Earthy Superstar

Chapter 821: : Troublesome

Zhao Liya blushed instantly: "I'm sorry! I...I don't know they are so difficult..."

Nie Yao also sighed: "It's really not easy. We took it for granted. Go find them."

But where can I find it?

This family is a single family, and there are no neighbors nearby, and there is no one to ask.

Zheng Yuan said: "I know where their land is, I'll go look for it. You are all exhausted too. Just coming from the city to the mountains, it is normal if you are not used to it. Just now, it was because of my bad attitude. Go ahead, I'll go find them."

Zhao Liya and Nie Yao had no face to rest, and hurriedly followed Zheng Yuan to find someone.

Who is not from the city yet?

This Zheng Yuan was also a college student from the city, and he was still a schoolmaster.

After walking a mile up the mountain, the three of them came to a paddy field. There were only rice piles that began to sprout again after harvesting, and there was no one.

So they went down the mountain again, walked two miles down the mountain, and came to a cornfield.

The two old men were breaking corn in the field.

Zheng Yuan said: "It's them. Because they are getting older, they are not able to work well, so the corn is grown separately, morning, afternoon and evening, and each season is separated by 20 or 30 days, so that they can get busy."

Most villagers only grow early corn, and harvest rice after harvesting corn, so now the other families in the village have all harvested their grains.

Of course, it is also because many young people go out to work, and the village grows a lot less food.

Nie Yao looked at the sky. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the clouds had cleared and the sun began to appear. Isn't it hot to work now? This place is cold at night and hot during the day. The weather is too uncomfortable. No wonder Li Tiezhu is so dark.

"Send the two old people back, it's too hot."

He felt a little intolerable.

Zheng Yuan walked to the cornfield: "They won't go back, I will help them break the corn, and by the way the investigation will be done."

At this time, the old man was still breaking the corn, and the aunt was sitting next to rest, wearing a taro leaf hat on her head. It looked funny at first, but she looked cute again.

The auntie saw Zheng Yuan and others and was very enthusiastic: "Xiao Zheng is here? It's hot outside. If you have anything to do, just call us to the office."

The uncle was humpbacked, and threw a corn in the back basket with difficulty, staring at Zheng Yuan with an unkind expression, "Why are you here again?"

Looking at Nie Yao, Zhao Liya and the staff behind Zheng Yuan again, his brows deepened.

Zheng Yuan smiled without talking, and went straight to help break the corn.

The aunt hurriedly stopped: "No matter what, no matter! How can college students break the valley, they know they are going to poke my spine..."

Too simple.

Nie Yao and Zhao Liya also learned to break the corn, which was very difficult.

Zhao Liya, who was thin and tender, was pulled out several times by the corn leaves, and it was itchy and painful, but she did not stop gritting her teeth.

Zheng Yuan asked, "Mother, how good is your Baogu harvest this year?"

The aunt said: "What the hell... I've worked a lot, and finally took it back. It has been raining last month, and it has rotted hundreds of catties of corn..."

The uncle interrupted: "Is it possible to feed the pigs if they are rotten? Isn't they necessarily hungry?"

The aunt seemed a little frightened, and sighed and said, "People don't die from starvation... Even if the mountain gets steeper and steeper, the less you pick the buds and valleys."

Where the mountain has become steep, it is clear that people have grown old.

The uncle said hardly: "Which one? I can still pick more than a hundred catties! Where is this mountain steep? Is there a new Tibetan Daxue Mountain steep?"

The auntie lowered her eyebrows and did not dare to refute.

Zheng Yuan: "Uncle Liu, don't be aggressive. Auntie, what's the problem in the family recently?"

Uncle Liu has a foreign surname, which is why he lives in a single family. This was the reality in the countryside decades ago.

The aunt glanced at her wife and said courageously: "There is nothing else to do, but the money for the school uniform is not enough for the Yongwa school."

Uncle Liu: "You will get money if you sell the pig! Not necessarily, the money will fall from the sky?"

Zheng Yuan: "After investigating the situation of your family, the state will provide subsidies..."

Uncle Liu: "I don't want it!"

Zheng Yuan: "It's not a question of whether you want it or not, uncle, this is the country's policy."

Uncle Liu: "I can still work, so I don't want any charity."

Hard to beat!

Although Uncle Liu has a camel back, his spiritual backbone is extremely straight.

Zhao Liya murmured as she approached Nie Yao, she didn't like this Uncle Liu a little bit. What happened to her being poor? My wife can't take care of her well, and she wants to face and suffer.

Nie Yao was concerned about Zheng Yuan's work. It was not easy for them, and the difficulties they usually encountered must be very, very many.

After investigating some more, Zheng Yuan took the time to take out a notebook and record it.

Uncle Liu came out with a basket of corn on his back, only to see the camera lens of the staff, and he was immediately annoyed: "What are you taking? Which one allows you to take? I am poor, but I don't steal or steal..."

Even the old man took up his pole as if he was going to fight.

Zheng Yuan hurriedly stopped and made it clear to him that this was the person who was recording the show by Li Tiezhu, and then Uncle Liu put out his anger: "Tie Zhu's baby, still has a backbone..."

Then, Uncle Liu took out half of the corn in the back basket and filled the two baskets, and put the taro leaf hat that fell on the ground on his wife’s head to cover the sun, and said, “Go! Go home and drink some water. not easy."

The auntie secretly took the buds from a few baskets and put them back in her back basket, and walked away on her back.

Uncle Liu hunched back and struggling to pick up two baskets of corn to follow behind: "You go slower and let me go ahead. When you are tired, take a breath. I will go back first and then come to pick you up."

