"Yuanyuan, do you really think everything is all right?" Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan, she was busy packing her own things, her face was pretty good, her spirits were good, and people were smiling.

Chen Yuan folded the towels and put them in her bag, and smiled and said, "Of course, every cell of me is healthy now!"

"Don't save money for me, you have to raise it before you can leave the hospital!" Situ Qing picked up the medical record beside the bed and checked it.

Chen Yuan walked over and took the medical record from him. She looked at him and said, "Brother-in-law, if I don’t leave again, the hospital should issue an eviction order! I am a healthy and alive man who stays in the hospital and does not leave. This is a waste of public Resources!"

"You can't say that. You were injured because of me. I have a responsibility to watch you heal and not to be hasty!" Situ Qing said.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm really recovering as never before! Look, I don't even have a scar on my head, the bruises on my body are gone, and I have gained three kilograms of weight. Healed?" Chen Yuan was afraid that Situ Qing would not believe it, so she jumped on tiptoe to prove that she was very well.

Situ Qing looked at her and said, "It's alright, I'm sure you are alright, don't jump anymore, be careful to twist your ankle!"

"Well then, please go and complete the discharge procedures for me!" Chen Yuan pushed Situ Qing and let him go out.

Situ Qing smiled and said, "Okay, I will go now."

"Sister-in-law Qing, go, I'll change my clothes and we'll go home! No matter how good the conditions here are, I can live in enough, so it's a hospital!" Chen Yuan urged Situ Qing as if she couldn't wait.

Situ Qing had to go out of the ward and go through the discharge procedures for her. Chen Yuan changed her usual clothes and sat on the sofa with her bag and waited for him.

After a while, Situ Qing came back and smiled and said to Chen Yuan: "Well, you are free now!"

"Great! Brother-in-law Qing, I must forget what the air outside is like! Let's go now!" Chen Yuan stood up excitedly, and hurriedly walked towards the gate.

Situ Qing followed her and said, "It seems that I let you live for a while is also tormenting you. You are so anxious to leave!"

"No problem, who wants to stay in the hospital? Brother Qing, if you don't help me with the procedures today, I want to go by myself!" Chen Yuan carried the bag and walked in front, Situ Qing hurried up to take the bag in her hand , And then took her downstairs.

When I walked to the entrance of the hospital, I saw that Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi had also come, and Situ Yuan had also come. Everyone was waiting there.

Seeing Chen Yuan coming out, Bai Chichi smiled and said: "Yuanyuan, you finally came out, let's go home now!"

"Yeah, Chen Yuan, during your hospitalization, Bai Chi was always restless, always let me drive her to see you, now I don't need to bother me to drive!" Xin Xiaozi looked relieved.

Situ Yuan opened the car door and said to Chen Yuan, "Come on, get in the car!"

Chen Yuan said moved: "So you are all here, I, I am just discharged from the hospital, and I am not returning to China, how dare you to disturb everyone!"

"Let's go, you are our family!" Situ Qing smiled and blocked the car door and let Chen Yuan sit in.

Then Situ Qing drove, and everyone got in the car and returned home.

Seeing Chen Yuan's return, the whole family was very happy, Zhang Ma and Jusao also prepared rich meals to greet her.

During the dinner, Xiaoying Xiaotao also expressed her gratitude to Chen Yuan through a video, which made her very embarrassed.

Seeing Bai Chichi's face, Chen Yuan felt that there was nothing special. She somewhat doubted whether Bai Chichi had heard what she said to Situ Qing in the hospital.

But Chen Yuan didn't show it. She was still very affectionate with Bai Chichi. They talked and laughed while eating. Everyone took care of Chen Yuan and added food and soup to her.

Both Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan also behaved normally. Chen Yuan felt that they certainly didn't know what was going on?

It turned out that Bai Chichi had seen and heard everything at the time, but she held back and did not tell anyone, including Situ Qing.

Chen Yuan was the benefactor who saved Situ Qing, even if she fell in love with Situ Qing, she couldn't make her a despised object.

Therefore, in order to preserve Chen Yuan, Bai Chichi chose to forbearance, she took care of Chen Yuan calmly, as if there was nothing like that.

Chen Yuan felt that it seemed that the stimulation of Bai Chichi was not enough, and she thought of what she should do next.

After resting at home for a few days, Chen Yuan clamored to go to work at the company. She said that she had been delayed for such a long time, and she was really ashamed.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry, the company's affairs are handled by someone. You have just been discharged from the hospital, so go back later!" Bai Chichi persuaded her.

"No, Sister Chi Chi, some things are handled by me. I am familiar with them. If you change someone and start over, it will delay the process!" Chen Yuan insisted on going.

