Earthy Superstar

Chapter 860: : Psychological Warfare

Watching the students back to the bookstore, Sun Lei walked towards the cameraman’s lens: "It just so happens. I look at the stolen list. Originally, I yelled with Tie Zhu just to come out with him to look at the list, but the result was The students dare not touch Li Tiezhu..."

When the screen was replayed, Sun Lei took advantage of everyone arguing in the stationmaster's office while looking for clues, and got a list in the drawer—the list of Operation Flies.

It's actually a fake list.


"Good fellow, don't dare to mess with Li Tiezhu..."

"Conservative estimate, serious brother can beat them."

"It deserves to be an infinite challenge old player."

"I know how to play!"

"Sun Meili carried forward the Five Spirits."

"This detail is a bit of an infinite challenge."

"The cooperation between Li Tiezhu and Sun Lei is very good."

Just after Sun Lei read it, Wu Litao chased it out again, insisting that he was a killer and wanted to deceive Sun Lei's trust. Sun Lei was a little embarrassed by his poor acting skills. If you can't talk to a channel, you will be forced to believe him for no reason.

It looked like last night: "Hey! Come, eat this lobster!"

Sun Lei said: "You answer me, what kind of killer are you really or are you cheating on me?"

Wu Litao: "I am a killer, but I need to find an undercover agent."

Sun Lei: "Do you just ask one by one like this?"

Wu Litao: "I only asked you one because I think you are like you."

Sun Lei had long been reminded by Li Tiezhu and began to play Wu Litao: "What is the killer's secret code?"

Wu Litao: "There is no secret code."

Qin Lan and Li Tiezhu looked at the door, and couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Qin Lan said: "I think there is a problem with Wu Litao."

Li Tiezhu said, "He just ran over to me and told me something about the secret signal, I forgot."

Qin Lan clapped his hands: "There must be a problem! There are three bad guys. Except for Sun Lei and Yang Xiaoxue, the remaining one is your apprentice, and it's me."

On Sun Lei's side, the two of them had already talked about it, but Sun Lei knew that he had missed it, but Wu Litao hadn't noticed yet, so he kept showing off his acting skills there.

In the end, of course the talk collapsed.

Wu Litao: "Then I can only kill you first."

Sun Lei: "Bye."

There was a scream in the bookstore.


Everyone suddenly opened their eyes and smiled, and walked in together to watch the excitement.

Yang You and Yang Xiaoxue, the Yang brothers and sisters, were surrounded by the bells by the students, each holding a book and screaming.

Li Tiezhu: "What's going on? Are you two going to perform a show?"

Yang You immediately came to a section of "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" and sang the students ecstatically.

In the end, Wu Litao found the note and asked them to go to another place to continue looking for clues.

On the way, Li Tiezhu quietly got Yang You's identity clue from the program group. Good guy, this is his reward for completing the hot pot mission.

Wu Litao entangled Sun Lei again.

Li Tiezhu couldn't help sighing, "These two have been talking about it all the time..."

He knew the reason, Wu Litao wanted to do Sun Lei, and Sun Lei wanted him to help complete the task, so that Wu Litao would praise him in dialect.

It was dark, and after completing the task at the coffee shop, everyone got a way to enter the stationmaster’s secret room.

The plot is also slightly running account...

Hmm... Eat first, then the big meal will start.

After the meal, continue to record the show.

They found a recording device in the stationmaster’s secret room.

Then, everyone sat in the meeting room to listen to the recording.

Then... Sun Lei exploded.

In the recording, the voice of the stationmaster was commenting on the gifts everyone gave him: "...this Sun Yutian, what does it mean to give me a knife?"

Everyone looked at Sun Lei.

Qin Lan: "Look! I said it's you!"

Sun Lei forced his composure: "Listen first."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Tiezhu, asking for help was very strong, he still didn't want to die.

Then the webmaster began to wash his hands and eat, and eat the same.

Li Tiezhu: "The stationmaster can eat very well."

Wu Litao said: "This is not the point. Master, you can play by yourself for a while, don't make trouble."

Then... the stationmaster was poisoned to death.

It was Sun Lei's turn to quibble, and everyone was looking at him.

Sun Lei: "Let's stroke it, who gave the apple?"

Yang You's logic is clear: "The apple is yours, and you gave the knife. Didn't you say that you gave the newspaper?"

Qin Lan: "It's you! Sun Lei."

Sun Lei said, "The newspaper is used to wrap the knife, and I don’t want you to see what I give. No one sees me giving a gift. So when the stationmaster died, he jumped out and said that the knife was the one I gave it. Don’t you think Is there a problem? Qin Lan, do you know what gifts everyone gives?"

Sha Yi: "Yes, Qin Lan, how did you know that Sun Lei gave the knife?"

Qin Lan: "Guess it."

Yang You smiled and said, "The current situation is that knives are poisonous, apples are poisonous, food is poisonous, and some other things are poisonous, but there is no poison in the water."

Sun Lei: "In other words, things you touch after washing your hands are poisonous, maybe when you wipe your hands..."

Yang You nodded decisively: "Yes! This is right. Washing your hands is an interval. After washing your hands, everything is poisoned. It's really not certain that it is the problem of the knife."

