Chen Yuan looked at the workers and saw from their eyes that they were ready, so she came to Situ Qing not far behind, quietly looking at his back.

Situ Qing didn't notice Chen Yuan, he was communicating with the workers heart and soul, hoping that they would not be deceived by others and work seriously.

"Workers, what kind of person I Situ Qing is, please feel free to ask! You work hard, and I will give you a satisfactory remuneration, and there will never be any such thing as arrears of wages!" Situ Qing's words were sonorous and loud. , Aroused a enthusiastic response from the workers below.

"It seems that what the big boss said is true!"

"Yeah, look at the house purchase contract! People like us can also afford a house in the city, it's really like a dream!"

"Then in this case, what reason do we have for not starting work?"

Hearing what these workers said, the wicked man became anxious and said to the workers around him: "If you don't behave anymore, I will make you unable to eat and walk around! This is endless!"

The worker looked at Chen Yuan with anxiety and fear in his eyes. Chen Yuan was cruel and walked to Situ Qing.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here? Didn't you let you wait in the car!" Situ Qing looked back and saw Chen Yuan, surprised and angry.

"I, I see the noise here, don't worry about you!" Chen Yuan blushed and said to Situ Qing worried.

Situ Qing smiled: "It's okay, everyone is reasonable, you see, the workers have calmed down!"

"However, there are too many people, and there are also restless people. I think you'd better leave early!" Chen Yuan pulled La Situ Qing's sleeve.

"I came out of the army, how could I be afraid of things, Yuanyuan, you underestimated me!" Situ Qing couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yuan frowned and said, "We'll leave as soon as we solve it, Sister-in-law Qing, if you have something wrong, how can I explain to Sister Chi Chi!"

"Relax, rest assured, I have already discussed with the representative, you see, he is now helping me tell the workers, please start work right away!" Situ Qing pointed to the worker representative, and he was talking with everyone on the contract. what.

At this time, Chen Yuan saw that the workers who had an appointment with her were threatened by the owner of the paper mill nearby, and her face also showed embarrassment.

No matter, it seems that today is not escaped! However, this is also good, so that Situ Qing can remember who is the one who sacrificed his life for him!

Chen Yuan quietly raised her hand, and then pressed down hard, she saw the workers hesitate for a moment, and the guy in her hand rushed over.

"Big bosses are all capitalists, and they don’t count. Brothers, tell him what the truth is, rush up and beat him!" The man from the paper mill boss took the opportunity to yell, but they are all cowardly and only know how to call. , But not hands-on.

The workers soon reached Situ Qing's side, and Chen Yuan screamed: "Brother Qing, be careful!"

Situ Qing reacted quickly enough, hugged Chen Yuan, and sent her body to the side, blocking her in front.

The workers saw what could be done? At the time, it was said that it was hitting Chen Yuan. Now if it hits a big boss who doesn't know it, will it be troublesome?

Therefore, when they were taken aback, their movements slowed down.

Situ Qing took advantage of this effort to divide the so-called weapons from the hands of several workers.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive. If something is resolved properly, force is useless!" Situ Qing still restrained.

The people of the paper mill bosses verbally threatened the workers who had collected the money. Everyone was helpless and in a dilemma.

Chen Yuan blinked at the young worker, making a stubborn mouth, asking him to pick up a brick on the ground, and then she rushed over, blocking Situ Qing, and made a hands-on mouth to the young worker.

The young worker was also clever and came over with the brick. Situ Qing was shocked and prepared to push Chen Yuan away, but Chen Yuan was brave and fearless and went up to meet the brick.

Chen Yuan closed her eyes and slammed her forehead against the brick. The young worker didn't take much effort to let Chen Yuan's head take the initiative to see blood.

Situ Qing looked back and saw that Chen Yuan's forehead was smashed by a brick, and red blood slowly flowed down her face.

The young worker was holding the blood-stained brick and staring blankly at Chen Yuan, who was slowly falling.

"Yuanyuan!" Situ Qing hugged Chen Yuan who was slumping, her eyes were slightly closed, and her face became pale because of the loss of blood.

"Brother-in-law Qing, go!" Chen Yuan said one last word before she fell into a coma, and then she lost consciousness.

Situ Qing shouted: "Yuanyuan, how are you!"

"Oh, why did Assistant Chen pop up suddenly, President, take her to the hospital quickly and hand it to me here!" The scene manager was also very scared, seeing that Chen Yuan's face was covered in blood, and she lost consciousness. , Quickly said to Situ Qing.

The worker representative was also shocked. He ran over to Situ Qing and said, "Yes, yeah, big boss, it's better to wait for an ambulance here to take her to the hospital yourself, it's remote!"

