Chen Yuan said with tears in her eyes: "Yes, Brother-in-law Qing, you and Sister Chi Chi are so kind to me, I don't know if I will let you go!"

"Stupid girl, I don't want to stay in the female congress. You always have to build your own family and enjoy the care of that man who loves you!" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan lowered her head and choked up and said, "But sometimes I feel that it is enough to have you. You have given me enough care and love. Being able to live with you is the biggest fortune in my life!"

"How can this be the same? We are just your family, but you still have to live your life together with a loved one, otherwise isn't it a pity?" Situ Qing said with a smile, thinking Chen Yuan was really simple.

The light in Chen Yuan's eyes dimmed: "What's so regrettable? My parents, brother, and all relatives lost their lives in the earthquake. I was able to survive and I met your family. I will never I have regrets."

Chen Yuan's words made Situ Qing feel very uncomfortable. He experienced the earthquake firsthand and knew that people were as small as ants in front of nature.

During the earthquake, Chen Yuan's family was killed. Situ Qing knew from her that at that time, except for her work in the village committee, the whole family was resting at home.

The disaster area was a remote and impoverished mountainous area. The village committee’s house was fairly well repaired, and it was much stronger than the villagers’ old wooden and mud structure.

Therefore, when the village committee's house was shaking, many residential buildings had already begun to collapse. Everyone did not respond, and many people were buried under the house.

Chen Yuan just ran out with a bottle of mineral water given to her by the village head, and the village committee house also fell.

When she ran towards the house desperately, all she saw along the way was a mess, and she heard a miserable cry in her ears.

When Chen Yuan came home, there was no longer a home. The walls were ruined and dust was everywhere, even people could not see clearly.

Seeing everything in front of her, Chen Yuan cried and jumped into the ruins, planing dirt, stones and wood with her hands, trying to find her relatives.

However, all of her ten fingers were bleeding, her nails were turned over, and her parents and younger brother were not found.

Alone alone in the ruins while crying while digging, Chen Yuan felt that she had encountered the most miserable thing in the world.

How could this be? Everyone was sitting around for lunch an hour ago, discussing where to let the younger brother go to college, and planning the whole family to play in the big city.

But in an instant, the situation suddenly changed, and all the good things disappeared, and no one could even cry, so he could only endure such suffering in silence.

Chen Yuan's tears did not stop falling from her eyes, and she silently used her blood-stained hands to find her closest relatives in the wreckage of the old house in vain.

The folks in the village woke up from the horror and began to save themselves, but Chen Yuan's family was never able to find it.

"Sister-in-law Qing, did you know that my parents and younger brother were dug out from under our old house until the army rescue team came." Chen Yuan hadn't specifically told Situ Qing about the family affairs when she was in the disaster area. .

At that time, Situ Qing was rescued by her from the mudslide. After Chen Yuan had dealt with the family's funeral affairs, she joined the disaster relief team.

Situ Qing was in a coma and had a high fever. Chen Yuanyi kept guarding him, giving him all the only clean water on his body, which in exchange for his rebirth.

However, during the whole process, Chen Yuan just said faintly: "My family all died in this disaster, and I was the only one left. However, I was strong enough to join the rescue team. Their comfort!"

Situ Qing was afraid of touching her sad thing, so she did not ask the details of the death of Chen Yuan's family.

Now in the hospital, the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly. Two people are sitting in the small living room of the ward, and one is holding a cup of tea. Chen Yuan was influenced by Situ Qing's words and opened up her heart and spoke to Situ Qing for the first time. Of her parents and brother.

The gloom of the disaster finally gradually dissipated from Chen Yuan's heart. Seeing Situ Qing so caring for herself, she couldn't help but think of her relatives, so she had the courage to go back and sort out the tragic situation at that time.

"Yuanyuan, forget those painful memories, don't make yourself feel bad again!" Situ Qing saw the tears in Chen Yuan's eyes and couldn't bear to make her return to that purgatory moment.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "No, brother-in-law Qing. Since you mentioned that I am your family member today, I also want to tell you the pain in my heart! I really don't want to mention this matter again, but I want to know that you are right. I am so good, and my loved ones will also be comforted!"

"But, now you think about it again, don't you just sprinkle salt on the wound?" Situ Qing knew what kind of torment it was for the victims who lost their loved ones after the disaster.

"Brother-in-law Qing, do you know how my parents and younger brother were when they were found by the rescuers?" Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing with her eyes in tears.

