Bai Chichi swam to Chen Yuan's side and said to her, "It's just that Xiao Zi Meng pushed you down just now. You haven't moved around yet. Be careful not to cramp!"

"Sister Chi Chi, it's okay, where did we swim in the countryside before!" Chen Yuan said with a smile. With Bai Chi Chi's company, she is much more generous.

Xin Xiaozi sat on the edge of the pool, watching with relish the little fresh meat patrolling the edge of the pool, and forgot what he wanted to swim.

Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan were swimming slowly together. Bai Chichi's swimming style seemed more graceful. Although Chen Yuan was a bit irregular, it was not as ugly as she said.

"Yuanyuan, you swim very well, you think this is freestyle, and the posture is similar to yours!" Bai Chichi showed Chen Yuan and asked her to stretch her hands and feet a little further, so she could swim. More comfortable.

Looking at Bai Chichi, Chen Yuan studied carefully with her every move, and gradually became almost the same as Bai Chichi's movements.

"Really good, great progress! Yuanyuan, let me say you learn everything quickly!" Bai Chichi said to Chen Yuan with his thumb.

"Sister Chi Chi, you teach well, are patient and careful, that's why I learned well!" Chen Yuan was also very happy and said modestly.

Bai Chichi pointed to Xin Xiaozi and said, "Look at Xiaozi, your eyes are straight when you look at that coach!"

"Sister Xiao Zi is so bold, if I would not dare to stare at others like this, and she was wearing such a tight pair of swimming trunks!" Chen Yuan said with a blushing face, making Bai Chichi laugh.

The little fresh meat lifeguard patrolled the edge of the pool with a serious expression. He may have been used to everyone's attention to his good figure and walked very naturally.

Chen Yuan would divert her attention when she saw him. Bai Chichi thought it was very interesting. It was different from Xin Xiaozi, who was in the sky and underground.

Just when Xin Xiaozi was distracted, she suddenly heard Bai Chichi's panicked voice: "Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you Yuanyuan!"

Looking back, Chen Yuan was fluttering in the water. It seemed that her hands and feet were very strange, stiff like a wood.

Oops, it must be a cramp, Xin Xiaozi stood up immediately in fright.

But more terrifying things are still to come. Bai Chichi was by Chen Yuan's side trying to pull her, but he didn't know how Chen Yuan was entangled in the body, dragging her to sink underwater.

There is the deepest part of the pool, two meters away. If it sinks, Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan are both in danger.

Xin Xiaozi yelled to the lifeguard and waved his fingers at the water splashing in the pool. Liu Xingxing was already so scared that he could not move.

The lifeguard reacted sharply, and immediately turned to see Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan twisted into a ball.

"Hurry up, she's a pregnant woman!" Xin Xiaozi was so anxious that she burst into tears, and was about to run over regardless of the slippery side of the pool.

Seeing Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan's situation, the lifeguard jumped into the water with a plop and swam towards them quickly.

Seeing the actions of the lifeguards, Xin Xiaozi was inspired, and did not run off the shore, and then jumped into the water and swam towards Bai Chichi.

However, Xin Xiaozi had no lifeguard expertise after all. By the time she swam to her front, Bai Chichi and Chen Yuan had been picked up, and several other swimmers helped the lifeguards to put them flat on the edge of the pool.

After hearing Xin Xiaozi say that Bai Chichi is a pregnant woman, someone put a bath towel on her and wiped her head with water.

"Bai Chi, Bai Chi, how are you doing!" Xin Xiaozi was pulled ashore, leaning on Bai Chichi's side, frightened Liushen Wuzhu.

Because at this time, Bai Chi slowly closed his eyes, as if he had already lost his mind.

Chen Yuan was okay. She had recovered her ability to move hands and feet, and cried and said, "What should I do, Sister Chi Chi, wake up soon!"

The lifeguard put her arms under Bai Chichi's neck, raised her head, and then controlled some water.

It took a long time for Bai Chi to woke up leisurely. The first sentence turned out to be: "Yuanyuan, are you okay?"

Xin Xiaozi was going to die of anger.

"Wife, what happened?" At this moment, Brother Situ brought Xiao Xuanxuan over. When he saw everyone sitting around Bai Chichi, Situ Qing was shocked and hurried forward.

"It's okay, Chen Yuan had a leg cramp and drowned. Bai Chi went to save her. Fortunately, the two were rescued soon!" Xin Xiaozi didn't dare to say that she pushed Chen Yuan into the water.

Bai Chichi hugged Situ Qing and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Bai Chichi! You will not be allowed to swim by yourself in the future!" Situ Qing was very nervous.

Chen Yuan cried and said, "Sorry sister-in-law Qing, I blamed me for holding Sister Chichi!"

At this time Situ Qing saw Chen Yuan, and he frowned and said, "Yuan Yuan, why are you here? What Xiaozi's swimsuit are you wearing?"

"I, I'm here to give you clothes, it's raining outside! Sister Xiao Zi said let me swim and relax!" Chen Yuan sobbed.

