Earthy Superstar

Chapter 881: : Earn money for a dowry

In mid-July, Li Tiezhu lived in Kyoto for two weeks, overseeing the final filming effect of "Operation Red Sea", and invited Wu Jing, who had nothing to do at home and took his son to rub the excavator everywhere.

After Cheng Dalong heard about it, he said that he was also free. Li Tiezhu said, Master, where can you stay cool, and Kyoto has been extremely hot these two days.

It will be released at the end of the month, and the film censorship side... The navy said that there is absolutely no problem, and Li Tiezhu said that he was relieved.

After the film came out, Li Tiezhu still sent it to Master Cheng Dalong, but also invited Li Xiaojie and Hong Dabao. There are masters, and Cheng Dalong did not dare to stab him.

Although this film was not directed by Li Tiezhu, nor is it the male number one, it is no different from the one directed by him, not to mention that the script is still his, and the biggest investor is himself. The films of Jackie Chan and Li Xiaojie are not directed by themselves, but they are the real "authors."

Jackie Chan was very satisfied with the film and couldn't fault it, but he was a little upset that he didn't invite him.

Hong Dabao was very pleased. He took Li Tiezhu and gave a pair of longevity locks to the newly born dragon and phoenix fetus. Song Zhu'er had long been making video calls to his old man to tell him the good news. When he was in Norway, he even showed him his two children.

Although he doesn't like Lengba, he is very satisfied with Shochikuer.

The next day, Hong Dabao personally issued an invitation letter to bring half of the big guys from the Xiangjiang circle to watch the movie in advance. These big guys flew from Xiangjiang, Donghai, and East Guangdong to Kyoto, and Wu Jing and Li Xiaojie also came.

They all know that watching movies is just appearance, and the real meaning is to crown the new generation of Kung Fu King in Xiangjiang.

It may be an exaggeration to say this, but there is no doubt that at the time of the decline of Xiangjiang movies, especially nowadays when action movies are bleak, Li Tiezhu is undoubtedly the best heir.

Although Li Tiezhu made his debut in the Mainland, almost all the big brothers in Hong Kong recognize his "blood".

The viewing ceremony is not solemn, but the gold content is extremely high. Even the elders who have been withdrawn from the arena for many years come to cheer. This also means that Li Tiezhu has officially become the new face of the Xiangjiang department.

Since Mr. Chen's departure, the Hong Kong film industry has no successors, relying on Liu Huade, Gu Dale, Liu Yunqing, and Ren Huada to support them.

Well now, Li Tiezhu's influence is comparable to Cheng Dalong.

Who would dare to say that the Xiangjiang movie has fallen?

And the happiest person was Li Tiezhu's godson.

Because Hong Dabao said that it is good to clamp the excrement and climb the children, and it is suitable for star shooting. Li Tiezhu also said that he can take the excrement and climb the children to practice martial arts. Over the years, his other levels have not improved much, but his martial arts level is already very high.

Brother Pheasant was a little bit reluctant to suffer from the child, but couldn't hold back the feces and climbed willingly. At the banquet, he practiced Lingbo's microstep and dropped a front tooth.

However, it was a tooth that had been loosened a long time ago, and it was the age of tooth replacement.

Song Zhu'er was so distressed that she was about to rush to the hospital holding her shit, but was stopped by Li Tiezhu and Pheasant.

Li Tiezhu: "Why are you excited? It's just a change of teeth."

The pheasant held a toothpick in his mouth: "It's a mess, come here (he deserves to run around). It's just a matter of death!"

Jia Shi Cang Er smirked and said, "Godmother is not afraid, I will protect you."

Song Zhuer: "I still use you to protect? I'm a master of the school, fighting in groups and rushing to the front, retreating after I break, the arena is called the iron-headed woman..."

Pheasants are sour-mouthed. Who in the circle doesn't know that Song Zhu'er is often thrown off by Guan Shuangshuang?

He said to Li Tiezhu: "Where is my goddaughter? When will I be back? Hello! I have prepared a lot of gifts for her, there are very beautiful hair ropes and toys, all pink..."

This guy, his daughter's eyes were shining, and he smiled with creases.

Jia Shi Cang'er said: "Dad enemy, you forgot that you still have a brother."

Pheasant: "The grown-ups said that you shouldn't put your mouth in the mouth!"

Jia Shi Cang'er rolled his eyes and complained to Song Zhuer: "The enemy wants a girl, but Mommy gave birth to a boy again."

Li Tiezhu said to the pheasant: "I can see it tomorrow. They have returned to China and are isolated at home in the East China Sea."

Pheasant: "It's a coincidence, I also live in the East China Sea! I often come here!"

Many Xiangjiang artists have lived in the mainland this year, and the pheasant circle is concentrated in the East China Sea.

The next day, night.

"Operation Red Sea" held a grand premiere in a studio in Kyoto.

