Earthy Superstar

Chapter 824: : Tree brother is professional

Zhao Liya smiled with arms akimbo, then high-five with Chen Chichi, then with Nie Yao and Li Tiezhu, even Oh Huo was forced to high-five, she looked at the donkey under the tree house again... Forget it, don't be too high-profile.


"Yah, good!"

"Zhao Liya, this kid is smart since she was young."

"Wang Jiafang is dumbfounded, hahahaha..."

"One Chen Chichi, one Zhao Liya, the director is dead."

"Isn't it said that you can deliver takeaways anywhere?"

"Do you really believe it?"

"A few of them were panicked, and they used a donkey to go to a camel to take out..."

"Donkey: Are you polite?"

Wang Zhengyu remedy the situation and said: "Additionally, there are only two opportunities to order takeaway. You only buy one time and only one is left."

Chen Chichi laughed: "It doesn't matter! I can eat and drink well tomorrow!"

Li Tiezhu: "Who is the decent person ordering takeaways every day? A waste of money. We will build the team again in the last issue. It is enough."

Nie Yao: "Yes! In the last issue, we will invite the whole village to eat."

Li Tiezhu: "I can't make it! Brother Yao, do you know how many people there are in the village?"

Nie Yao: "Then...cut it off, when I didn't say it."

Zhao Liya kept silent, and even went to Brother Yao's hot spot to browse the menus of less than ten restaurants in the town, and her saliva almost came out.

She is a true gourmet. When she was in Shudu, she often rode her own small-speed electric scooter all over the city to find delicious food.

Weiwei duck brains from the tea shop, Shuangliu mother rabbit head, Baijia fat rice noodles, Yulin Chuanchuanxiang, sad jelly from Kuanzhai Alleys, and Maocai from the commune opposite the Sichuan University Garden. Once she ran to Jianyang to eat. A qualified mutton soup.

Wang Zhengyu told them to abide by the rules of the show, but no one listened to him. They all gathered around Zhao Liya to discuss what to order tomorrow.

That night, Chen Chichi got his wish and fell asleep in the tree house.

The next morning, Chen Chichi climbed down from the tree house with a chicken coop hairstyle and rubbed his eyes.

Li Tiezhu looked at the red sunbap in the east, then took out his phone and glanced at the time, and said, "Brother Chi Chi, are you having a nightmare? Why did you wake up so early today? It's not like your style!"

Chen Chichi yawned: "The smell of donkey urine is too irritating...spicy eyes. I recommend Li Dan to come here to experience it!"

Impossible, Li Tiezhu would never invite that fool.

Li Tiezhu: "Hahahahaha..."

The tree house feng shui is so great!

Nie Yao said, "Tie Zhu, shall all our guests stay in the tree house in the future? This can train them to go to bed and get up early without delaying work."

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Brother Yao is still thinking carefully!"

Chen Chichi looked at Nie Yao speechlessly: "Brother, you broke up with Li Tiezhu..."

Nie Yao: "Tie Zhu has opened up my second line of Ren and Du!"

Zhao Liya said to Chen Chichi, "Thank you, brother. I also said that the tree house will be used as a female dormitory in the future. Since the feng shui is so good, let's be the guest dormitory! I will continue to live in the duck-catching hut, which is quite cool."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I said why Chen Chichi got up so early suddenly!"

"Donkey: Don't be afraid of Chichi, I wake you up on time every morning."

"Nie Yao has also gone bad!"

"Zhao Liya is too."

"Are you afraid that there is no misunderstanding about Zhao Liya, she still needs to be bad?"

"Lengba: Yaya is the little devil."

A group of people were eating cabbage buns, and the director came to announce today's mission.

There are two tasks. One is to continue to upgrade the Primitive Home, separate dormitories for boys and girls, and reward 3 points. The second is to clean the four poverty alleviation and resettlement houses at the entrance of the village, and reward 8 points. Only when all of them are completed can they get points.

Li Tiezhu stuffed two buns in his mouth, and raised his hands: "Director, does the program team issue cleaning tools?"

Wang Zhengyu: "Fa! There are brooms, shovel, mops, rags, buckets..."

Li Tiezhu asked again: "Will I give it back to you when I use it up?"

Wang Zhengyu: "..."

No way, the Primitive Home lacks everything.

Although this season they will not build this beautiful small villa like the previous season, but use the simplest and simplest way of life to experience poverty, and participate in and help poverty alleviation as much as possible, but... there is no rag, It is indeed a bit miserable.

Li Tiezhu wanted to contribute her underwear as a rag, but Zhao Liya refused.

Nie Yao said: "Of course the tools have to be returned, but the tools are easy to damage and easy to lose..."

Zhao Liya said: "Indeed, we may lose some tools, and then suddenly find some tools in a very magical place in a few days. Life is so wonderful! Director, you don't have to pay for something, right?"

Chen Chichi: "Hahahaha..."

Wang Zhengyu said angrily: "Forget it! No need to pay it back, you can take it back after you use it up."

Li Tiezhu said, "Is there a vacuum cleaner? A robot cleaner will do."

Wang Zhengyu: "Almost there, do you have electricity?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Do you have a generator?"

Wang Zhengyu turned around and left, leaving only the staff and cameramen. How come these artists are more difficult to deal with than Huang Sanshi? Fatty Huang is at least a person!

As soon as the director left, Brother Tree came, but it was a bit slow. After all, Brother Tree had poor legs and feet recently.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the tree brother finally walked from the end of the path to the bamboo shed, behind him was a black and thin woman with her hands behind her back.

Also... the part is wrong.

