Situ Qing heard the suppressed voice of grief and indignation, and the softest part of his heart was severely torn.

It shouldn't be, how could she let her cry so hard and painfully.

Situ Qing felt that it might be that Bai Chi was unwilling to let the family know that they had such a serious dispute, so he desperately controlled himself and did not dare to express his grief.

This caused her to cry like a sorrow that was unbearable, and the people who heard it would feel sour and could not help feeling sad with her.

Situ Qing was very regretful. He stayed for a while and stretched out his hand to turn on the light.

Bai Chichi heard Situ Qing's footsteps, and she tried hard to stop her crying and prevent him from seeing this weak side.

But crying to the point of sadness, where is it so easy to stop suddenly, so her crying turned into intermittent sobbing.

But Bai Chichi still sniffed, planning to get up from the ground.

At this time, Situ Qing turned on the light and saw her embarrassed and pitiful, like a wounded puppy crawling on the ground, struggling feebly.

"Wife, why are you lying on the ground!" Situ Qing was taken aback. Bai Chichi had never been so frustrated in front of him, and one could imagine how deep a blow she had been.

Bai Chichi was blindfolded with tears, and the dark room was suddenly lit up. Her eyes were a little unsuitable for such light, only to see Situ Qing's vague figure running towards her quickly.

She raised her hand and covered her eyes.

No, he can't lie down like this anymore, otherwise he will be sneered at himself, Bai Chichi thought, staggering to stand up.

However, he was crying so badly and his eyes were dizzy, so Bai Chichi couldn't stand at all, seeing that he was shaking and about to fall.

Situ Qing rushed forward and hugged Bai Chichi.

"Wife, wife..." Situ Qing didn't know what to say for a while, and could only mutter to Bai Chichi.

This apologetic cry made Bai Chichi feel like a knife.

"You let me go, let me go!" She twisted her body, trying to get out of Situ Qing's arms, but he held it so tightly that Bai Chichi couldn't get away at all.

Bai Chichi's tears burst once again, rushing down, wet the skirt of Situ Qing in an instant.

Listening to her crying and feeling her struggle, Situ Qing felt that he was a real bastard, he could only hold Bai Chichi tightly, and let her vent her dissatisfaction even though she was kicking and beating herself. And anger.

"My wife, don't cry!" Situ Qing whispered to Bai Chichi in his arms.

But he didn't know that when a woman was most sad and sad, the sentence "Don't cry" was the last thing she could not hear.

It didn't matter if I didn't say this, Bai Chichi cried even harder after speaking.

"Wife, wife, Chi Chi, please, don't cry anymore, my heart is broken when you cry!" Situ Qing pressed Bai Chi Chi's head against her chest, and her voice choked up.

Bai Chichi's cry was blocked by his chest, and the temperature of her tears was like a fiery red charcoal, burning Situ Qing's heart.

"Chichi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Situ Qing finally said this sentence. His previous proud pride didn't let him say this sorry sentence, which immediately made Bai Chichi's body soft.

Bai stopped struggling, she collapsed softly in Situ Qing's arms, her eyes turned black, and she fainted unexpectedly.

Situ Qing was frightened by her, so he hugged her to bed, wiped her forehead with ice water, patted her face lightly, and called her name anxiously.

Seeing that Bai Chichi still didn't respond, Situ Qing was cruel and pinched her among the people, only then saw her let out a sigh of relief and slowly woke up.

"Wife, you scared me to death!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and kissed her face again.

Bai Chichi stared at Situ Qing blankly. Her face was pale, but her eyes were swollen like two walnuts, her nose was also red, there was a deep nail mark in the person, and her lips were trembling.

Situ Qing was so distressed that he watched Bai Chichi shouting her name.

After staying for a while, Bai Chichi finally cried out with a wow, tears and tears, no image, two hands pressed into fists and struck Situ Qing's chest vigorously.

Situ Qing didn't stop her, let her muffle her nose and tears.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Chi was tired, and sobbing in a low voice while covering his face with both hands, Situ Qing sighed and hugged her.

This time, Bai Chi did not resist any more, leaning weakly on Situ Qing's shoulder, and let out a sob from time to time.

"My wife, I'm sorry." Situ Qing stroked Bai Chichi's back, eyes full of guilt and love.

Bai Chi did not speak, she cried as if all of her strength had been taken away, and she fell helplessly into Situ Qing's arms.

"My wife, let me see you." Situ Qing lifted her head up and looked at her face that was already crying beyond recognition.

"How could it be swollen like this!" Situ Qing frowned as he looked at Bai Chichi's eyes.

Bai Chichi himself felt that there was only a seam left in his eyes, and his vision was also very unclear, seeing Situ Qing just a fuzzy outline.

For you, my eyes are crying blind, Situ Qing, you stupid pig!

