Looking at the shopping bags Situ Qing put on the sofa, Chen Yuan felt that the words Meimei Licheng were very eye-catching. It turned out that they went shopping, and the place they went was quite high-end!

What did you buy? Bai Chichi used to like to wear cotton and linen clothes, loose and simple styles, deliberately concealing her light, now you want to change her face?

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan secretly opened the shopping bag and saw the dress that Bai Chichi had bought, as well as the jewelry box and shoes.

Good-looking, this skirt has a soft texture and silky smoothness. Just touch it to know that it's valuable!

Chen Yuan flipped through the tag, and the numbers were also shocking. She frowned. She didn't know what medicine Bai Chichi had taken, but she had a resuscitation!

Do you want to fight with me? Your bloated waist and plump body will not look good no matter how you wear it, right?

But seeing those shoes, Chen Yuan still felt that Bai Chichi's matching ability was quite good, and she underestimated her!

"Yuanyuan, don't you want to eat a bowl?" At this time, Bai Chichi's voice came from the restaurant, and Chen Yuan was startled. She hurriedly put the shopping bags and sat down on the other corner of the sofa.

"Oh, I just ate it, you can eat it yourself!" Situ Qing walked over as soon as Chen Yuan set her posture.

"Yuanyuan, our company is going to hold a big reception on the weekend, can your leg injury get better?" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Chen Yuan looked at him and asked strangely: "Is going to have a cocktail party? What is the theme?"

"There is no theme, it's the middle of the year. We invite customers to network, exchange experiences, and get closer!" Situ Qing sat down.

Chen Yuan laughed: "This is a good idea. We have so many recent projects. Please contact customers and builders to lay the foundation for the second half of the year!"

"Yes, so you must get better as soon as possible. I will introduce some important people to you at that time." Situ Qing's words made Chen Yuan a little proud, and it seems that she still has a lot of weight in his heart.

"Okay, I will definitely strive to get better! On such a grand occasion, I must go to see and see!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Situ Qing nodded: "You are my key employee, and your future is inseparable from these relationships!"

"I'll prepare well and don't shame brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan was very happy. Situ Qing was able to bring himself in and out of this kind of occasion, which fully demonstrated that he did not intend to give up on himself, but was closer.

Chen Yuan felt very comfortable thinking of how mysterious and beautiful she was in the media. This time she must seize the opportunity to get closer to Situ Qing. It is best to let those paparazzi take more ambiguous angles. photo!

"Groom up well, you will be brilliant!" Situ Qing said with a smile.

Of course I know! Chen Yuan said confidently in her heart that she was not so arrogant on the surface, but regretfully said: "Oh, sister Chi Chi is pregnant, otherwise she is the woman who should stand with you!"

"Who said that you can't participate if you are pregnant? Chi Chi was originally the woman standing with me!" Who knew Situ Qing said with a smile, and beckoned to Bai Chi Chi with love.

Chen Yuan was taken aback. She followed Situ Qing's eyes, and Bai Chichi was looking at them both with a smile.

"Sister Chi Chi also attends?" Chen Yuan couldn't believe her ears. Since joining Aichi Group, Bai Chichi has almost never attended company events. Many employees have just met her once, or the last time. When she went to the company, it was just a glimpse.

Bai Chichi came over and sat beside Situ Qing. He naturally hugged her shoulders with his hands. This movement made Chen Yuan crazy.

"Yeah, as the wife of the president of the Aichi Group, I always hide behind it, it doesn't seem to be great!" Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan.

"Why, Yuanyuan, you seem surprised?" Situ Qing asked.

Chen Yuan shook her head: "No, no, I just think Sister Chi Chi is pregnant. It is not safe to have a big belly. There are many people at the reception!"

"It doesn't matter, I will guard her every step of the way, and I will never let her suffer any accidental harm!" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi affectionately.

Chen Yuan tried to suppress the bad breath in her heart, and said to Bai Chichi, "Sister Chi Chi, are you really afraid? If I were you, for the sake of the baby, it would be better to be at home!"

"What does it matter? Many foreign women still work when they are pregnant. I am a doctor and I know how to protect the baby!" Bai Chichi smiled and touched his belly.

Chen Yuan also wanted to try her best to prevent this. She frowned and said: "You are a doctor, but you are not an obstetrician! If you are careful, you won't be hospitalized this time!"

"This time it's my fault, so I want to make up. I won't frighten Chi Chi and the baby anymore!" Situ Qing immediately took Chen Yuan's words.

Chen Yuan had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Well, sister Chi Chi is so beautiful, and it's a waste to keep hiding!"

