Bai Chichi never thought that Chen Yuan would send someone to follow her. After she met Qin Xuesong in the restaurant, the two went to the Teddy Bear Exhibition Hall.

"There are so many teddies!" As soon as Bai Chichi walked in, she saw a lot of teddy bears in various shapes, which made her feel happy.

Qin Xuesong smiled and said, "I know you will like it, watch it slowly, don't worry, there are many special meanings in it."

"Really? Great!" Bai Chichi clapped his hands happily, and was as excited as a child. Qin Xuesong looked at it with emotion in his heart.

The two were admiring the cute little bears in the exhibition hall, and the private detectives had reported their whereabouts to Chen Yuan.

"Have a good time, Bai Chichi! Are you looking back at the past by playing such childlike things with your old lover?" Chen Yuan said mockingly.

But the private detective also said that the exhibition hall does not seem to be open to the outside world, it should be customized by Qin Xuesong.

Chen Yuan thought to herself, it seems that this is what Qin Xuesong did to please Bai Chichi. The two-person exhibition hall sounds quite romantic.

If you want to tell Situ Qing, he must feel very angry, right?

At this time, Situ Qing asked Luo Yi for something, and Chen Yuan immediately notified him to come to the chairman's office.

When Luo Yi walked to Chen Yuan's side, he smiled and greeted her.

Before that, Chen Yuan had always maintained an attitude towards Luo Yi, but Luo Yi liked Chen Yuan's simplicity and innocence, and he liked her very much.

Although Chen Yuan was somewhat polite and indifferent, Luo Yi felt that a good girl should have been more reserved.

Therefore, Luo Yi has never lost faith in Chen Yuan, thinking that time can make her understand herself, and then the water will become a lover.

"Hello, Chen Yuan." Luo Yi nodded to Chen Yuan.

"Hello." Chen Yuan smiled and stood up. This has never happened before. She has always nodded faintly.

Luo Yi was a little surprised, but he didn't stay any longer, but went straight to Situ Qing's office.

When he came out, Chen Yuan said to him for the first time: "You have performed very well recently. I think the president appreciates you very much."

Seeing her attitude, Luo Yi would of course stop and chat with her. This brief conversation brought the two people closer together.

After Du Luo Yi left, Chen Yuan took back the smile on her face. She planned to contact Luo Yi a few more times, and then she could talk to him about some people or things that both of them knew.

When the time comes, bring the topic to Bai Chichi's body naturally, and then give him a hint and reveal it to Situ Qing.

When Bai Chichi returned home, she had a small limited edition teddy bear in her hand, and she took it back to the bedroom, which she liked very much.

After Xin Xiaozi found out, she even teased Bai Chichi a few words, but as a good friend for many years, she also knew Bai Chichi's character.

Situ Qing is a careless person. He didn't care about the teddy bear at all. He just said strangely: "This little bear is so ugly, why do you want to buy it, wife?"

"Where is it ugly, I like this one the most!" Bai Chichi hugged the teddy bear and said to Situ Qing dissatisfied.

"Yes, it's not ugly or ugly, as long as you like it!" Situ Qing shrugged and walked away indifferently.

When Chen Yuan went to Bai Chichi’s room to chat with her, she also saw the little bear. She knew that she must have bought it when Bai Chichi went out to play with Qin Xuesong last time. She thought this was a very important prop. , Should be available at that time.

"Wai Chi, World Eye Protection Day is coming soon, do you want to check out those propaganda? It is said that there are authoritative expert speeches!" Qin Xuesong can always find things that interest Bai Chi Chi.

Bai Chichi was also very happy to attend the appointment. The two of them went to the lecture and went home after eating outside.

Because everything happened when Situ Qing was at work, he didn't know what Bai Chichi did at home.

Jusao is also a professional, so she doesn't care about Bai Chichi at all, she just thinks about when Xin Xiaozi will have an accident.

In this way, as long as Xin Xiaozi didn't say anything, the family wouldn't talk too much. Chen Yuan still deliberately lured Bai Chichi to speak at the dining table, and wanted her to show some clues, but Xin Xiaozi resolved them all. .

Chen Yuan thought that there was no way to make Situ Qing suspect Bai Chi Chi at home, so she had more contact with Luo Yi in the company.

"Chen Yuan, do you want to have afternoon tea together?" Luo Yi called Chen Yuan on the inside during the lunch break.

"Okay, I'm relatively free in the afternoon, nothing happened." Chen Yuan readily agreed, and then went to the staff lounge.

Luo Yi ordered a cup of caramel macchiato for Chen Yuan, and then sat at the window with her to talk.

"I haven't been to the president's house recently. My parents are quite concerned about the president's wife. She has been pregnant for a few months, how is her health?" Luo Yi asked for a topic.

