"Baby, mom loves you so much!" Bai Chi slowly wiped her tears and kept wiping them, but they kept dropping.

Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi enviously and said: "Wife, you are fine, the first to feel the baby's fetal movement! Pity me for so long, but still missed it!"

"I, I am a mother, and the baby is in my belly. Of course I was the first to feel it, you fool!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing sighed and said: "The baby still doesn't give me face! I've been touching your belly every day recently. If he feels sensitive, he should kick it in my hand!"

"The baby will move more and more frequently in the future, you will definitely feel it!" Bai Chichi happily touched his stomach.

"Then I have to touch your belly more frequently in the future, to catch up with the baby's rhythm, otherwise I will miss it again!" Situ Qing couldn't hide his regret, after all, this is the baby's first fetal movement. It is of epoch-making significance.

Bai Chichi patted Situ Qing's head comfortingly and said, "The first time it was very slight. Even if you put your hand on my stomach, you may not feel it!"

Situ Qing thought for a while, suddenly jumped out of bed, turned on the light, took out the notebook, and carefully recorded the baby's fetal movements.

"Wife, look at the time. When is it?" Situ Qing asked when he looked back at Bai Chichi.

"I don't know, I didn't notice it just now." Bai Chi said blankly.

Situ Qing handed the phone to Bai Chichi and said, "Look, it's 1:58 in the morning. Can you infer that it was a few minutes ago?"

"Well, maybe it was six or seven minutes ago, then write one and fifty minutes!" Bai Chichi thought about it with his head tilted.

But that moment is so short, how can you write it concretely?

"Okay, it's up to you! My child, he moved at 1:50, and this time should be written down and recorded in the annals of history!" Situ Qing wrote clearly and clearly.

Bai Chichi looked at his extremely serious profile under the light, and a warm current surged in his heart. It was the first communication between father and son.

It is the mother who is pregnant, so the father's feeling is definitely not as good as the mother's. Many people only have the feeling of meeting after the child is born.

And Situ Qing, his current attitude towards the baby moved Bai Chichi very much.

"Okay, finish it! This is just a casual note, tomorrow I will buy the most beautiful notebook, and then write it down again!" Situ Qing closed the notebook, let out a sigh, and said to Bai Chi Chi.

"It's just a record, why is it so grand!" Bai Chichi smiled and shook his head.

But Situ Qing said: "This is our first baby. We must record every major event in his life seriously! This is just the beginning, and there will be his birth in the future. He goes to school, work, loves, and gets married. ....."

"How did you become such a mother-in-law? These things are just a natural process of the baby's growth!" Bai Chichi is not as meticulous as Situ Qing on these things.

"No, wife, you are the most important protagonist in the birth of the baby. I can't help you much, so I can only be your clerk. This is the only thing I do for your mother and son!" Situ Qing Holding Bai Chichi's shoulder, said emotionally.

Bai Chichi looked at him, both of them were immersed in the fantasy and expectation of the baby, temporarily forgetting everything around them.

It would be great if time could go on like this forever!

Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and said softly to her: "My wife, thank you! You not only gave me happiness, but also a real home! Me, you, and our baby, will definitely be happy !"

"Well, it will, definitely it will!" Bai Chichi couldn't help crying again.

Situ Qing wiped away her tears and smiled and said: "Don't cry, baby! Today is really great, a new day has just begun, our baby will move!"

"Yes, I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Bai Chichi whimpered.

"I know I know! Good wife, should we knock on Xiaozi's door now and tell her the news, so that she won't show off in front of you all day long!" Situ Qing is rarely so naughty and excited.

Bai Chichi hit him and said, "Okay, you are really stingy to do this! We will announce it at the dinner table tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, I listen to you! It's great, haha, my Situ Qing's child moved, moved!" Situ Qing was so happy that he turned his head on the bed and was shocked to stun Bai Chi Chi.

When did he gaffes like this, he must have been too happy to hold on to himself.

"You, how come you suddenly become like a child! Be careful to kick my stomach!" Bai Chichi grabbed the sleeve of Situ Qing's pajamas.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and kissed again.

The two of them hugged happily, touching their stomachs a while, and then touching their stomachs again, so excited that they didn't feel sleepy anymore.

"Wife, are you hungry? You said, did the baby move when he was hungry just now?" Situ Qing had to go downstairs to find food for Bai Chichi.

When he said this, the maternal love that made it so late also overflowed. Is the baby really hungry?

