"Of course it's not normal! I think it's only right for boyfriends and girlfriends or husbands and wives to have these intimate actions!" Bai Chichi was very excited, her lips trembling.

Situ Qing was frightened by her appearance. He reached out his hand to wipe off a drop of tears that fell from the corner of Bai Chichi's eyes, and asked suspiciously: "My wife. What happened to you today? Was it irritated by the words of the girls in the toilet?"

"Maybe, but Qing, I see you and Chen Yuan like that, I, I am really upset!" Bai Chichi supported his forehead with one hand, and waved a hand helplessly in the air. At the same time, it seemed to be at a loss and depressed.

"Wife, Chen Yuan has always treated me like her big brother. She likes to contribute to me, to you, and to our baby. You usually accept her approach. What you see today is usually at home. I often see scenes, right?" Situ Qing took Bai Chichi's hand and said softly.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "No, it's not the same. When you are at home, you are right in front of my eyes. I feel generous! But when you are not in front of me, I think these actions are too much!"

"My wife, your theory is a bit funny! In front of you, you don't think it's a problem how we are close, and you can't be behind your back. Isn't this very upside-down?" Situ Qing couldn't help laughing.

Bai Chichi's jealous look looks very cute in his eyes, and her theory is even more puzzling.

Do you think you and Chen Yuan are at ease in front of her every day? This little idiot!

"No upside-down, I just don't like you being so affectionate with me behind your back!" Bai Chichi was really angry, and Situ Qing's smile made her even more uncomfortable.

Seeing Bai Chichi's expression, Situ Qing didn't dare to joke with her anymore, and said with a serious face: "Chi Chi, you think too much, my relationship with Chen Yuan couldn't be normal!"

"But I saw you with my own eyes..." Bai Chichi had tears in his eyes, eager to express his dissatisfaction.

Situ Qing waved his hand to stop her, looked at her affectionately, and said, "What you see with your own eyes is just what happens in our house all the time, but today you heard some gossip in the toilet, so you gave birth. suspicion."

"You really don't have anything?" Bai Chichi heard what he said, and felt that it made sense. She looked at Situ Qing and began to wonder if she was too sensitive.

Situ Qing held her face and said seriously: "You have to believe that in my heart, there is always only you!"

"I want to believe it, but..."

"Nothing but, it must be certain and certain!" Situ Qing seemed to be so sincere, and his words fell on the copper plate with ding-dong sounds.

Bai Chi did not speak, her face became much more relaxed, Situ Qing smiled and said, "Probably your hormones have changed, which makes you so suspicious. But wife, even if you change, I It will not change either!"

"Well, I believe it." Bai Chi nodded.

"I believe it will be fine. You can see that your paella is cold. May I order another one for you?" Situ Qing pointed to the paella on the table that was no longer steaming.

Bai Chichi said shyly: "Okay, Qing, I'm sorry, I think too much, I shouldn't doubt the closest person."

"Don't say sorry, I'm very happy when you eat my jealousy! This proves that you care about me!" Situ Qingzhen thought so.

If Bai Chichi has always acted too generously, it will make him feel that he is dispensable in her mind.

Today, Bai Chichi finally couldn't help but express his thoughts. Not only did he not annoy Situ Qing, but he secretly gave birth to some joy.

The new paella has a more beautiful color and a more fragrant taste. Bai Chichi removed the block in his heart and his appetite was restored.

"Is it delicious?" Situ Qing watched Bai Chichi eating it with a mouthful of fragrant, eyes full of love.

Bai Chi nodded and started drinking the creamy mushroom soup again.

"If you eat more, our baby will absorb more!" Situ Qing happily gave Bai Chichi some side dishes.

"Qing, you and Chen Yuan still have to pay attention in the future, don't be like home, lest the employees gossiping behind their backs." Bai Chi said to Situ Qing after drinking the soup.

"Okay, I will remember what you said. But my wife, I heard a similar statement last time, but Yuanyuan reprimanded those girls very seriously." Situ Qing took the exquisite cake to Bai Chichi again. Mouth.

"Yuanyuan scolded them?" Bai Chichi opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "Yes, she said that the person she respects most is you, and that you are the only wife of President Situ."

"The most respected person?" Bai Chichi murmured and repeated.

"Yes, Chen Yuan said that these female employees have never met you before. If you have met you, you will understand how I love you like that!" Situ Qing didn't seem to be lying to make Bai Chichi happy, he said. It's all true.

Bai Chichi was silent, and after a while she raised her head: "It seems that I misunderstood. I am really sorry for Yuanyuan."