Situ Qing was stunned by Chen Yuan's behavior, and was a little anxious for a while. When the two men reminded him, he ran to his car with Chen Yuan in his arms, and the driver hurriedly followed behind him.

The young worker stood in a daze, with his hands hanging down, and the workers nearby all accused him.

The people of the paper mill owner had been scared off seeing Chen Yuan's appearance, and they were unwilling to take any responsibility. They were just taking people's money and they couldn't put themselves in.

"You kid, isn't it a bit too heavy?" the old worker secretly said to the young worker.

"I didn't, she ran into it herself!" the young worker said aggrievedly.

The old worker shook his head: "This Assistant Chen is really a desperate girl! Look, she smashed her head to make us feel at ease!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect her to work so hard!" The young worker looked at the brick and almost burst into tears.

"Oh, let's do things well in the future, don't disappoint Assistant Chen's kindness!" Everyone sighed.

Think about it, just to calm the atmosphere caused by the troublemakers, Assistant Chen, regardless of his own safety, drenched precious blood to frighten the gangsters and scared them to flee.

The workers all felt that Chen Yuan was a loyal, upright and good person, and her liking for her had doubled, and she often talked about it afterwards.

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone! Look at the big boss and Assistant Chen, what kind of exploiting class this looks like!" The worker representatives and the site manager asked everyone to go back to work, and the workers also quieted down. , I think Situ Qing is still a reliable person.

However, at this moment, Situ Qing was holding Chen Yuan in a coma, and he was already anxious. He came to the car and shouted anxiously: "Hurry up!"

The driver caught up and quickly opened the car door, helped Situ Qing put Chen Yuan in the back seat, and drove towards the nearest hospital.

Situ Qing also sat in the back seat, put Chen Yuan's head on her lap, and blocked her wound with a clean towel, anxiously urging the driver.

In fact, Chen Yuan’s injuries were not as serious as they seemed. She deliberately rubbed the rough bricks on purpose. Therefore, there was a big piece of skin she rubbed, but they were all skin injuries. .

However, the broken skin oozes and bleeds, and the area is large, it looks very shocking, a large area of ​​blood.

Of course, Chen Yuan's coma was a pretense. She had to do this, otherwise Situ Qing would not feel that things were sudden and dangerous.

Now lying on Situ Qing's lap, listening to his anxious calling, Chen Yuan knew that her strategy had worked, she secretly smiled in her heart.

Apart from rubbing the skin on her forehead, of course it was also hit. If it didn't, she would be exposed at the hospital, so although Chen Yuan's head was a little dizzy, she was clear in her heart as never before.

"Yuanyuan, wake up! Can you hear me?" Situ Qing kept tapping Chen Yuan's face gently.

Chen Yuan's forehead was hot, but she knew it was worth it. She saved Situ Qing once again, and her brave behavior in times of crisis would definitely win Situ Qing's deeper trust and gratitude.

At this time, the driver had already drove the car to the hospital. Before entering the hospital, Situ Qing asked the driver to stop and call the emergency doctor.

Then, Situ Qing hugged Chen Yuan and trot behind the driver to the emergency room of the outpatient clinic. After seeing the doctor, he anxiously asked them to rescue Chen Yuan.

The doctor saw Chen Yuan's face full of blood and she passed out, so she hurriedly carried her onto a stretcher and sent her to the operating room.

The sand was removed, and Chen Yuan's forehead was broken. The doctor stitched her with a few stitches, and then she was bandaged and sent to the ward.

"How about it, doctor?" Situ Qing frowned when she saw Chen Yuan still not waking up.

"We have already dealt with the trauma, as long as we pay attention to avoid infection, the problem is not big!" The doctor said to Situ Qing.

"Then why hasn't she woken up yet?" Situ Qing touched Chen Yuan's head and saw that her face was slightly swollen.

The doctor said: "Well, we checked her EEG. There was no head injury. She may have been frightened in a coma. Let her sleep for a while and she should wake up."

"Is that so? Then, doctor, will her wounds leave scars? Young girls, it is important to look at her appearance!" Situ Qing's carefulness made the doctor look at him more.

"Mr. Situ, please rest assured, we used the finest cosmetic needle to sew her wounds. The catgut will slowly absorb by itself, so there will be no scars." The doctor's explanation not only relieved Situ Qing. With a sigh of relief, Chen Yuan, who pretended to be unconscious, also let out a sigh of relief.

After explaining a few more precautions, the doctor left the ward, Situ Qing accompanied Chen Yuan, watching the liquid bottle hanging on her head dripping with anti-inflammatory drugs.

"Yuanyuan, you wake up quickly!" Situ Qing spoke to Chen Yuan gently, hoping she would open her eyes and smile.

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