Earthy Superstar

Chapter 883: : Lee is 3 years old

Li Tiezhu didn't speak, but you are leaving! Hey! Still sitting down? Start drinking yogurt?

Liang Tian: "What do you look at? Haven't seen such a beautiful host?"

Li Tiezhu said, "No, your bottle has expired. I just saw it."

Liang Tian: "Oh~Bah~Bah..."

Li Tiezhu said: "It's not expired, I lied to you. Hahaha..."

Liang Tian picked up the yogurt bottle and found that it did not expire. How could the program crew put the expired yogurt in the artist’s rest room? If you wear it, the father of the gold master will be angry, and she only hates herself for carelessness.

Unexpectedly, after three years, Li Tiezhu would deceive people.

She rushed to save the pillow on the sofa and hit Li Tiezhu: "I hate it... I'm slapped, telling you to make me foolish..."

The barrage is also embarrassing:

"Take a screenshot!"

"Screenshot +1"

"What picture to cut?"

"Hehehe...Of course it is the picture of Liang Tian opening her mouth and spitting milk!"

"Thank Zheng Jing for sending benefits."

"A bunch of old **** critics!"

"Li Tiezhu has changed! He has changed..."

"It's become cuter."

"A serious lie, so cute."

"How does this host hit someone?"

"They are very familiar. The last time Li Tiezhu participated in this show, she was the agent."

After beating Li Tiezhu a few times, Liang Tian persuaded, and stopped: "Are you...this season's show, or a new song writing competition?"

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Otherwise? I don't know how to sing other people's songs."

Next is a week of rehearsal time.

A week later, the day of the competition.

The guests rushed to the TV station by car. The first one was Wu Qingshan, followed by Li Tiezhu.

The lead singer of the band Sodaqiang Wu Qingshan and his agent first opened the singer's rest room, which is a rest room for recording shows, which is different from the usual place where they rehearse.

It was empty inside, with three sofas.

When Wu Qingshan saw Li Tiezhu coming in, he immediately got up and said, "Tie Zhu, come and advertise!"

Li Tiezhu: "What kind of **** advertising?"

He and Wu Qingshan know each other, and the Chinese music scene is not big. The relationship is good because this guy also has a problem with his brain.

Wu Qingshan: "The sound of nature that I endorse Godsends organic classic milk, come and have a sip."

Li Tiezhu: "Who drinks milk for serious people?"

Of course, this paragraph was cut off.

The ad starts.

Wu Qingshan: "Tie Zhu will come and take a sip to see if it will turn into a natural sound."

Li Tiezhu took a sip.

Wu Qingshan: "Come and sing with me, the kite in the sky is flying in the sky, and the people on the ground are running on the ground~"

Li Tiezhu: "The kite in the sky is flying in the sky, and the people on the ground are running on the ground~"

Wu Qingshan: "Sure enough, it's heavenly! I'll try it with a sip too, gurgle~ Tie Zhu, you sing."

Li Tiezhu: "The left hand is pointing at the moon, the right hand is holding the red line, and the eyebrows are covered with 10,000 years of snow..."

Wu Qingshan: "Left pointing to the moon, right hand holding the red thread, 10,000 years of snow fell between my eyebrows...Wow! I have become a natural beauty too! This milk is so good!"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Liang Tian rolled her eyes on the side, this is too fake, you two are originally natural, okay?

Wu Qingshan's wife punched Li Tiezhu: "It seems a bit bad for us to blow each other business like this."

Li Tiezhu said: "Brother...this is not a business issue, let's be considered a scam? I only launched the anti-fraud app two days ago..."

Wu Qingshan laughed awkwardly, and finally asked his soul: "So why do you want to download this app? It's because you think you are easily deceived, don't you?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...otherwise? Can your milk boost your intelligence?"

Wu Qingshan shook his head: "Of course not! What do you think about you, if you can improve your intelligence, they will ask you to speak for it."

It makes sense!

Can't refute!

Li Tiezhu also laughed, so why look for a neurotic endorsement?

Wu Qingshan asked again: "You have been a speaker of this show, can you teach me some experience? I am a speaker this time."

Li Tiezhu: "So, why would you ask someone who is not too smart for experience?"

Wu Qingshan blinked: "I...because we are all crazy!"

Li Tiezhu: "No! I am not! I am a decent person."


Wu Qingfeng and the two agents laughed, especially Liang Tian, ​​who was fortunate enough to be patronized, laughed the most exaggerated, you are so serious, tut...

