"Sister Ju, when on earth did you start with Xin Xiaozi? I think you served her comfortably, but you have the energy to take care of Bai Chichi and Situ Qing's nostalgia, which made them reconcile again!" Chen Yuan helped Sister Ju cleaned up the dishes and muttered very dissatisfied.

"What are you in a hurry? Some things must be prepared. Suddenly something big will happen, and everyone will doubt it! Since you come to this home to cause sabotage, you have to abide by the rules of the game and don't be too hasty." Jusao didn't panic. Busy washing the dishes, said to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan pretended to persuade Situ Qing and Bai Chichi, but in fact she was just acting. Who knew that after Situ Qing and Xin Xiaozi had a conversation in the corridor, Bai Chichi hugged him and appeared in the next morning. The restaurant is out.

It can be seen that Xin Xiaozi's words are still very effective, and Chen Yuan hates her very much.

Now not only the family is reunited, but also enthusiastically invited the designer to come back to tidy up the planned Wenruo room, as if everything has returned to calm.

"I think with Xin Xiaozi here, they will not be split easily!" Chen Yuan was a little anxious, hoping to get rid of Xin Xiaozi soon.

Sister Ju smiled and said, "You are still too young, wait and see, it will have an effect soon!"

"What effect?" Chen Yuan didn't understand.

Jusao smiled mysteriously: "Anyway, don't worry about me doing things, otherwise Master Xiao will not send me to help you!"

"Okay, I'll just endure it for a while." Although Chen Yuan felt unhappy, she didn't dare to interfere too much in Jusao's plan when she heard the name of Xiao Ye.

Jusao was doing things happily, even humming a song, with a confident appearance, Chen Yuan shook her head helplessly, not knowing what she was going to do.

The Situ Qing brothers and Bai Chichi are now in Wenruo's former room, watching the designer measure the size.

"Here is the children's wardrobe, here is their crib!" Xin Xiaozi walked around happily.

Bai Chichi pulled her and said, "You can stop for a while, there are professionals in there, so don't mix things up!"

Xin Xiaozi glared at her and said, "Why am I messing around? I am the baby's mother, of course I am qualified to comment!"

Situ Yuan hurried over and said to Xin Xiaozi, "Aren't you tired from walking around? Come and sit down quickly."

"But I'm not tired at all. I feel energetic, and I still have a lot of energy to swish outwards!" Xin Xiaozi couldn't sit still.

Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi, "Look at Xiao Zi. Since I started to tidy up this room, I have been very excited, and I can't stop it!"

"She is like this, as long as it is something she is interested in, she will be very excited and busy!" Bai Chichi also laughed.

Xin Xiaozi heard what they said and turned around and said, "I was always dizzy some time ago and didn't do anything serious. After these two days, I finally feel comfortable. You still have to stop me from decorating the room for my son!"

"No one is stopping you, I'm afraid you will be tired." Situ Yuan took a wooden chair and ran after Xin Xiaozi, wanting to let her sit down and rest.

However, Xin Xiaozi, as if not seeing him, pointed out in the room to himself, and kept talking to the designer.

"Forget it, let's go out, lest it affect other people's work!" Bai Chichi looked at Xin Xiaozi and said helplessly.

Situ Yuan took Xin Xiaozi out of the room in a hug, and several people came to the living room, thinking about quieting her.

However, Xin Xiaozi still couldn't rest, holding a tablet computer to see the design of the child's model room, and fantasizing about how her baby would play in the room.

"Chichi, are your eyes better?" Situ Yuan thought about Situ Qing giving Bai Chichi eye drops.

"It's better, it's just a small problem." Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulders, frowned and said, "Small problem? If you cry like that again, I'm afraid the problem will be very big!"

"Why are you crying?" Situ Yuan didn't know what happened, and Xin Xiaozi felt there was no need to tell him this.

Bai Chichi quickly changed the subject and asked Situ Yuan, "Well, did your business trip go well? Where did you go?"

"It went well. I went to the south to fight the floods." Situ Yuan felt that Bai Chichi was a little embarrassed, and guessed that it was probably the two of them quarreling, so he responded cooperatively.

"Very dangerous, isn't it?" Bai Chi asked nervously. She had lingering fears when she thought that Situ Qing was buried by the mudslide.

Xin Xiaozi looked at the tablet, and said without looking up, "What are you afraid of danger? If you meet a good girl and rescue him from the flood, it will be romantic!"

At exactly this time, Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen with a large plate in her hand. Inside were four bowls of white fungus and red jujube soup. She was stunned when she heard Xin Xiaozi's words.

"Little Zi!" Bai Chichi saw Chen Yuan's face a little embarrassed, and touched Xin Xiaozi's hand.

"Oh, what are you doing, it made my hands slippery, and finally saw a model house I like was knocked off by you!" Xin Xiaozi said in a dissatisfied dialogue with Chen Yuan. .

"Haha, I'm kidding! Yuanyuan, don't check your seat!" Xin Xiaozi smiled indifferently.

