"Go, go!" Xin Xiaozi watched Bai Chichi walk into the Ai Chi Building, and drove away with a smile. She felt that this time she was just joking with Situ Qing. It's so easy to hear any news, but It's just playing around to pass the boring time.

And it just happens that Bai Chichi and Situ Qing can have lunch together, so that they can show up together in the company.

Since Bai Chichi got married with Situ Qing, he rarely visited the company because of her pregnancy. In addition, Bai Chichi is not a person who likes to show off, so in the eyes of employees, she is still a mysterious wife of the president.

If they were to see that Bai Chichi was handsome and decent, the girls who were thoughtful would stop thinking.

Xin Xiaozi was very confident with Bai Chichi, and felt that she was the best candidate for President Situ's wife, and everyone else should step aside.

Especially Chen Yuan.

Bai Chi arrived late in the building of the Ai Chi Group, with a somewhat inexplicable guilty conscience. She is not a jealous person, so she is not used to being a spy for love to inquire about Situ Qing's character and style.

Seeing that everyone didn’t know herself, Bai Chichi felt better. She got on the elevator and didn’t know where to go. She waited for others to press the floor button, and followed a few female employees at will. The elevator door.

"It's been really busy these days. There are so many things in our engineering department!" The female employee in front was talking hurriedly holding the bag of documents.

"Yes, our finance department is also very busy, you see, so many reports are waiting for your engineering manager to sign!" another tall and thin girl said.

The engineering department, isn't that the department where Luo Yi works? Bai Chichi stopped. She didn't know what to say if she met Luo Yi.

After thinking about it, Bai Chichi turned around and entered the elevator again, and then got down on the 15th floor.

Looking at the long corridor and the busy people, Bai Chichi really regretted hearing Xin Xiaozi's words and ran here to find trouble.

What's the point? The employees are all working hard and conscientious. Everyone seems to be very diligent. There is no time to discuss the short history of the president.

It's better to go back. Bai Chichi walked toward the elevator entrance while thinking. At this time, a few people came down from the elevator and looked at her strangely after seeing her.

Now Bai Chichi was even flushed and blushing, feeling helpless, she hurriedly opened a door next to her and walked in.

When he arrived in the room, Bai Chichi realized that he had come to the women's bathroom by mistake, just as Xin Xiaozi had said.

It's all here anyway, it's better to stand for a while before going out. Bai Chichi washed his hands, looked at himself in the mirror, and couldn't help laughing.

It seems that I am really not a spy, so I can't calm down after a few glances, so I can ask what to go back as soon as possible.

After checking the time, it was almost time to get off work at noon. Bai Chi hesitated. Should he go upstairs to find Situ Qing for dinner, or should he just come home like this?

When I was thinking about it, I heard the voice of twittering outside. It should be a group of female employees who came to the toilet after they were busy.

Bai Chichi felt that he looked abrupt, so he immediately hid in a bathroom, closed the door, thinking about waiting for them to go out before going out.

There was a noise outside the door, followed by the sound of several girls going to the bathroom, applying makeup, and washing their hands.

"Hey, what do you eat for lunch?" a high-pitched voice said.

Another low-pitched reply: "Just eat the employee meal, there is no reason not to accept the benefits provided by the company!"

"But, I really want to eat the spicy soup from the shop on the street outside!" This voice sounded a little immature, maybe it was a young newcomer.

Bai Chichi heard the sound of flushing water in the cubicle next to him, and then a crisp female voice said: "What kind of spicy soup is unhealthy and unhygienic!"

"Then you mean, are you going to the staff restaurant?" said the immature voice.

"Yes, maybe you can still meet President Situ!" The high-pitched voice sounded even more excited.

The deep voice said: "If you want to be beautiful, why would we little staff see President Situ? He must be eating in a high-rise restaurant."

Bai Chichi thought to himself, it seems that Xin Xiaozi's guess is right. As long as there is a handsome and eye-catching boss in the company, female employees always like to talk about it behind their backs.

Listening to them, Bai Chichi wanted to laugh a little, but she resisted letting herself make a sound. None of these girls would know that President Situ’s true destiny was by their side at the moment, but the place was a bit out of the way. , In the toilet cubicle!

Situ Qing, let me hear what your employees have said about you, so I can make you happy when I look back! Thinking like this, Bai Chichi simply sat on the toilet lid calmly, shaking his legs leisurely.

"It's not necessarily true. I think President Situ is very approachable. Sometimes he will go to our ordinary staff restaurant to experience it, and he will also propose amendments!" The crisp voice said unconvinced.