The auntie puts a taro leaf on her head: "You old hunchback is still picking me up, you just need to relax a little by yourself."

Zhao Liya, who originally had a great opinion on Uncle Liu, suddenly had a little wet eye sockets and fanned her hand: "Huh..."

A group of people began to climb up the mountain, very slowly.

While resting, Zheng Yuan rushed to help Uncle Liu pick the corn, but he couldn't pick it up.

Nie Yao tried it too, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and the basket did not move.

Uncle Liu snorted: "One generation is not as good as one..."

Nie Yao: "???"

What is this?

Why is the previous generation inferior to the previous generation?

However, Zhao Liya saw Uncle Liu unscrew the plastic tea jar that was already full of tea grime and could not see the original color, let the auntie drink water, and then screwed it up and hung it on the basket.

Finally, it was Uncle Liu who picked the corn, and Nie Yao and Zheng Yuan helped the aunt to carry the corn.

This winding and steep mountain road is struggling to climb with bare hands, let alone carrying a heavy load.

On the way back, I met an old man picking up dung, and he washed the uncle Liu: "Humpback, you are going to live in a new house! It's so cozy."

Uncle Liu: "Ann your mother!"

The man scolded and scolded and walked away.

After finally getting home, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

The aunt greeted everyone graciously to sit down, and then went to get a bowl for everyone to serve herbal tea.

Uncle Liu did not greet people, and sat under the eaves, peeling corn.

A bench of the Eight Immortals Table was placed upside down on the ground. Two rubber shoes were nailed to the legs of the stool. When dried corn cobs were rubbed on the soles of the shoes, the corn kernels fell off in pieces.

Zheng Yuan and the aunt chatted for a while, wrote and drew notes, and then said: "Ten of the resettlement houses have been repaired. In principle, priority is given to resettling extremely poor households. You are one of them. The house has three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one kitchen. Wei, there is a small courtyard with a bed, a cupboard, a table, and a gas stove. Of course, the gas is still not available. Moreover, the state distributes three kinds of household appliances for free..."

The aunt's eyes are shining, but from time to time she sneaks at Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu threw away a corncob: "I'm not going!"

Zheng Yuan smiled and said: "The average villager has to pay 30,000 yuan, and the ordinary poor households pay 10,000 yuan. You are extremely poor households, and you can move in directly without paying..."

Lijia Village is also building resettlement houses on the flat ground next to the village committee. Not many, many villagers are not poor enough to meet the standards. Therefore, only a small construction team was invited to build several buildings slowly, and the repaired ones were delivered to the destitute households first.

Therefore, in addition to conducting follow-up investigations, Zheng Yuanlai has another purpose today, which is to mobilize Uncle Liu to move.

Brother Shu and the other three destitute households are all looking forward to moving to a new home, but Uncle Liu is unwilling and very persistent.

Despite Zheng Yuan's words, Uncle Liu remained motionless: "Don't go!"

The aunt said: "Humpback, I went to see those houses in Ha last month, and they were beautifully repaired..."

Uncle Liu said angrily: "If you want to go, I won't go, I'm going to die in this room."

Zheng Yuan: "The old house will not be demolished! You can come back and have a look at any time, which is equivalent to having two houses."

Uncle Liu: "Don't go."

Zhao Liya couldn't bear it: "Why don't you go, tell me a reason."

Uncle Liu glanced at the little girl: "No merit will not be rewarded!"

Zhao Liya was so angry, her little tiger's teeth creaked, but she was speechless.

As a result, the mobilization fell into a deadlock.

Zhao Liya's little head turned, and she suddenly asked, "How long does your grandson have to go to and from school?"

Auntie: "More than an hour."

The school is halfway up the mountain. It takes half an hour to walk to the village committee, and there is still half an hour to get to the village committee.

Zhao Liya said: "It's okay now. When it comes to winter, the school day in the morning is still dark, and it is dark and cold after school in the evening... The resettlement room is much closer to the school, and the winter is not leaky and warm."

Uncle Liu stopped peeling the corn, panting like a cow.

Yongwa is very well-behaved and has very good grades. Every year, her hands and feet are covered with frostbite on her ears, and she will bleed almost every year. The old couple feel the most distressed.

Everyone looked at Uncle Liu.

After a long while, Uncle Liu said: "I... don't want household appliances."

Everyone was overjoyed and gave Zhao Liya a thumbs up.

At least half of it succeeded!

Zhao Liya is so proud, huh! You bad old man, fight with me?

She followed the overjoyed aunt into the house to pack her things. Although she was not moving now, she couldn't bear her excitement.

The aunt began to dig through the boxes and cabinets to find something, and shared with Zhao Liya, this is her dowry, and that was bought when his son was alive...

Outside, Zheng Yuan is still asking Uncle Liu why he is not willing to! "

Uncle Liu squatted in the corner without speaking, looking at the mountains to the west, wondering what he was doing in a daze.

Zheng Yuan: "Uncle, please tell the truth. This is my job. Learn more about the real reasons. I will be able to do other jobs in the future."

Uncle Liu looked into the distance without speaking.

At this time, Zhao Liya came out of the house, touched Nie Yao with a strange expression, and showed him her mobile phone: "I just turned over under the box in the room. Auntie is illiterate. I took it."

In the mobile phone is a photo of the certificate, which says that Comrade Liu Wangchun won the second prize of the New Tibetan Military Region in 1962.

Nie Yao suddenly became solemn, and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Humpback can't be a soldier!

Over there, Uncle Liu turned his head away, no longer looking at the mountains to the west, and said blankly: "Hey! Those who have hands and feet, how can it cause trouble to the country..."

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