

Moreover, the emphasis of each period of history is different. For example, you can no longer pay attention to martial arts in the two Jins than the Songs, nor can you show commercial prosperity in the ancient and pre-Qin periods.

After this period of the history of the Qin and Han Dynasties, it came to the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. The lyrics about this paragraph in "China Does Not Stop" are sad, but Li Tiezhu can't be sad. He chose to start with culture and art.

There is a very suitable song, "Lanting Preface".

This song was sung by Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu. The dance and video are also closely related to the key point of culture. Among them, the most important comparison between ancient and modern is... In ancient times, Wang Xizhi's cursive writing of "The Preface of the Lanting Pavilion" after drinking has made it an eternal masterpiece. Today, there is Taizong pointing to the world of dung. In the past, the arrogant Genghis Khan only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles!

What they have in common is...Calligraphy!

And it's the same way of comparison, ancient and modern, but today is better than the past.

After that, there were Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Of course Li Tiezhu sang the song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty".

The song used in Song Liao and Jin Dynasties is "East Wind Broken".

The Meng Yuan Daming used the "Compendium of Materia Medica".

At the end of this song, Xu Xiake measured thousands of miles of rivers and mountains with his feet on the stage while wearing leggings, and the emperor of the capital had already lost the country’s self-hanging branches.

This dynasty is also sad, Li Tiezhu can only find another way and compare Tu Youyou with Li Shizhen.

When Li Shizhen, who wrote "Compendium of Materia Medica" under the lamp, meets a Nobel Prize-winning sage, the scene is also exciting.

Then came the period of the Republic of China.

The song that Li Tiezhu chose was... "Red Actress".

Song Zhuer sang with Li She sang pretty well, more reliable than many singers.

Li Tiezhu never liked Tar Qing, so the first scene on the stage was... Yangzhou Jiading Shitu on the 3rd and Qianlong Sixth Going to the South of the Yangtze River. These two scenes were presented on the stage at the same time, which seemed shocking. Quite ironic.

Immediately afterwards, there was the Opium War, the enemy's gunboats were rampant, and the Old Summer Palace burst into flames.

Song Zhuer sang:

Fan open and close the gongs and drums sound and silent

Who can tell the outsider in the drama

Used to hide happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness

How to sing and sing through the old words

The stage suddenly went dark, and the big screen lights up again, and the support army drove the Allied Forces of the Sixteen Nations to rush to the pigs.

This time, Li Tiezhu did not use the previous analogy, but chose...inversely.

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