"You can't surpass Brigitte Lin, a generation of goddess, unprecedented!" Situ Qing pretended to say seriously.

Bai Chichi said amusedly: "Well, then I am the white-haired girl second only to Brigitte Lin! You have to remember, if you fail me, I will become a white-haired witch!"

After speaking, Bai Chichi made a hideous grimace and threw his teeth and claws into Situ Qing's arms.

"If someone sees you like this, you will definitely be frightened! Then a lady with temperament is like a madman!" Situ Qing smiled and grabbed Bai Chichi's hand and kissed her face.

Bai Chichi was tickled by his beard and hid, the two laughed softly, and finally both fell on the bed.

"Qing, I feel so happy!" Bai Chichi lay hand in hand with Situ Qing, looking at the starry sky pattern on the ceiling, his heart was full of peace.

"Yes, I am just as happy! Soon, everything is settled down now, I wonder if I want to buy Qin Xuesong's small yard?" Situ Qing put a hand under his head, turned his face and looked white. Tardy.

"Buy it?" Bai Chichi looked at him in surprise.

Situ Qing nodded: "Yes, buy it! Mom and Dad like the small yard very much, and I am very satisfied after seeing it!"

"But we have already bought a small house for mom and dad. If we buy it now, they will not accept it!" Bai Chichi sat up.

Situ Qing said with a smile, "Isn't that the house is a mess? Just sell it! How nice this small yard is, it is suitable for the elderly to live in!"

"The house has not been resolved before, how can it be sold? Isn't this irresponsible to the later residents? Besides, even if the small house is sold, there is no need to buy this yard. It is very expensive, you know. Is it?" Bai Chichi has heard Xin Xiaozi talk about the price of this antique house, which is indeed very staggering.

Situ Qing shrugged and said indifferently: "Expensive is a bit more expensive, but it is valuable! Besides, it's not bad as an investment!"

"That's not okay, such a large sum of money! Although the Aichi Group has no financial problems, what happens if there is a sudden situation that needs money? No, no!" Bai Chichi said, shaking his head.

Situ Qing laughed: "You really are a good wife, so consider the Ai Chi Group! But don't worry, buying a small yard will not hurt your muscles!"

"No, you can't buy it! Otherwise, let me talk to Cedar, we will pay him the rent! I know you think that the house is from Cedar, you feel awkward, right?" Bai Chichi sees through Situ Qing Asked with blinking big eyes.

"It doesn't matter who it is, it is not safe to live without owning it!" Situ Qing refused to admit it.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "Oh, your man is like this! We pay him the rent, then this house will live in peace of mind, OK?"

"Renting is not as good as buying, and the rent will not be collected later!" Situ Qing tried to convince Bai Chichi.

However, Bai Chichi insisted that it was not worthwhile to spend such a large sum of money. Now that many projects of the Aichi Group are in the construction stage, there are many places to spend money.

Besides, the amusement park project was originally a public welfare project and had already taken up a lot of funds. If Situ Qing bought the small courtyard for herself, it would definitely bring him a lot of pressure. She didn't want him to work so hard.

"Qing, listen to me! The baby is about to be born, and we will have a lot of money to use in the future!" Bai Chichi also tried to lobby Situ Qing.

Seeing that she was indeed very proactive, Situ Qi felt that it would definitely make her unhappy to keep talking, so she had to compromise temporarily.

"Okay, okay, just listen to you, rent it out! I'll talk to Qin Xuesong, so don't show up!" Situ Qing has his own thoughts, he doesn't want to talk to Qin Xuesong too much. contact.

Even if Qin Xuesong made it very clear that he would keep his distance from Bai Chichi in the future, but he also said, waiting for Bai Chichi's return at any time.

In this way, he didn't give up completely, it was better to guard a little.

"Hehe, okay! You just need to arrange it! But you still have to invite him to dinner, after all, you beat him back then!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

In order to make Situ Qing feel at ease, Bai Chichi decided to listen to him, instead of going to the interview with Qin Xuesong, he left it to the shopkeeper at home.

"It's okay to eat. It's wrong for me to beat him, and that kid has suffered a lot!" Situ Qing said so, but with a sense of pride in his tone, just like a little boy who won the battle.

Bai Chi shook his head speechlessly, why are men so naive sometimes, and the desire to win so much!

"Go to sleep, wife, see what time it is! If you do this every day, and the baby turns black and white in the future, we two will be miserable!" Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi and gave her his shoulder. pillow.

The two slept in an embrace, feeling that the big bed at home was still soft and comfortable, and their dreams would be sweeter.