"Don't say that, people say it is terrible, even Ruan Lingyu's outstanding generation of celebrities can't stand it, let alone you!" Situ Qing touched Bai Chi's head.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I'm a common man, how can I compare to Ruan Lingyu!"

"Who said that you are more beautiful than Ruan Lingyu!" Situ Qing said exaggeratedly.

Every woman likes to listen to compliments, Bai Chi was amused to laugh, revealing the two small pears at the corners of her mouth.

"Look, you smile Qingcheng, then smile Qingguo!" Situ Qing spared no effort to please Bai Chichi, for fear of her getting angry.

Bai Chichi covered his face shyly and said: "Enough is enough, if you continue to talk about it, I won't have a place for myself!"

"There is no place to be afraid, my embrace is your eternal support! Come to my arms, let me embrace!" Situ Qing sat next to Bai Chichi and hugged her.

Bai Chichi obediently hid in his arms, feeling extremely safe and warm.

"My wife, let me tell you, your worries are unnecessary! Yuanyuan is indeed kind to me, but it is only kindness." Situ Qing stroked Bai Chichi's long hair and said in her ear .

"But kindness is also a feeling, what if it changes?" Bai Chichi raised his head and looked at Situ Qing's green stubble.

"Absolutely not! Do you know that when I was in the disaster area, nothing happened with Chen Yuan day and night, which shows that we are insulated." Situ Qing stretched out his hand and made a swearing gesture.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "The environment is different. At that time, what you were worried about was survival. Now when you return to the city, you have many conditions that you didn't have!"

"Little fool, don't underestimate Yuanyuan. She showed great love in the face of the catastrophe. For a stranger like me, she extended a helping hand for free, but it was not for me to promise me in the future. Yes!" Situ Qing said, shaking his head.

Bai Chichi frowned and said, "I actually don't believe her, that is, your conditions are so good, everyone in the company thinks you are the best lover, Yuanyuan is with you all day, she is right What you think is normal."

Situ Qing patted Bai Chichi on the shoulder and said, "Others will, and Chen Yuan will not."

"How can you be so sure?" Bai Chichi felt that anyone around Situ Qing would easily have a good impression of him.

Why do you say that? It's because Situ Qing is good enough.

A good man is very attractive to a woman. Although Situ Qing is more in love with him than Jin Jian, it is also a great test for him to take the initiative to throw in his arms.

"Of course, I remember that when I was rescued by Chen Yuan from the mudslide, the entire disaster area was in chaos. Everyone was displaced. There was no place to shelter from the wind and rain, and there was no food or drink." Situ There was some sadness in Qing's eyes. At that time, many people in Chen Yuan's hometown were killed and injured.

Bai Chichi was infected by his words and remained silent.

"At that time, the troops had not arrived in their village, so the relief materials had not been delivered in time." Situ Qing would lament the ruthlessness and horror of nature when he thought of the scene at that time.

"Chen Yuan still has a bottle of water on her body. It is the only thing she brought out when she escaped from the collapsed house. It is very precious! Because after the disaster, the water source was polluted, so it can be said to be life-saving water." Situ Qing licked and licked. Lips.

"At that time, I was still in a coma, my whole body was muddled, I had a fever, and my consciousness was a little blurred. It was Chen Yuan who poured all the bottle of life-saving water into my mouth without any leftovers, which made me Wake up." Situ Qing hadn't specifically talked about his experience with Bai Chichi before, because he didn't want Bai Chichi to be sad and sad.

Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing and said distressedly: "So, Yuanyuan is really selfless. She saved you and saved me, and our baby!"

"Yeah, so Chen Yuan is not the kind of villain who sees benefits and forgets righteousness. She likes you to respect you so much, and will not do anything to hurt you!" Situ Qing said in a soft voice.

Bai Chichi nodded, feeling a little guilty.

"Did I treat a gentleman like a villain? I can't match Yuanyuan's benevolence and righteousness in the face of disasters!" Bai Chi couldn't help feeling contempt for her small eyes, she felt that way to think of Chen. Yuan is indeed wrong.

"Not necessarily! When you arrive at that kind of occasion, as a medical worker, you might be more dedicated than her!" Situ Qing understood Bai Chi Chi and knew that she also had a pure and caring heart.

"Don't comfort me! Well, I was really wrong today. I hope Yuanyuan didn't see my discomfort." Bai Chichi completely relaxed now.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "No, Yuanyuan will understand even if she sees it! Wife, although you are a little careful today, you are really cute!"

"Only you can say that, I almost hate myself!" Bai Chichi smiled sweetly in Situ Qing's arms.

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