The big brothers from Hong Kong were almost all present, Wan Liangzi, Hong Dabao, Cheng Dalong, Li Xiaojie, Wu Xiongzhi, Deng Rongguang, Chen Minhui, Leslie Cheung, Zhou Farun, Zhou Xingxing...the mainland movie stars who were invited to come were overwhelmed. Not angry.

The mainland stars all understand at this moment, Li Tiezhu is-crowned and crowned king!

Especially the sudden appearance of a big brother like Zhang Rongguo, who has been out of the circle for many years, is still very surprising. The gossip says that he suffers from depression and was rescued by suicide 20 years ago. Since then, he has lived in seclusion.

Song Zhuer accompanied Lengba to take the child, sitting in the position closest to the exit of the projection hall, and when the child cried, he would take it out to coax him. The nanny and parent-in-law were all waiting outside.

Some celebrities felt that the Three Views were broken when Lengba brought their children, but most of those who were able to come to this occasion had already heard the news.

The film hasn't started yet, and the host interviews the creative team on stage to warm up.

The pheasant squatted next to Xiaoxue and shook the rattle, his face grinned: "Called godfather, called godfather, Xiaoxue called godfather..."

Jia Shi Cang Er disgusted and said: "She is only three months old, how can she speak?"

Song Zhuer: "Brother Pheasant, don't get so close to scare the children."

Pheasant: "I know I'm ugly, and Li Tiezhu is no better than me? Why can he kiss Xiaoxue, but I can't?"

Lengba smiled and said, "Tie Zhu really often scares Xiao Xue to cry..."

Pheasant: "Uh...then I'll be a little farther away, Lululu, look at Xiaoxue here..."

Crawling with shit: "The movie is about to begin, dumb enemy..."

Pheasant: "Go and sit down by yourself, I'll play again...Look at Xiaoxue again. Huh~ She smiled, she smiled at me..."

After the movie was over for more than two hours, there was thunderous applause.

Although this year's year is special and the movie box office may not be too ideal, it is definitely Li Tiezhu's work for the gods, even more powerful than "Kung Fu". After all, "Kung Fu" is Zhou Xingxing's movie.

Now, Li Tiezhu and Wu Jing are the box office flag bearers of Chinese movies. Coupled with the strong support of the entire Hong Kong circle, Li Tiezhu is undoubtedly a top star.

Regardless of whether the Xiangjiang circle, the East China Sea circle, or the high-profile Kyoto circle, the big guys also came to congratulate Li Tiezhu.

Among them are director Triumph, who commented on Li Tiezhu’s superficial films, and Feng Dagang, who said Li Tiezhu did not understand humor.

With the addition of the Penguin Group and the Xiangjiang Circle, Li Tiezhu could have walked sideways a long time ago. He was just low-key before.

Until late, Li Tiezhu took his family back to the small villa in the suburbs of Beijing.

The two children were already asleep, Li Tiezhu and Lengba were lying on the bed, Song Zhuer did not come to bother. Of course, Li Tiezhu didn't do anything. Instead, he became a little stiff with nervousness, afraid of turning over and pressing the child.

Because there is no crib in the house, the child sleeps on the bed. Among them, the small two lie on their sides, their faces bulging into **** due to squeezing.

Li Tiezhu stretched out his fingers and probed Xiaoxue's nose, and he was still alive.

Lengba laughed out loud.

Li Tiezhu's old face blushed: "What are you laughing at? I just watched her fall asleep and motionless..."

Lengba: "I often do such stupid things too. I laugh because I think you have become stupid again. After seeing the child, you become even more stupid."

Li Tiezhu: "I'm in my twenties this year? I have children."

Lengba: "There are still three months and twenty-two years old."

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "Is this considered illegal?"

Lengba smiled even more happily: "Hahaha... what law did you commit if you didn't get married?"

"I'm wronged you."

"Wow! You can say such things? They have taken you badly."

"No, I really think it's not easy for you. It's clear that your career is at its peak..."

"You have a conscience. Then how do you plan to reward me?"

"Um... let's go to the living room..."

"What do you want? Bah! I want to eat popsicles, pineapple flavor, the kind you asked me to help you get when we first met."

"Oh, well, I'll get it in the refrigerator."

Li Tiezhu jumped out of bed and opened the door: "..."

Song Zhu'er kept the attitude of eavesdropping, turning her eyes and said, "What a coincidence? Hello, classmate Li Tiezhu, good night..."

Run away after speaking.

Li Tiezhu grabbed her by the collar: "Run a fart, turn out your ice cream sorbet."

The two of them searched in the large refrigerator for a long time, but did not find which one Lengba wanted, because it was so cheap that Songzhuer wouldn't buy the one.

After a while, Song Zhuer crept into Lengba's room.

Lengba fell asleep next to the child, and the woman who gave birth to the child was usually very lethargic.

