"I believe it, I believe it, forgive me, the animal president!" Bai Chichi smiled while hiding from Situ Qing, his beard pierced with pain on his face.

"Huh, you know how good I am, see if you dare to compete with me!" Situ Qing pretended to be very vicious and pinched Bai Chichi's chin.

Bai Chichi smiled and nodded: "I know, I know, I won't dare anymore!"

"It's almost the same!" Situ Qing nodded in satisfaction, lying flat on the bed, letting Bai Chichi's head rest on his shoulders.

Bai Chichi turned over and hugged Situ Qing's chest, and said gently: "Qing, let's prepare a baby room for the baby!"

"Well, what you say is what you say, I will listen to you!" Situ Qing stroked Bai Chichi's long hair.

Bai Chichi thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, let's discuss with Xiao Zi and use one house as a room for two babies!"

"Okay, after you have discussed it, I will be responsible for the implementation!" Situ Qing thought that Situ did not go home often, and that he had to do more to take care of the two pregnant women.

Bai Chichi said happily: "It would be great if the two children were as close to each other as you and Yuan. Then they will grow up together, read together, and make friends together. It's great, not alone at all!"

"Hehe, that is, but it is also accompanied by fights, grabbing toys, and fighting when making friends..." Before Situ Qing finished speaking, Bai Chichi interrupted him in surprise.

"Why, you grew up like this with Yuan?"

Situ Qing said with a smile: "Of course, do you think that two brothers can be so clever and sensible? My mother and my dad were so upset at the beginning!"

"Really? I don't have any brothers or sisters. You don't know how much I want to have a companion! If I had a sister or younger sister, I wouldn't have robbed her of anything!" He is a child and his parents are disabled with a strong sense of inferiority.

For a long time, Bai Chichi's father and mother wanted to give Bai Chichi the best love, but they were unconsciously afraid that they would lose her daughter's face, so Bai Chichi would not dare to bring friends home for fear of embarrassing parents. .

"You haven't realized it! If you really have a sister or sister, they will definitely quarrel, look at Xiaoying Xiaotao!" Situ Qing patted Bai Chichi's head.

"Then I don't care. Xiao Zi and I are like my sisters. I will educate her and try to make her children and my children be as close as my brothers!" Bai Chi said unconvinced.

Situ Qing shrugged: "Okay, in fact, they are cousins ​​originally, both surnamed Situ, no different from their relatives."

"That's right." Bai Chichi thought for a while and nodded.

In the gentle night, Situ Qing held Bai and refused to let go. When he woke up the next day, his arm was so sore that he couldn't lift it up.

"My wife, I'm useless!" Situ Qing held his sour hand with his other hand, looking at Bai Chichi with a sad face.

"What's wrong, don't you lift it?" Bai Chi blurted out.

Situ Qing laughed and said, "What are you talking nonsense, if you really want that, I will let you go with all my righteousness and righteousness!"

"You, you, where did you think of it!" Bai Chichi understood, and went to hit Situ Qing's hand with shame.

Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi, and said with a smile: "You kiss my arm and you will soon be better! Not only will you not fail to lift it, but it will also be powerful!"

"I'm not, why did you think so badly!" Bai Chichi said in his mouth, still rubbing Situ Qing distressedly.

"Okay, it's not sour anymore! Let's go, let's go downstairs for breakfast!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and led her out of the bedroom door.

The two talked and laughed, only each other was in their eyes, and nothing else existed.

Chen Yuan heard their footsteps and followed them out, and a chill flashed in her eyes when she saw the affection of the two in front of her.

It seems that they have reconciled, I didn't expect it to be so fast!

Didn't Situ Qing pretend to not let me take care of their nostalgia yesterday, but why did he hug them today and refuse to let go?

Bai Chichi, you can, so simple to regain the man's heart, it seems that your luck is still good.

Chen Yuan thought bitterly, coldly following Bai Chichi and Situ Qing, but they didn't even notice.

Bai Chichi turned around and saw Chen Yuan until he arrived at the restaurant. She smiled and said, "Yuanyuan, good morning!"

"Sister Chichi, good morning, I haven't seen you get up so early for several days!" Chen Yuan greeted her with a smile.

Situ Qing opened the chair to let Bai Chichi sit down and said to Chen Yuan: "Sister Chi Chi also knows that it is not good to sleep late, so I will not run in the morning. I will accompany her out for a walk and breathe in the fresh morning air. ."

"Oh, that's great!" Chen Yuan hugged Bai Chichi and whispered to her: "Sister Chichi, are you reconciled with sister-in-law Qing?"

Bai Chichi smiled and nodded.

Chen Yuan laughed happily, and clapped her hands and said, "Ah, I feel particularly in a good mood this morning. Sister Chi Chi, I will help you serve the porridge!"

After speaking, Chen Yuan ran to the kitchen. Bai Chichi looked at her back and shook her head: "This girl is so kind!"