"Really? I have been in the company for a few months, and I haven't seen the deity of President Situ!" said the immature voice curiously.

"After you see it, you will understand why he has become the ideal lover in the eyes of the public. He is handsome, rich in gold, and also very gentle and polite!" The high-pitched voice made Bai Chichi quickly imagined. She is acting like an idiot.

Followed by a few girls laughing and joking, presumably they are laughing at the high-pitched girl.

It’s great to be young, you can joke as you want, and talk about your boss in the women’s bathroom so unscrupulously.

Bai Chi thought to himself that if he were more mature, he would not have a small meeting on such occasions. At least he would have to go to the lounge to get a cup of coffee and slowly whisper his opinions in the aroma.

Although there is a smell of sandalwood here, it is a place of reincarnation after all, which is still somewhat inelegant.

Bai Chichi felt a little bored without knowing when they left.

But at this moment, the low voice said, "Don't be foolish. Even if President Situ visits our common staff restaurant, Assistant Chen will be by his side. You have no chance!"

"It's true that Assistant Chen and President Situ are really inseparable. They are inseparable from each other. You can see them inseparable anytime and anywhere, so we have no chance at all!" The crisp voice said regretfully.

Bai Chichi's heart sighed, the sentence "We should not leave the weight, the father should not leave the wife" made her feel very ear-piercing.

The immature voice said: "I haven't met President Situ, but I have met Assistant Chen. I think she is pretty good!"

"How is it good?" The high-pitched voice may be adding lip gloss, and his speech was a little vague.

"Looks beautiful, has strong ability, and has a super affinity! I have said a few words to her, her voice is very good, gentle and comfortable!" The tender voice sounded admiring Chen Yuan very much. Look like.

Although he usually evaluates Chen Yuan this way, Bai Chichi sounds a little bit sour at the moment.

It turned out that Chen Yuan's impression in the minds of employees was like this. Bai Chichi felt that he should be happy for Chen Yuan instead of being jealous of her like this.

Criticizing herself, Bai Chichi then heard the low voice saying: "Yes, Assistant Chen is good at everything, so I said you don't think too much. President Situ spends so much time with her, and she has been in love over time , Cooperation is even more seamless!"

"You say that, it makes me feel confused!" The high-pitched voice said with a smile.

The crisp voice said: "Yes, President Situ has Assistant Chen next to him. It is said that he used to be troubled by the sea, except Wushan is not a cloud! With such an excellent girlfriend, other people are mediocre in his eyes. You're so fat!"

"You are a vulgar fan, I don't want to give up, what if there is a chance?" The high-pitched voice retorted to her.

The immature voice said sincerely: "I don't have any hope, anyway, I like Assistant Chen, President Situ is so good with her! Good-looking men and beautiful girls, very good, I admire them!"

Good match, girlfriend, except Wushan is not a cloud, these words and words are like needles in Bai Chichi's heart.

What Xin Xiaozi said casually turned out to be a proverb!

"Don't talk nonsense here, you guys, be careful that there are ears on the wall, then go to President Situ to make a small report, you can't eat it and go around!" The low voice probably found the place where Bai Chichi was. There are people in the cubicle.

"Hehe, what's the matter? The entire company knows that Assistant Chen and President Situ are a couple!" The high-pitched voice may have a lively personality, and he speaks carelessly.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm so hungry! Discussing what to eat in the toilet, and only we can do it!" The crisp voice urged.

"I still want to eat Mala Tang!" the immature voice said timidly.

This time, several people unanimously said to the immature voice: "Don't go, follow us to the staff restaurant. If you meet President Situ, you will laugh!"

The sound of a few people's footsteps faded away, and Bai Chichi opened the door and walked out. She felt that her legs were a little numb.

Standing in front of the mirror, Bai Chichi felt uncomfortable thinking of the words he had just heard.

It turned out that everyone in the company recognized that Chen Yuan was Situ Qing's best partner, but she didn't even know it.

The two people go and go in pairs every day, and the two swords are combined in the company, and they are recognized by the employees, but they also cause misunderstandings and illusions.

Bai Chichi thought sadly, how could Yuanyuan be, is she really interested?

Looking at himself in the mirror, his expression was a little depressed and sad, Bai Chichi took a deep breath, and felt that it was better not to be so narrow.

Come to think about it, Chen Yuan must be very responsible to Qing, take care of his life and assist him in his work, so that makes people jealous or spread rumors.

Bai Chi shook his head, and it's better to find Qing for lunch, let everyone see the real wife.

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