Situ Qing's other palm was gently placed on Bai Chichi's stomach, as if he was holding his wife and child at the same time, especially at ease.

When the baby kicks once, Situ Qing will wake up immediately, then look at Bai Chichi's sleeping face and giggle.

It seems that getting up at night to serve the baby should be her job, this little idiot mother can't wake up at all!

Early the next morning, Situ Qing got up lightly without disturbing Bai Chichi, and did not call Chen Yuan.

He came back after running and saw Chen Yuan sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, still wearing work clothes, drinking milk in a hurry.

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing?" Situ Qing frowned.

"I'll go to work together when you come back! Brother-in-law Qing, come over for dinner, let's go together!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Situ Qing walked to her and said solemnly: "Naughty! Your feet are still not good, why are you rushing to work? Don't go!"

"Brother-in-law Qing, I'm all well!" Chen Yuan stood up and took two steps, but she still looked painful.

Situ Qing wiped the sweat on his face: "No, absolutely not! If you obediently stay at home for another period of injury, I will let you go before you can go!"

"Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan yelled angrily.

"Okay, eat slowly, and go back to the room after eating!" Situ Qing finished speaking, took two slices of bread and ate, ran upstairs and returned to his bedroom.

Bai Chichi still didn't wake up, Situ Qing kissed her affectionately, then gently washed her hands and went to work.

I called Qin Xuesong in the morning and asked him to have lunch with him. Qin Xuesong's voice was so dim that he must still be asleep.

He is really happy in such a state of work. Situ Qing feels that it is quite comfortable to do antique business.

But there is no need to be envious. Everyone has ambitions. Situ Qing, who is a soldier, cannot be as leisurely as Qin Xuesong. He is always very self-disciplined.

It is indeed a bit inconvenient if Chen Yuan is not around. Situ Qing feels that he can't get too close to Chen Yuan in the future, and it is better to call Luo Hui'an back.

Thinking of this, Situ Qing called Luo Hui'an: "Brother Luo, you are already on your way to work in the field, and now you can let those young people do it, and you can return to the head office as soon as possible."

"President, I heard Luo Yi say that the assistant you were looking for is very capable, why do you want me to come back again?" Luo Hui'an said with a smile.

"I'm still used to having you there. Female assistants are sometimes inconvenient."

"Situ Qing and Luo Hui'an have known each other for many years, and I am very relieved of him.

This time he was stationed in a field office, because he felt that he could take his own role and lay the foundation for the company's development.

Now that the work is smooth and Luo Hui'an is not too young, it is better to let him come back to reunite with his family.

Of course, the most important thing is that you really can't get too close to Chen Yuan now, otherwise you will not only hesitate, but you will have opinions from all over the company.

Didn't Luo Yi see it? In order to avoid suspicion, let Luo Hui'an return to work, and Chen Yuan would assist him.

Luo Hui'an smiled and said: "Okay, okay, fate is! I heard Luo Yi said that Chen Yuan is very good, and you introduced him to be a girlfriend!"

"Yes, you come back and train Chen Yuan who may become your daughter-in-law. This is also a good thing!" Situ Qing pushed the boat forward.

"Okay, cultivate it, Chen Yuan might be more promising than Luo Yi!" Luo Hui'an actually likes Chen Yuan, and he also believes that the relationship between Situ Qing and Chen Yuan is very innocent.

Putting down the phone, Situ Qing felt much more at ease. He felt that Chen Yuan would understand the painstaking efforts even more after seeing her arrangement.

I hope she will rein in the precipice and stop thinking about the impossible.

As Luo Yi said, no more hope can be given to her, otherwise it will hurt a lot of people in the end and the outcome will be disastrous.

Time flies quickly. Seeing that it was noon, Situ Qing left the company and came to the place that had an appointment with Qin Xuesong.

"Situ Qing, I am here!" As soon as I entered the door, I saw Qin Xuesong sitting at a table by the window and beckoning to him.

Situ Qing strode over and said to Qin Xuesong: "I didn't expect you to be so punctual, you came earlier than me."

"I'm busy with wild cranes, unlike you who are busy! Besides, you want to invite me to dinner. Of course, I have to study early on how to eat more comfortably and let you spend more money!" Qin Xuesong smiled Say.

"Whatever you want, don’t be polite. I feel that I owe you for a long time, so I will definitely make you feel satisfied. I’m looking for you today to discuss something with you, and I also want to declare that I am with you, we are not Will become friends."

"Really? Well, since you don't admit that I am a friend, then I'm not polite to you anymore!" Qin Xuesong shrugged, picked up the menu on the table, and seriously ordered himself. Come.

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