Women only have black hands and black necks and black ears, and their face is quite white and pale.

The powder is too thick and uneven, the eyebrows are drawn, asymmetrical, and the lipstick is very red. There is also a pair of gold earrings on the ears, real gold.


Today is the wedding anniversary of her and Brother Shu, so it should be a grand occasion.

The woman's left eye is a fake eyeball, which doesn't turn.

Everyone immediately greeted the tree brother enthusiastically.

"Brother Tree!"

"Brother Tree!"

"Have you eaten? Come and eat the buns."

"Please sit down."


The tree brother smiled brilliantly, and the woman behind him introduced: "This is a lady-in-law, called Wang Dagang. I am iron, she is steel, and I feel so worried if I don't kiss him for a day!"

Chen Chichi bowed: "Hello sister-in-law!"

Unlike Chen Chichi, Nie Yao smiled and said, "Sit down, sit down and eat."

The tree brother said to Wang Dagang: "Call someone! I will teach you in the house?"

Wang Dagang squeezed and said: "Gu De touches the spirit..."

Zhao Liya is ready, ah...

Chen Chichi: "Touch the spirit and touch the spirit, everyone touches the spirit. The sister-in-law sits down and touches the spirit, ya ya, get a bun for the sister-in-law."

Brother Tree asked Wang Dagang to sit down: "Eating, they are all my own. Zhu'er and I are brothers. Are you kind to me? These three big stars, who are also friends of your Tree Brother, came to us, of course I To cover them..."

The cameraman pointed the camera at Wang Dagang, who was holding the buns and not eating. Wang Dagang's eyes were out of focus. He slowly turned his body like a sloth, avoiding the camera. Squinting at the camera, he quickly turned his head away, pretending to enjoy the scenery.

The tree brother is as diligent as ever. He walked under the tree house with a crutches, looked at the structure, and said, "I live have to be awakened by donkey urine?"

Chen Chichi was choked by the buns: "Ah...The tree brother has good eyesight!"

The tree brother said: "It's okay to block your nose at night when you sleep."

Chen Chichi was shocked: "Why! Why didn't I expect it? Wearing a blindfold...perfect!"

Nie Yao coughed, suggesting Chen Chichi not to satirize the tree brother.

The tree brother smiled modestly, raised his hand and patted the **** of the donkey.


"Angsi (rogue)..."

The donkey shuffled, kicked the tree brother's waist.



The tree brother tilted his body backward, staggered a few steps on one leg, and finally stood firmly in the independent posture of a golden rooster, slightly graceful.

The four artists were stunned.

Wang Dagang is still enjoying the scenery.

The tree brother smiled awkwardly and stroked his hairstyle: "This Saola (beast) is still a bit... shy, and he can't touch his butt."

"hold head high……"

The donkey dashed backwards, wanting to take another step, but was **** by the rope and couldn't reach it.

Brother Tree jumped a few steps in fright, and smiled dryly: "This donkey... is shy. Brother Tree is a decent person and doesn't care about you!"

As expected to be my tree brother, even counseling is so arrogant.

Everyone saw that when the tree brother came back with crutches, his one-legged was trembling.

This time, even Nie Yao couldn't bear it, and laughed with Chen Chichi.

Li Tiezhu took the lead to finish eating, went back to the house and took out the donkeyshoes and square head nails presented by the tree brother, and then went to the simple kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

"Brother Yao..."

"It's on, it's on."

"No, I don't go online. I mean the kitchen knife you brought is so big that it cuts bamboo and scrapes the bark, but it hasn't become dull."

"More than eight hundred, what do you think?"

So Li Tiezhu walked towards the tractor with a kitchen knife worth more than 800, and the donkey screamed in shock.

Li Tiezhu took it out, tied his stomach to a pine tree, and comforted the donkey: "Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid of tractors! Not to kill you, but to put on shoes for you."

Brother Shu acted as a technical consultant on the sidelines.

Li Tiezhu picked up one of the donkey's hind legs, held it in his arms and used a kitchen knife to cut the cuticle on the hoof.

The structure of ungulates is amazing. They are not walking with their feet, but with their fingers or nails.

The hooves of cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys are actually nails. The difference is that most ungulates have two nails, while horses, mules, and donkeys use only one nail to walk, and the others are degraded.

When Li Tiezhu was a child, he nailed horseshoes to horses and mules, but he never nailed donkey paws. The principles are the same. It's been a long time since Li Tiezhu is a little rusty. Fortunately, there is a tree brother to guide him on the spot.

"Flatten, flatten, this knife is so hot..."

"Don't be busy nailing the donkeyshoes, first cut all four hoofs flat to see if the height is suitable."

"Hey! Hind legs are a little and cut a little bit."

"Take it out for a walk, you can..."

"Nail! The nail is slanted a bit, then a bit more, right, right!"

The donkeyshoes are not different from the horseshoes except for the smaller ones. They are all omega-shaped, with three nail holes on the left and right.

The square head nail looks like a tadpole, but the skull is a cube with a large head nail and a small body. The texture is also very soft. It is driven diagonally into the donkey hoof from the nail hole, and then drilled out from the cuticle on the side of the donkey hoof.

Then use a hammer to bend the tips of the drilled iron nails against the hoof of the donkey, so that the six nails can perfectly fix the hoof of the donkey. The donkey's hoof can protect the donkey's hoof from being stabbed by sharp stones, and the six square nails have an anti-skid effect.

This is the popular horseshoe equipment method in southwest China, especially suitable for mountainous areas.

The tree brother is very familiar with nailing horseshoes. Before his head was injured, he raised two horses and a mule and took good care of them.

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