Situ Yuan took Xin Xiaozi and said, "My wife, you are not allowed to swim in the water casually in the future!

After hearing Chen Yuan's words, Situ Qing glanced at Xin Xiaozi with complicated eyes, but didn't say anything.

"After lunch, I took Xuanxuan home. It's best for you two to go to the hospital and get some calcium supplementing liquid back." Liu Xingxing said, holding Xuanxuan's hand.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Neither Bai Chichi nor Chen Yuan felt any discomfort. This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

At lunch, Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi took out the present, which really made the child very happy, and smiled and said thank you.

After eating, Situ Qing was still uneasy, so he drove everyone to the military hospital for examination.

Chen Yuan was fine. At that time, the cramp was just because she didn't make preparations. The doctor checked Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi again.

"Cramps are indeed a manifestation of calcium deficiency. In the first trimester, calcium must be supplemented to a certain degree, otherwise it will not be very good for the baby." The doctor checked the bodies of the two people. Fortunately, they are still relatively normal.

"Which hospital will you file for in the future?" the doctor asked again later.

Bai Chichi said: "We are still preparing to establish a file at the Maternal and Child Health Center, which is closer to our home."

"Alright, but now all public hospitals are networked. You can come to us if you have any circumstances." The doctor knew Situ Qing very well and said to them with a smile.

"Okay, we'll have a comprehensive checkup in three months." Bai Chichi said goodbye to the doctor politely.

The doctor nodded: "Some screenings are necessary. Do not have any psychological burden. Relaxation is the most helpful for the development of the fetus."

After returning home, Xin Xiaozi took Bai Chichi to the small living room and whispered, "Is Chen Yuan really cramping?"

"What do you mean by that?" Bai Chichi said a little puzzled.

Xin Xiaozi slapped her on the arm: "I think it's a coincidence. Why do you have cramps today?"

"You are too funny, do you have to choose time for cramps? It's not that you pushed people into the water!" Bai Chichi felt that there was something in Xin Xiaozi's words.

Xin Xiaozi shook her head and said, "Even if I push her into the water, I won't really get cramps! And I'm still trapping you!"

"I was by her side. I was thinking about saving her and didn't notice it!" Bai Chichi felt Xin Xiaozi was nervous. Did Chen Yuan pretend to be cramped to drag herself into the water? What are the benefits?

Xin Xiaozi wanted to say something, but Bai Chichi interrupted him, and took her to see the newly bought flowers in the yard.

At dinner, Situ Baichuan asked about Situ Yuan's leave, and of course he agreed that he would come back to accompany Xin Xiaozi on the weekend.

Then Situ Qing also talked about the theme park by the way. Situ Baichuan nodded in approval, thinking that this plan would benefit left-behind children and it was very meaningful.

"Yuanyuan, since you proposed it, then this project will depend on you for your reference. You may be able to appreciate the children's feelings better." Bai Chichi said while putting a piece of chicken in Chen Yuan's bowl.

"Well, I will, Chi Chi!" Chen Yuan answered with a smile.

Xin Xiaozi looked at Chen Yuan and then at Situ Qing and said, "After this project starts, you two will be busy!"

"Yes, after the site is selected, the negotiation of that piece of land alone is already a very complicated matter, not to mention that there are so many specific matters that have to be implemented one by one. I think the next thing is These months will be really busy." Situ Qing nodded.

"What about Bai Chi?" Xin Xiaozi frowned.

"What should I do? I will come home every day, and I have to care about her every day. This does not conflict." Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, as long as the two of you have no opinion, I won't say more." Xin Xiaozi shrugged, a trace of worry flashed across his eyes.

Chen Yuan looked at all this coldly, but said with a smile on her face: "I will definitely remind Sister-in-law Qing every day that Sister Chi Chi should not be left out because of work!"

"You don't need to remind me, I won't be able to put her aside, she is holding my son now!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi.

"Be careful, don't touch her!" Situ Baichuan glared at Situ Qing.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "Daddy is nervous about his grandson now, and it's not pleasing to see his son!"

"That is, you two boys must be responsible for your children!" Situ Baichuan said with a serious face.

After dinner, Situ Qing and Situ Yuan were called by Situ Baichuan to the study to discuss matters, Bai Chi returned to the room, Xin Xiaozi followed her and sneaked into the door.

"I said you were thinking about it, what do you want to do?" Bai Chichi looked back and saw Xin Xiaozi, and said with a smile.

"It's weird, I want to talk to you, has it become a very difficult thing now?" Xin Xiaozi didn't care about Bai Chichi, and sat down in front of her dressing table.

Bai Chichi put down his hair, combed it slowly with a comb, and looked at Xin Xiaozi and said, "What are you going to say? Are you going to talk about the relationship between Chen Yuan and Qing again?"

"Why should I care about you, I won't say this!" Who knew that Xin Xiaozi pouted, playing with the little objects on Bai Chichi's dressing table, and said disdainfully.

"Then what are you going to say?" Bai Chichi felt a little strange, and Xin Xiaozi showed a trace of distrust of Chen Yuan when he ate just now.

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