Situ Qingzheng's iron-clad man couldn't bear to hear such words, he waved his hands: "Yuanyuan, don't say it, you will be very painful."

"No, I want to say, I have never told anyone, I feel so sad!" Chen Yuan shook her head, tears streaming down her movements.

Situ Qing looked at her: "Why bother, why do you want to mention your sadness?"

"In order not to forget the good of today, in memory of my poor family!" Chen Yuan's tears were just like broken beads.

Situ Qing did not speak any more, he thought, Chen Yuan was too bitter, she had been alone with those terrifying scenes for so long.

Now that she wants to speak out, and she also needs an audience who can comfort her, let her face this miserable story.

"Brother-in-law, my brother, he is only seventeen years old. He is in a good age for Fenghua Zhengmao. He has excellent grades and a promising future. Every teacher who has taught him said that he is smart and wants to go to Beijing to go to university. Materials!" Chen Yuan talked about her younger brother, her eyes showed a kind of love and pride.

Situ Qing nodded silently.

"And my parents. Although they are very poor and have no education, they are very loving, and their lives are peaceful and beautiful. I have never heard them quarrel, let alone start!" Wipe away tears.

When she said these things, Chen Yuan temporarily forgot her embarrassing childhood. Her parents were noisy all day long, and it was really restless at home.

Now Chen Yuan substituting herself into the story she made up, feeling attentively the environment and experience of the characters she designed, until she moved her eyes to tears and she couldn't cry.

In fact, Chen Yuan really hopes that she can live in such a family. Although she doesn't have much money, her parents are kind, harmonious, and full of love and care.

So speaking of such an ideal home, Chen Yuan is full of emotions and moving, and she can't tell that she is making up stories.

"My dad is a typical farmer, he doesn't talk much, but he is very good to me and my brother. He never scolded us and always gives us the best things. He doesn't favor boys and treats us equally. Very kind." The famous oil painting "Father" appeared in front of Chen Yuan, she described vividly.

Situ Qing is a good listener. He did not speak, but looked at Chen Yuan with encouraging and comforting eyes.

"My mother is very capable and virtuous. She is clean and tidy outside the house. Even if there are patches, our clothes are clean and refreshing! My mother raises so many chickens and ducks and always gives eggs to the five in the village. The old guarantor, she is very kind!" Chen Yuan's heart sounded out of her mother's nervous scream, that was she was venting her dissatisfaction with her father.

"But, brother-in-law Qing, such a good parent, such a good brother, when they were carried out of the rubble, I couldn't recognize them!" Chen Yuan couldn't help tears when she was sad. There was a spring, and the whole body was trembling.

Situ Qing looked really sad. He had seen so many sorrowful scenes of people in the disaster area after losing their relatives, which really made him empathize.

Therefore, Situ Qing sat next to Chen Yuan, held her shoulders, patted her back gently, soothing her grief.

Chen Yuan was crying so hard that she finally calmed down, but the tears were still flowing.

Situ Qing poured Chen Yuan a glass of water and watched her drink it quietly. Then he sat down again, patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Yuan Yuan, your parents and younger brother are good people, I think they Now I must be looking at you happily in heaven!"

"Thank you, Brother-in-law Ching! Do you know that, when I walk down the street and see people about the same age as my parents or brother, I will follow them secretly for a while, as if I was with my relatives? Now." Chen Yuan sobbed.

Situ Qing took a tissue and handed it to her. Chen Yuan took it and wiped her tears, then looked at Situ Qing with red eyes and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, I know I am not a bad luck person, because I met you!"

"Yes, Yuanyuan, don't worry, as long as I'm here, you won't be able to experience such sad things again!" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and said seriously.

But he immediately shook his head and said, "But, I broke my promise, I actually watched you get hurt under my nose. I'm so incompetent!"

"That was just an accident, brother-in-law Qing, I did it voluntarily. I don't want to see you hurt, as if I can't bear to see my relatives hurt!" Chen Yuan said eagerly, as if she was defending Situ Qing.

Situ Qing sighed and looked at Chen Yuan, how could this poor and kind girl bear so much pain!

With a weak body and a firm character, Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan was really a rare good girl, and she deserved happiness.

A desire for protection spontaneously emerged from Situ Qing's heart. He cherished Chen Yuan. This feeling was pure and clean.

Like siblings.

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