"Okay, you can help me find something to eat!" Bai Chichi decided to add some energy for the baby anyway.

Situ Qing hurriedly went downstairs. Bai Chichi did not lie down anymore. She got up and went to the bay window to open the window and let in some fresh air.

The moon was thick, shining brightly on the flowers and trees in the yard.

When Bai Chichi was blown by the cool breeze, her mind became clear, and she thought about the annoying things before.

How to do it?

The situation is now more complicated.

If it were to be replaced by the previous one, Bai Chichi would definitely not tolerate the slightest impurity in his married life.

Since Situ Qing had a good impression of Chen Yuan and he stubbornly refused to let her leave, no one can guarantee what they will develop in the days to come.

Either love or change over time, Bai did not dare to imagine how embarrassed and miserable that day would come.

Chen Yuan wanted to leave, but Situ Qing didn't allow it.

Bai Chichi knew how domineering that man was.

In this way, Bai Chichi knew that if he wanted to avoid that tragic ending, there was only one way, and that was to take the initiative to leave them.

Moreover, Situ Qing is his lover, and Chen Yuan is also regarded as his sister, or after leaving, she can bless them in a cool manner.

Would it be better in this case?

Just now, when Bai Chichi was crying in bed, she had such a plan in her heart.

Leaving with a wounded heart is also better than being swept out.

But just when Bai Chi made up his mind secretly, the baby came so accidentally to give his mother a hint.

Is this what he meant?

Bai Chichi looked at the moonlight, the faint sweet-scented osmanthus tree, it was time for the full moon again, shouldn't the whole family be reunited and shared the family relationship!

If you really leave, will it be selfish, will it be unfair to the baby? Will he be a single child while still in the womb?

Poor baby, is the fetal movement he gave his mother his silent protest? Bai Chichi couldn't help crying.

If this is not the case, how could there be such a coincidence?

As the saying goes, mother and child are connected, does the baby know the mother's heart, and know that she wants to leave her father!

Bai Chichi's heart is like a knife, she has no right to deprive her baby of the right to enjoy the complete parental love, and she will not be so cruel.

"Baby, Mom, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, for you, Mom will endure all the unbearable pain!" Bai Chichi stroked his belly and said softly.

Strangely, her hands felt the weak vibration again. Is this the baby responding?

Bai Chichi couldn't calm down anymore. She immediately decided that no matter how much test she had to endure, what kind of grievances and torture she would face, she would not allow her baby to be born into a disabled family.

"My wife, I brought you cakes and a bottle of hot milk. Come and eat!" Situ Qing came back, holding things in both hands.

Bai Chichi turned around and looked at him, tears flickering in her eyes, she smiled softly, tears welling out of her eyes.

Situ Qing simply put all his food and drink on the bay window. He looked at the white late and he reached out his hand to wipe her tears with distress: "Why are you crying again? I know you are excited, but crying too much is not good for the baby. Yes, stop crying, okay?"

Bai Chichi nodded: "Okay, I won't cry."

"That's good! Good wife, come on, eat and drink enough, we can sleep beautifully, so that you and the baby will be beautiful!" Situ Qing handed the cake to Bai Chichi's lips. Holding the milk and waiting again.

Bai Chichi took a bite of the cake and another sip of milk. He sniffed and said, "I still want to eat spicy and salty things!"

"Okay, I'll ask Mom Zhang to make you a boiled fish!" Situ Qing was about to go out after speaking, but Bai Chichi was held back.

"What are you doing? It's late at night, what can I do if everyone is alarmed! Let's go to the cupboard to find me some snacks, spicy tofu, and so on!" Bai Chichi didn't want to think of himself as the queen mother.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "My wife is sensible and well-behaved, and she is good enough to support her. Just a bag of spicy dried tofu will do!"

"Go, don't be mean!" Bai Chi urged.

After Situ Qing went out again, Bai Chi drank the milk and felt that kind of stomach

Warm and comfortable.

That's it. As long as Situ Qing treats himself and the baby as good as ever, as long as he has not forgotten his responsibilities as husband and father, then give him a chance, which is a chance for everyone.

Bai Chichi decided not to take care of these things for the time being. The most important thing for the baby is to have a complete home.

As long as they are the same as before and don't make any excessive actions, Bai Chichi can bear it for the sake of the children.

Although it will be very hard, but Bai Chichi has to think about it.

Sometimes, not knowing the real situation is a kind of happiness.

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