After that, the two went back to their rest room.

Other singers also arrived.


"Hahaha, my Qingshan wants to roll his eyes."

"Qingshan, you are really a little clever ghost."

"Li Tiezhu and Wu Qingshan match each other."


"Li Tiezhu is not insane, he is simply stupid."

"Qingshan is so cute."

"Wu Meow!"

"Tie Zhu is really cute."

"Fraud! This is definitely a fraud..."

"Reported, no thanks."

After all seven contestants have arrived, the new voting rules will be announced.

This season will use instant electronic voting during the performance and paper voting after the performance. The two types of voting results are superimposed to produce the final ranking of each show.

Liang Tian asked Li Tiezhu: "Understand? Tie Zhu?"

Li Tiezhu: "Why are you asking this? Of course I didn't understand it. Are you going to explain it to me?"

Liang Tian: "Forget it, you don't understand after explaining it, just sing it directly."

Li Tiezhu: "That's right! Who studies the rules for serious people?"

Liang Tian curled her lips: "Yes! You are a decent person, you must work hard to perform miracles, pouch......"

On the other side, Wu Qingshan said: "Aren't the voting rules for the audience? What's up to me? I don't vote."

Barrage: "Wu Qingshan is eight years old and Li Tiezhu is three years old. Identification is complete!"

Subsequently, the order of the performances was also announced. This time it was the order set by the program group itself, and there was no need to draw lots.

Wu Qingshan came first, followed by Zhang Xin, Escape Plan, Kostov, Li Tiezhu, Qi Yu, and Liu Le.

It can be said that apart from the speaker Wu Qingshan, they are ranked according to the seniority and status of the singer. Because Xiao K is a crooked nut, all received a little preferential treatment.

After all, our military has traditionally treated captives preferentially.

In the next shot, the audience enters and the stage lights are lit.

Wu Qingshan squeezed through the backstage channel and walked onto the stage, but he was very sophisticated.

The song he sang is called "Swallow's Nest", a song that he is original but not very popular, and he himself likes it very much.

This song is elegant and exquisite.

And his singing skills and voice are as powerful as ever.

When the interlude sounded, the singers waiting to come on stage nodded in praise.

Li Tiezhu said: "This song is so good that most people can't sing it. His voice is unique in the global music scene."

Liang Tian: "You can sing, your range should be enough."

Li Tiezhu shook his head and said, "There are many male singers who can sing this k, but they should be unique in the style and temperament of this song. I must be a bad singer of this song. In the music world, Wu Qingshan is the only one. File, his voice, singing style and strength are all unique."

After entering the music scene for five years, Li Tiezhu has been well-informed, even a pig has become acquainted, so his comments are very pertinent.


"Fairies sing!"

"Goosebumps are coming up."

"Wu Meow is so charming to sing on the stage..."

"Wu Qingshan, Chong Duck!"

"You have already sung into my heart!"

"From above or from below?"

"Li Tiezhu is still very objective."

"I think the serious brother can also sing, but it should be in another style."

"Stupid pillar, never knows what jealousy is."

"This is the only voice that makes Tie Zhu jealous."

"Don't compare it like this?"

"Li Tiezhu is stronger, no one can beat it!"

"It can only be said that Wu Qingshan is unique, and Li Tiezhu is omnipotent."

"Both of them are talents."

After singing a song, in the face of the audience's warm applause and cheers, Wu Basui was a little shy and wanted to laugh inexplicably, just like a child was praised by the teacher.

It took him a long time to hold back his laugh, and then took out his notebook: "Hey...the sound of heaven, Godsend is organic...I've been shaking, haha, my God! Tie Zhu won't, I have watched the season he presided over. , Or Tie Zhu, you can talk about it,'s terrible!"

The audience applauded and encouraged.

The guests also laughed and encouraged them in their respective rest rooms, although he could not hear them.

Li Tiezhu is different. He said: "I host? If I host, this season will turn into a comedy show and a food show."

Sister Liang Tian: "If you don't host, won't this season become a food show?"

Li Tiezhu: "That's also..."

With that said, he took out two rabbit heads from his backpack, gave one to Liang Tian, ​​and ate one by himself, which was sent by Liu Xiaohua from Shudu in a vacuum.

Fortunately, although Wu Qingshan is a singer, he has also hosted some shows. He is quite experienced and very good at creating atmosphere.

"Alright! Do it again..."

This time he finished the oral broadcast smoothly, and he began to call the next singer to perform.