"Very good, but why would you ask me?" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Luo Yi looked at her: "I don't want to ask, can you still ask the president? It's not appropriate! This is just my mother's daily routine."

"Well, it's all pretty good, thank your mother for caring. But..." Chen Yuan deliberately picked up the coffee cup and swallowed the rest.

Luo Yi looked at her and said, "But what? Is there anything wrong?"

"No, I heard from the babysitter at home that Sister Chi Chi always goes out in the afternoon recently. I think it's easy to get heatstroke when going out in the afternoon in this weather. I'm afraid it's not good for the child." Chen Yuan pretended to be very worried and sighed. In one breath.

Luo Yi nodded: "It is true, but why don't you remind her?"

"I'm embarrassed to take care of other people's affairs. I originally stayed at their house." Chen Yuan shook her head.

Luo Yi said, "But this is also for her good, isn't it?"

"That's how it is said, but in case she has important things to go out, doesn't it seem unpleasant for me to remind!"

"You have such a good relationship with her, just like a sister. It is always right to say something." Luo Yi didn't understand.

Chen Yuan thoughtfully said: "No matter how I say it, I'm an outsider. If the president speaks by himself, I think Sister Chi Chi might accept it."

"Don't the president know?" Luo Yi was a little strange.

"Maybe I don't know, otherwise I should say something too." Chen Yuan took another sip of coffee, and looked at the scenery outside as if she said casually.

Luo Yi frowned and said, "Then you should tell him, it's all for the sake of the baby."

"I said, I'm not good to take care of their family's private affairs! Hey, by the way, can you tell the president, anyway, you have a good relationship with their family." Chen Yuan took Luo Yi to his own set Guide on the route.

Luo Yi didn't know it at all. He just felt that it was not good for Bai Chichi to go out in the afternoon and couldn't think of anything else, so he immediately nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I will remind the president and ask him to persuade Mrs. If there is anything you can choose a cooler time to go out."

"That would be great." Chen Yuan smiled and gently touched Luo Yi's with a coffee cup, looking very cute and cute.

Luo Yi moved in his heart: "What's the matter, it's just a matter of effort."

Seeing him a little shy, Chen Yuan sneered in her heart, that's right, step by step, the contradiction between Situ Qinghui and Bai Chichi will be aroused.

Sure enough, after drinking the afternoon tea, Luo Yi and Chen Yuan returned to the president's office. Before Luo Yi went in, Chen Yuan said to him: "Don't say that I let you come, or I will be a little embarrassed."

"Okay, I know what to do." Luo Yi nodded.

Chen Yuan knew that he knew how to talk and could see it in normal times, so she let him in without worry.

After seeing Luo Yi, Situ Qing said, "The plan you made is very good. After reading it, I think it is very feasible. After the board of directors studies it, it may be on the agenda."

"Thank you, President." Luo Yi was very happy.

"Yes, young man, if you continue to do so, the future is limitless!" Situ Qing also felt that Luo Hui'an's son was a father.

Luo Yi handed in another investigation report, and then said to Situ Qing: "President, I went to the tax office once in the afternoon and happened to see my wife also on the street. I think she is a pregnant woman and it is not good to go out in the afternoon. "

"Oh, when?" Situ Qing raised his head.

"I also forgot the exact time. It seems that it was just a few days ago. Go back and ask." Luo Yi finished speaking, bending over, and politely backing out.

Situ Qing thought for a while, and called Bai Chichi, but there was no communication. He was a little puzzled.

Where is this, why is there no signal?

So Situ Qing called Xin Xiaozi again, thinking that they should be together, but after connecting, Xin Xiaozi hesitated and said that Bai was not by her side.

"Xiao Zi, where are you late? Didn't you go home together after class every day?" Situ Qing became a little stiff.

"Yeah, but not today, she said something is going on." Xin Xiaozi simply said with a heartache, pretending to be very relaxed.

Situ Qing felt something was wrong, did Bai Chichi go out more than once in the afternoon?

"Have you told you where to go?" Situ Qing asked himself not to be so impetuous, or just a misunderstanding.

"Yes, I forgot." Xin Xiaozi didn't know what to say.

Situ Qing said: "I can't get through her phone and I'm worried, think about it."

"I can't remember, if you call again, maybe it will get through!" After that, Xin Xiaozi hung up the phone.

This is really strange, what is Bai Chicha doing?

Situ Qing was anxious and worried. This was the case after redialing several times, and his mood suddenly became bad.

But when he was upset while holding the phone, Bai Chichi called: "Qing, are you looking for me?"

"Where are you, my wife, how come there is no signal?" Situ Qing asked impatiently.

Bai Chichi smiled and said: "It's just in the underground passage, don't worry, I will go home soon!"

"What underground passage? Where are you, who are you with?" Situ Qing couldn't help but jumped out a series of question marks.

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