"Yes, she loves nonsense!" Bai Chichi also said to Chen Yuan, fearing that she would be stimulated by Xin Xiaozi's words.

Originally, Xin Xiaozi liked to say that the love formed between Chen Yuan and Situ Qing in the crisis could easily turn into an ambiguous relationship. Now that she says such things in front of Chen Yuan, people will definitely have thoughts after hearing them.

Situ Yuan and Situ Qing also glanced at each other. In this home, they both hope to give Chen Yuan a happy and comfortable environment.

Chen Yuan came over and put the plate on the coffee table, and said to everyone: "Sao Ju's dessert, let's try it!"

Her generous appearance made Bai Chichi a little embarrassed. Chen Yuan felt that Chen Yuan was open-minded and didn't care about such trivial matters. On the contrary, she was busy explaining that she seemed very abrupt and petty.

"Well, well, I like the dessert made by Jusao, far away, please try it!" Xin Xiaozi happily picked up a bowl and took a sip with a satisfied smile.

Everyone was infected by her expression. They drank the sweet white fungus soup and talked about interesting things about their experiences. They felt that time was very good.

Chen Yuan looked at everyone with a smile, standing aside with the plate in her hand, listening to them quietly, very well-behaved.

"Really, when I went to fight the flood this time, the few soldiers I brought were terrified by the water that I had never seen before, but they were all brave and none of them flinched!" Situ Yuan put the empty bowl on the coffee table .

"Yes, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

When Situ Qing was about to say something, Xin Xiaozi stood up suddenly, shocking him.

"Look, you see, the room for boys is like this, and the rooms for girls are like this!" Xin Xiaozi pointed to the tablet and said to everyone excitedly.

"Well, I'll listen to you, but my wife, don't be so surprised, scaring the baby!" Situ Yuan took Xin Xiaozi's hand and told her to sit down.

Bai Chichi touched his chest and said, "Stop talking about the baby, I was also scared by her, Xiao Zi, what are you doing!"

"I just saw the style of the room I like, so I am very happy!" Xin Xiaozi danced with joy.

Situ Qing frowned and said, "Xiao Zi, you are indeed a little too excited today. Isn't it the baby's room? There is still a lot of time to tidy up."

"Time flies like running water, the baby will meet us soon, it's better to prepare early!" Xin Xiaozi disagreed with Situ Qing's point of view.

"Sister Xiao Zi is such a person, she has a quick temper." Chen Yuan smiled and cleaned the empty bowl on the coffee table.

"Yeah, I'm like this! I don't know if my baby will inherit it, so don't rush out to live in the new room!" Xin Xiaozi laughed.

Bai Chichi looked at her and said: "Why are you less and less able to speak? Whose expectant mother would say that her baby was born prematurely!"

"Bah baah baah, I take it back and I take it back!" Xin Xiaozi also felt uncomfortable, sticking out his tongue and saluting Bai Chichi.

Looking at her, everyone smiled tolerantly. Xin Xiaozi had this kind of personality, and he was unobtrusive.

"Xiao Zi, you will be calm in the future and don't let your children learn from you. If you are a girl, it would be very cute and straightforward. If a boy is like this, it will be a bit frivolous and unstable!" Bai Chichi also spoke to Xin Xiaozi. Very frankly.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong!" Xin Xiaozi sat down holding the computer.

Everyone was chatting, and it was noon inadvertently. Chen Yuan and Jusao made a lot of delicious food, and everyone was very happy.

Especially Xin Xiaozi, who is always chatting endlessly today, like a little bird that is overly lively.

But because she usually does this often, everyone didn't care.

Only Chen Yuan felt that something was wrong, as if Xin Xiaozi was so excited today that she was a little bit forgetful, and sometimes there was no logic in her words.

Could this be Jusao's plan?

Chen Yuan glanced at Jusao secretly, but she treated everyone with a smile as before, and she couldn't see any difference.

But what good is it to make Xin Xiaozi so happy? Chen Yuan didn't understand.

"Eat fast, we will go to the building materials market to pick suitable ingredients for the baby after we finish eating!" Xin Xiaozi said while drinking soup.

"Aren't you all hired a professional team to take full responsibility, in this big sun, what are you doing as a pregnant woman to the building materials market?" Bai Chichi asked in confusion.

"I don't worry if I go and see it myself!" Xin Xiaozi pouted.

Situ Yuan knew his wife. He smiled and said, "The building materials market is full of formaldehyde. Wife, after you go, it will be bad for the baby!"

With that said, Xin Xiaozi gave up his idea.

While serving Bai Chichi's soup, Situ Qing whispered in her ear: "Fortunately, I have good luck to marry a gentle and virtuous wife like you. I really sympathize with you. See if he takes Xiaozi a little bit. There is no way!"

"Fuck you! Don't speak ill of Xiao Zi!" Bai Chichi said in a good mood, but he also wanted to protect Xin Xiaozi.

"We will go back to our room to take a nap after eating, and study the baby's name to be serious!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chi Chi.

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