Zhang Xin, a singer who debuted for many years but never became popular, presented a song "Khan Mountain" written for his daughter.

The song is ethereal and profound, very artistic.

The barrage is all:


"It's not easy to know it!"

"This is a master."

"The sound of nature!"

"How can this voice not be popular?"

"Although I don't know each other, but it sounds really good!"

Li Tiezhu said: "This song is very advanced! It is classical. The singing method is also very skillful. I have had the honor to listen to it. It is because it is too advanced, so the song is not popular, and there are not many people who are willing to sit down and listen to it. Like us This kind of people who write cliché songs can get more attention...This is the status quo of our music scene."

To be honest, his ability to appreciate music is really not low now, and he is not the ignorant boy five years ago.

Liang Tian said: "There are so many original singers this season!"

Li Tiezhu nodded: "Yes, but it doesn't matter, they don't create originals every issue."

This is Li Tiezhu's strengths, and having a system is different.

Zhang Xin sang very well until the last sentence, half a beat, but it was not important anymore, and the mood was perfect.

The third one is the original song "Ten Thousand Times of Sorrow" brought by the creative rock band Escape Project.

This song is quite popular.

Sing well, but...

Barrage: "The lead singer's leg, I really want to hit him straight with a hammer!"

Li Tiezhu was also complaining: "Mr. Mao just doesn't have the energy to sing without a horse, haha..."

The fourth player to play was a foreign teenager Xiao K. Wu Qingshan introduced them a little bit harder, because he was not familiar with it either.

In the show, Xiao K is introducing the first song he sang, which was recorded before.

He said: "I want to give the Chinese audience a new perception, that is, I am not a foreigner, and I also like Chinese culture. Therefore, I chose the erhu soundtrack in my representative "Wonderful Dilemma". Better than the original version, and more emotional! Thanks to Ain Peila, you know, people all over the world love him, all love his songs, I am also one of his fans... I really appreciate it very, very much. This show gives me the opportunity to sing on the same stage as my idol."

After a period of vcr, Kostov said:

"Hello China! Hello Ain Peila! The next song is my gift to you! Hope you will like it!"

"Wonderful Dilemma" is an English song, and Xiao K can sing it easily.

The audience was intoxicated.

Barrage: "This voice can listen to pregnancy!"

This season, the master is like a cloud!

Liang Tian: "Oh my goodness! But why doesn't he care about his teeth?"

Li Tiezhu smiled: "Sister, you really don't understand! Didn't you hear that his teeth leak when he sings?"

Liang Tian was stunned: "So don't you sing well?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "Okay! I sing well, but a lot of bass is leaked by the teeth. Can't you hear it? Yes, I forgot that you don't have an absolute sense of sound. If the gap between the teeth is repaired, he will need to re-adjust to his singing and The voice may never be as high as it is now. So, you are used to seeing actors and hosts undergo plastic surgery. How many singers have plastic surgery?"

Liang Tian: "I didn't have plastic surgery!"

Li Tiezhu suddenly rolled his eyes, but you have breast augmentation, I only trust my own hands.

He didn't speak any more, but got up and walked out of the rest room, put on earphones, and prepared to perform on stage. The next one was him.

After Kostov stepped down, Wu Qingshan said: "Everyone said that I was only eight years old, thank you! Although I know they said I was stupid, but I don't care. , The next singer, he is only three years old."

The audience immediately chanted:

"Li Tiezhu~"

"Brother Serious..."

Wu Qingshan succeeded in the mischief, and smiled: "Wow! Are you all so smart? Know the only singer in the world who is stupid than me! Haha... who is he?"

"Li is three years old!"

Wu Qingshan is even more happy: "Haha! He is still going to sing today..."

Audience: "Original song!"

Wu Qingshan: "Yes! I really envy Although I also write songs, but I can’t do it like him. I can write as much as I want. If I don’t write songs, I can record variety shows and make movies. Even playing, I don’t create at all. I can’t! I always rack my brains when I write a song. Songs that moved to cry..."

The audience suddenly burst into applause.

Wu Qingshan: "I didn't lie! I really cried. When I first listened to this song, my eyes were swollen from crying! Damn Li Sansui..."

Audience: "Li is three years old! Li is three years old!"

Wu Qingshan: "Aha! I like this name. We will call him like that in the future. This song was written by him to his deceased mother. I personally like it very much. So, I hope everyone can keep it up during the singing. Be quiet, quietly listen to Li Sansui sing this song. Thank you! Next, please..."

Audience: "Li is three years old!"


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