Xin Xiaozi said to Bai Chichi, "Just let her go. Anyway, I look at her and she is almost better. People who are used to work will feel disappointed when they stop suddenly!"

"Can you really?" Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan.

"Yes, don't worry!" Chen Yuan nodded.

In the end, she compromised in vain. She told Situ Qing not to arrange too heavy tasks for Chen Yuan, and let her adapt slowly.

After Situ Qing agreed, Bai Chicha agreed to let Chen Yuan go to work.

"Yuanyuan, how do you feel after not coming to the company for so long?" Situ Qing said to Chen Yuan with a smile.

Chen Yuan looked at her glass compartment and said sadly: "I, I like my working environment!"

"If you like it, then you can take a look at the missing files these days today, and ask me if you have any questions!" Situ Qing patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, and then walked towards his office.

Chen Yuan yelled softly behind him: "Brother-in-law Qing, I..."

"What's the matter?" Situ Qing turned around.

"Well, that, forget it, let's talk about it later for lunch!" Chen Yuan shook her head and walked to her seat and sat down.

Situ Qing smiled at her and walked into the office.

Throughout the morning, Chen Yuan looked a little fidgety. She frowned for a while and bit her lip, as if making a difficult decision.

But she still kept her work in order, and she did not affect her progress because of her emotions.

At lunch, Situ Qing walked out of the office and said to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, let's go, I have asked the restaurant to prepare some meals you like."

"Okay." Chen Yuan stood up, put something in her bag, and then followed Situ Qing to the restaurant.

Still sitting by the window, Chen Yuan looked at the sunshine outside and said softly: "It's really nice here. You can see the scenery of most of the city when you eat!"

"Yes, you can see a lot of changes every day from now on! Look there, it used to be a bungalow, but now it has become a business building!" Situ Qing smiled and pointed.

"I won't come here often to see the changes in the city!" Chen Yuan smiled faintly, turned back to look at the flowers on the table.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "Didn't you say that as long as I come here to eat, you will come? So if I come often, you can see it!"

"No, brother-in-law Qing, I, I, you should take a look at this!" Chen Yuan finished speaking, took the thing from her bag and handed it to Situ Qing's hand.

Situ Qing took it and saw that it was an envelope with three large characters "letter of resignation."

"Yuanyuan, what do you mean?" Situ Qing was taken aback.

Chen Yuan lowered her head and said sadly: "Brother-in-law Qing, I am ashamed to work by your side again. Please approve my resignation report!"

"What's this? Why are you embarrassed to work by my side? Yuanyuan, have you heard what others say about you?" Situ Qing asked Chen Yuan with a frown while holding the envelope.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "No, no one said anything about me, it's because I feel ashamed in my heart that I can't face you."

"Ashamed? Yuanyuan, you delayed your work this time to save me. Why did you become ashamed?" Situ Qing thought that Chen Yuan felt that she was sick and absent for so long, which would have a bad impact on the company.

"No, brother-in-law Qing, I'm not talking about this." Chen Yuan's head lowered further, and two red clouds flew up her face.

Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan and suddenly understood something. He put the resignation letter on the table, looked at Chen Yuan and said, "Yuan Yuan, I think I guessed what you are talking about. But, let's not finish. Do you think it didn't happen!"

"Brother-in-law Qing, I also want to treat it as it didn't happen, but I think about it every day! I couldn't help it because I was impulsive, but after all, I said it!" Chen Yuan raised her head in shame, "Since I said it," How can I treat it as not happening?"

"Yuanyuan, what does this have to do? You don't have to worry about that, I still treat you the same as before!" Situ Qing pushed her resignation letter to Chen Yuan.

"Take it back, I'll assume that I haven't seen it!"

Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing with tears flashing in her eyes: "Brother-in-law Qing, I think, I know you and Chi Chi are so in love, and your relationship is so good, but I still want to confess to you. Isn't this shameless? I am morally corrupt, ungrateful!"

"Nonsense! Yuanyuan, if you despise yourself like this, I will really be angry!" Situ Qing's thick eyebrows tightened, and his tone became much harder.

Chen Yuan sobbed and said, "You, won't you look down on me? Sometimes I look down on myself!"

"I won't! And I tell you, I take you very importantly! So don't talk about humiliating yourself!" Situ Qing saw someone coming in the restaurant and blocked Chen Yuan's resignation letter with a napkin.

"Brother Qing, you still let me go, I'm afraid!" Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing with a pleading expression.

"You are not allowed to leave, what is your reason? I tell you Yuanyuan, you are just thinking about it! You have a lot of work and heavy work, and I can't lack a good helper like you, you must be by my side!" Situ Said categorically.

Chen Yuan choked and said, "But..."

"No, but take it back!"

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