Bai Chichi thought for a while, a moment of grievance struck her, and she wanted to cry again, but the tears dried up, leaving only a dry whimper.

Situ Qing hurriedly hugged her and said, "Hey, my good wife, don't cry anymore, your eyes won't stand it!"

"Situ Qing, I hate you!" Bai Chichi said viciously, narrowing his eyes.

"Okay, okay, as long as you are good, hate me!" Situ Qing is really worried about Bai Chichi's eyes. She hasn't fully passed the convalescence period, but this earth-shattering cry, to her His eyes will definitely cause harm.

Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing. She actually forgave him when she heard his sorry sentence. She knows who he is. He just loves face so much, Meng Ran must be something this **** told her on purpose.

However, now that the two of them are sitting face to face like this, she still feels a little sad. If she knew this, why bother.

"Late, don't move, I'll get you some eye drops and an ice pack for you!" Situ Qing said as he stood up.

But Bai Chichi hugged his waist, holding him tightly, not letting him move.

Situ Qing stroked Bai Chichi's head, his heart was blocked, and his heart was choked with pain. God knows how much he regrets.

"Baby, let me go, two minutes at most, okay?" Situ Qing said softly to Bai Chichi.

But Bai Chichi stubbornly held his waist and wouldn't let him go.

Situ Qing leaned down, grabbed Bai Chichi's shoulders, looked at her eyes and said, "Your eyes must be dealt with, otherwise there will be serious consequences."

"My eyes, are they ugly?" It was a woman, Bai Chichi didn't even care about the so-called serious consequences, only caring about whether they looked good.

Situ Qing smiled and shook his head and said, "It's not ugly, if it's walnuts, it's still a pretty pair of walnuts!"

Bai Chichi touched his eyes in surprise and said, "It's already swollen like that? Okay, go get me ice!"

Situ Qing was angry and funny. When is this, she is still thinking about it.

"Then wait for me, and you'll be back soon!" Situ Qing kissed Bai Chichi's forehead before turning and leaving.

Listening to his footsteps, Bai Chichi's heart was already different from before. The moment Situ Qing slammed the door and left, her people were broken into pieces.

Now, he was going to fetch ice for himself, his footsteps were rushing and nervous, but Bai Chichi heard it as moving as the sound of nature.

While Situ Qing was leaving, Bai Chichi hurried to the mirror to take a look. As expected, his entire face was deformed, and it looked like a pig's head.

Bai Chichi blinked at himself in the mirror and pouted again. It was ugly no matter how to adjust it, and it was not beautiful at all.

Who said that the beauty of tears is a painting?

Or should it be sitting in front of the bead curtain, with a drop or two of tears slowly sliding down your cheeks, your eyes watery and affectionate, thinking of the lover far away?

But if a heart-piercing howl like Bai Chichi, coupled with lying on a cool ground, can maintain an elegant and charming teary beauty, then she is called a fairy concubine!

Alas, Bai Chichi sighed, thinking that I am just a mortal after all, so Pisong's eyes swollen from crying.

The eyes are indeed a little flowery, and they are dry and astringent, very uncomfortable.

Bai Chichi sniffed, rubbed his eyes, squeezed his face in front of the mirror, and let out a frustrated breath.

At this time, hearing the footsteps of Situ Qing coming back, Bai Chichi hurriedly jumped back on the bed three times, so as not to be seen by him making fun of his love of beauty and not looking at it.

Situ Qing came in with ice cubes and eye drops, and as soon as he entered the door, he quickly walked to Bai Chichi, breaking her face nervously and checking her eyes.

"Wife, what do you think of your gaze? Flower, can you see me clearly?" Situ Qing's eyes were dark, and Bai Chichi's figure was photographed.

Bai Chichi shook his head stupidly and said, "I can't see clearly, it's very flowery."

"Oh, why are you crying so hard!" Situ Qing hurriedly wrapped the ice cubes in a towel, and let Bai Chi lie down, slowly massaging her eyes.

The ice cubes are soaked in the cold, and it is very comfortable to apply to the eyes. Bai Chichi feels that it is as relaxing and soothing as if it is injected with a stream of clear spring.

Situ Qing moved the ice cube gently, and asked her if she was better.

"Well, it's better." Bai Chichi closed his eyes to enjoy, and answered lazily.

Situ Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and said distressedly: "You little idiot, as for you, you cry like a small cat! What if your eyes break?"

"As for, if you don't apologize to me, I will cry until I lose my eyes and fall the Great Wall!" Bai Chichi smiled mischievously.

Situ Qing looked at her and said, "Okay, I'm still joking. It seems that I have recovered a bit of energy!"

After thinking for a while, he said, "Are you going to cry down on the Great Wall? Wife, you are not Meng Jiangnu! Do you curse me as the hapless Man Xiliang?"

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