"What do you mean?" Situ Qing asked puzzlingly.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "It's nothing, Yuanyuan is happy for us!"

"Oh, yesterday I ran to persuade me to reconcile with you." Situ Qing said casually, and Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan was very considerate and caring.

After breakfast, Situ Qing and Chen Yuan were about to go to work. Bai Chichi sent them to the garage. Situ Qing started the car, jumped down and hugged Bai Chichi, and whispered, "My wife, I can't bear you!"

"Come on, Yuanyuan is watching, what does it look like!" Bai Chichi was ashamed of her face. Chen Yuan sat in the passenger seat pretending not to see it, but there was a faint smile on her face. Bai Chichi was even more embarrassed.

"Well, give me a kiss." Situ Qing let go of Bai Chichi helplessly, pointing to his face and said.

Bai Chi had no choice but to peck like a dragonfly.

"That's OK? Forget it, come back tonight and make up for it!" Situ Qing looked ashamed.

"Oh, let's go!" Bai Chichi felt that Situ Qingzhen was more tired and crooked than before, like a greedy child.

Chen Yuan poked her head out of the car window and waved to Bai Chi Chi: "Sister Chi Chi, goodbye!"

Bai Chichi also smiled and said goodbye to Chen Yuan, slowly returning to the room after watching their car drove far.

After going upstairs, Xin Xiaozi walked out of the room with a look of fatigue.

"Xiao Zi, why are you so bad?" Bai Chichi asked her while pulling her.

Xin Xiaozi chuckled and said, "I was so excited last night I went to my mother's forum and posted a post, but accidentally played late."

"You, you are still so unconscious! They all said to be a self-disciplined mother!" Bai Chichi slapped Xin Xiaozi on the arm angrily.

Xin Xiaozi smiled hippiely and said, "Hehe, I know I was wrong, don't hit me! I will never do it again in the future!"

"Well, you have to count your words!" Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi went downstairs together and accompany her to breakfast.

Jusao made Xin Xiaozi her favorite Yangzhou soup dumplings, and she also made her a rich seaweed pork rib soup.

"Jusao, this morning, thank you very much!" Bai Chichi thanked Xin Xiaozi for help, thinking that Jusao was really a good nanny who worked tirelessly.

"Hey, there is something about this, isn't it all I should do!" Jusao agreed heartily before turning around and entering the kitchen again.

Bai Chichi looked at Xin Xiaozi who was immersed in eating, and pushed her hand and said, "Hey, aren't you going to increase Jusao's salary? I think it's okay, she is doing really well!"

"I know, but she doesn't want to. It must be a month later! Don't worry, I will add more money to her by then!" Xin Xiaozi ecstatically ate.

Bai Chichi waited for Xin Xiaozi to finish eating, and then told her about doing the baby room.

"Okay, I think it can! Two children have a room, and we only need one adult to look after it!" Xin Xiaozi agreed to Bai Chichi's proposal.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I think you just want to be lazy, right? Don't put the blame on me at that time!"

"Don't worry, wife, I will definitely help you watch the baby too!" Xin Xiaozi embraced Bai Chichi's shoulder boldly and said like a big man.

Bai Chichi smiled and pushed her away and said, "Come on, you! Let's take turns, so that we can save one manpower, and the two babies grow up together, the relationship must be good!"

"Well, well, you are right!" Xin Xiaozi kept nodding. She has always been lazy. Bai Chichi is more attentive than her, so Xin Xiaozi has always listened to things that require patience and meticulousness. For nothing.

Jusao heard the conversation between the two in the kitchen, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Could such a beautiful day come?

"Hey, Bai Chi, did Situ Qing plead with you after returning to the room yesterday?" Xin Xiaozi blinked at Bai Chi Chi.

"Um, uh, yes!" Bai Chi hesitated for a while, and admitted readily.

Xin Xiaozi smiled and hugged her fists: "Very good, congratulations!"

"Don't say that. Congratulations on the fight!" Bai Chichi said a little shyly.

Xin Xiaozi leaned over to her and whispered: "No congratulations for the quarrel, it's worth congratulating for reconciliation! By the way, did he take care of you?"

"What will serve me?" Bai asked inexplicably.

"Pretending to be innocent?" Xin Xiaozi gave Bai Chichi a dissatisfied look.

Bai Chichi thought for a while and replied earnestly: "Forget it, not only gave me medicine, but also gave me chicken soup, and put in bath water..."

"not this!"

Xin Xiaozi whispered a word into her ear, flushed with shame, and chased her and said, "I'm going to die you, say such an obscene thing!"

"Haha, this is normal boudoir fun for husbands and wives, how come I am nasty!" Xin Xiaozi said happily while hiding.

Bai Chichi stood up and said to Xin Xiaozi, "I won't tell you anymore!"

"Okay, okay, am I kidding you! What are your plans today?" Xin Xiaozi smiled and hugged Bai Chichi.

"Hate!" Bai Chi turned around and ignored Xin Xiaozi.

"Oh, I was wrong, just say it!"

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