Song Xiaoxuan, who has been silent for a long time, said suddenly: "Towels and towel racks are poisonous."

Sha Yi's eyes suddenly felt a little vacant.

Inexplicably, Yang You, Sun Lei and Song Xiaoxuan began to collectively attack Shayi.

There is no result, you can only vote.

Wu Litao: "I'll vote first, I'll kill Matt."

Yang Xiaoxue voted: "I also surrendered Matt."

Qin Lan: "I still vote for Sun Yutian."

Yang You: "I also surrendered Matt."

Song Xiaoxuan: "Kill Matt."

Yang You smiled: "We have four votes. Get out! Get out! Sun Lei will vote for you just like us, and you get five votes for eight votes."

The next person to vote is Sha Yi himself. He licked his lips, his crow's feet bursting with a smile, and said, "I vote...I will kill Matt."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Sha Yi: "Is it useful to vote for someone? I blew myself up."

Yang You: "You still blew yourself up? Why did you kill the webmaster?"

Sha Yi took out a piece of paper: "Listen to me, I received a superstition this morning..."

Everyone was suddenly curious, and their heads leaned over.

Sha Yi: "Say me, I'm a special commissioner of the Supreme Intelligence Agency. Station Master Wu deliberately surrendered to the enemy. He was worried that he would expose the Goshawk planned actions, so I spilled poison on the towel rack."

Yang You was shocked: "Is it really the stationmaster you killed?"

Wu Litao: "It turned out to be you? We found it in the first round."

Qin Lan: "I always thought it was Sun Lei."

Song Xiaoxuan: "Did we win?"

Sha Yi was ashamed and said: "It's me..."

Li Tiezhu couldn't help saying, "No, everyone! We are all members of the Secret Bureau, right? Stationmaster Wu wants to surrender to the enemy. Brother Sha Yi is a special agent. He killed Stationmaster Wu. He is a'good guy'! Yes, our enemy is Mei Hua, who is with Station Master Wu."

Everyone: "Ah... yes."

Sha Yi blinked: "Yes! Why am I embarrassed? Later, let me hide my identity as much as possible and find the plum blossoms. I blew myself up, just to tell you that I am not the plum blossoms, and we need to find him out. "

Sun Lei immediately answered: "Are you a killer?"

Sha Yi: "I am a killer."

Sun Lei: "Then find out! Our good guys won!"

Sha Yi: "..."

Qin Lan also said: "That's Sun Lei, he is Mei Hua."

Sun Lei ignored Qin Lan and looked at Wu Litao: "Can you praise me?"

Wu Litao: "No."

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"You are so handsome."

Sun Lei's mission was successful.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

At this time, superior intelligence came. Among the eight new hires, there were two undercover agents, and the other clue was in Paramount.

A simple game of gold bullion, what kind of **** psychology teacher is there to assist the two deputy stationmasters to check the gold bullion.

Because of Sun Lei's explosive acting skills, he used an empty box to cheat away the four gold bars on the opposite side. Now there are seven gold bars in total, which is only three bars short.

The third from the bottom was Yang You. They didn't open his box. However, there was no gold bullion in Yang You box.

When it was Li Tiezhu's turn to come out, he came over with the box normally and placed it on the table.

Li Cheng needs to say: "I can't figure out this guy, what does stationmaster Zhu think?"

Zhu Maoshi: "I see his eyes are sincere, he must not lie, let me ask, do you have gold bars in your box?"

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Yes."

Zhu Maoshi: "How many?"

Li Tiezhu: "Three."

Zhu Maoshi looked at Li Chengxu: "I think what he said is true. Let's go."

Li Cheng needs to shake his head: "I don't think so, you don't know this person too much. He is so wise and foolish, he is not the fool you think. He is simple? Simply Denger~"

The psychology teacher said: "Li Tiezhu crossed his arms when answering the question. This represents resistance..."

Li Tiezhu: "You didn't guess right once today. You still have a psychology teacher."

The guests applauded suddenly.



"Tie Zhu is fine."


The psychology teacher was embarrassed for a while: "Look! He started attacking me, which shows that he was hit by me and his conscience was guilty."

Li Tiezhu calmly said: "Where did I attack you? Didn't I tell the truth? Have you guessed it once? Answer me."

Psychology teacher: " far today, no."

Li Tiezhu: "You have a guilty conscience! You blink faster, and you are nervous."

The psychology teacher's eyes widened: "I'm not nervous."

Li Tiezhu: "Actually, I didn't pay attention to your blinking frequency at all. I was talking nonsense, but you tried not to blink, why bother?"

Psychological teacher: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "Are you thinking how to explain? No I don't listen to your explanation."

Psychological teacher: "No, I am a professional..."

Li Tiezhu: "Let's open it! If there is no gold bar, how many will be paid? One is not good, just want to open my Li Tiezhu's box with one gold bar?"

Li Cheng needs to say: "Two roots?"

Li Tiezhu: "Master Li, do you think I am inferior to Sun Lei? He has four roots and two of me. You look down on me."

Then, the two webmasters began to discuss.

They think that Li Tiezhu is the second to last, and it is impossible to have no gold bars, because if Li Tiezhu is really an empty box, then they can only get one gold bar, and the remaining person must have a gold bar, and they lose.

Therefore, it must be opened.

The key is a few gold bars.

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