"It's really my assistant, just like I thought! My wife is not only beautiful and beautiful, she is also a high-achieving student, a professional ophthalmologist, and I hide and tuck her with selfish intentions. From now on I have to take her with me. This is mine. Proud!" Situ Qing smiled and tightened his arms, pulling Bai Chichi into his arms.

"What are you talking about! Am I your decoration?" Bai Chichi pushed him shyly.

Situ Qing said: "Why are you my decoration? You are my medal, my most proud achievement!"

Chen Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, and they didn't shy away from themselves now, openly flirting and cursing, it was annoying!

"Sister Chi Chi, brother-in-law Qing, I'm going back to the room first!" Chen Yuan stood up, slightly lame, looking very strenuous.

"Qing, you can help Yuanyuan!" Bai Chichi said to Situ Qing generously.

Chen Yuan slowed down, hoping that Situ Qing could come and help herself, so that she could snuggle him down, making Bai Chichi feel uncomfortable after watching.

But what she didn't expect was that Situ Qing actually said: "I don't need me to help, Yuanyuan wants to participate in the weekend cocktail party, she needs to exercise herself, so that she will get better soon!"

"Oh, is it? Yuanyuan, can you do it by yourself?" Bai Chichi asked.

After listening to them, can Chen Yuan say that she is not good enough? Her eyes widened with anger, but she turned her back to Bai Chichi and Situ Qing, they couldn't see.

"I can do it, Brother-in-law Qing made a lot of sense!" Chen Yuan said these words from between her teeth, and slowly went up the stairs.

Bai Chichi, count you ruthlessly, if you managed Situ Qing so quickly, he didn't care about me as much as before. It was all your fault!

Do you still want to go to the reception with a big belly? Save it, you dare to say that this look is someone's decoration?

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and went upstairs step by step, hearing the laughter of Bai Chichi and Situ Qing beside her, it was like a thorn on her back.

As soon as she went upstairs and left the sight of Bai Chichi and Situ Qing, Chen Yuan's footsteps became normal immediately.

She walked back to her room, closed the door and sat angrily in front of the dressing table.

Taking a comb and combing her long hair indiscriminately, Chen Yuan said to her shadow: "Want to suppress me in the name of the president's wife? Bai Chichi, you are too self-conscious! You have been doing it for six months. What is it? I'm just a housewife. I don't have any charm in the workplace for a long time!"

Putting down the comb, Chen Yuan grabbed the cosmetics on the table, and fiercely put a very thick makeup on herself, which seemed to have a compelling beauty.

"Huh, I'll make you show up? Don't be stinky! By the way, I know what you are buying those clothes for!" Chen Yuan said to herself, suddenly she realized.

By the way, that must be the case. The outfits that Bai Chichi prepared were for the weekend cocktail party!

Does she think that just dressing up can lift up the president's wife? How could it be that simple, her temperament is simply not suitable for such occasions, she is just a white rose in a vase!

Chen Yuan thought to herself, Bai Chichi, you have lost your youthful charm, even the red rose is inferior, it should be mosquito blood.

And he should be the fragrant flower next to Situ Qing, his most beautiful companion, the cinnabar mole in his heart!

This kind of warmth for a while is nothing, I will let you know that young and beautiful are equal, you are going to be a mother, what else can you have?

Chen Yuan thought for a while, a cruel sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. She knew what women were most afraid of, and she had absolute certainty that she could win her!

Taking a look at herself in her glasses, Chen Yuan nodded in satisfaction, the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were full of amorous feelings, as long as she used some tricks, Bai Chichi would immediately be defeated.

Leaving the dressing table, Chen Yuan came to the computer and entered a few keywords. The brand of clothing that Bai Chichi bought immediately popped up on the screen.

"Very well, I will let you see. Who can really deduce the essence of that dress if you are slender and bloated?" Chen Yuan stared at the skirt with light in her eyes.

But to her a little surprise, this dress is a limited edition, and there is only one in each luxury counter.

The one that Bai Chichi bought was the only one in this city. The news made Chen Yuan very unhappy.

"What to do? Bumping shirts in public is the most taboo for women, and it is even more a terrible nightmare for the other party to dress better than herself. I have to let Bai Chichi know how uncomfortable it is!" Chen Yuan frowned , Searching for buying channels for clothes.

The hard work paid off, and Chen Yuan finally saw that someone was selling this skirt online, and everyone was in a nearby city.

"Very well, I must buy this dress, Bai Chichi, you just wait to make a fool of yourself!" Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and started talking with the other party.

After soaking for a long time, Chen Yuan finally took the dress for a quarter of the price, the sword she used to pierce Bai Chichi's heart.

Although a little distressed, Chen Yuan thought it was worth it to make Bai Chichi feel ashamed.

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