Shochu thirsty, rubbed her hands warm, and then reached into Lengba’s pajamas, her expression gradually turned into amazement: "Wow, wow? Wow! No, I have to hurry to give birth... No wonder Ms. Mi is so arrogant!"

Lengba was moved to wake up, thinking it was Li Tiezhu, but also catered for a few times, and suddenly heard Song Zhuer's laughter.

"Eh heh... I seem to have found the code to get rich!"

"Erha? Are you special... Where's Tie Zhu?"

"He went out to buy you popsicles, don't move you, let me measure..."

"Kill you a deep well ice!"

Li Tiezhu returned home carrying a pineapple-flavored popsicle. Song Zhu'er and Lengba were already asleep, and Lengba was sleeping sideways with the child in his arms. Song Zhu'er was placed in a large font, with one leg still on the outside of the bed.

They didn't fight either, but Shochikuer was very curious and envious, and kept asking Lengba about the professional knowledge of childbirth. Shochikuer was very serious, so she almost wrote it down in her notebook, and fell asleep while chatting. NS.

Li Tiezhu covered them with quilts, put the popsicles in the refrigerator, and then slept on the sofa with the blanket. There were many rooms, but he wanted to sleep on the sofa.

Li Tiezhu had insomnia.

The quality of sleep for a fool is the best in the world, but tonight he remembered when he debuted five years ago.

Everything seems to be a dream.

"Thank you, help me get it."


"Thank you."


"Why is it still less?"

"The weather is hot and melted."

The fool entered the entertainment circle by mistake, and the beautiful woman who helped with the popsicles had given birth to a pair of children for him.

He remembered the cat game again, and remembered that she took him to record the show...

The next day, Li Tiezhu rarely fell asleep.

Lengba handed the child to the nanny and took the child downstairs, and then glanced at the sleepy Song Zhuer, hehehe...the two of them worked together to help the bewildered Li Tiezhu into the room and start doing morning exercises.

Stretching exercises, shoulder and chest exercises, side exercises, body rotation exercises, abdominal and back exercises, whole body exercises, jumping exercises, finishing exercises...

Finish the work, huh!

Li Tiezhu was still dumbfounded, what's the matter? It seems to have been spoiled, but not completely spoiled.

Lengba lives in Kyoto, Shochikuer strongly requested that she loves children so much, and she is still a child of her own family!

In order to let Lengba and the children stay, Song Zhuer first asked Heiwaer to find five more bodyguards, and spent hundreds of thousands to buy a full set of high-end childcare equipment and an indoor playground. Finally, he also spent a lot of money. I hired a professional body care team for Lengba, the kind that Song Zhuer himself couldn't bear to use, it costs more than 10 million a year.

So Lengba took the children to live.

Yang Mi also supported her staying in Kyoto temporarily, because the paparazzi are now swimming in the East China Sea like sharks that have seen blood.

Li Tiezhu stayed with the children for half a month, and finally got acquainted, Xiaoxue stopped crying when he saw him.

During the period, the old man Li Fugui and Aunt Liu also came.

On August 10th, Li Tiezhu packed his bags again and went to the Shonan TV to record the show.

Lengba said: "You just released a movie, and you went to record the show. Don't be so hard. You are so popular now. Just concentrate on making music and movies."

Li Tiezhu said, "No, I have to start preparing Xiaoxue's dowry."

Lengba was speechless.

So, Xiaobing sent it for the phone bill? Pheasant brother is not rare, Li Tiezhu does not favor either. Fortunately, grandpa Li Fugui likes Xiaobing the most.

Originally, Li Tiezhu was planning to spend time with his children in Kyoto, so he didn't want to go to work, especially when he fed Xiaoxue milk powder every day. Li Tiezhu felt very fulfilled.

It's just that Director Hong Bo personally called him to ask him to help, and it would be inappropriate not to go.

Although the experience in "Super Good Voice" was not a good one, Director Hong Bo took good care of Li Tiezhu, and finally resisted the pressure of capital so that Li Tiezhu Mingshun won the championship.

From this perspective, Hong Bo can be regarded as one of Li Tiezhu's nobles.

This year, due to special reasons, some artists who were originally scheduled cannot continue to perform their contracts to record the new season of "I Am a Singer". Hong Bo is calling everywhere to find someone to save the scene.

After calling Li Tiezhu and inquiring about the situation, Li Tiezhu didn't discuss the price treatment, and he hurried over without even signing the contract.

After seeing Hong Bo, Li Tiezhu's first sentence was: "Is it still Mount Chitose this year?"

Hong Bo smiled: "No, no, no! This year is Jing Tian."

Li Tiezhu: "What is that? Cosmetics?"

Hong Bo's smile disappeared: "It's still mineral water..."

Li Tiezhu patted him on the shoulder: "Sorry!"


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